Books > Mind, Body & Spirit > Psychic powers, ESP
There is a place you can go that is free from sickness, crime, and
war. That place is not here on this Earth. Instead, it is on the
"New Earth." And you can choose to obtain a new body and go there.
Drawing upon thirty-three years of University research and
fifteen years of "Subtle Energy" manipulations Dr. Pettit discusses
relationships between life sciences and spirituality. By
understanding the concept "ask and you can receive" he outlines the
questions to ask and your responsibilities to create a new body for
ascending to the "New Earth" around 2012.
Ascension is available for those who choose to move out of
duality consciousness with suffering and pain into a new reality of
Unity Consciousness with unfathomed joy and peace.
Dr. Pettit explains how you can achieve this incredible gift
with the following concepts.
* Making a choice to ascend with your physical body
* Knowing who you are and why you are on Earth
* Shifting your dimensional state of consciousness
* Avoiding fear, accept change, understand time-space
* Releasing false beliefs, sickness, and pain
* Understand your Mer-Ka-Ba Energy Field
* Universal Laws related to your spirituality
* The End Times, "The Shift," and Photon Belt
Have you noticed that sometimes what you need just falls into place
or comes to you from an out-of-the-blue telephone call? Or you've
bumped into someone on the street you've been thinking about?
Perhaps you've met the perfect client or life partner, just by fate
or being at the right place at the right time. All of these
experiences are evidence of the Law of Attraction in your life.
Have you heard about people who find themselves in bad
relationships over and over again, and who are always complaining
that they keep attracting the same kind of relationship? The Law of
Attraction is at work for them too. The Law of Attraction may be
defined as: "I attract to my life whatever I give my attention,
energy and focus to, whether positive or negative." By reading this
book you'll come to understand why and how this happens.
Psychic medium Concetta Bertoldi knows how it is: Heaven is
perfection. Life on Earth is the tough part.
It's here we need to meet challenges, learn lessons, and grow
spiritually even as we cope with our sense of "aloneness" and "not
enough-ness" or the loss of a loved one. Through all of this our
guardian angels, those who have crossed to the Other Side--or "the
dead guys," as Concetta calls them--offer us loving,
behind-the-scenes assistance.
In Inside the Other Side, Concetta explains the importance of
the agreements we make with God before being born into a new
physical life. She gives advice on dealing with life's difficult
issues: from relationships to a lack of abundance, from illness and
aging to coping with loss. Concetta's wise, witty, and uplifting
assistance will help you get more in touch with the Other Side so
that you can call on your own angels whenever they are needed the
Once in a lifetime an astonishing true story comes along that not
only captivates but also makes you re-evaluate your beliefs. Red
Amaryllis is one of those stories. So, get ready for a thought-
provoking and remarkable true story of a naive couple pitted
against one of the world's financial giants in a decade- long legal
battle which will evoke amazement and horror at the lengths
corporate avarice will go to. David Vs Goliath is nothing on the
even more amazing fight-back from Denise and Michael, two
determined and relentless individuals. However, there is much more
to this story than meets the eye. Denise's desperation transforms
her into a survivor...a bona fide juggernaut and force of nature
who refuses to take 'no' for an answer. In a story which smartly
mixes unflagging inspiration with humour, it slowly becomes clear
that in her drive to win her case, her uncanny ability to uncover
hidden evidence has far greater implications. Denise's life journey
will demonstrate her extraordinary and proven ability to unlock the
past, expose the present, and see the future when, in a dramatic
twist, the story showcases a terrifying warning to us all. For the
past 36 years Denise has foreseen an atomic WWIII looming, and now
it is just a few short years away - unless we all make our voices
heard and demand that those with power turn back from the brink.
The future of the planet is in our hands and time is running out.
Features a crystal directory, organised by colour, covers the
properties of over 200 stones, as well as their common and
historical uses. Crystal healing is a time-honoured mindfulness
technique, harnessing the power of nature to inspire peace and
wellness. Crystals are fantastic resources for health, luck,
beauty, magic, and healing. The Complete Crystal Sourcebook is a
comprehensive reference guide that outlines all the key uses for
crystals and techniques for working with them, from choosing your
stones, laying a crystal grid, treating ailments of the body and
mind, and more. A crystal directory, organized by color, covers the
properties of over 200 stones, as well as their common and
historical uses. Following this is a directory of ailments,
including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Simply look up
your issue (such as a broken heart or a build-up of work stress)
and a recommended treatment and suggested stones will be provided.
This is the only book of its kind that offers an at-a-glance
crystal directory, grids, and a visual breakdown of body layout and
ailments. The range and magnitude of crystals included makes this
book both stunning and a real powerhouse of information. This
beautifully designed sourcebook also includes a comprehensive index
and a thorough cross-referencing system, to make it easy to find
information quickly. The Crystal Sourcebook is the ultimate guide
to crystals and crystal healing.
The New Revelation, by Arthur Conan Doyle - Akasha Classics,
AkashaPublishing.Com - The (dis)connection between psychological
(or scientific) and psychic mind is a subject that has baffled man
for centuries. The phenomenon captured the attention of Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle in a very particular way, a man in whom the analytic
and artistic struggled for dominance. Originally published in 1918,
the New Revelation deals not only with the issue of physical versus
metaphysical, but also considers the problem of death (and
afterlife) and the question of communication with the spirit world.
Conan Doyle's captivating prose and pragmatic, yet human, voice
makes for an enlightening exploration of some eternally relevant
questions and possible answers. Scottish surgeon and political
activist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle turned his passions into stories
and novels, producing fiction and nonfiction works sometimes
controversial (The Great Boer War, 1900), sometimes fanciful (The
Coming of the Fairies, 1922), and sometimes legendary (The
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 1892).
From the creator of the Crow Tarot, a richly illustrated 80-card
tarot deck and guidebook perfect for cat lovers. With one paw in
the human world of catnip toys and belly rubs and another in the
animal world stalking prey and disappearing into the landscape,
cats exist in a liminal space between domestic and wild, captive
and free. They are mysterious shapeshifters, loyal familiars, and
self-appointed rulers over the humans they deign to grace with
their company—and many of us will happily submit to their rule
for a few cuddles. From scrounging alley cats to well-fed fat cats,
and hairless cats to giant puffballs, Grimalkin's Curious Cat Tarot
is a pawsitively purrfect deck for any cat lover. Each of the
Rider-Waite-Smith style cards in this deck depict cats along their
own furry fool's journey—the good, the bad, the graceful, and the
The American Southwest is home to dozens of ghost towns with
fascinating histories and active spirits. This book shares the
captivating spirit communications conducted by Dan Baldwin and
Dwight and Rhonda Hull, who use pendulums and psychic abilities to
help ghosts pass to the other side. Discover the secret spirits of
the Courtland Jail in Cochise County, Arizona. Learn about the
tragic fate of the miners in the Santa Rita Mountains. Feel the
thrill of the investigators conversation with the ghost of Mattie
Earp, the common-law wife of the famous Tombstone lawman. Speaking
with the Spirits of the Old Southwest is filled with spine-tingling
stories and fascinating historical insights into one of the most
spiritually active regions of the world.
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