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Based on workshops co-organized by Japan's St. Andrew University and Taiwan's National Chengchi University, this book provides readers with the toolbox for navigating the regional dynamics of political economy in Southeast Asia, with special focus on exploring the key factors determining the shifting dynamics. Organized in three parts, namely, geopolitical and security factors, alternative fields for regional cooperation, and the regional considerations of Southeast Asia, the chapters in the book feature key factors determining the political economy of the region. Written by authors hailing from varied backgrounds, this book is also a joint research effort on policy discussion and timely assessment of COVID-19 recovery plans in Southeast Asia.
As education continues to integrate technological advancements into learning and instruction, a resource dedicated to the latest findings and implications becomes necessary. The Handbook of Research on Practices and Outcomes in E-Learning: Issues and Trends provides academicians, researchers, and practitioners with a comprehensive view of the historical, conceptual, theoretical, and practical perspectives of conventional e-learning and innovative e-learning 2.0. Presenting cutting-edge research, case studies, best practices, and pedagogical approaches and strategies, this defining reference source incorporates the latest and most discussed Web 2.0 technologies in educational learning and practice.
This book provides its reader with a good understanding of the stabilization of switched nonlinear systems (SNS), systems that are of practical use in diverse situations: design of fault-tolerant systems in space- and aircraft; traffic control; and heat propagation control of semiconductor power chips. The practical background is emphasized throughout the book; interesting practical examples frequently illustrate the theoretical results with aircraft and spacecraft given particular prominence. Stabilization of Switched Nonlinear Systems with Unstable Modes treats several different subclasses of SNS according to the characteristics of the individual system (time-varying and distributed parameters, for example), the state composition of individual modes and the degree and distribution of instability in its various modes. Achievement and maintenance of stability across the system as a whole is bolstered by trading off between individual modes which may be either stable or unstable or by exploiting areas of partial stability within all the unstable modes. The book can be used as a reference for academic research on switched systems or used by graduate students of control theory and engineering. Readers should have studied linear and nonlinear system theory and have some knowledge of switched and hybrid systems to get the most from this monograph.
Technology-enriched online settings provide new ways to support lifelong learning. Learners can interact with other learners, gain from their experiences, and then construct their own knowledge, be it through Google Docs, online collaborative communities, YouTube, wikis, or blogs. Cases on Online Learning Communities and Beyond: Investigations and Applications provides a variety of essential case studies which explore the benefits and pedagogical successes of distance learning, blended learning, collaborative learning environments, computer-supported group-based learning, and professional learning communities. This casebook is an essential resource for educators, instructional designers, trainers, administrators, and researchers working in the areas of online learning and distance learning.
New technologies can help teachers and trainers empower learners and create exciting new learning opportunities for students. However, these facilitators must also create e-learning contexts which are properly scaffolded to serve the needs of learners. Cases on E-Learning Management: Development and Implementation meets this challenge by providing innovative case studies covering a range of topics such as teacher education, mobile and blended learning strategies, e-learning tutorial content, digital cognitive games, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, and distance education. This casebook will enhance the work of educators, instructional designers, trainers, administrators, and researchers in the areas of online learning and distance learning.
Today, the online sphere is no longer just an information repository or a place to search for resources. It has become instead a place supporting both intentional and non-intentional learning. Intentional, formal learning, often leads to certification, whereas informal learning is unstructured and takes place as part of daily work-related or leisure activities.Cases on Formal and Informal E-Learning Environments: Opportunities and Practices brings together cases outlining the practical aspect of formal, non-formal, and informal online learning. This book introduces conceptual aspects of these types of learning, knowledge-base, new learning paradigms, policy implications, evaluation and concerns, design, and development of online learning.
With the advent of Web 2.0, e-learning has the potential to become far more personal, social, and flexible. ""Collective Intelligence and E-Learning 2.0: Implications of Web-Based Communities and Networking"" provides a valuable reference to the latest advancements in the area of educational technology and e-learning. This innovative collection includes a selection of world-class chapters addressing current research, case studies, best practices, pedagogical approaches, and strategies related to e-learning resources and projects.
Presenting Regional insights (authors from Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand) on Cutting edge issues and development in Asian political development. Providing insightful typolocial analysis with case studies among Asian countries. Reflecting over western modality of democratic development with regional features. Appealing in Asian studies with topical focus on democratization.
This book provides its reader with a good understanding of the stabilization of switched nonlinear systems (SNS), systems that are of practical use in diverse situations: design of fault-tolerant systems in space- and aircraft; traffic control; and heat propagation control of semiconductor power chips. The practical background is emphasized throughout the book; interesting practical examples frequently illustrate the theoretical results with aircraft and spacecraft given particular prominence. Stabilization of Switched Nonlinear Systems with Unstable Modes treats several different subclasses of SNS according to the characteristics of the individual system (time-varying and distributed parameters, for example), the state composition of individual modes and the degree and distribution of instability in its various modes. Achievement and maintenance of stability across the system as a whole is bolstered by trading off between individual modes which may be either stable or unstable or by exploiting areas of partial stability within all the unstable modes. The book can be used as a reference for academic research on switched systems or used by graduate students of control theory and engineering. Readers should have studied linear and nonlinear system theory and have some knowledge of switched and hybrid systems to get the most from this monograph.
Hybridsystems(HS)aredynamicalsystemsthatinvolvetheinteractionofconti- ousanddiscretedynamics.ThestudyofHSismotivatedbythefundamentally- bridnatureofmanyreallifeapplications.Overthelastdecade, signi?cantprogress has taken place in modeling and simulation, veri?cation, stability and controller synthesisforHS. Faultsinautomatedprocessesoftencauseundesiredreactionsandshut-downof a controlledplant, andtheconsequencescouldbedamagetotechnicalpartsofthe plant or to its environment. Fault diagnosis (FD) and fault tolerant control (FTC) arehighlyrequiredforsafetypurpose, andaimatguaranteeingcertainsystemp- formances and/or properties to be maintained in spite of faults. In the past more than30years, fruitfultheoreticalresultsonFDandFTChavebeenreportedforv- iouslinearandnonlinearsystemswithmanysuccessfulengineeringapplicationsin practicalsystems. FD problem for HS has attracted some attentions. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, until now, the FTC issue for HS has not yet been intensively studied. FTC method for HS deserves further investigations due to its academic meaningaswellaspracticalone. 1. Motivationfromacademicresearch Itiswellknownthatthestabilityandsomespeci?cationsofHScanbeachieved underquite rigorousconditions.Most of existing results are devotedto off-line analysisanddesign, suchthattheHSworkswellaswhatitisexpected.However, faultsmayabruptlychangesystembehavior, FTCstrategiesmustbeapplied- line, notonlytokeepthestabilitybutalsotomaintainsomespeci?cationsofthe HSinpresenceoffaults.Thisresultsinagreattheoreticalchallenge, sincemany classicalFTCmethodsfornon-hybridsystemscannotbeeasilyextendedtoHS. FTCtheoryforHSneedstobedeveloped. VIII Preface 2. Motivationfrompracticalapplications Manypracticalsystemshavetobemodeledbyhybridmodels, e.g.chemicalp- cesses, switchedRLCcircuits, intelligenttransportationsystems, etc.Thesafety andreliabilityofthesesystemsareneeded, andFTCtechniquesforHSarehighly required. The HS considered in this book consists of a series of continuous modes and a switching logic. Switching from one mode to another is due to a switching law generated from the switching logic. Faulty behaviors of HS are investigated s- tematically.Two main kindsof faults are considered: Continuous faults that affect continuous modes; Discrete faults that affect the desired switching. In these two faultycases, theFTCdesignhastwomainobjectivesasfollows: 1) maintainthecontinuousperformancesincludingvariousstabilities (e.g.L- punovstability, asymptoticalstability andinput-to-statestability)oftheoriginand theoutputtracking/regulationbehaviorsalongthetrajectoriesofHS. 2) maintain the discrete speci?cations that have to be followed by HS, e.g. a desiredswitchi
This book intends to examine the relationship between East Asia and Southeast Asia across three themes: historical perspectives, economic flows of capital and people, and socio-cultural connections. While a substantial number of chapters in the book focus on overseas Chinese (living in Indonesia) and their connections with China and Taiwan historically and contemporarily, they also provide in-depth knowledge of international relationship between East Asia and Southeast Asia.Part One, 'Contending Regional Approaches', consists of four chapters that help readers understand the involvement of East Asia from a historical context. The first chapter on Taiwan before 1975 is followed by a chapter on Taiwan's strategy toward Southeast Asia after the 1980s. The remaining two chapters focus on China-Southeast Asia and Japan-Southeast Asia relations.Part Two, 'Economic Flows of Capital & People', consists of six chapters that mainly examine the flow of capital and people between Indonesia and Taiwan from the colonial period to the present and how this flow changed both societies.Part Three, 'Socio-Cultural Connections', consists of three chapters. This part is a unique contribution to the scholarship that focuses on the transformation of both traditional and popular culture among Southeast Asia, China, and Taiwan by focusing on different agents.
Atmospheric science is an umbrella term for the study of the atmosphere, its processes, the effects other systems have on the atmosphere, and the effects of the atmosphere on these other systems. Meteorology includes atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric physics with a major focus on weather forecasting. Climatology is the study of atmospheric changes (both long and short-term) that define average climates and their change over time, due to both natural climate variability and anthropogenic climate variability. Atmospheric science has been extended to the field of planetary science and the study of the atmospheres of the planets of the solar system. This book presents the latest research in the field from around the globe.
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