The Enticement, Master Mark Revolutionary Twain, Junior, traveled
the World over from Country to Country, and from City to City, only
to discover that the Love of Money is not an exclusive thing with
Americans, only; but, that almost all Peoples are Possessed with
the same Evil Spirit, which has actually made those People much
Poorer than they would have been without it Yes, they are now
Deprived of the Best Things in Life, including Fresh Clean Air,
Pure Water, Good Wholesome Natural Foods, Secure Houses, Luscious
All-Mineral Organic Gardens, and Good Health, which is True Wealth.
Nevertheless, after wandering all about, Master Twain decided that
it would be best for him to try to leave the World in a Better
Condition than he found it; and therefore, he took the Good Advice
of Jesus Christ, and sold almost all that he had, and put his hands
and tools to WORK, building a Good House for a very Poor Mexican
Family, which was Cast Out of the Divided States of United Lies,
who forgot to Love their Neighbors as much as themselves, and do
unto others as they would have others do unto them. (See for: "What is WRong with those Professing Christians
" for a Photo and Explanation of that Marvelous House and the hard
work they did during just 2 years.) Indeed, that little Family
moved more than 66,666,666 pounds, by hand, just to build the
million-dollar house, which is designed to endure the Test of Time,
come hell or high water, as they say And this Inspired Book reveals
HOW you and almost everyone else can have an equally Good House, or
even Better, without Preaching any Lies, nor Selling any Trash for
the Love of Money