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This textbook addresses the conceptual and practical aspects of the various phases of the lifecycle of service systems, ranging from service ideation, design, implementation, analysis, improvement and trading associated with service systems engineering. Written by leading experts in the field, this indispensable textbook will enable a new wave of future professionals to think in a service-focused way with the right balance of competencies in computer science, engineering, and management. Fundamentals of Service Systems is a centerpiece for a course syllabus on service systems. Each chapter includes a summary, a list of learning objectives, an opening case, and a review section with questions, a project description, a list of key terms, and a list of further reading bibliography. All these elements enable students to learn at a faster and more comfortable peace. For researchers, teachers, and students who want to learn about this new emerging science, Fundamentals of Service Systems provides an overview of the core disciplines underlying the study of service systems. It is aimed at students of information systems, information technology, and business and economics. It also targets business and IT practitioners, especially those who are looking for better ways of innovating, designing, modeling, analyzing, and optimizing service systems.
Driven by maturing Web service technologies and the wide acceptance of the service-oriented architecture paradigm, the software industry s traditional business models and strategies have begun to change: software vendors are turning into service providers. In addition, in the Web service market, a multitude of small and highly specialized providers offer modular services of almost any kind and economic value is created through the interplay of various distributed service providers that jointly contribute to form individualized and integrated solutions. This trend can be optimally catalyzed by universally accessible service orchestration platforms service value networks (SVNs) which are the underlying organizational form of the coordination mechanisms presented in this book. Here, the authors focus on providing comprehensive business-oriented insights into today s trends and challenges that stem from the transition to a service-led economy. They investigate current and future Web service business models and provide a framework for Web service value networks. Pricing mechanism basics are introduced and applied to the specific area of SVNs. Strategies for platform providers are analyzed from the viewpoint of a single provider, and so are pricing mechanisms in service value networks which are optimal from a network perspective. The extended concept of pricing Web service derivatives is also illustrated. The presentation concludes with a vision of how Web service markets in the future could be structured and what further developments can be expected to happen. This book will be of interest to researchers in business development and practitioners such as managers of SMEs in the service sector, as well as computer scientists familiar with Web technologies. The book s comprehensive content provides readers with a thorough understanding of the organizational, economic and technical implications of dealing with Web services as the nucleus of modern business models, which can be applied to Web services in general and Web service value networks specifically.."
This textbook addresses the conceptual and practical aspects of the various phases of the lifecycle of service systems, ranging from service ideation, design, implementation, analysis, improvement and trading associated with service systems engineering. Written by leading experts in the field, this indispensable textbook will enable a new wave of future professionals to think in a service-focused way with the right balance of competencies in computer science, engineering, and management. Fundamentals of Service Systems is a centerpiece for a course syllabus on service systems. Each chapter includes a summary, a list of learning objectives, an opening case, and a review section with questions, a project description, a list of key terms, and a list of further reading bibliography. All these elements enable students to learn at a faster and more comfortable peace. For researchers, teachers, and students who want to learn about this new emerging science, Fundamentals of Service Systems provides an overview of the core disciplines underlying the study of service systems. It is aimed at students of information systems, information technology, and business and economics. It also targets business and IT practitioners, especially those who are looking for better ways of innovating, designing, modeling, analyzing, and optimizing service systems.
This handbook contains surveys of state-of-the-art concepts, systems, applications, best practices as well as contemporary research in the intersection between IT and finance. Included are recent trends and challenges, IT systems and architectures in finance, essential developments and case studies on management information systems, and service oriented architecture modeling. The book shows a broad range of applications, e.g. in banking, insurance, trading and in non-financial companies. Essentially, all aspects of IT in finance are covered.
Driven by maturing Web service technologies and the wide acceptance of the service-oriented architecture paradigm, the software industry s traditional business models and strategies have begun to change: software vendors are turning into service providers. In addition, in the Web service market, a multitude of small and highly specialized providers offer modular services of almost any kind and economic value is created through the interplay of various distributed service providers that jointly contribute to form individualized and integrated solutions. This trend can be optimally catalyzed by universally accessible service orchestration platforms service value networks (SVNs) which are the underlying organizational form of the coordination mechanisms presented in this book. Here, the authors focus on providing comprehensive business-oriented insights into today s trends and challenges that stem from the transition to a service-led economy. They investigate current and future Web service business models and provide a framework for Web service value networks. Pricing mechanism basics are introduced and applied to the specific area of SVNs. Strategies for platform providers are analyzed from the viewpoint of a single provider, and so are pricing mechanisms in service value networks which are optimal from a network perspective. The extended concept of pricing Web service derivatives is also illustrated. The presentation concludes with a vision of how Web service markets in the future could be structured and what further developments can be expected to happen. This book will be of interest to researchers in business development and practitioners such as managers of SMEs in the service sector, as well as computer scientists familiar with Web technologies. The book s comprehensive content provides readers with a thorough understanding of the organizational, economic and technical implications of dealing with Web services as the nucleus of modern business models, which can be applied to Web services in general and Web service value networks specifically.."
Accurate predictions are essential in many areas such as corporate decision making, weather forecasting and technology forecasting. Prediction markets help to aggregate information and gain a better understanding of the future by leveraging the wisdom of the crowds. Trading prices in prediction markets thus reflect the traders' aggregated expectations on the outcome of uncertain future events and can be used to predict the likelihood of these events. This book demonstrates that markets are accurate predictors. Results from several empirical studies reported in this work show the importance of designing such markets properly in order to derive valuable predictions. Therefore, the findings are valuable for designing future prediction markets.
The 7th Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2008) was held on December 13, 2008, in Paris. As a pre-ICIS workshop, it provided an open forum for e-business - searchersandpractitionerstoshareresearch?ndings,explorenovelideas,discuss success stories and lessons learned, and map out major challenges with regard to the design of e-business systems. The workshop theme was "Designing e-Business Systems: Markets, Services and Networks." With WeB 2008 having been located in Europe, we wanted to highlight the increasing importance of the design science approach for infor- tionsystemsresearch,which hasa longtraditionin theEuropeanIS community. We received a large number of submissions that addressed key issues speci?c to the workshop theme as well as e-business in general. Based on a rigorous review process, a total of 31 full papers and 30 research-in-progresspapers were accepted for presentation at the workshop, covering a broad range of technical, empirical, managerial,and economic aspects of e-business. Of the 31 full papers, 17 selected papers are contained in this volume of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. We hope that you will ?nd them an interesting read and that you will bene? t from the authors' ?ne contributions.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry, FinanceCom2008, held in Paris, France, on December 13, 2008. The workshop spans multiple disciplines, including technical, economic, sociological and behavioral sciences. The guiding theme of this workshop was concerned with innovations in the financial services industry, driven by either new business models or changed regulations. The nine presented papers and the keynote speech were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The topics covered are financial markets and customers, service-oriented architectures, and regulation and compliance.
This Handbook contains surveys of state-of-the-art concepts, systems, applications, best practices as well as contemporary research in the intersection between IT and finance. Included are recent trends and challenges, IT systems and architectures in finance, essential developments and case studies on management information systems, service oriented architecture modelling, IT architectures for securities trading, IT-systems in banking, process-oriented systems in corporate treasuries, grid computing and networking. The IT applications in banking, trading and insurance cover risk management and controlling, financial portals, electronic payment and others. In addition, also finance-related IT applications in non-financial companies are considered. The concept-oriented part of the book focuses on IT methods in finance like financial models and modelling financial data, planning and processes, security, algorithms and complexity.
Therapiddevelopmentandadoptionoftechnology-basedinformation,commu- cationandproductdeliverysystemshavefacilitatedglobalizationofthe?nancial services industry and removed the barriers between its vertical segments. New business and market models require the adaptation of existing IT infrastr- tures as well as the development of innovative solutions for both experimental and operational systems. In this context, several aspects are creating a highly innovative and at the same time competitive setup in the ?nancial industry. In the workshop series on enterprise applications and services in the ?nance industry (FinanceCom), we try to capture this development. Here, service-oriented computing concepts and architecturesplayamajorrole.Whenapplyingthesenovelconceptsintheba- ing and?nancesector,thebusiness valueofsucharchitectureshasto beassessed quantitatively. Also, the heterogeneous and evolving service-oriented modeling methodologies have to be evaluated. Pulling these novel modeling methodo- gies up to a larger picture, the technology-driventransformation of the ?nancial industry is emphasized, where a highly fragmented and heterogeneous situation is currently developing towards banking value networks. In this ?eld, ?nancial business standardization and the introduction of st- dardized service modules play a core role. Applying standardized services c- tainly allows one to utilize economies of scale in a better way and hence fosters outsourcing and o?shoring tendencies in the sector of banking information s- tems. While addressing this aspect, of course novel technologies that are being developedin other ?elds also entering the banking and ?nance domain.Web s- vicesandgridcomputing aretwo importantexamples.However,thesestandards can only be utilized when being applied homogeneously in ?nancial systems. As an example, international standards such as the "markets and ?nancial inst- ments directive (MiFID)" of the European Union are of key interest.
This book contains a selection of papers presented at the International Seminar "Negotiation and Market Engineering," held at Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, in November 2006. The 17 revised full papers presented in this volume were carefully selected and reviewed after the seminar. The papers deal with the complexity of negotiations, auctions, and markets as economic, social, and IT systems. The authors give a broad overview on the major issues to be addressed and the methodologies used to approach them, covering highly interdisciplinary research from computer science, economics, business administration, and mathematics.
Das Verstandnis des einstigen Modewortes "E-Commerce" hat sich verschoben. Nicht langer stehen vage Prognosen im Mittelpunkt. Der vorliegende Band unterzieht die Potenziale des Technologieeinsatzes und ihrer nachhaltigen oekonomischen Verwertung einer realistischen Analyse. Namhafte Wissenschaftler und Praktiker geben einen UEberblick uber die aktuelle Forschung sowie Anwendungen in den Bereichen Netze, Markte, Dienste und Technologien. Dabei werden die Moeglichkeiten der Umsetzung innovativer wissenschaftlicher Ansatze in die Praxis, aber auch des Transfers praxisrelevanter Problemstellungen in die Forschungslabors sowohl aus oekonomischer als auch aus informationstechnischer Sicht beleuchtet.
Das Verstandnis des einstigen Modewortes E-Commerce hat sich verschoben. Nicht langer stehen vage Prognosen im Mittelpunkt. Der vorliegende Band unterzieht die Potenziale des Technologieeinsatzes und ihrer nachhaltigen oekonomischen Verwertung einer realistischen Analyse. Namhafte Wissenschaftler und Praktiker geben einen UEberblick uber die aktuelle Forschung sowie Anwendungen in den Bereichen Netze, Markte, Dienste und Technologien. Dabei werden die Moeglichkeiten der Umsetzung innovativer wissenschaftlicher Ansatze in die Praxis, aber auch des Transfers praxisrelevanter Problemstellungen in die Forschungslabors sowohl aus oekonomischer als auch aus informationstechnischer Sicht beleuchtet.
Jorg Sandrock gibt einen Uberblick uber den aktuellen Stand der
Diskussion zu E-Learning-Geschaftsmodellen und prasentiert ein
Planungsframework zur Konzeption, Analyse und Bewertung von
Geschaftsmodellen, das auf den Erkenntnissen des strategischen
Managements und der Internetokonomie basiert. Er erarbeitet und
validiert ein System-Dynamics-Modell, mit dem konkrete
Fragestellungen zur Marktentwicklung und zur Unternehmensgestaltung
eines E-Learning-Content-Anbieters analysiert werden konnen, und
zeigt Implikationen fur die Praxis auf.
Der Autor analysiert die aktuelle Rolle, der Informations- und
Kommunikationstechnologie (IuK) im Bereich der
Finanzdienstleistungen und zeigt auf, wie neue Methoden und
Konzepte der Informationsverarbeitung genutzt und auch
weiterentwickelt werden konnen, um ganzheitliche Losungsansatze -
insbesondere fur die informationstechnische Unterstutzung der
Finanzberatung - gestalten zu konnen.
Die Finanzberatung gehOrt zu den Anwendungsbereichen, in denen die Verarbeitung von Information die zentrale Rolle spielt. Deshalb besitzen gerade Finanzdienstleister eine Schrittrnacherfunktion bei der Unterstiitzung betrieblicher Prozesse durch Infonna- tionstechnologie. Wiihrend fUr den Einsatz konventioneller Technologien vor allem Ra- tionaIisierungsaspekte im Back Office-Bereich, also bei internen Leistungsprozessen, im Vordergrund standen, wird heute allgemein erwartet, daB wettbewerbsorientierte Kun- denanalyse-und -beratungsprozesse durch den Einsatz von Methoden der Kiinstlichen Intelligenz (KI) besser als bisher auf Kundenbedurfnisse und Unternehmensziele ausge- richtet werden konnen. Die erhofften Vorteile werden dabei vor allem im strategischen Bereich erwartet, sie umfassen die Wissensmultiplikation und -verfugbarkeit ebenso wie die Verbesserung der Konsistenz der Bearbeitung, indem zum Beispiel die Steuerung von Gesprachs-und Infonnationsflussen intelligent unterstutzt und damit menschliche Schwachen wie die Tagesfonn des Beraters zu einem gewissen Teil ausgeschaltet wer- denkonnen. Empirische Untersuchungen zeigen jedoch, daB die Finanzberatung bei Entwicklung und Einsatz von KI-Anwendungen Hingst nicht so innovativ ist wie bei der Einfiihrung konventioneller DV-LOsungen. So liegt der Bankensektor nach Untersuchungen von Mertens et. al. weltweit mit ca. 8% der Prototypen wissensbasierter Systeme im Ver- gleich zur Industrie (ca. 80%) weit zurilck. Einer der wichtigsten Griinde fOr dieses De- fIzit diirfte darin bestehen, daB die Methodendiskussion bisher weder auf Seite der KI noch auf Seite der Finanzberatung einen nennenswerten Raum einnimmt. Diese ist je- doch erforderlich, urn KI-Methoden ganz gezielt fUr bestimmte Anwendungen auswiihlen zu konnen, urn die Entwicklung domiinenspezijischer Shells zu initiieren bzw.
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