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Books > Medicine > Clinical & internal medicine > Musculoskeletal medicine
Der kA1/4nstliche HA1/4ftgelenkersatz zAhlt zu den erfolgreichsten Behandlungen im orthopAdisch-unfallchirurgischen Fachgebiet. Nach 10-15 Jahren Prothesenstandzeit kommt es jedoch in 3-8% zu VersagensfAllen, die eine Wechseloperation notwendig machen. Da weltweit hunderttausende HA1/4ftprothesen in den letzten 30 Jahren implantiert wurden und die Lebenserwartung der BevAlkerung stetig wAchst, ist ein erhAhter Bedarf an Wechselendoprothetik, insbesondere der Pfanne, zu verzeichnen. Die Revisionsoperationen benAtigen viel handwerkliche und wissenschaftliche Erfahrung, eine gute Logistik, ein hohes MaA an Prozesskoordination und nicht zuletzt einen hohen finanziellen Aufwand, um ein optimales Ergebnis fA1/4r den Patienten zu erreichen. Dieses Buch gibt eine Antwort auf die Herausforderung a žPfannenrevision." Dabei wurde darauf geachtet, nicht erneut einen Kongressband mit punktuellen Ergebnissen darzustellen. Stattdessen ist es den Herausgebern gelungen, einen umfassenden Aoeberblick aus der Praxis der Pfannenrevisionen vorzulegen: Wissen zu bA1/4ndeln, echte Behandlungsalternativen zu prAsentieren und dem Operateur das RA1/4stzeug fA1/4r den zielsicheren und bestmAglichen Operationsablauf mitzugeben.
L'intervento di artroprotesi d'anca, che si esegue ormai dagli anni '60, vive una grande evoluzione soprattutto dopo l'introduzione di nuovi disegni protesici e la sperimentazione di nuovi materiali. Un costante aggiornamento si rende quindi necessario. Quello previsto in questo corso, grazie al contributo di illustri collaboratori, esamina in dettaglio i principali aspetti, anche quelli piA innovativi, relativi alla sostituzione protesica dell'anca. Ampio spazio A] stato dedicato ai risultati di grandi casistiche, relative sia a modelli protesici di tipo tradizionale che ai modelli piA recenti impiantati senza cemento. Il volume si porpone come utile strumento di approfondimento di questa tematica cosA¬ attuale.
No pill will cure you of osteoporosis. While medication can sometimes help, it won't fully address the underlying causes of your osteoporosis or osteopenia. To restore bone health, you'll need a targeted program combining the best bone-building strategies from traditional and holistic medicine. The Whole-Body Approach to Osteoporosis distills these complex strategies into a whole-body plan you can begin today to dramatically improve your bone strength and overall vitality. This comprehensive guide includes information on: What to eat for stronger bones Choosing bone-building supplements and osteoporosis medications Foods and medications that may be contributing to bone loss Signs and symptoms that can help you monitor your bone health How lab tests can help you personalize your plan " the most updated, advanced, and comprehensive approach to bone
health regeneration available today."
From an interdisciplinary author team now including orthopedic surgeons, PM&R specialists, and primary care and sports medicine experts, the second edition of Musculoskeletal Physical Examination: An Evidence-Based Approach educates physicians on how to give the most thorough physical examinations by understanding the "why" behind each type of exam. In-depth coverage of today's newest tests and techniques keeps you current in practice, and a new section titled "Author's Preferred Approach" guides you through difficult areas of examination. Provides complete coverage of every musculoskeletal physical examination. Easy-to-use tables summarize and compare the evidence for specificity and sensitivity of each test for each condition. Utilizes over 200 illustrations to clearly depict each test. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, images, and references from the book on a variety of devices. You'll also have access to over 100 in-depth videos - many new to this edition - highlighting the latest exam techniques, such as the Thessaly test, Milking test, and Bear hug test. Distinguished author team now includes orthopedic surgeons, PM&R specialists, and primary care sports medicine experts. New section titled "Author's Preferred Approach" guides readers through difficult areas of examination. Thorough updates and revisions made throughout each chapter keep you current in the field. Full-color figures enhance visual clarity.
Das Symposium hat die sprunghafte Entwicklung der Kniegelenkendoprothetik der letzten Jahre begleitet und war in mancher Hinsicht Forum fur neue Entwicklungen. Erstmals wird das Strassburger-Kniesymposium in Kooperation mit der Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Endoprothetik (AE) durchgefuhrt. Das 3. Kniesymposium beschaftigt sich mit den fortgeschrittenen Osteoarthrosen des Kniegelenks. Der Begriff "Management" im Titel soll ausdrucken, dass das umfassende Behandlungskonzept, die Behandlungsstragie zur Diskussion steht. Als besonders interessant stellt sich das Thema der Varusgonarthrose dar."
Co-published with the Arthroscopy Association of North America, The Elbow and Wrist: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques is a comprehensive technique-based book that presents the latest diagnostic, excisional, and reconstructive techniques in arthroscopic surgery for the elbow and wrist. The Elbow and Wrist: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques is led by premier arthroscopic surgeons Drs. Felix H. Savoie, Larry D. Field, Scott P. Steinmann, MD and their international list of expert contributors. This all-encompassing resource includes preferred physical examination testing and diagnostic imaging choices in pre-operative planning and patient selection, state of the art step-by-step description of the procedures, comprehensive surgical equipment lists to perform each procedure, clear and precise indications for surgery and the thoughtful rationale behind stated contraindications, controversial indications, post-op protocols, and potential complications. The written text is supported by numerous color images and a website with invaluable, narrated video clips depicting disease specific arthroscopic techniques specific to the elbow and wrist. Features inside The Elbow and Wrist: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques: Narrated video accompanies all surgical techniques, focusing on the stepwise approach to each operation Consistent organization throughout the book results in a bulleted and user-friendly interface for a quick reference or prolonged study Top 5 technical Pearls of Practice for each procedure to enhance outcomes and to avoid common pitfalls and complications High-quality artwork and figures to compliment clinical images Equipment and surgical technique checklists for quick reference prior to surgery Each expert contributor was chosen for his or her expertise for a specific topic related to The Elbow and Wrist, so the reader benefits by the highest quality and treatment recommendations to provide the most impactful care to his or her patient. Some chapter topics include: Degenerative Joint Disease of the Elbow: Arthroscopic Management Open MUCL Reconstruction: The Andrews Technique New Techniques: The Future of Elbow Arthroscopy Arthroscopic Treatment of Distal Radius Fractures Endoscopic CT Release: The Chow Technique
With Lupus affecting more than 1.5 million Americans, predominantly women of childbearing age, there are many complex psychosocial challenges for the health care provider, the patient and the family. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the psychosocial impact of Lupus as a range of health care providers in the field explain the medical, sociocultural and psychological frameworks particularly critical for a better understanding of this perplexing autoimmune disease. With original qualitative and quantitative research and rich case studies and examples from both care providers and patients, this book provides essential information about diagnosis, treatment, mental health issues, and cultural competency issues relevant to all that live with Lupus or provide care to those living with it. This book was originally published as a special issue of Social Work in Health Care.
Co-published with the Arthroscopy Association of North America, The Hip: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques is a comprehensive technique-based book that presents the latest diagnostic, excisional, and reconstructive techniques in arthroscopic surgery for the hip. The Hip: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques is led by premier arthroscopic surgeons Drs. J.W. Thomas Byrd, Asheesh Bedi, and Allston J. Stubbs and their international list of expert contributors. This all-encompassing resource includes preferred physical examination testing and diagnostic imaging choices in pre-operative planning and patient selection, state of the art step-by-step description of the procedures, comprehensive surgical equipment lists to perform each procedure, clear and precise indications for surgery and the thoughtful rationale behind stated contraindications, controversial indications, post-op protocols, and potential complications. The written text is supported by numerous color images and a website with invaluable, narrated video clips depicting disease specific arthroscopic techniques specific to the hip. Features inside The Hip: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques: Narrated video accompanies all surgical techniques, focusing on the stepwise approach to each operation Consistent organization throughout the book results in a bulleted and user-friendly interface for a quick reference or prolonged study Top 5 technical Pearls of Practice for each procedure to enhance outcomes and to avoid common pitfalls and complications High-quality artwork and figures to compliment clinical images Equipment and surgical technique checklists for quick reference prior to surgery Each expert contributor was chosen for his or her expertise for a specific topic related to The Hip, so the reader benefits by the highest quality and treatment recommendations to provide the most impactful care to his or her patient. Some chapter topics include: The Supine Approach to Hip Arthroscopy Use of Fluoroscopy in Hip Arthroscopy: A Correlation with Three-Dimensional Anatomy Treatment of the Iliopsoas Tendon: Indications and Arthroscopic Approaches for Lengthening and Release Special Considerations for Revision Hip Arthroscopy Management of the Deficient Labrum: Arthroscopic Labral Reconstruction - Indications and Technique
Beschleunigungsverletzungen der Halswirbelsaule treten uberwiegend nach Autounfallen auf. Einer grossen Zahl von Unfallgeschadigten, die nach kurzer Zeit beschwerdefrei leben konnen, steht leider eine wachsende Zahl von Betroffenen mit anhaltenden Beschwerden, erfolglosen Therapieversuchen bis hin zur Berufsunfahigkeit gegenuber. Das -HWS-Schleudertrauma- stellt nach wie vor ein erhebliches medizinisches und rechtliches Problem dar. In diesem Buch beschreiben international ausgewiesene Experten den neuesten Forschungsstand, das aktuelle Wissen und die Lehrmeinungen auf diesem kontrovers diskutierten und komplexen Gebiet. In einem interdisziplinaren Ansatz werden medizinische, verletzungsmechanische, gutachterliche und gerichtliche Fragestellungen diskutiert und Erfolg versprechende Therapieansatze erortert. Arzte, Juristen, Versicherungen und Betroffene werden in einen gemeinsamen Dialog gebracht, mit dem Ziel, konstruktive Losungen zu erarbeiten."
Co-published with the Arthroscopy Association of North America, The Knee: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques is a comprehensive technique-based book that presents the latest diagnostic, excisional, and reconstructive techniques in arthroscopic surgery for the knee. The Knee: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques is led by premier arthroscopic surgeons Drs. Nicholas A. Sgaglione, James H. Lubowitz, Matthew T. Provencher, and their international list of expert contributors. This all-encompassing resource includes preferred physical examination testing and diagnostic imaging choices in pre-operative planning and patient selection, state of the art step-by-step description of the procedures, comprehensive surgical equipment lists to perform each procedure, clear and precise indications for surgery and the thoughtful rationale behind stated contraindications, controversial indications, post-op protocols, and potential complications. The written text is supported by numerous color images and a website with invaluable, narrated video clips depicting disease specific arthroscopic techniques specific to the knee. Features inside The Knee: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques: Narrated video accompanies all surgical techniques, focusing on the stepwise approach to each operation Consistent organization throughout the book results in a bulleted and user-friendly interface for a quick reference or prolonged study Top 5 Technical Pearls of Practice for each procedure to enhance outcomes and to avoid common pitfalls and complications High-quality artwork and figures to compliment clinical images Equipment and surgical technique checklists for quick reference prior to surgery Each expert contributor was chosen for his or her expertise for a specific topic related to The Knee, so the reader benefits by the highest quality and treatment recommendations to provide the most impactful care to his or her patient. Some chapter topics include: Arthroscopic Reduction and Fixation of Tibial Plateau and Eminence Fractures Arthroscopic Treatment of Patellar Tendinopathy Arthroscopic Meniscal Repair Novel Techniques in Articular Cartilage Restoration Advances in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Die aktualisierte 2. Auflage zeigt, dass es auch mit einer chronischen Erkrankung moglich ist, eine hohe Lebensqualitat zu erzielen, wenn man gelernt hat, positiv mit der Krankheit umzugehen. Das Leben, der Alltag, die Beziehung und auch das Berufsleben werden nicht in Theorie beschrieben, sondern von einer seit 21 Jahren an chronischer Polyarthritis erkrankten Patientin, die mit der Diagnose Rheuma" leben lernen musste, es auf vielen schwierigen Umwegen auch gelernt hat und heute ein sehr positives Leben fuhrt. Der erfahrene Rheumatologe beschreibt leicht verstandlich verschiedene Krankheitsbilder des rheumatischen Formenkreises, begleitet von sehr anschaulichen Fallbeispielen aus seiner langjahrigen Praxis, wobei verschiedene Therapieoptionen aufgezeigt werden. Die 2. Auflage wurde um die neuesten Behandlungskonzepte erweitert. Kurzbiografien beruhmter Personlichkeiten zeigen, wie diese gelernt haben, mit ihrer schweren Krankheit umzugehen. Dieses Buch soll nicht nur Betroffenen Mut machen, sondern kann auch fur Arzte im Umgang mit ihren Rheumapatienten sehr hilfreich sein. "
If you have neck pain and you are like most people, you want to know how to relieve the pain "without" having surgery. Dr. Martin Taylor's comprehensive, user-friendly guide to treating neck pain will help you become a partner with your health care team in charting an effective nonsurgical plan for treatment. With two out of every three adults experiencing severe neck pain at least once in their lives, and one in ten enduring chronic neck pain, medical science has developed an array of treatment options. Which of the many options is right for you? Dr. Taylor identifies the various causes of pain and details the range of medical treatments and physical and alternative therapies available. He explains the least invasive treatments as well as more invasive and less common interventions. "My Neck Hurts " includes information on the following topics, illustrated with photographs and drawings: - physical therapy, from exercises and aquatherapy to ultrasound and traction - electrical stimulation methods such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and percutaneous neuromodulation therapy (PNT) - manual therapies: massage, osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT), and chiropractic treatment- medications, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, and topical medications - botulinum toxin therapy, occipital nerve blocks, and other forms of injection therapy- alternative and complementary therapies such as acupuncture, biofeedback, yoga, and Pilates This truly readable resource includes patient stories, diagrams, and color illustrations as well as tips on how to effectively communicate with your physician, and an appendix of Web sites and other resources.
La colonna vertebrale rappresenta il distretto anatomico maggiormente sottoposto ad indagini di diagnostica per immagini e, in tale campo, gran parte del "vecchio" conserva tuttora la sua attualita. La radiologia convenzionale, infatti, mantiene spesso il ruolo di metodica imaging di approccio, frequentemente esaustiva al fine diagnostico nelle varie affezioni, dalla patologia malformativa a quella degenerativa o traumatica. Allo stesso modo la ricca semeiotica TC costituisce tuttora un corredo irrinunciabile per l'imaging del rachide, particolarmente utile nella definizione del danno nel trauma ad elevata energia. Il "nuovo," invece, e rappresentato sia dalle nuove modalita di studio che il progresso tecnologico ha reso possibili (la TC spirale multistrato e la RM ortostatica ne costituiscono gli esempi piu promettenti) sia dal diverso approccio alla patologia vertebrale da parte del radiologo moderno, per il quale l'imaging non riveste piu il solo fine diagnostico ma costituisce anche un fondamentale strumento per la terapia interventistica. Il volume si inserisce in questo contesto come valido strumento di aggiornamento professionale mirato per il radiologo, ma risulta inoltre un'utile opera di consultazione per l'ortopedico, il reumatologo e il fisiatra.
Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students provides the key principles and skills needed for the assessment of normal and abnormal musculoskeletal radiographs. With a focus on concise information and clear visual presentation, it uses a unique colour overlay system to clearly present abnormalities. Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students: * Presents each radiograph twice, side by side - once as would be seen in a clinical setting and again with clearly highlighted anatomy or pathology * Focuses on radiographic appearances and abnormalities seen in common clinical presentations, highlighting key learning points relevant to each condition * Covers introductory principles, normal anatomy and common pathologies, in addition to disease-specific sections covering adult and paediatric practice * Includes self-assessment to test knowledge and presentation techniques Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students is designed for medical students, junior doctors, nurses and radiographers, and is ideal for both study and clinical reference.
The third edition of Postgraduate Orthopaedics has been fully updated, revised and expanded to meet the challenges of a continually changing exam format, providing detailed core orthopaedic knowledge and insight into tactics and pre-exam planning to increase a candidate's chance of success. Written by a core of authors chosen specifically for their knowledge of the key factors for exam success, this edition includes more illustrations and diagrams and additional exam-focused material for the trickier areas of the syllabus. The trauma chapter has been separated into four distinct sections to improve the overall trauma content. The book also includes a dedicated chapter on what books to read, reflecting the fact that this area has become more complicated in recent years, and an applied basic science chapter, which focuses on basic science viva questions in detail. This guide continues to evolve and has established itself as the definitive text for the FRCS (Tr & Orth) exam.
Die richtige Lagerung des Patienten ist im Rahmen der Operationsvorbereitung ein ganz entscheidender Faktor, der nicht zuletzt auch fur den Erfolg einer Operation verantwortlich ist. Lagerungsschaden - Folgen einer falschen Lagerung - fuhren nicht selten zu Regressanspruchen und Arzthaftungsprozessen. In diesem Buch beschreibt ein erfahrener OP-Pfleger die Lagerungen, wie sie fur die haufigsten Eingriffe in der Unfallchirurgie und Orthopadie benoetigt werden. Die ubersichtliche Gliederung, der einheitliche Aufbau und die anschauliche Darstellung jeder Lagerung in speziell bearbeiteten Fotos ermoeglichen sowohl die intensive Beschaftigung mit den Lagerunstechniken als auch den schnellen Zugriff kurz vor der Operation. Eine praxisbezogene Arbeitsanleitung - eine wertvolle Hilfe im Operationsalltag.
Career or Fibromyalgia, Do I Have to Choose? sorts out all the symptoms that are keeping sufferers of fibromyalgia in a cycle of confusion and unable to work. Karen R. Brinklow is the first Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor in Canada, returned to the dream career she thought was over because of fibromyalgia. Throughout Career or Fibromyalgia, Do I Have to Choose?, she shows sufferers how they can too. Karen partners with those suffering from fibromyalgia to take action now and: Reduce pain and fatigue so they feel less confused and frustrated Stop searching for answers so they can gain focus and feel organized Figure out which symptoms to tackle first so they can enjoy life Manage their symptoms and make a plan to return to the job they love Those suffering from fibromyalgia do not have to live like this anymore and do not have to give up the career they love. It's time to get back to work and off the hamster wheel of pain, exhaustion, fuzzy thinking, and stiffness.
The first complete textbook and atlas of the vitally important technique of bone age assessment utilizing MRI for children's hand and wrist This latest volume in the growing Wiley Current Clinical Imaging series is a must-have resource that collects, in a single volume, all that is currently known and applicable about the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the assessment of bone age. Presented in two parts, Text-Atlas of Skeletal Age Determination: MRI of the Hand and Wrist in Children first focuses on the anatomic, social, and legal aspects of bone age, providing a concise overview of the use of bone age determination in medical, legal, and social systems.??It then covers the clinical use and application of MRI in assessing bone age. The book offers complete chapter coverage on endocrinology, puberty, and disorders of pubertal development; bone marrow maturation in healthy and diseased states; growth failure and pediatric inflammatory bowel disease; skeletal findings in neurometabolic disease, genetic disease, and pediatric oncology patients; and much more. Text-Atlas of Skeletal Age Determination provides: * A comprehensive review of the medical, legal, and social aspects of bone age assessment * An in-depth discussion of MRI as an alternative to the traditional ionizing radiation-based radiographic techniques for the assessment of bone age * Complete guidelines for clinical application of these MRI-based techniques *"Recipes" for replicating these techniques and applications for diverse patient populations * Cutting-edge information prepared and presented by an international team of experts * A superb collection of beautifully reproduced, high-quality images This is an ideal book for radiologists, pediatricians, family physicians, endocrinologists, and sports medicine physicians interested in skeletal development and bone age assessment.
Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 155 reviews whether the non-surgical and non-pharmacological interventions commonly used for knee osteoarthritis patients are effective and, if effective, which ones are the most effective. For this, randomized controlled trials were identified through electronic databases. Following this, the authors discuss how the early identification of target subjects who are at high cardiometabolic risk is important for critical lifestyle interventions and pharmacological management strategies. Additionally, they discuss the diversity, biotechnological applications and sustainable bioproduction of chitinases enzyme from Streptomyces origin, as well as their properties, production and potential applications in the industrial and biotechnological spheres. New strategies such as the use of atomic force microscopy, the isolation of cardiomyocytes, primary culturing in different types of substrates as well as transcriptomic studies are enabling the understanding of how these cells can be affected by different pathologies. As such, in this compilation these issues are updated by analyzing how new approaches to basic aspects of the structure and physiology of cardiomyocytes can be of clinical relevance. This collection also discusses chitotriosidase and acidic mammalian chitinase belonging to the chitinase family. This family includes 18 chitinases united by the features of their molecular structure. Degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis is a common, multifactorial process also associated with aging, which frequently causes central canal stenosis. Several types of interbody fusion procedures that may treat of degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis are examined, particularly lateral lumbar interbody fusion. The final chapter explores the role surgical intervention plays in the diagnosis, staging, and treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Die endoprothetischen Verfahren entwickelten sich im Laufe der letzten Jahre standig weiter. Inzwischen ist, vergleichbar dem Einsatz von Huftprothesen, auch der kunstliche Kniegelenksersatz sprunghaft angestiegen und wird mittlerweile in orthopadischen und chirurgischen Kliniken als Standardeingriff durchgefuhrt. Implantate, Instrumentarium und Operationstechniken werden standig verbessert, die Indikationsstellung zur Operation erweitert, so dass zunehmend auch jungere Patienten endoprothetisch versorgt werden. Bei der ansteigenden Zahl der Eingriffe bleiben Komplikationen wie Implantatslockerung, Patellaprobleme und Infektionen nicht aus, wodurch vermehrt Revisionseingriffe notwendig werden. Problemlosungen aus der Praxis fur die Praxis, erarbeitet von Spezialisten aus 14 Landern im Rahmen des Zweiten Internationalen Kniesymposiums in Strassburg."
Diagnose und Therapie von Huftreifungsstoerungen gehoeren zu den wesentlichen Aufgaben des Orthopaden. Die Entwicklung der Sonographie erlaubt mittlerweile eine so fruhzeitige Diagnosestellung, dass eine entsprechende Behandlung sofort eingeleitet werden kann. Konservative und operative Therapiemoeglichkeiten werden ausfuhrlich beschrieben, Behandlungskonzepte fur verschiedene Altersstufen vorgestellt. Eine aktuelle Darstellung des Themenkomplexes - gleichermassen geeignet fur die Arbeit in Klinik und Praxis.
Each year in Germany, some 200,000 people undergo hip replacement surgery. Clear and concisely written, this book provides a comprehensive discussion of endoprosthetics and its future. Special attention is devoted to indications and contraindications, different surgical procedures (pro and contra), pain therapy, costs, postoperative complications, infections, risks, medications, length of treatment, and postoperative patient care. In order to help with treatment and care decisions, the book conveys specialized knowledge with a strong practical emphasis (e.g. by including information on hip implant manufacturers, price and quality comparisons, and multicolor illustrations). A special layout and color-coded margin assist quick reference.
This volume of Orthopedic Clinics will focus on Arthritis and Related Conditions. Edited by members of a distinguished editorial board from the Campbell Clinic, each issue features articles from the key subspecialty areas of knee and hip, hand and wrist, shoulder and elbow, foot and ankle, pediatrics, and trauma. Topics discussed in the issue will include, but are not limited to: Septic Arthritis in Children, JRA in pediatrics, Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis after Ankle Fracture, Outcomes of Current Ankle Joint Replacements, The Current Status of Cell Based Therapies, OA Alternative ROM Treatment, and Management of the B2 Glenoid in Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis, among others.
Abrissfrakturen.- Acetabulumdefekt.- Acetabulumfraktur.- Achillessehnenruptur.- Akromeoklavikulargelenkluxation.- Akzessorische Fussknoechelchen.- Amputation.- Aneurysmatische Knochenzyste.- Ankylose.- Antetorsion des koxalen Femurendes.- AO.- Arthritis.- Arthrodese.- Arthrolyse.- Arthrose.- Baker-Zyste.- Bandplastik.- Bandscheibenvorfall.- Beckenubersicht.- Beinachse.- Beinlangendifferenz.- Belastungsstabilitat.- Bildgebung.- Bizepssehnenruptur.- Bursitis.- Cerclagen.- Charcot-Gelenk.- Chondroblastom.- Chondrosarkom.- Coxa valga.- Coxa vara.- Cubitus varus.- Degenerative Erkrankungen.- Deltabandschaden.- Desmoplastisches Knochenfibrom.- Diskoligamentare Schaden der Halswirbelsaule.- Distale Femurfraktur.- Distale Humerusfraktur.- Distale Radioulnargelenksarthrose.- Distale Radiusfraktur.- Distorsion.- Drehfehler.- Dupuytren-Kontraktur.- Einlagen.- Ellenbogenluxation.- Ellenbogensteife.- Empyem.- Enchondrom.- Endoprotheseninfektion.- Endoprothetik.- Endoskopische ventrale Fusion der thorakolumbalen Wirbelsaule.- Enthesopathie.- Epicondylitis humeri radialis.- Ermudungsbruch.- Ewing-Sarkom.- Femurhalsfraktur.- Femurschaftfraktur.- Fersensporn.- Fibroese Dysplasie.- Fibroeser metaphysarer Defekt (nicht-ossifizierendes Knochenfibrom).- Frakturversorgung.- Freie Gelenkkoerper.- Gelenkerguss.- Geschichte.- Gibbus.- Girdlestone-Hufte.- Gliedertaxe.- Gonarthrose.- Hallux rigidus.- Hallux valgus.- Hamarthros.- Heberden-Arthrose.- Heterotope Ossifikationen.- Hinken.- Huftdysplasie.- Huftendoprothesen.- Huftendoprothesenlockerung.- Huftkopffrakturen.- Huftkopfloesung.- Huftkopfnekrose.- Humeruskopffraktur.- Humerusschaftfraktur.- Iliosakralfugensprengung.- Intertrochantere Umstellungsosteotomie.- Ischialgie.- Juvenile Knochenzyste.- Kalkaneusfraktur.- Klavikulafraktur.- Klinische Untersuchung.- Klumpfuss.- Knieendoprothesen.- Knochentumoren - Pathologie und Diagnostik.- Knorpelknochentransplantation.- Kompartmentsyndrom.- Kongenitale Huftluxation.- Kontinuierliche passive Mobilisierung.- Kontinuitatsresektion.- Kontraktur.- Koxarthrose.- Koxitis.- Kreuzbandruptur.- Kribbelparasthesien.- Kyphose.- Laterale Instabilitat des oberen Sprunggelenks.- Lisfranc-Luxation.- Lumbalstenose.- Lumboischialgie.- Luxationshufte.- Maisonneuvefraktur.- Malleolarfrakturen.- Meniskusschaden.- Metakarpophalangeale Arthrose.- Morton-Neurom.- Multiple Chondrome.- Muskelatrophie.- Muskelstatus.- Myelomeningozele.- Nachbehandlung.- Offene Frakturen.- Olecranonfrakturen.- Omarthrose.- Os tibiale externum.- Osteoblastom.- Osteochondrom.- Osteochondrosis dissecans.- Osteogenesis imperfecta.- Osteoidosteom.- Osteomyelitis.- Osteonekrose des medialen Femurkondylus.- Osteosarkom.- Osteotomie.- Ostitis deformans.- Patellafrakturen.- Patellaluxation.- Pathologische Fraktur.- Perilunare Luxationsfraktur.- Periprothetische Frakturen.- Peronealsehnenluxation.- Peroneusparese.- Pertheserkrankung.- Pertrochantere Femurfraktur.- Pilonfrakturen der Tibia.- Poliomyelitis.- Polyarthritis - Rheumatoide Arthritis.- Polytrauma.- Posttraumatische Deformitaten.- Praarthrotische Deformitat.- Protrusionskoxarthrose.- Proximale Interphalangealarthrose.- Proximaler Femurdefekt.- Pseudarthrose.- Pseudoradikularsyndrom.- Pseudospondylolisthese.- Radikularsyndrom.- Radiokarpalarthrose.- Radiuskoepfchenfraktur.- Rhizarthrose.- Riesenzelltumor.- Rotatorenmanschettenruptur.- Ruckenschmerz.- Sakrumfraktur.- Scapulafraktur.- Schiefhals.- Schnellender Finger.- Schuhzurichtungen.- Schulterluxation.- Schultersteife.- Sehnentransfer.- Seitenbandschaden des Kniegelenks.- Senkspreizfuss.- Skelettmetastasen.- Skoliose.- Spitzfuss.- Spondylitis.- Spondylitis ankylosans.- Spondylodese.- Spondylolisthese.- Spondylose.- Strahlentherapie gutartiger Erkrankungen in der Orthopadie.- Subkapitale Humerusfraktur.- Sudeck-Syndrom.- Symphysensprengung.- Synoviale Chondromatose.- Synovialektomie.- Technische Orthopadie der oberen Extremitaten.- Technische Orthopadie der unteren Ex |
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