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Handbook of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry: Recent Advances,
Techniques and Applications, Volume Six, Second Edition, presents
the latest in a series that has been well received by the thermal
analysis and calorimetry community. This volume covers recent
advances in techniques and applications that complement the earlier
volumes. There has been tremendous progress in the field in recent
years, and this book puts together the most high-impact topics
selected for their popularity by new editors Sergey Vyazovkin,
Nobuyoshi Koga and Christoph Schick-all editors of Thermochimica
Acta. Among the important new techniques covered are biomass
conversion; sustainable polymers; polymer nanocompsoties;
nonmetallic glasses; phase change materials; propellants and
explosives; applications to pharmaceuticals; processes in ceramics,
metals, and alloys; ionic liquids; fast-scanning calorimetry, and
The first new survey of the field in more than 60 years, this study
concentrates on the basics of music criticism. Because it focuses
on core issues and proven principles, the book is likely to become
the standard work on the subject. It is written for the audience
that reads music criticism in newspapers and popular journals:
professional and amateur musicians, scholars, teachers,
researchers, librarians, students, music lovers, journalists, and
critics. The topics are covered in depth and observations are
thoroughly documented, yet the material is enjoyable to read
because the writing is easy to understand and special terminology
is held to an absolute minimum. The commentary addresses the
function of music criticism, the qualifications and training of a
critic, the relationship between music criticism and other aspects
of journalism, and the principles behind value judgments. Three
chapters are devoted to the concert and opera review, one to
reviewing recordings, another to radio and television criticism,
and one to reviewing ethnic music. Thirty-eight reviews are quoted
and analyzed, and 13 are presented in their entirety, along with
critical commentary. Index. Appendix. Bibliography
H. G. Wells was one of the most influential authors of the late
19th and early 20th centuries. He is best remembered today as the
author of classic works of science fiction, such as The Invisible
Man, The War of the Worlds, and The First Men in the Moon. He was
also the author of The Outline of World History, an ambitious
chronicle of the world from antiquity to the beginning of the 20th
century. Through essays and reviews, this volume traces the
critical reception of his works. An introductory essay overviews
Wells's literary career and provides a context for understanding
his works. Each of the sections that follow treats one of his major
works, according to the publication date of his story. Within each
section are reviews, essays, or excerpts that exemplify the
critical response to that particular work from the time of its
appearance to the present day. A bibliography at the end of the
volume lists the most important modern critical studies of Wells
and indicates the tremendous contemporary interest in Wells as an
Hispanic Americans make up the largest ethnic group in the country,
and this volume accurately reflects their concerns, interests, and
issues. By providing easy access to over 300 statistical charts,
graphs, and tables, the book allows novice and professional
researchers to easily locate statistics on: demographics,
immigration, naturalization, social characteristics, education,
health, politics, labor force, and economic conditions. The
Statistical Handbook on U.S. Hispanics also includes a glossary of
terms and a list of sources to be consulted for more information or
additional statistical data. An extensive subject index makes it
simple to locate specific tables and charts.
This volume highlights Prof. Hira Koul's achievements in many areas
of Statistics, including Asymptotic theory of statistical
inference, Robustness, Weighted empirical processes and their
applications, Survival Analysis, Nonlinear time series and
Econometrics, among others. Chapters are all original papers that
explore the frontiers of these areas and will assist researchers
and graduate students working in Statistics, Econometrics and
related areas. Prof. Hira Koul was the first Ph.D. student of Prof.
Peter Bickel. His distinguished career in Statistics includes the
receipt of many prestigious awards, including the Senior Humbolt
award (1995), and dedicated service to the profession through
editorial work for journals and through leadership roles in
professional societies, notably as the past president of the
International Indian Statistical Association. Prof. Hira Koul has
graduated close to 30 Ph.D. students, and made several seminal
contributions in about 125 innovative research papers. The long
list of his distinguished collaborators is represented by the
contributors to this volume.
International Relations scholarship has typically engaged with
vulnerability as a problem to be solved through 'rational' attempts
to craft a global order marked by universality, predictability and
stability. By recovering an awareness of the persistently
vulnerable human subject, this book argues that we can re-engage
with issues of emotion, relationality, community and history that
are often excluded from the study of global politics. This
collection proposes an agonistic approach to international ethics
and politics, eschewing a rationalism that radically privileges
white Western conceptions of the world and that actively oppresses
alternative voices. The Vulnerable Subject addresses issues such as
trust, judgement, climate change, identity, and post-colonial
relations, allowing for a profound rethinking of one of the core
driving assumptions at the heart of international politics.
In the past decades, the scan rate range of calorimeters has been
extended tremendously at the high end, from approximately 10 up to
10 000 000 DegreesC/s and more. The combination of various
calorimeters and the newly-developed Fast Scanning Calorimeters
(FSC) now span 11 orders of magnitude, by which many processes can
be mimicked according to the time scale(s) of chemical and physical
transitions occurring during cooling, heating and isothermal stays
in case heat is exchanged. This not only opens new areas of
research on polymers, metals, pharmaceuticals and all kinds of
substances with respect to glass transition, crystallization and
melting phenomena, it also enables in-depth study of metastability
and reorganization of samples on an 1 to 1000 ng scale. In
addition, FSC will become a crucial tool for understanding and
optimization of processing methods at high speeds like injection
molding. The book resembles the state-of-the art in Thermal
Analysis & Calorimetry and is an excellent starting point for
both experts and newcomers in the field.
The contributions to this collection deal with the fundamental
problem of unity, which plays a decisive role in many contemporary
debates (even when this role is not acknowledged). Questions like
whether there can be unities that persist through time a ' e.g.
persons who remain the same throughout their lives a ' are
discussed from various perspectives. Is such an idea possible at
all, and if so, what role do concepts like force, capacity, and
disposition play in this context?
Molly was high on drugs and alcohol when tragedy struck. When she
rounded the corner in her truck, she ran over the six-year old
child, Amy Lewis. At the time, Molly did not know what she had hit.
Thinking it was probably a dog, she did not stop. When the news
came on the next morning saying that Amy had died and that police
were looking for a red pick-up truck, she knew. She had killed a
little girl. Molly was apprehended by the police and sent to prison
for 15 years, convicted of vehicular manslaughter. While
incarcerated, Molly's life changed completely. With the help of a
Drug Recovery Program, Molly lost the desire to use drugs. She met
her sponsor, Marty, who began to take her on the journey of the 12
steps involved in recovery. One day at a time, Marty showed her how
to live life on life's terms and to deal with the overwhelming
guilt and shame that she felt. Slowly, as Molly's recovery
progressed, she started to help other addicts in the prison. After
her release from prison, Molly and Marty lived together. They knew
that they were more to each other than sponsor and sponsee. They
were soul mates and were committed to spending the rest of their
lives together. They decided to open a halfway house called Another
Chance to help other women seeking recovery from their addiction to
drugs and alcohol. Molly's life came full circle as she was forced
to face Amy Lewis' mother, Beth, again. Amy's half-sister, Katie,
had a drug problem and was court-ordered into the rehabilitation
program at Another Chance. Without knowing Katie's relationship to
her past life, Molly became her chemical dependency counselor and
sponsor. Molly truly got "another chance" to right the horrible
wrong that she had committed when she killed Amy Lewis more than 20
years before. She got an opportunity to do something to make it
right. She knew that her Higher Power had put Katie into her life
for this reason. No, she could never bring back that six-year old
little girl, but she could help Amy's sister recover from the
horrors of addiction.
The 10th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian
Methods, MaxEnt 90, was held in Laramie, Wyoming from 30 July to 3
August 1990. This volume contains the scientific presentations
given at that meeting. This series of workshops originated in
Laramie in 1981, where the first three of what were to become
annual workshops were held. The fourth meeting was held in Calgary.
the fifth in Laramie, the sixth and seventh in Seattle, the eighth
in Cambridge, England, and the ninth at Hanover, New Hampshire. It
is most appropriate that the tenth workshop, occurring in the
centennial year of Wyoming's statehood, was once again held in
Laramie. The original purpose of these workshops was twofold. The
first was to bring together workers from diverse fields of
scientific research who individually had been using either some
form of the maximum entropy method for treating ill-posed problems
or the more general Bayesian analysis, but who, because of the
narrow focus that intra-disciplinary work tends to impose upon most
of us, might be unaware of progress being made by others using
these same techniques in other areas. The second was to introduce
to those who were somewhat aware of maximum entropy and Bayesian
analysis and wanted to learn more, the foundations, the gestalt,
and the power of these analyses. To further the first of these
ends, presenters at these workshops have included workers from
area. s as varied as astronomy, economics, environmenta.
The 398 tables, graphs, and charts in this handbook focus on
this growing segment of America's population. Census data are
supplemented by statistics from the National Center for Health
Statistics and special interest groups such as the American
Association of Retired Persons (AARP). A special glossary defines
census and demographic terms, and relevant sources of additional
data are included.
System Theory: Modeling, Analysis and Control contains thirty-three
scientific papers covering a wide range of topics in systems and
control. These papers have been contributed to a symposium
organized to celebrate Sanjoy K. Mitter's 65th birthday. The
following research topics are addressed: distributed parameter
systems, stochastic control, filtering and estimation, optimization
and optimal control, image processing and vision, hierarchical
systems and hybrid control, nonlinear systems, and linear systems.
Also included are three survey papers on optimization, nonlinear
filtering, and nonlinear systems. Recent advances are reported on
the behavioral approach to systems, the relationship between
differential games and robust control, estimation of diffusion
processes, Markov processes, optimal control, hybrid control,
stochastic control, spectral estimation, nonconvex quadratic
programming, robust control, control algorithms and quantized
linear systems. Innovative explorations are carried out on quantum
systems from a control theory perspective, option valuation and
hedging, three-dimensional medical visualization, computational
structure biology image processing, and hierarchical approaches to
complex systems, flow control, scheduling and force feedback in
fluid mechanics. The contents reflect on past research
accomplishments, current research activity, and future research
directions in systems and control theory.
By studying how different societies understand categories such as
time and causality, the Durkheimians decentered Western
epistemology. With contributions from philosophy, sociology,
anthropology, media studies, and sinology, this volume illustrates
the interdisciplinarity and intellectual rigor of the "category
project" which did not only stir controversies among contemporary
scholars but paved the way for other theories exploring how the
thoughts of individuals are prefigured by society and vice versa.
Unlock your quilting potential with 155 free-motion patterns to fit
every space in your quilt. Use the designs as they are or learn how
to use computer graphics technology from master quilter Jessica
Schick to resize, print, and apply designs-plus, receive expert
tips to stabilize your projects before you quilt. Mix and match
elements from 10 design suites. The 30 basic quilting motifs come
in standard machine quilting and embroidery formats; all designs
are available in the book and as PDFs on the CD. Print the designs
any size you want, customize the designs, or use the motifs with
your computer-guided quilting or embroidery machines. Add elegance
and sophistication to your projects with this step-by-step guide!
Die Fremdsprachendidaktik befindet sich auf dem Weg zu inklusivem
Fremdsprachenunterricht. Ziel dieses Buches ist es, diesen Weg fur
den Englischunterricht zu dokumentieren und einen Beitrag zur
Weiterentwicklung sprachdidaktischer Prinzipien zu leisten. Hierzu
werden wichtige Bezugsdisziplinen wie die Sonderpadagogik und die
Psychologie in diese Entwicklung miteinbezogen. Die Basisbeitrage
betrachten die ausgewahlten Heterogenitats- und
Diversitatsdimensionen Lese-Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten,
Autismus-Spektrum-Stoerung, Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/
Hyperaktivitatsstoerung, Hoerstoerungen und Spracherwerbsstoerung.
Die Praxisbeitrage zeigen Moeglichkeiten dafur auf, wie im
Fremdsprachenunterricht Barrieren fur Lerner*innen abgebaut und
Teilhabe ermoeglicht werden kann.
Broadens engagement with critical pedagogies in IR and the academy.
This book supports educators and students seeking to understand and
enact critical pedagogies in their classrooms, institutions, and
beyond, through theoretical and practical pedagogical innovations.
Features a line-up of leading and emerging international scholars
and activists contributing original essays that open up provocative
lines of inquiry and critique about critical pedagogies as sites of
political engagement. Highlights unconventional sites of learning,
such as public spaces, as well as Indigenous pedagogies and
possibilities for decolonisation. The innovative contributions also
centre marginalised voices and perspectives, broadening engagement
with often overlooked perspectives. Offers both theoretical and
practical contributions for educators and students wishing to
deepen their engagement with critical pedagogies.
Broadens engagement with critical pedagogies in IR and the academy.
This book supports educators and students seeking to understand and
enact critical pedagogies in their classrooms, institutions, and
beyond, through theoretical and practical pedagogical innovations.
Features a line-up of leading and emerging international scholars
and activists contributing original essays that open up provocative
lines of inquiry and critique about critical pedagogies as sites of
political engagement. Highlights unconventional sites of learning,
such as public spaces, as well as Indigenous pedagogies and
possibilities for decolonisation. The innovative contributions also
centre marginalised voices and perspectives, broadening engagement
with often overlooked perspectives. Offers both theoretical and
practical contributions for educators and students wishing to
deepen their engagement with critical pedagogies.
The extraordinary growth in the production and use of man-made
fibers over the past fewdecades has focused attention on the
surface properties of fibers and textiles. This volumecombines
surface science and technology in its presentation of the
substantial progressthat has been made in the technology related to
the surface characteristics of natural,synthetic, and glass fibers
and textiles.Adopting an interdisciplinary approach , the coverage
places emphasis upon the wetting,soiling, staining, frictional, and
adhesive properties of fibers and fabrics, as well asphenomena
related to these properties. The book offers critical reviews which
describeexperimental facts, theories, and processes. Symbols are
clearly defined in each chapter.Among the subjects covered are the
surface properties of glass fibers, soil release, stainand water
repellance, friction of fabrics, bonding of nonwovens, and the
wetting of fibers.Surface Characteristics of Fibers and Textiles,
Part II is an outstanding textbook forcourses dealing with surface
chemistry, the mechanical properties of textiles,
textiletechnology, and polymer chemistry . It is also a valuable
reference book designed to makecurrent knowledge on these subjects
accessible to industrial and academic researchers.
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