Books > Academic & Education > Primary & Secondary Education > Platinum
What makes the Platinum English FAL course unique? Strong support
for reading and writing skills, featuring annotations and models of
all writing texts; integrated and explicit grammar teaching;
predictable, consistent structure; high quality, relevant artwork;
strong teacher support through explicit methods and assessment.
Platinum - simply superior: Superior CAPS coverage and written by
expert authors; superior illustrations and activities to improve
results and motivate learners; superior teacher support to save
time and make teaching easy, including photocopiable worksheets;
superior quality = exam success!
Incwadzi lesezingeni lelisetulu lefaka wonkhe umtsetfo lokufuneka
ulandzelwe kuSitatimende Yavelonkhe YeKharikhulamu nekuHlola.;
Incwadzi lesezingeni lelisetulu lenetitfombe nemsebenti
ekutfutfukisa umphumela nekukhutsa tabafundzi.; Incwadzi
lesezingeni lelisetulu lenemsebenti losekela, usite bothishela
ekongeni sikhatsi nekwenta umsebenti wabo ubelula ekufundziseni.;
Incwadzi lesezingeni lelisetulu leyenta luhlolo lube yimphumelelo!
What makes the Platinum wiskunde grade 12 course unique? Platinum
mathematics is the only series by any publisher to have been
approved from grades 1 to 12; a textbook and study guide in one
complete package. No need for any additional study material;
revision tests after each topic, as well as term 4 focusing
completely on exam revision and exam preparation; complete mid-year
and preliminary examination papers as well as comprehensive
memoranda provided; key words boxes, remember boxes and margin
notes, highlight and remind learners about important concepts which
they have covered previously and will need to apply in the relevant
topic; photocopiable target worksheets provided for remediation and
enrichment, for all topics; worked examples prior to exercises,
provide a clear, visual example for learners to follow when
completing exercises; photocopiable tests and examinations which
satisfy CAPS formal. Platinum - simply superior: Superior CAPS
coverage and written by expert authors; superior illustrations and
activities to improve results and motivate learners; superior
teacher support to save time and make teaching easy, including
photocopiable worksheets. Superior quality = exam success!
What makes the Platinum English FAL course unique? Strong support
for reading and writing skills, featuring annotations and models of
all writing texts; integrated and explicit grammar teaching;
predictable, consistent structure; high quality, relevant artwork;
strong teacher support through explicit methods and assessment.
Platinum - simply superior: Superior CAPS coverage and written by
expert authors; superior illustrations and activities to improve
results and motivate learners; superior teacher support to save
time and make teaching easy, including photocopiable worksheets;
superior quality = exam success!
Izehlakalo zezinga eliphezulu ze-CAPS kanye nokobana itlolwe
batloli ababosolwazi. Imifanekiso esezingeni eliphezulu kanye
nemisebenzi ukwenza ngcono imiphumela kanye nokukhuthaza abafundi.
Isekelo elisezingeni eliphezulu likatitjhere ukonga isikhathi nok