Books > Mind, Body & Spirit > The Occult
Alchemy is the art of turning your trash into treasure. The Real
Magic Course is a path of transformation. Transformation is the
The Horn of Evenwood, Also called "The Master's Book of Conjury" or
"The Witchfather's Bloodless Bones," is a true book of Art, a
Grimoire of sorcerous operations, charms, and devices of Witchery.
Based on well-worn patterns and operations of Traditional sorcery
and European Witchcraft from the 16th-19th centuries, this manual
of magical arts provides a complete working system of Craft-sorcery
which taps into the numina of the British Isles folk-tradition, the
Luciferian mysteries of the Witchmaster, traditional wortcunning,
the Rades of Edric and Godda, and the hidden roads to
Faery-Elfhame. Included are incantations, conjurations,
instructions in the application of the Ten Pillars of Sorcery, "The
Service of Sigils" working, and the operations of "Biting the
Tongues of Serpents," "Summoning the Witch-Dream by Moth Flight,"
"Binding the Lovers One to the Other," "The Fruitful Working of the
Womb-Seed," and "A Pavis from Foul Imprecations," all of which are
intended to instruct an initiate in the use of this timeless arcane
The subject of destiny has attracted various explanations from
diverse schools of thought. While some believe in and espouse the
philosophy of predestination, others hold that man is the architect
of his own destiny-and still others fail to believe in the concept
at all. Even among those who believe in the concept of destiny,
there is lack of consensus about its definition and its workings
given the critical nature of the subject of destiny. There is a
need for man to clearly understand and employ the knowledge in his
journey from mortality to immortality.
In Have You Discovered Your Assignment with Destiny? author
Anthony Ugochukwu Aliche thoroughly examines the concept of destiny
and seeks to guides others to an understanding of how this
important aspect of our existence functions.
The journey begins with Aliche's lamentation of man's inability
to acknowledge and define his destiny with particular reference to
his assignment with himself, his obligation with his environment,
and his assignment with the Creator and the entire cosmos. He
believes that life lived without discovering one's assignment with
destiny is life lived without putting God first-and consequently a
life tragically wasted. He opens our eyes to the fact that so many
lives could make a quantum leap if only they could turn to God and
nature for the discovery and manifestation of our destiny.
The world would be a better place if we all discovered that we
have a role to play individually and collectively that we can only
achieve if we strive to discover our assignment with destiny.
Guided by leading Black herbalistKaren Rose, discover how to
harness the magic of plants and diasporic ancestral practices in
remedies and ritual. Master Herbalist Karen Rose is a
first-generation immigrant from Guyana with ancestors from Ghana,
the Congo, China, and India who continues her grandmother's legacy
as a healer and herbalist. In The Art & Practice of Spiritual
Herbalism, she shares her wisdom on how to partner plants and
rituals to guide the process of self-healing. As you alleviate
physical symptoms and heal emotional and spiritual imbalances, you
will see how plants can help you stand in your power, strengthen
your intuition, and provide protection. This guide to harnessing
the power of plants is a practical tool for working through the
symptoms of body disease and the underlying emotional and spiritual
issues. Organized by major body systems-circulatory, respiratory,
digestive, liver, sexual, skin, nervous systems, and immune
health-The Art & Practice of Spiritual Herbalism gives a brief
overview of the physical mechanisms of the system, the spiritual
correspondences associated with that system, and the plants,
remedies, and rituals that can be used to bring oneself back to
healing and balance. Accompanied by beautiful color illustrations
of the plants, the organs they affect, and their related spirits,
or orishas, each plant profile includes: Botanical and
pharmacological information Planetary correspondences
Ethnobotanical and historical use Healing properties and
indications Methods of preparation and dosage Applying this herbal
wisdom, the recipes include: 4th Chakra Heart Oil for healing a
broken heart, also helpful for healing generational trauma Inspired
Sleep and Dreams Tea to inspire dreams Breathe Easy Steam to
improve respiratory health Immunity Chai Tea to fight off cold and
flu viruses Laying Hands Stomach and Womb Oil for indigestion and
menstrual discomfort A Castor Oil Pack for Liver Health to remove
pain and swelling from sprains and bruises Filled with stories,
ancestral recipes, and accessible practices that anyone can use,
The Art & Practice of Spiritual Herbalism shows you how to use
the power of plants for spiritual and physical healing.
In the ever-recurring passage of the ages, as life, civilizations,
cultures and humanity's awareness have evolved, a message has been
eternally whispered in man's ear; a continuum of Divine Revelation
has unfolded essential to the next pending chapter in the Book of
Life, bearing a profound vision of mankind's spiritual heritage.
The message contained in this Ageless Wisdom has been one of hope
and promise; of a future fulfillment and the possibility of
attaining an ecstatic, Unified State termed Heaven, Nirvana, Mecca
or Paradise, awaiting mankind at the end of his spiritual journey.
The Divine Knowledge (Gnosis) explored in the trilogy, One Solitary
Life embodies the coordinates of the Path of man's evolution toward
divinity, leading to the attainment of man's Spiritual Legacy;
union with the Divine. This Book One of the trilogy, The Vision the
Journey and The Quest, begins the unfolding of an arcane teaching
whose origin is lost in antiquity, and yet is profoundly relevant
today. It sets the stage for an exploration of the nature of man's
soul and its pilgrimage, by addressing the spiritual principles
that have been handed down throughout the ages in the form of the
world's varied religions and philosophies. It speaks to the
"Mysteries" that are at the heart of Creation. It puts into context
and bold relief the role Christianity and the rest of the world's
religions have played in this unfolding cosmic scenario and
explores their contradictions and inequities. One Solitary Life,
starting with the pristine arcane teaching that has perennially
given birth to diverse religions and philosophies; each competing
for man's mind and heart, and each professing an absolute
interpretation andstewardship of life's inherent meaning; explores
the Universal Verities that are the heart and soul of all true
religious discourse. It journeys in Book Two through comprehensive
levels of metaphysical reality and arrives, in Book Three, at the
ultimate consummation of the mystical Path of Light, as personified
by Christ.
In Whispers of the Goddess, Carole Anzolletti has compiled an
amazing account of how the Divine whispers among the plainest parts
of our lives. Interested in everything that is born and reborn,
unattached, unique, and provoking, she will darken as well as
illuminate you with the views and thoughts contained in her poetry
and prose. Inspired to reinvent herself and forge a way that worked
for her, Whispers of the Goddess became the scaffold she needed to
build to continue on her creative writing path. "There are soft,
subtle voices that ask us to listen for our own messages and sift
through our own feelings and beliefs to see what it is we are
faithful to and grateful for. We can cultivate, through writing,
this communication with the whole universe in a sacred and centered
way. The words will come to save you, to help you " Whispers of the
Goddess reveals thoughts sculpted by the love of so much in and of
this universe. Carole shares an interesting view of the world
around her, spiritually, emotionally, and genuinely. Her work has
been described as inspiring, deep and raw with truth. "The muse is
always there, waiting to be heard, a voice so silent with power.
The words that come through will be universally understood.
Inspiration walks hand in hand with the animated leaf that scurries
alongside us. The peculiar feeling of sadness on the spray of the
sea. The way the full moon lights up the face of the ocean,
reminding us how very small we really are. We want to do what we
love without the fear of being judged. Everything springs forward
from there."
The purpose of this book is to allow the reader a glimpse into this
shadowy and fascinating world which will hopefully bing him a step
closer to an understanding of hidden powers.