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Betsy Butterfly (Hardcover)
Susan E Heins; Illustrated by Chelsea Rose Johnson
Discovery Miles 3 950
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Over the last thirty years or so the developments in the area of
monetary and macroeconomic policies have been quite substantial.
Within the new consensus macroeconomics (NCM), monetary policy is
upgraded while fiscal policy is downgraded. This new monetary
policy has been the main instrument of policy under the guise of
inflation targeting, an approach pursued by a number of central
banks worldwide. There are a number of problems relating to this
new monetary and macroeconomic policy approach which are raised in
this book.
This book examines real and monetary analysis in economic paradigms
and looks at real analysis in a range of economic theories. The
book also examines interest rate, distribution and capital
accumulation through post-Keynesian models, including the
Kaldor-Robinson and Kaleckian models, and distribution conflict,
inflation and monetary policy in a credit economy.
This volume challenges the view that unemployment is exclusively
determined by structural characteristics of the labour market and
the social benefit system. Macroeconomic policies and investment in
capital stock are included in the analysis and are shown to have a
major role to play. Wage setting in the labour market has no direct
impact on employment but nominal wages set in this market affect
the price level. Following mainstream recommendations with respect
to labour market reforms in an environment of low growth and
serious effective demand problems, may contribute to deflationary
risks. Unemployment and 'structural reforms' also cause falling
labour income shares and more unequal personal income distribution.
These developments contribute to slow growth and rising
unemployment. This is shown in applying growth models, which rely
on the principle of effective demand and which also incorporate the
effects of distribution struggle.
The stock market--the virtual "place" where corporations raise
capital--has come to symbolize business more profoundly than any
other entity or institution. This book provides a glimpse into the
history, development, regulation, and increasing importance that
the stock market plays in business and economic growth, as well as
the investment strategies of individuals--in the U.S. and around
the world, including Europe, Japan, Hong Kong, and "emerging
markets" in the developing world that are rapidly integrating into
the global economy. To explore the roles and workings of the stock
market, the authors trace its evolution from its origins on Wall
Street in the 1700s to the present, and examine the varied ways in
which it is used to generate economic value. From initial public
offerings (IPOs) to hedge funds to American Depository Receipts
(ADRs) to options and more, the authors go beyond basic stocks and
bonds to highlight the development and current applications of a
wide variety of financial instruments that are used to raise
capital. Featuring examples, graphics, illustrations, glossary,
index, and references and on-line resources, this volume offers an
accessible and engaging introduction to the world of investment and
corporate finance, while illuminating one of the icons of
Considering the great influence textbooks have as interpreters of
history, politics and culture to future generations of citizens, it
is no surprise that they generate considerable controversy.
Focusing largely on textbook treatment of lingering - and sometimes
explosive - tensions originating in World War II, "Censoring
History" addresses issues of textbook nationalism in historical and
comparative perspective. Discussions include Japan's Comfort Women
and the Nanjing Massacre; Nazi genocide against the Jews, Gypsies,
Catholics and others; Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the Indochina
wars. The essays address controversies over textbook content around
the globe: How and why do specific representations of war evolve?
What are the international and national forces affecting how
textbook writers, publishers and state censors depict the past? How
do these forces differ from country to country? Other comparative
essays analyze nationalist and war controversies in German, US and
Chinese textbook debates.
Considering the great influence textbooks have as interpreters of
history, politics and culture to future generations of citizens, it
is no surprise that they generate considerable controversy.
Focusing largely on textbook treatment of lingering - and sometimes
explosive - tensions originating in World War II, "Censoring
History" addresses issues of textbook nationalism in historical and
comparative perspective. Discussions include Japan's Comfort Women
and the Nanjing Massacre; Nazi genocide against the Jews, Gypsies,
Catholics and others; Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the Indochina
wars. The essays address controversies over textbook content around
the globe: How and why do specific representations of war evolve?
What are the international and national forces affecting how
textbook writers, publishers and state censors depict the past? How
do these forces differ from country to country? Other comparative
essays analyze nationalist and war controversies in German, US and
Chinese textbook debates.
The development and use of the atomic bombs at Hiroshima and
Nagasaki number among the formative national experiences for both
Japanese and Americans, as well as for U.S.-Japan relations
throughout the last half of the twentieth century. It is now clear,
however, that memories and lessons learned from the bombings are
still being reworked and contested, perhaps even more heatedly than
they were in 1945. Tracking the development of that fifty-year
trajectory, this volume explores the ways in which the bomb has
shaped the self-image of both peoples: for Americans, the dominant
story is that the bombs provided an appropriate and necessary
conclusion to a just war; for Japanese, it is a symbol of their
victimization. The distinguished contributors analyze the ways in
which memories of the bombs, constantly reworked in the media, in
the arts, and in the political arena, continue to define important,
albeit often unacknowledged, undercurrents in the U.S.-Japan
Preeminent museum education theorist George E. Hein explores the
work, philosophy, and impact of educational reformer John Dewey and
his importance for museums. Hein traces current practice in museum
education to Dewey's early 20th-century ideas about education,
democracy, and progress toward improving society, and in so doing
provides a rare history of museum education as a profession. Giving
special attention to the progressive individuals and institutions
who followed Dewey in developing the foundations for the
experiential learning that is considered best practice today, Hein
demonstrates a parallel between contemporary theories about
education and socio-political progress and, specifically, the
significance of museums for sustaining and advancing a democratic
Preeminent museum education theorist George E. Hein explores the
work, philosophy, and impact of educational reformer John Dewey and
his importance for museums. Hein traces current practice in museum
education to Dewey's early 20th-century ideas about education,
democracy, and progress toward improving society, and in so doing
provides a rare history of museum education as a profession. Giving
special attention to the progressive individuals and institutions
who followed Dewey in developing the foundations for the
experiential learning that is considered best practice today, Hein
demonstrates a parallel between contemporary theories about
education and socio-political progress and, specifically, the
significance of museums for sustaining and advancing a democratic
Over the last twenty years, museum professionals have become increasingly aware of the educational role of museums and have begun to re-evaluate the relationship between museums and their visitors. Museum visits tend to be brief, infrequent events requiring less time and effort than most educational activities. Can adults and children alike learn anything from such fleeting exposure, let alone find the experience profound and meaningful? Learning in the Museum confronts these issues and shows how research in visitor studies and the philosophy of education can be applied to facilitate a meaningful educational experience in museums. Learning in the Museum begins with a brief history of education in public museums, and a rigorous examination of how the educational theories of Dewey, Piaget, Vygotsky and subsequent theorists relate to learning in the museum. A survey of the wide range of research methods employed in visitor studies is illustrated with examples taken from museums around the world. George E. Hein concludes that visitors can best learn when knowledge is actively constructed in their own minds, in exhibitions which are physically, socially, and intellectually accessible to every single visitor. He shows how museums can adapt to create this kind of environment, to provide what he calls the 'Constructivist Museum'. As well as providing a meaningful theoretical basis to museum education, this volume serves as a practical guide for all museum professionals on how to adapt their museums to maximise the educational experience of every visitor.
The material of this volume was originally planned to be
incorporated in the preceding monograph Mechanics and Energetics of
Biological Transport. A separate and coherent treatment ofthe
variety of bioelectrical phenomena was considered preferable,
mainly for didactic reasons. Usually, the biologist has to gather
the principles of bioelectricity he needs from different sources
and on different levels. The present book intends to provide these
principles in a more uniform context and in a form adjusted to the
problems of a biol ogist, rather than of a physicist or electrical
engineer. The main emphasis is put on the molecular aspect by
relating the bioelectrical phenomena, such as the membrane
diffusion potentials, pump potentials, or redox potentials, to the
properties of the membrane concerned, and, as far as pOSSible, to
specific steps of transport and metabolism of ions and
nonelectrolytes. Little space is devoted to the familiar and widely
used representation of bioelectrical phe nomena in terms of
electrical networks, of equivalent circuits with batteries,
resistances, capacities etc. In order to elucidate the basic
principles, the formal treatment is kept as simple as pOSSible,
using highly Simplified models, based on biological systems. The
corresponding equations are derived in two ways: kinetically, i. e.
in terms of the Law of Mass Action, as well as energetically, i.
e., in terms of Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics."
Within the New Consensus Macroeconomics, monetary policy is
upgraded while fiscal policy is downgraded. This new monetary
policy has been the main instrument of policy under the guise of
inflation targeting, an approach pursued by a number of central
banks worldwide. This book raises problems relating to this new
monetary and macroeconomic policy.
The development and use of the atomic bombs at Hiroshima and
Nagasaki number among the formative national experiences for both
Japanese and Americans, as well as for U.S.-Japan relations
throughout the last half of the twentieth century. It is now clear,
however, that memories and lessons learned from the bombings are
still being reworked and contested, perhaps even more heatedly than
they were in 1945. Tracking the development of that fifty-year
trajectory, this volume explores the ways in which the bomb has
shaped the self-image of both peoples: for Americans, the dominant
story is that the bombs provided an appropriate and necessary
conclusion to a just war; for Japanese, it is a symbol of their
victimization. The distinguished contributors analyze the ways in
which memories of the bombs, constantly reworked in the media, in
the arts, and in the political arena, continue to define important,
albeit often unacknowledged, undercurrents in the U.S.-Japan
This book deals with energetics of transport processes, largely
expressed in terms of the thermodynamics of irreversible pro
cesses. Since at the present time too little is known about the
molecular mechanism of transport, the present treatment is based
largely on hypothetical models. Care has been taken, however, to
define the crucial features of these models as generally as pos
sible, so that the equations do not depend too much on hypotheti
cal details. Accordingly, most equations, though developed on the
basis of a mobile carrier (ferryboat) model, should apply equally
to a conformational model, with an appropriate reinterpretation of
the symbols. To better elucidate the essentials, the models are
greatly simplified by special assumptions. Maximally, only two
flows are assumed to be present in each model at one time: e. g.,
two solute flows, the flow of solvent and of one solute, the flow
of solvent and of heat. The simplifying assumptions may often be
unreal. Hence the equations should not be applied un critically to
actual mechanisms. They may at best serve as a ba sis on which the
more appropriate equations may be developed. The book is not
designed to give a complete kinetic analysis of the transport
processes described. The kinetic equations are kept to the minimum
required to describe the model concerned and to relate it to the
corresponding thermodynamic equations. The in tention is to stress
the close relationship between bioosmotic (transport) and
biochemical processes in metabolism."
Veroffentlichung aus der Geomedizinischen Forschungsstelle der
Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften"
Das Fundament, auf dem das Gebaude der hoheren Analysis ruht, ist
die Lehre von den reellen Zahlen. Unausweichlich hat jede strenge
Behandlung der Grundlagen der Differential- und Integralrechnung
und der anschlieBenden Gebiete, ja selbst schon die strenge Behand-
lung etwa der Wurzel-oder Logarithmenrechnung hier ihren Ausgangs-
punkt zu nehmen. Sie erst schafft das Material. in dem dann
Arithmetik und Analysis fast ausschlieBlich arbeiten, mit dem sie
bauen konnen. Nicht von jeher war das Geftihl flir diese
Notwendigkeit vorhanden. Die groBen Schopfer der
Infinitesimalrechnung - LEIBNIZ und NEWfONl - und die nicht weniger
groBen Ausgestalter derselben, 2 unter denen vor aHem EULER zu
nennen ist, waren zu berauscht von dem gewaltigen Erkenntnisstrom,
der aus den neu erschlossenen Quellen floB, als daB sie sich zu
einer Kritik der Grundlagen veranlaBt fiihlten. Der Erfolg der
neuen Methode war ihnen eine hinreichende Gewlihr fUr die
Tragfestigkeit ihres Fundamentes. Erst als jener Strom abzuebben
begann, wagte sich die kritische Analyse an die Grund- begriffe:
etwa urn die Wende des 18. Jahrhunderts, vor aHem unter 3 dem
machtigen EinfluB von GAUSS wurden solche Bestrebungen starker und
sHirker. Aber es wahrte noch fast ein Jahrhundert, ehe hier die
wesentlichsten Dinge als vollig geklart angesehen werden durften.
Vorwort zur dritten Auflage Auch in der dritten Auflage haben die
von HURWITZ herriihrenden beiden erst en Abschnitte keine
Anderungen erfahren, abgesehen von Verbesserungen und Erganzungen
in Einzelheiten. Der dritte Abschnitt jedoch ist wiederum in vielen
Punkten erweitert und umgestaltet worden. Es solI dadurch erreicht
werden, daB er eine wirklich vollstandig un- abhangig von den
vorangehenden Abschnitten lesbare Darstellung der Funktionentheorie
vom geometrischen Standpunkt aus gibt und auch den Zugang zu den
neueren Spezialforschungen offnet. Eine kleine Ver- mehrung des
Umfanges war dabei nicht zu vermeiden. Gottingen, im Oktober 1929.
R. COURANT. Vorwort zur vierten Auflage Seit dem Erscheinen der
dritten Auflage ist die Theorie der Funk- tionen einer komplexen
Veranderlichen in mancher Hinsicht weiter ent- wickelt worden,
vielfach in der Richtung auf groBere Allgemeinheit und Abstraktion
in der Form sowie in der Substanz. Als der Wunsch nach einer neuen
Auflage von vielen Seiten ausgedriickt wurde, schien es un-
tunlich, einen veranderten Neudruck vorzulegen; das Problem
entstand, wie den neueren Entwicklungen Rechnung getragen werden
konnte, ohne den spezifischen Charakter des Werkes zu
Betsy Butterfly (Paperback)
Susan E Heins; Illustrated by Chelsea Rose Johnson
Discovery Miles 2 190
Save R25 (10%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Additional Contributing Authors Include P. R. Garabedian, W.
Bleakney, N. W. McLachlan And Others.
Finally, a book that offers simple techniques for using your
God-given gifts. Learn how to take command of Life's challenges and
achieve happiness and prosperity.
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Discovery Miles 1 680