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This book is designed to usher the reader into the realm of
semiotic studies. It analyzes the most important approaches to
semiotics as they have developed over the last hundred years out of
philosophy, linguistics, psychology, and biology. As a science of
sign processes, semiotics investigates all types of com munication
and information exchange among human beings, animals, plants,
internal systems of organisms, and machines. Thus it encompasses
most of the subject areas of the arts and the social sciences, as
well as those of biology and medicine. Semiotic inquiry into the
conditions, functions, and structures of sign processes is older
than anyone scientific discipline. As a result, it is able to make
the underlying unity of these disciplines apparent once again
without impairing their function as specializations. Semiotics is,
above all, research into the theoretical foundations of sign
oriented disciplines: that is, it is General Semiotics. Under the
name of Zei chenlehre, it has been pursued in the German-speaking
countries since the age of the Enlightenment. During the nineteenth
century, the systematic inquiry into the functioning of signs was
superseded by historical investigations into the origins of signs.
This opposition was overcome in the first half of the twentieth
century by American Semiotic as well as by various directions of
European structuralism working in the tradition of Semiology.
Present-day General Semiot ics builds on all these developments."
This book is designed to usher the reader into the realm of
semiotic studies. It analyzes the most important approaches to
semiotics as they have developed over the last hundred years out of
philosophy, linguistics, psychology, and biology. As a science of
sign processes, semiotics investigates all types of com munication
and information exchange among human beings, animals, plants,
internal systems of organisms, and machines. Thus it encompasses
most of the subject areas of the arts and the social sciences, as
well as those of biology and medicine. Semiotic inquiry into the
conditions, functions, and structures of sign processes is older
than anyone scientific discipline. As a result, it is able to make
the underlying unity of these disciplines apparent once again
without impairing their function as specializations. Semiotics is,
above all, research into the theoretical foundations of sign
oriented disciplines: that is, it is General Semiotics. Under the
name of Zei chenlehre, it has been pursued in the German-speaking
countries since the age of the Enlightenment. During the nineteenth
century, the systematic inquiry into the functioning of signs was
superseded by historical investigations into the origins of signs.
This opposition was overcome in the first half of the twentieth
century by American Semiotic as well as by various directions of
European structuralism working in the tradition of Semiology.
Present-day General Semiot ics builds on all these developments."
Der Versuch des Aristoteles, die Gesamtheit der Erscheinungen
begrifflich zu fassen, geht von einem genial einfachen Ansatz aus:
Indem er die moglichen Typen von Aussagen uber die Erscheinungen
voneinander unterscheidet, erhalt er zugleich eine Typologie der
Erscheinungen selbst. Er findet sie in Substanz und Quantitat,
Qualitat und Relation, Ort und Zeit, Lage und Zustand, aktivem
Handeln und passivem Erleiden. Daneben behandelt Aristoteles alle
Arten von Gegensatzen, die sechs Erscheinungsformen der Bewegung
und die Moglichkeit qualitativer Veranderung."
In diesem Band wird erstmals der Versuch unternommen, das fur die
europaische Rezeption der amerikanischen Philosophie des
Pragmatismus bis heute einflussreichste Werk dem Leser durch eine
auf dieses Werk konzentrierte Sammlung von kommentierenden
Beitragen unter den philosophischen Bedingungen unserer Zeit
naherzubringen. Das Werk, das hier im Mittelpunkt steht, ist
Pragmatism. A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking. Es besteht
aus acht Vorlesungen, die sein Verfasser, William James, 1906/07 in
Cambridge und Boston gehalten und kurz danach publiziert hat.
William James konfrontiert darin seit langem bestehende Richtungen
in der Philosophie mit der pragmatischen Methode, indem er fordert,
dass philosophische Gedanken nach ihrer Beziehung zum Leben und
nach ihren Wirkungen in der Welt der Erfahrung zu beurteilen seien.
James' Argumente haben auf das Denken einen tiefgreifenden Einfluss
gehabt, das Buch Pragmatism zahlt seit seinem Erscheinen zu den
grossen Buchern der Philosophie."