Books > Law > Jurisprudence & general issues > Legal skills & practice
A study has been completed evaluating how the Defense Criminal
Investigative Organizations (DCIOs)1 act on allegations that a
special agent is or has engaged in misconduct. This evaluation was
announced on February 22, 1999, and the fieldwork took place during
March 1999 through December 1999. The overall objective was to
assess whether the DCIOs have adequate policies and procedures to
govern the internal investigations they conduct when one of their
special agents is accused or suspected of misconduct.
This book provides a comprehensive, cutting-edge look at the
problems that impact the way we conduct intervention and treatment
for youth in crisis today-an indispensable resource for
practitioners, students, researchers, policymakers, and faculty
working in the area of juvenile justice. Understanding Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency provides a concise overview of the most
compelling issues in juvenile delinquency today. It covers not only
the range of offenses but also the offenders themselves as well as
those impacted by crime and delinquency. All of the chapters
contain up-to-date research, laws, and data that accurately frame
discussions on youth violence, detention, and treatment; related
issues such as gangs and drugs; the consequences for scholars,
teachers, and students; and best practices in intervention methods.
The book's organization guides readers logically from the broader
definitions and parameters of the study of juveniles to the more
specific. The volume leads with an explanation of the relationship
between victimization and juvenile behavior and sets up boundaries
of the arenas of delinquency-from the family to the streets to
cyberspace. The book then focuses on more specific populations of
offenders and offenses, including recent, emerging issues, offering
the most accurate information available and cutting-edge insight
into the issues that affect youth in custody and in our
communities. Provides insights into juvenile justice from
contributors and editors who have extensive experience in teaching,
researching, and writing on the subject Represents an ideal
teaching text for courses in juvenile justice-a staple topic in all
criminology and criminal justice college programs Presents analysis
and evaluation of techniques used and programs employed, enabling
readers to be better advocates for law and policy impacting youth
Includes discussion questions appropriate for classroom settings
and lists of additional resources, related websites, and supporting
films that guide students in investigating the subject further
Supplies updated data and information on policy and law that will
serve as a vital resource for students writing papers or scholars
teaching in the field of juvenile justice
This is a 'must have' if you want to become a process server. There
is nothing left out, and nothing you don't need. This Process
Servers working manual is everything your gonna need to do the job
successfully, and start your new career making money in your own
business. I have been doing Process Serving for over 25 years in 3
different states and it beats working for a living, let me tell ya,
and this manual has all my tricks, methods and techniques to
successfully make money as a Process Server. Everything I have
learned to do to get those papers served every time. I don't know
any other Process Server that guarantees personal service or the
Law Firm pays NOTHING like I do, and out of over 30 thousand people
served I only couldn't serve 5 in over 25 years doing it. That's my
secret of success. PERSONAL SERVICE using my methods of process
serving. Knowing what to do, what to look for and how people behave
will get you the business others can't Because you know how to do
it the right way, my way This Process Servers Working Manual is all
your ever going to need.
California Deposition Handbook: strategy and tactics, statutes and
cases, in one handy volume.
The little known industry of "Heir Finding" is opened, examined and
explored. It is subjected to the general public's scrutiny for the
first time. The book contains the author's most interesting,
challenging and rewarding cases from over 22 years of operating a
private investigative agency specializing in determining, locating
and assisting the legal heirs to the Estates of deceased persons.
It details the secrets of success and exposes the many abuses and
the obstacles encountered when dealing with the bureaucratic
custodial agencies holding the funds of the deceased that are
legally owed to their heirs. This book also documents many of the
administrative agencies security shortcomings, personnel issues and
even their inability to fully comply with some of the laws
governing their actions and responsibilities. These same agencies
are "Custodians" of billions of dollars in an era of tax revenue
shortfalls and are laboring under a true conflict of interest The
state legislatures are now "raiding" trust funds such as those held
in the names of deceased owners. The Unclaimed Property program has
become a replica of the social security program. The result? They
are now operating in the same fashion as a Ponzi scheme.
“Baby safe haven” laws, which allow a parent to relinquish a
newborn baby legally and anonymously at a specified institutional
location—such as a hospital or fire station—were established in
every state between 1999 and 2009. Promoted during a time of heated
public debate over policies on abortion, sex education, teen
pregnancy, adoption, welfare, immigrant reproduction, and child
abuse, safe haven laws were passed by the majority of states with
little contest. These laws were thought to offer a solution to the
consequences of unwanted pregnancies: mothers would no longer be
burdened with children they could not care for, and newborn babies
would no longer be abandoned in dumpsters. Yet while these laws are
well meaning, they ignore the real problem: some women lack key
social and economic supports that mothers need to raise children.
Safe haven laws do little to help disadvantaged women. Instead,
advocates of safe haven laws target teenagers, women of color, and
poor women with safe haven information and see relinquishing
custody of their newborns as an act of maternal love. Disadvantaged
women are preemptively judged as “bad” mothers whose babies
would be better off without them. Laury Oaks argues that the
labeling of certain kinds of women as potential “bad” mothers
who should consider anonymously giving up their newborns for
adoption into a “loving” home should best be understood as an
issue of reproductive justice. Safe haven discourses promote narrow
images of who deserves to be a mother and reflect restrictive views
on how we should treat women experiencing unwanted pregnancy.
This is a brief survey of American law, written for adults who are
not lawyers and for first-year law students.
The 2nd Edition of this very insightful manual delves deep into one
of the most important components of getting hired as a Law
Enforcement Officer today; the Oral Review Board. This manual not
only sheds light on the often very secretive society of police but
more importantly cracks the door open ever so slightly to give the
reader that edge, that one little extra push required to make it in
the field of Law Enforcement today. There is so much more than just
questions and answers given in this book. It's the How's and Why's
and the Tactics that are shared that make this manual a necessity
for anyone serious about getting into Law Enforcement and for
anyone preparing for their Police Oral Review Board. This 2nd
Edition shares 45 of the most asked Police Oral Board Questions and
delivers the Answers in a very descriptive format.
A guide to basic legal citation for new law students and anyone
else interested.