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Imre Lakatos’ philosophical and scientific papers are published here in two volumes. Volume I brings together his very influential but scattered papers on the philosophy of the physical sciences, and includes one important unpublished essay on the effect of Newton’s scientific achievement. Volume 2 presents his work on the philosophy of mathematics (much of it unpublished), together with some critical essays on contemporary philosophers of science and some famous polemical writings on political and educational issues.
Imre Lakatos's Proofs and Refutations is an enduring classic, which
has never lost its relevance. Taking the form of a dialogue between
a teacher and some students, the book considers various solutions
to mathematical problems and, in the process, raises important
questions about the nature of mathematical discovery and
methodology. Lakatos shows that mathematics grows through a process
of improvement by attempts at proofs and critiques of these
attempts, and his work continues to inspire mathematicians and
philosophers aspiring to develop a philosophy of mathematics that
accounts for both the static and the dynamic complexity of
mathematical practice. With a specially commissioned Preface
written by Paolo Mancosu, this book has been revived for a new
generation of readers.
Imre Lakatos's Proofs and Refutations is an enduring classic, which
has never lost its relevance. Taking the form of a dialogue between
a teacher and some students, the book considers various solutions
to mathematical problems and, in the process, raises important
questions about the nature of mathematical discovery and
methodology. Lakatos shows that mathematics grows through a process
of improvement by attempts at proofs and critiques of these
attempts, and his work continues to inspire mathematicians and
philosophers aspiring to develop a philosophy of mathematics that
accounts for both the static and the dynamic complexity of
mathematical practice. With a specially commissioned Preface
written by Paolo Mancosu, this book has been revived for a new
generation of readers.
Royal Society, betrachtet die Hexentheorie als das Musterbeispiel
empirischen Denkens. Wir mussen das empirische Denken definieren,
ehe wir mit Hume anfangen, Bucher zu verbren nen. Das
wissenschaftliche Denken konfrontiert die Theorien mit den
Tatsachen; und eine der Hauptbedingungen dabei ist, dass die
Theorien von den Tatsachen gestutzt sein mus sen. Wie ist das nun
des genaueren moglich? Darauf sind mehrere verschiedene Antworten
vorgeschlagen worden. Newton selbst glaubte, seine Gesetze
aufgrundder Tatsachen bewiesen zu haben. Er war stolz darauf, keine
blossen Hypothesen anzubieten; er veroffentlichte nur Theorien, die
aufgrundder Tatsa chen bewiesen waren. Und zwar behauptete er,
seine Gesetze aus den Keplerschen 'Erschei nungen' abgeleitet zu
haben. Doch das war Unsinn, denn nach Kepler bewegten sich die
Plane ten in Ellipsen, nach Newton aber ware das nur richtig, wenn
die Planeten nicht gegenseitig ihre Bewegung storen wurden, und
eben dies tun sie. Daher musste Newton eine Storungstheo rie
entwickeln, nach der sich kein Planet auf einer Ellipse bewegt.
Heute kann man leicht zeigen, dass sich kein Naturgesetz aus
endlich vielen Tatsa chen schlussig ableiten lasst; doch man liest
immer noch, wissenschaftliche Theorien wurden aufgrundder Tatsachen
bewiesen. Woher kommt diese hartnackige Sperre gegen die elemen
tare Logik? Das lasst sich sehr einleuchtend erklaren. Die
Wissenschaftler mochten ihren Theorien Achtung verschaffen, sie
sollen die Bezeichnung 'Wissenschaft' verdienen, also echte
Erkenntnis sein. Nun bezog sich im 17. Jahrhundert, als die
Wissenschaft entstand, die wichtigste Erkenntnis auf Gott und den
Teufel, auf Himmel und Holle."
The work that helped to determine Paul Feyerabend's fame and
notoriety, "Against Method, " stemmed from Imre Lakatos's
challenge: "In 1970 Imre cornered me at a party. 'Paul, ' he said,
'you have such strange ideas. Why don't you write them down? I
shall write a reply, we publish the whole thing and I promise
you--we shall have a lot of fun.' " Although Lakatos died before he
could write his reply, "For and Against Method" reconstructs his
original counter-arguments from lectures and correspondence
previously unpublished in English, allowing us to enjoy the "fun"
two of this century's most eminent philosophers had, matching their
wits and ideas on the subject of the scientific method.
"For and Against Method" opens with an imaginary dialogue between
Lakatos and Feyerabend, which Matteo Motterlini has constructed,
based on their published works, to synthesize their positions and
arguments. Part one presents the transcripts of the last lectures
on method that Lakatos delivered. Part two, Feyerabend's response,
consists of a previously published essay on anarchism, which began
the attack on Lakatos's position that Feyerabend later continued in
"Against Method." The third and longest section consists of the
correspondence Lakatos and Feyerabend exchanged on method and many
other issues and ideas, as well as the events of their daily lives,
between 1968 and Lakatos's death in 1974.
The delight Lakatos and Feyerabend took in philosophical debate,
and the relish with which they sparred, come to life again in "For
and Against Method, " making it essential and lively reading for
anyone interested in these two fascinating and controversial
thinkers and their immense contributions to philosophy of science.
"The writings in this volume are of considerable intellectual
importance, and will be of great interest to anyone concerned with
the development of the philosophical views of Lakatos and
Feyerabend, or indeed with the development of philosophy of science
in general during this crucial period."--Donald Gillies, "British
Journal for the Philosophy of Science" (on the Italian edition)
"A stimulating exchange of letters between two philosophical
entertainers."--Tariq Ali, "The Independent"
Imre Lakatos (1922-1974) was professor of logic at the London
School of Economics. He was the author of "Proofs and Refutations"
and the two-volume "Philosophical Papers." Paul Feyerabend
(1924-1994) was educated in Europe and held numerous teaching posts
throughout his career. Among his books are "Against Method";
"Science in a Free Society"; "Farewell to Reason"; and "Killing
Time: The Autobiography of Paul Feyerabend," the last published by
the University of Chicago Press.
Lakatos, who died in 1974, was one of the outstanding younger philosophers of science. Volume 1 of this anthology offers papers on the physical sciences, including a previously unpublished essay on Newton. Volume 2 brings together work, much unpublished, on mathematics, together with critical essays on contemporary philosophy and some famous polemical writings on political and educational topics.
"An important collection of significant papers." American Scientist
The work that helped to determine Paul Feyerabend's fame and
notoriety, "Against Method," stemmed from Imre Lakatos's challenge:
"In 1970 Imre cornered me at a party. "Paul", he said, "you have
such strange ideas. Why don't you write them down? I shall write a
reply, we publish the whole thing and I promise you - we shall have
a lot of fun." Although Lakatos died before he could write his
reply, this text reconstructs his original counter-arguments from
lectures and correspondence previously unpublished in English,
allowing us to enjoy the "fun" two of this century's most eminent
philosophers had, matching their wits and ideas on the subject of
the scientific method. The text opens with an imaginary dialogue
between Lakatos and Feyerabend, which Matteo Motterlini has
constructed, based on their published works, to synthesize their
positions and arguments. Part one presents the transcripts of the
last lectures on method that Lakatos delivered. Part two,
Feyerabend's response, consists of a previously published essay on
anarchism, which began the attack on Lakatos's position that
Feyerabend later continued in "Against Method." The third and
longest section consists of the correspondence Lakatos and
Feyerabend exchanged on method and many other issues and ideas, as
well as the events of their daily lives, between 1968 and Lakatos's
death in 1974.
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