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Presents a useful guide for applications of SEM whilst systematically demonstrating various SEM models using Mplus Focusing on the conceptual and practical aspects of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), this book demonstrates basic concepts and examples of various SEM models, along with updates on many advanced methods, including confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with categorical items, bifactor model, Bayesian CFA model, item response theory (IRT) model, graded response model (GRM), multiple imputation (MI) of missing values, plausible values of latent variables, moderated mediation model, Bayesian SEM, latent growth modeling (LGM) with individually varying times of observations, dynamic structural equation modeling (DSEM), residual dynamic structural equation modeling (RDSEM), testing measurement invariance of instrument with categorical variables, longitudinal latent class analysis (LLCA), latent transition analysis (LTA), growth mixture modeling (GMM) with covariates and distal outcome, manual implementation of the BCH method and the three-step method for mixture modeling, Monte Carlo simulation power analysis for various SEM models, and estimate sample size for latent class analysis (LCA) model. The statistical modeling program Mplus Version 8.2 is featured with all models updated. It provides researchers with a flexible tool that allows them to analyze data with an easy-to-use interface and graphical displays of data and analysis results. Intended as both a teaching resource and a reference guide, and written in non-mathematical terms, Structural Equation Modeling: Applications Using Mplus, 2nd edition provides step-by-step instructions of model specification, estimation, evaluation, and modification. Chapters cover: Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA); Structural Equation Models (SEM); SEM for Longitudinal Data; Multi-Group Models; Mixture Models; and Power Analysis and Sample Size Estimate for SEM. Presents a useful reference guide for applications of SEM while systematically demonstrating various advanced SEM models Discusses and demonstrates various SEM models using both cross-sectional and longitudinal data with both continuous and categorical outcomes Provides step-by-step instructions of model specification and estimation, as well as detailed interpretation of Mplus results using real data sets Introduces different methods for sample size estimate and statistical power analysis for SEM Structural Equation Modeling is an excellent book for researchers and graduate students of SEM who want to understand the theory and learn how to build their own SEM models using Mplus.
This book explores the concept of nation branding - what it is and how it works - through an instructive case of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, where 190 countries showcased their national cultures to a predominantly Chinese audience. The comparative analysis of national pavilions (including Brazil, India, Israel, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, the United Arab Emirates and the United States) demonstrates how a place-branding activity, such as the World Expo, facilitates communication to build a nation's image, thereby enhancing its soft power. As nation-branding efforts will only increase in the coming years, this study forms an important basis for future inquiry.
Nanomachines represent one of the most fascinating topics in of
nanotechnology. These tiny devices provide diverse opportunities
towards a wide range of important applications, ranging from
targeted delivery of drug payloads to environmental remediation.
This book addresses comprehensively the latest developments and
discoveries in the field of nano- and microscale machines. It
covers the evolution of nanomachines in general from a historical
perspective, the fundamental challenges for motion at the
nanoscale, different categories of biological and synthetic
nano/microscale motors based on different propulsion mechanisms,
ways for controlling the movement directionality
The idea of soft power figures crucially in the story of China's re-emergence as a global power. While the debate on the intentions and merits of its global outreach continues, China has embarked on its quest for an image makeover. "Soft Power in China" describes and explains the scope of the country's pursuit of soft power through public diplomacy and international communication. What kinds of images does China want to refashion and project? What is the role of the government "vis-a-vis "that of other institutional and social actors in these efforts? What kinds of tensions and pressures has China experienced? Where do the programs stand in terms of their impact on the country's image? What do all these efforts mean to the broader discussion on the study and practice of public diplomacy and national image management? This book represents a collaborative effort to address these questions.
Providing an introduction to the fundamentals of body area communications, this book covers the key topics of channel modeling, modulation and demodulation, and performance evaluation A systematic introduction to body area networks (BAN), this book focuses on three major parts: channel modeling, modulation/demodulation communications performance, and electromagnetic compatibility considerations. The content is logically structured to lead readers from an introductory level through to in-depth and more advanced topics. * Provides a concise introduction to this emerging topic based on classroom-tested materials * Details the latest IEEE 802.15.6 standard activities * Moves from very basic physics, to useful mathematic models, and then to practical considerations * Covers not only EM physics and communications, but also biological applications * Topics approached include: link budget, bit error rate performance, RAKE and diversity reception; SAR analysis for human safety evaluation; and modeling of electromagnetic interference to implanted cardiac pacemakers * Provides Matlab and Fortran programs for download from the Companion Website
Since 1978, when China embarked on a new period of economic reforms and introduced open door policies, it has experienced a great urban transformation. The role of transport has proved indispensable in this unprecedented rapid urbanisation and economic growth. As the first research-focused book dedicated to this important topic, the Handbook on Transport and Urban Transformation in China offers new insight into the various opportunities and challenges brought by fast-paced motorisation and urban development, and explores them in broad spatial-economic, environmental, social, and institutional dimensions. This collection is an informative and comprehensive reference for researchers and academics at all levels studying transport, urban planning, and geography. It will also help practitioners and consultants gain a deeper understanding of policy development and best practices, and international and domestic policy makers will find guidance in the implications and lessons proposed for future transport research, policy, and practice. Contributors include: M. Cao, X. Chen, C. Curtis, X. Fu, Y. Gao, Y. Gao, D. Gong, R. Hickman, S. Huang, Z. Kang, M.-P. Kwan, C. Liu, Y. Liu, P. Newman, Z.-R. Peng, D. Pojani, B. Quan, J. Scheurer, Y. Shen, K. Si, N. Ta, Y. Tang, A. Thomas, Y. Tian, H. Titheridge, S. Wang, Y. Wang, P. Wei, T.G. Wereta, A.R. Williams, J. Wu, D. Xu, J. Xu, R. Ye, P. Zhao, M. Zhang, X. Zhang, F. Zhen
DNA (sometimes referred to as the molecule of life), is the most
interesting and most important of all molecules. Electrochemistry
of Nucleic Acids and Proteins: Towards Electrochemical Sensors for
Genomics and Proteomics is devoted to the electrochemistry of DNA
and RNA and to the development of sensors for detecting DNA damage
and DNA hybridization. Volume 1, in the brand new series
Perspectives in Bioanalysis, looks at the electroanalytical
chemistry of nucleic acids and proteins, development of
electrochemical sensors and their application in biomedicine and in
the new fields of genomics and proteomics. The authors have
expertly formatted the information for a wide variety of readers,
including new developments that will inspire students and young
scientists to create new tools for science and medicine in the 21st
Proceeding of the 42nd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings Volume 39, Issue 3, 2018 Jingyang Wang, Waltraud Kriven, Tobias Fey, Paolo Colombo, William J. Weber, Jake Amoroso, William G. Fahrenholtz, Kiyoshi Shimamura, Michael Halbig, Soshu Kirihara, Yiquan Wu, and Kathleen Shurgart, Editors Valerie Wiesner and Manabu Fukushima, Volume Editors This proceedings contains a collection of 22 papers from The American Ceramic Society's 42nd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, held in Daytona Beach, Florida, January 21-26, 2018. This issue includes papers presented in the following symposia: - Advancing Frontiers of Ceramics for Sustainable Societal Development - International Symposium in Honor of Dr. Mrityunjay Singh - Symposium 9: Porous Ceramics: Novel Developments and Applications - Symposium 10: Virtual Materials (Computational) Design and Ceramic Genome - Symposium 12 Materials for Extreme Environments: Ultrahigh Temperature Ceramics (UHTCs) and Nano-laminated Ternary Carbides and Nitrides (MAX Phases) - Symposium 13 Advanced Ceramics and Composites for Nuclear Fission and Fusion Energy - Symposium 14 Crystalline Materials for Electrical, Optical and Medical Applications - Symposium 15 Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Technologies - Symposium 16: Geopolymers, Inorganic Polymers and Sustainable Materials - Focused Session 1: Bio-inspired Processing of Advanced Materials - 7th Global Young Investigator Forum
By guiding in the application of techniques and tools for predicting ADMET outcomes in drug candidates, Predictive ADMET offers a road map for drug discovery scientists to generate effective and safe drugs for unmet medical needs. Featuring case studies and lessons learned from real drug discovery and development, the text: helps users diagnose ADMET problems; presents appropriate recommendations; introduces the current clinical practice for drug discovery and development; and consolidates the tools and models to intelligently integrate existing in silico, in vitro and in vivo ADMET data.
This book traces the evolution of the Hong Kong's popular culture, namely film, television and popular music (also known as Cantopop), which is knotted with the city's geo-political, economic and social transformations. Under various historical contingencies and due to the city's special geo-politics, these three major popular cultural forms have experienced various worlding processes and have generated border-crossing impact culturally and socially. The worlding processes are greatly associated the city's nature as a reception and departure port to Sinophone migrants and populations of multiethnic and multicultural. Reaching beyond the "golden age" (1980s) of Hong Kong popular culture and afar from a film-centric cultural narration, this book, delineating from the dawn of the 20th century and following a chronological order, untangles how the nowadays popular "Hong Kong film", "Hong Kong TV" and "Cantopop" are derived from early-age Sinophone cultural heritage, re-shaped through cross-cultural hybridization and influenced by multiple political forces. Review of archives, existing literatures and corporation documents are supplemented with policy analysis and in-depth interviews to explore the centennial development of Hong Kong popular culture, which is by no means demise but at the juncture of critical transition.
This practical introduction to all the elextroanalytical techniques
that are used in clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine is the
only in-depth treatment of the subject available. The author
presents the relevant theory and uses numerous examples to
illustrate the scope and possibilities of electroanalysis in the
clinical laboratory.
A comprehensive discussion of how countries embrace branding as a crucial element in their pursuit of soft power and why certain nation-branding efforts succeed while others fail through the example of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.
This work is the only bilingual (Chinese/English) compilation of all legal texts applicable to the area of competition law in China. It includes the Anti-Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China (AML) as well as all other laws that have relevant provisions. It also incorporates the regulations issued by the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and the National Development and Reform Commission (NRDC); judicial interpretations of the Supreme People's Court; as well as the 15 decisions MOFCOM has published so far.
Third Edition covers the latest advances in methodologies, sensors, detectors, and mIcrochips The greatly expanded Third Edition of this internationally
respected text continues to provide readers with a complete
panorama of electroanalytical techniques and devices, offering a
balancebetween voltammetric and potentiometric techniques.
Emphasizing electroanalysis rather than physical electrochemistry,
readers gain a deep understanding of the fundamentals of
electrodereactions and electrochemical methods. Moreover, readers
learn to apply their newfoundknowledge and skills to solve
real-world analytical problems.
This book is about how China strives to rebuild its soft power through communication. It recounts China's efforts by examining a set of public diplomacy tactics and programs in its pursuit of a 'new' and 'improved' global image. These case studies invites the reader to a more expansive discussion on the instruments of soft power.
When will American poetry and poetics stop viewing poetry by
racialized persons as a secondary subject within the field? Dorothy
J. Wang makes an impassioned case that now is the time. "Thinking
Its Presence" calls for a radical rethinking of how American poetry
is being read today, offering its own reading as a roadmap.
This book traces the evolution of the Hong Kong's popular culture, namely film, television and popular music (also known as Cantopop), which is knotted with the city's geo-political, economic and social transformations. Under various historical contingencies and due to the city's special geo-politics, these three major popular cultural forms have experienced various worlding processes and have generated border-crossing impact culturally and socially. The worlding processes are greatly associated the city's nature as a reception and departure port to Sinophone migrants and populations of multiethnic and multicultural. Reaching beyond the "golden age" (1980s) of Hong Kong popular culture and afar from a film-centric cultural narration, this book, delineating from the dawn of the 20th century and following a chronological order, untangles how the nowadays popular "Hong Kong film", "Hong Kong TV" and "Cantopop" are derived from early-age Sinophone cultural heritage, re-shaped through cross-cultural hybridization and influenced by multiple political forces. Review of archives, existing literatures and corporation documents are supplemented with policy analysis and in-depth interviews to explore the centennial development of Hong Kong popular culture, which is by no means demise but at the juncture of critical transition.
An insightful exploration of the key aspects concerning the chemical analysis of antibiotic residues in food The presence of excess residues from frequent antibiotic use in animals is not only illegal, but can pose serious health risks by contaminating products for human consumption such as meat and milk. "Chemical Analysis of Antibiotic Residues in Food" is a single-source reference for readers interested in the development of analytical methods for analyzing antibiotic residues in food. It covers themes that include quality assurance and quality control, antibiotic chemical properties, pharmacokinetics, metabolism, distribution, food safety regulations, and chemical analysis. In addition, the material presented includes background information valuable for understanding the choice of marker residue and target animal tissue to use for regulatory analysis. This comprehensive reference: Includes topics on general issues related to screening and confirmatory methods Presents updated information on food safety regulation based on routine screening and confirmatory methods, especially LC-MS Provides general guidance for method development, validation, and estimation of measurement uncertainty "Chemical Analysis of Antibiotic Residues in Food" is written and organized with a balance between practical use and theory to provide laboratories with a solid and reliable reference on antibiotic residue analysis. Thorough coverage elicits the latest scientific findings to assist the ongoing efforts toward refining analytical methods for producing safe foods of animal origin.
When will American poetry and poetics stop viewing poetry by racialized persons as a secondary subject within the field? Dorothy J. Wang makes an impassioned case that now is the time. Thinking Its Presence calls for a radical rethinking of how American poetry is being read today, offering its own reading as a roadmap. While focusing on the work of five contemporary Asian American poets-Li-Young Lee, Marilyn Chin, John Yau, Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, and Pamela Lu-the book contends that aesthetic forms are inseparable from social, political, and historical contexts in the writing and reception of all poetry. Wang questions the tendency of critics and academics alike to occlude the role of race in their discussions of the American poetic tradition and casts a harsh light on the double standard they apply in reading poems by poets who are racial minorities. This is the first sustained study of the formal properties in Asian American poetry across a range of aesthetic styles, from traditional lyric to avant-garde. Wang argues with conviction that critics should read minority poetry with the same attention to language and form that they bring to their analyses of writing by white poets.
Presents a systematic and comprehensive study of hydraulic fracturing, original in its concentration of core soil problems There have been a number of well-studied cases in which dams have failed or been damaged by concentrated leaks for no apparent cause. In some of these experiences, investigators concluded that differential settlement cracks were the probable causes, even though no cracks were seen on the surface. In these examples, it was not determined whether the crack was open before the reservoir filled or whether it might have opened afterward. In several unsolved problems on the safety of the earth-rock fill dam, the problem of hydraulic fracture in the soil core of the earth-rock fill dam is one that is widely paid attention by designers and researchers. Hydraulic fracturing is generally considered as a key cause which may induce the leakage of the dam during first filling. In this extensive book, a new numerical simulate method is suggested. The method is based on the conventional two-dimensional finite element technique, and the theoretical formulations to calculate energy release rate using virtual crack extension method. The influence factors on convergence of calculated J integral are investigated. The accuracy of the calculated J integral is verified by analysing the three typical problems in Fracture Mechanics, in which propagation of crack may follow mode I, mode II and mixed mode I-II respectively. Using the new numerical method, the factors affecting the occurrence of hydraulic fracturing in the earth-rock fill dam are investigated. The investigating results indicate that increasing any of the Young s modulus, the Poisson s ratio and the density of the core soil is helpful to reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of hydraulic fracturing. The likelihood of the occurrence of hydraulic fracturing increases with increasing the water level or the crack depth. The lower part of the dam core is the zone in which the phenomenon of hydraulic fracturing may be induced easily. As an example to analyse the ability of earth-rock fill dam to resist hydraulic fracturing, the Nuozhadu Dam located in Western China is analysed. * Presents a systematic and comprehensive study of hydraulic fracturing, original in its concentration of core soil problems * Focuses on the problem of hydraulic fracturing in earth-rock fill dams from three aspects; conditions and mechanisms of hydraulic fracturing, criterion of hydraulic fracturing, and numerical method on hydraulic fracturing * Examines advanced laboratory soil testing, application of numerical methods and field testing/monitoring, all needed for a better understanding of hydraulic fracturing in earth/rock fill dams * Provides an essential reference in an area of scarce research in this field, and the need in high earth dam construction in developing countries is pressing Ideal for researchers in Hydraulic and Geotechnical Engineering Fields; Students on Masters or PhD courses; as well as Designers and Constructors in Hydraulic and Geotechnical Engineering Fields.
Offering comprehensive coverage of the convergence of real-time embedded systems scheduling, resource access control, software design and development, and high-level system modeling, analysis and verification Following an introductory overview, Dr. Wang delves into the specifics of hardware components, including processors, memory, I/O devices and architectures, communication structures, peripherals, and characteristics of real-time operating systems. Later chapters are dedicated to real-time task scheduling algorithms and resource access control policies, as well as priority-inversion control and deadlock avoidance. Concurrent system programming and POSIX programming for real-time systems are covered, as are finite state machines and Time Petri nets. Of special interest to software engineers will be the chapter devoted to model checking, in which the author discusses temporal logic and the NuSMV model checking tool, as well as a chapter treating real-time software design with UML. The final portion of the book explores practical issues of software reliability, aging, rejuvenation, security, safety, and power management. In addition, the book: * Explains real-time embedded software modeling and design with finite state machines, Petri nets, and UML, and real-time constraints verification with the model checking tool, NuSMV * Features real-world examples in finite state machines, model checking, real-time system design with UML, and more * Covers embedded computer programing, designing for reliability, and designing for safety * Explains how to make engineering trade-offs of power use and performance * Investigates practical issues concerning software reliability, aging, rejuvenation, security, and power management Real-Time Embedded Systems is a valuable resource for those responsible for real-time and embedded software design, development, and management. It is also an excellent textbook for graduate courses in computer engineering, computer science, information technology, and software engineering on embedded and real-time software systems, and for undergraduate computer and software engineering courses.
A worldwide leader in financial trading software shares one of its most successful systems In "AbleTrend," Dr. John Wang discloses for the first time, the fundamental principles behind his bestselling and award-winning trading system, AbleTrend signals. Sophisticated in scope, yet written in a way that any trader can understand, this book skillfully presents the theory behind this award-winning system. This reliable resource presents the logic of a proven system that reveals the direction of a trend at its early stage in all markets-stocks, commodities, foreign currencies, ETFs, e-Minis, and mutual funds. It also identifies objective, automatic buy/sell/stop signals, helping you manage risk, make rational trading decisions, and eliminate the guesswork.Pinpoint when market trends start and end, and where the key support and resistance areIt's universal-applied to any market and any time chartApplications are offered with over 20 real-market case studiesAbleTrend confidential seminar costs $2,000, now you may get the secrets from this bookAbleTrend was developed by a recognized authority and expert trading system developer "AbleTrend" presents innovative decision-making trading concepts that will allow ordinary traders to identify market trends and seek profits from them.
Was muss ein deutscher Manager uber seinen chinesischen
Geschaftspartner wissen, um den beruhmten Tritt ins Fettnapfchen zu
Presents an up-to-date overview of the rapidly growing field of carbene transformations Carbene transformations have had an enormous impact on catalysis and organometallic chemistry. With the growth of transition metal-catalyzed carbene transformations in recent decades, carbene transformations are today an important compound class in organic synthesis as well as in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries. Edited by leading experts in the field, Transition Metal-Catalyzed Carbene Transformations is a thorough summary of the most recent advances in the rapidly expanding research area. This authoritative volume covers different reaction types such as ring forming reactions and rearrangement reactions, details their conditions and properties, and provides readers with accurate information on a wide range of carbene reactions. Twelve in-depth chapters address topics including carbene C-H bond insertion in alkane functionalization, the application of engineered enzymes in asymmetric carbene transfer, progress in transition-metal-catalyzed cross-coupling using carbene precursors, and more. Throughout the text, the authors highlight novel catalytic systems, transformations, and applications of transition-metal-catalyzed carbene transfer. Highlights the dynamic nature of the field of transition-metal-catalyzed carbene transformations Summarizes the catalytic radical approach for selective carbene cyclopropanation, high enantioselectivity in X-H insertions, and bio-inspired carbene transformations Introduces chiral N, N'-dioxide and chiral guanidine-based catalysts and different transformations with gold catalysis Discusses approaches in cycloaddition reactions with metal carbenes and polymerization with carbene transformations Outlines multicomponent reactions through gem-difunctionalization and transition-metal-catalyzed cross-coupling using carbene precursors Transition Metal-Catalyzed Carbene Transformations is essential reading for all chemists involved in organometallics, including organic and inorganic chemists, catalytic chemists, and chemists working in industry. |
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