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The conceptual uncertainty when dealing with processes of
integration and disintegration in Europe is striking because
traditional notions of the nation-state, constitutionalism,
sovereignty, and federalism do not account for emerging realities
in either Western or Eastern Europe. This volume explores the
complex inter-relationship between federal arrangements and their
effects on integrating multi-ethnic societies in Europe, and takes
stock of current debates on the effects of federalism on
integration and disintegration in Eastern and Western Europe. For
the first time federalism is addressed in a pan-European context
and an attempt is made to look for remedies to overcome nationalism
in both East and West within a federalist institutional framework.
The conceptual uncertainty when dealing with processes of
integration and disintegration in Europe is striking because
traditional notions of the nation-state, constitutionalism,
sovereignty, and federalism do not account for emerging realities
in either Western or Eastern Europe. This volume explores the
complex inter-relationship between federal arrangements and their
effects on integrating multi-ethnic societies in Europe, and takes
stock of current debates on the effects of federalism on
integration and disintegration in Eastern and Western Europe. For
the first time federalism is addressed in a pan-European context
and an attempt is made to look for remedies to overcome nationalism
in both East and West within a federalist institutional framework.
`This is a very valuable book! It collects symposium papers that
analyze key issues and important developments in global competition
law today. It explores methodological foundations, including the
roles of economics, and recent experiences in key countries (China,
Japan, India and Eastern Europe). One section contains highly
illuminating articles on private enforcement, criminalization of
competition law, the role of globalization and the process of
competition law change. All of the articles are valuable, and many
are outstanding.' - David J. Gerber, Chicago-Kent College of Law,
US Competition law has changed substantially since 1990. The
worldwide tendency toward market-based economic systems has induced
many countries to adopt competition rules. This innovative book
discusses the global character of competition law focusing on three
interrelated perspectives; firstly, the impact of economics on
competition policy; secondly, the competition law experience in
selected countries (USA, EU, Japan, India, China, Brazil,
transition countries) and how the law has adapted to the political,
economic, geographic and cultural environment; and thirdly, the
process of internationalisation and convergence of competition law.
This book will be an invaluable read for academics and postgraduate
students in competition policy, economics of law and international
business law, as well as for competition law practitioners in
international firms.
The "Law of obligations" from Fikentscher (general and special
section in a volume) had already reliably accompanied many
generations of law and economics students into their exams. In the
10th edition, Wolfgang Fikentscher and Andreas Heinemann together
provide for the first time the revision of the work. The new
edition took into consideration particularly the radical changes,
which were prompted by the law of obligations reform. The didactic
objective of the work still remains to offer a thematically
complete and systematic description of the entire law of
obligations to students. With this, the work also looks at
references to commercial and economic law, which are added by
comparative law points of view. With the 10th edition, the standard
work on the law of obligations is again updated. It considers
legislation, administration of justice and literature up to Spring
The war in Ukraine has been fought with, among others, irregular
armed groups since 2014--volunteers, paramilitaries, and
mercenaries. Based on interviews in the Russian-controlled Donbas
and with Ukrainian combatants, the contributions to this volume
disclose various micro-dynamics of the mobilization, group
formation, and fighting. Who were these fighters and who organized
them? Russia has been increasingly employing mercenaries as a way
to conduct undeclared, but ruthless wars beyond her borders.
Ukraine's formation of irregular armed groups in 2014 was a
response to the army's initially glaring inability to counter
Russia's military intervention. Most of the irregular battalions
acted from the beginning under governmental orders. They have never
operated autonomously, but compensated for operational weaknesses
of regular armed groups. The initially high power of irregular
battalions derived from state support, the capabilities of
commanders, social networks, and the faculties of the fighters.
In the debate on the enforcement of competition law, many take the
view that Europe should avoid the traps US law has fallen into by
admitting excessive litigation. European law should not pave the
way for judicial proceedings which ultimately serve the interests
of lawyers or other agents rather than injured parties. This
inquiry describes the state of remedies in competition law in
fifteen European countries, analyses the underlying determinants,
and proposes ways of improving the enforcement of competition law.
The International and European legal frameworks are presented, as
is the approach of US-American law. It is argued that efforts to
strengthen private enforcement of antitrust law should benefit from
the rich European experience in unfair competition law. The
divergence between the two fields of law is not so huge that a
completely different treatment is justified. Thus, a specifically
European way of competition law enforcement could be developed.
In the debate on the enforcement of competition law, many take the
view that Europe should avoid the traps US law has fallen into by
admitting excessive litigation. European law should not pave the
way for judicial proceedings which ultimately serve the interests
of lawyers or other agents rather than injured parties. This
inquiry describes the state of remedies in competition law in
fifteen European countries, analyses the underlying determinants,
and proposes ways of improving the enforcement of competition law.
The International and European legal frameworks are presented, as
is the approach of US-American law. It is argued that efforts to
strengthen private enforcement of antitrust law should benefit from
the rich European experience in unfair competition law. The
divergence between the two fields of law is not so huge that a
completely different treatment is justified. Thus, a specifically
European way of competition law enforcement could be developed.
This volume of exercises trains students in resolving civil rights
cases. The methodology of processing civil rights cases is
initially explained in abstract; then the application of specific
cases follows. Great importance is placed on practical orientation,
namely on appropriately analyzing the facts, delineating personal
relationships, construction of the basis for claim, placing
emphasis as well as phrasing in the style of an expert. The example
cases lead through widely varying different areas of the BGB
[German Civil Code], whereby the choice of case is set according to
exam relevance.
With the increasing integration of wireless short-range
communication technologies in mobile devices, novel applications
for spontaneous communication, interaction and collaboration are
possible. In this book, we distinguish between active and passive
collaboration. The devices help users become aware of each other
and stimulate face-to-face conversation (active collaboration).
Also, autonomous device communication for sharing information
without user interaction is possible, i.e., devices pass
information to other devices in their vicinity (passive
collaboration). Spontaneous communication of mobile devices leads
to so-called opportunistic networks, a new and promising evolution
in mobile ad-hoc networking. They are formed by mobile devices
which communicate with each other while users are in close
proximity. This book investigates opportunistic networks in their
entirety. The proposed concepts comprise system components, a node
architecture, a system model and a simple one-hop communication
paradigm for opportunistic network applications. One focus of this
book is a profile-based data dissemination mechanism. Readers of
this book would include graduate students and postgraduate
researchers in both academia and industry, who wish to gain a
deeper knowledge of opportunistic networks, its underlying idea and
its potential capabilities.
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich BWL - Personal und
Organisation, Note: 1,3, Universitat Potsdam (Lehrstuhl
Organisation/Personal), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Unternehmen
agieren heute auf dynamischen Markten, die durch stetigen
Fortschritt und strukturelle Veranderungen gekennzeichnet sind.
Dabei werden Arbeitsgefuge flexibilisiert und die
Beschaftigungssicherheit nimmt ab. (Vgl. Wittwer (o.A.), S.10)
Uberdies werden die Aufgaben der Mitarbeiter komplexer und der
Anpassungsdruck an neue Anforderungen wachst. Jugendliche, die
heute ihre Ausbildung beginnen, werden dies im Laufe ihrer
Berufsbiografie vermehrt erleben. (Vgl. Koch (2005), S. 91) Die
Personalentwicklung steht damit vor komplexen Herausforderungen.
Ihre Qualifizierungen sollen sowohl der Wettbewerbsfahigkeit des
Unternehmens dienen, als auch die Mitarbeiter mit Qualifikationen
versorgen, die ausserhalb des Unternehmens ebenfalls attraktiv
sind. (Vgl. Becker(2004), Sp. 1505) Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt
sich die Frage, an welchen Massstaben sich die Definition von
Bildungszielen orientieren kann. Solche Richtmasse soll gegenwartig
das Berufskonzept vorgeben, das in erster Linie die Bundelung von
Qualifikationen umfasst. Diesem Prinzip folgt auch die berufliche
Erstausbildung und vermittelt vorrangig fachliches Wissen, das
jedoch in der gegenwartigen Arbeitswelt schnell veraltet oder durch
andere Fahigkeiten erganzt werden muss. (Vgl. Kraus (2006), S. 265)
Dieser fachliche Fokus bedarf daher einer Erganzung. Der
starkenbasierte Ansatz, bei dem die Potenziale des Individuums zum
Orientierungspunkt werden, konnte diese zusatzliche Komponente
darstellen. Eine solche Ausrichtung der Personalentwicklung bietet
dem Arbeitnehmer die Chance, seinen Werdegang basierend auf
naturlichen Talenten und Starken zu gestalten. In Kombination mit
Fachwissen ware die Grundlage geschaffen, um im aktuellen
Arbeitsumfeld zu bestehen. Unternehmen stehen mithilfe der
Starkenbasierung Mitarbeiter zur Verfugung,