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This is the sixth volume of a ten-volume series on The Natural
History of the Crustacea. The volume synthesizes in nineteen
chapters our current understanding of diverse topics in crustacean
reproductive biology. In the first part of this book, the chapters
address allocation strategies to reproduction, gamete production,
brooding behavior, and other components of parental care in
crustaceans. The second part of the volume centers on sexual
systems in crustaceans. The third section of the volume covers
crustacean mating systems and sexual selection. Reproductive
Biology ends with three chapters covering diverse topics including
reproductive rhythms, crustacean personality research, and record
breaking crustaceans with respect to reproductive characters.
This is the seventh volume of a ten-volume series on The Natural
History of the Crustacea. Chapters in this volume synthesize our
current understanding of early crustacean development from the egg
through the embryonic and larval phase. The first part of this book
focuses on the elemental aspects of crustacean embryonic
development. The second part of the book provides an account of the
larval phase of crustaceans and describes processes that influence
the development from hatching to an adult-like juvenile. The third
and final part of the book explores ecological interactions during
the planktonic phase and how crustacean larvae manage to find food,
navigate the dynamic water column, and avoid predators in a medium
that offers few refuges.
This is the ninth volume of ten in the The Natural History of the
Crustacea Series. The chapters in this volume synthesize the
diverse topics in fisheries and aquaculture. In the first part of
the book, chapters explore worldwide crustacean fisheries. This
section comes to a conclusion with two chapters on harvested
crustaceans that are usually not within the focus of the mainstream
fisheries research, possibly because they are caught by local
fishing communities in small-scale operations and sold locally as
subsistence activity. In the second part of the book, the authors
explore the variety of cultured crustacean species, like shrimps,
prawns, lobsters, and crabs. Chapters in the third part of the
volume focus on important challenges and opportunities, including
diseases and parasitism, the use of crustacean as bioindicators,
and their role in biotechnology.
Crustaceans are increasingly being used as model organisms in all
fields of biology, including neurobiology, developmental biology,
animal physiology, evolutionary ecology, biogeography, and resource
management. Crustaceans have a very wide range of phenotypes and
inhabit a diverse array of environments, ranging from the deep sea
to high mountain lakes and even deserts. The evolution of their
life histories has permitted crustaceans to successfully colonize
this variety of habitats. Few other taxa exhibit such a variety of
life histories and behavior. A comprehensive overview of their life
histories is essential to the understanding of many aspects of
their success in marine and terrestrial environments. This volume
provides a general overview of crustacean life histories.
Crustaceans have particular life history adaptations that have
permitted them to conquer all environments on earth. Crustacean
life cycles have evolved to maximize fecundity, growth, and ageing,
in a wide range of environmental conditions. Individual
contributions contrast benefits and costs of different life
histories including sexual versus asexual production, semelparity
versus iteroparity, and planktonic larvae versus direct
development. Important aspects of particular behaviors are
presented (e.g. migrations, defense and territorial behaviors,
anti-predator behavior, symbiosis).
The crustaceans are ecologically and economically important
organisms. They constitute one of the dominant invertebrate groups
on earth, particularly within the aquatic realm. Crustaceans
include some of the preferred scientific model organism, profitable
aquaculture specimen, but also invasive nuisance species
threatening native animal communities throughout the world.
Chemoreception is the most important sensory modality of
crustaceans, acquiring important information about their
environment and picking up the chemical signals that mediate
communication with conspecifics. Significant advances have been
made in our understanding of crustacean chemical communication
during the past decade. This includes knowledge about the identity,
production, transfer, reception and behavioral function of chemical
signals in selected crustacean groups. While it is well known that
chemical communication is an integral part of the behavioral
ecology of most living organisms, the intricate ways in which
organisms allocate chemicals in communication remains enigmatic.
How does the environment influence the evolution of chemical
communication? What are the environmental cues that induce
production or release of chemicals? How do individuals economize
production and utilization of chemicals? What is the importance of
molecule specificity or mix of a molecule cocktail in chemical
communication? What is the role of chemical cues in multimodal
communication? How does the ontogenetic stage, the sex or the
physiological status of an individual affect its reaction to
chemical cues? Many of these questions still represent important
challenges to biologists.
The crustaceans are ecologically and economically important
organisms. They constitute one of the dominant invertebrate groups
on earth, particularly within the aquatic realm. Crustaceans
include some of the preferred scientific model organism, profitable
aquaculture specimen, but also invasive nuisance species
threatening native animal communities throughout the world.
Chemoreception is the most important sensory modality of
crustaceans, acquiring important information about their
environment and picking up the chemical signals that mediate
communication with conspecifics. Significant advances have been
made in our understanding of crustacean chemical communication
during the past decade. This includes knowledge about the identity,
production, transfer, reception and behavioral function of chemical
signals in selected crustacean groups. While it is well known that
chemical communication is an integral part of the behavioral
ecology of most living organisms, the intricate ways in which
organisms allocate chemicals in communication remains enigmatic.
How does the environment influence the evolution of chemical
communication? What are the environmental cues that induce
production or release of chemicals? How do individuals economize
production and utilization of chemicals? What is the importance of
molecule specificity or mix of a molecule cocktail in chemical
communication? What is the role of chemical cues in multimodal
communication? How does the ontogenetic stage, the sex or the
physiological status of an individual affect its reaction to
chemical cues? Many of these questions still represent important
challenges to biologists.
Understanding of animal social and sexual evolution has seen a
renaissance in recent years with discoveries of frequent infidelity
in apparently monogamous species, the importance of sperm
competition, active female mate choice, and eusocial behavior in
animals outside the traditional social insect groups. Each of these
findings has raised new questions, and suggested new answers, about
the evolution of behavioral interactions among animals. This volume
synthesizes recent research on the sexual and social biology of the
Crustacea, one of the dominant invertebrate groups on earth. Its
staggering diversity includes ecologically important inhabitants of
nearly every environment from deep-sea trenches, through headwater
streams, to desert soils. The wide range of crustacean phenotypes
and environments is accompanied by a comparable diversity of
behavioral and social systems, including the elaborate courtship
and wildly exaggerated morphologies of fiddler crabs, the
mysterious queuing behavior of migrating spiny lobsters, and even
eusociality in coral-reef shrimps. This diversity makes crustaceans
particularly valuable for exploring the comparative evolution of
sexual and social systems. Despite exciting recent advances,
however, general recognition of the value of Crustacea as models
has lagged behind that of the better studied insects and
vertebrates. This book synthesizes the state of the field in
crustacean behavior and sociobiology and places it in a
conceptually based, comparative framework that will be valuable to
active researchers and students in animal behavior, ecology, and
evolutionary biology. It brings together a group of internationally
recognized and rising experts in fields related to crustacean
behavioral ecology, ranging from physiology and functional
morphology, through mating and social behavior, to ecology and
phylogeny. Each chapter makes connections to other, non-crustacean
taxa, and the volume closes with a summary section that synthesizes
the contributions, discusses anthropogenic impacts, highlights
unanswered questions, and provides a vision for profitable future
This is the eighth volume of a ten-volume series on The Natural
History of the Crustacea. The volume examines Evolution and
Biogeography, and the first part of this volume is entirely
dedicated to the explanation of the origins and successful
establishment of the Crustacea in the oceans. In the second part of
the book, the biogeography of the Crustacea is explored in order to
infer how they conquered different biomes globally while adapting
to a wide range of aquatic and terrestrial conditions. The final
section examines more general patterns and processes, and the
chapters offer useful insight into the future of crustaceans.
This second volume in the Natural History of the Crustacea series
examines how crustaceans-the different body shapes and adaptations
of which are described in volume 1-make a living in the wide range
of environments they inhabit, and how they exploit food sources.
The contributions in the volume give synthetic overviews of
particular lifestyles and feeding mechanisms, and offer a fresh
look at crustacean life styles through the technological tools that
have been applied to recent crustacean research. These include SEM
(scanning electron microscope) techniques, micro-optics, and
long-term video recordings that have been used for a variety of
behavioral studies. The audience will include not only crustacean
biologists but evolutionary ecologists who want to understand the
diversification of particular life styles, ecologists who follow
the succession of communities, biogeochemists who estimate the role
of crustaceans in geochemical fluxes, and biologists with a general
interest in crustaceans.
Crustacean Nervous Systems and their Control of Behavior is the
third volume of the series The Natural History of the Crustacea.
This volume is on the functional organization of crustacean nervous
systems, and how those nervous systems produce behavior. It
complements other volumes on related topics of feeding biology,
reproductive biology, endocrine systems, and behavioral ecology.
There is a rich history of the study of the neurobiology of
crustaceans, going back over 150 years. This has included studies
on how their nervous systems allow them to perform behaviors that
are adapted to their particular environments, as well as studying
them as model organisms to understand basic biomedical principles
about neural function, such as sensory transduction and processing,
synaptic transmission and integration, neuromodulation, and
learning and memory. The volume has three sections that build
progressively on each other. The first section is on the basic
organizational features of the crustacean nervous system and the
principles upon which it is built. The second section is on sensory
ecology - the organization of each sensory system and how it is
used in intra- and interspecific interactions, within an ecological
context. The third section uses case studies of how crustacean
nervous systems are organized to perform complex behaviors and
interactions, such as walking, escape, social interactions, and
memory and learning. Taken together, the 20 chapters synthesize our
modern understanding of the neural control of behavior in
crustaceans, based on the most recent technologies in physiological
recording, molecular biology, and computational science. This
volume will be useful to students and researchers as a concise
summary of current knowledge of crustacean neuroscience.
The Crustacea is one of the dominant invertebrate groups,
displaying staggering diversity in form and function, and spanning
the full spectrum of Earth's environments. Crustaceans are
increasingly used as model organisms in all fields of biology, as
few other taxa exhibit such a variety of body shapes and
adaptations to particular habitats and environmental conditions.
Physiological Regulation is the fourth volume in The Natural
History of the Crustacea series, and the first book in over
twenty-five years to provide an overview of the comparative
physiology of crustaceans. An understanding of physiology is
crucial to a comprehension of the biology of this fascinating
invertebrate group. Written by a group of internationally
recognized experts studying a wide range of crustacean taxa and
topics, this volume synthesizes current research in a format that
is accessible to a wide scientific audience.
Crustaceans are increasingly used as model organisms in all fields
of biology, including neurobiology, developmental biology, animal
physiology, evolutionary ecology, biogeography, and resource
management. One reason for the increasing use of crustacean
examples is the wide range of phenotypes found in this group and
the diversity of environments they inhabit; few other taxa exhibit
such a variety of body shapes and adaptations to particular
habitats and environmental conditions. A good overview of their
functional morphology is essential to understanding many aspects of
their biology. This volume is the first in The Natural History of
Crustacea series, a ten-volume series that will treat all aspects
of crustacean biology, physiology, behavior, and evolution. The
series updates and synthesizes a growing wealth of information on
the natural history of this remarkable group. Functional Morphology
and Diversity explores the functional morphology of crustaceans,
which cover the main body parts and systems. The book brings
together a group of internationally recognized-and
up-and-coming-experts in fields related to systematics and
morphology. Contributing authors study a range of crustacean taxa
and topics, and thus the volume provides a compact overview of the
great phenotypic diversity and their function found among
crustaceans. The first broad treatment of Crustacea in decades, the
book will be invaluable for researchers and students in this and
related fields.
Seminar paper from the year 2009 in the subject Film Science,
printed single-sided, grade: 1,3, University of Potsdam, course:
Film + Philosophy = Filmosophy, language: English, abstract:
Because the times in film production change, a change in reception
is also necessary. In Frampton's theory, film is no longer a
photographic reproduction of a past performance. This is not simply
be-cause nowadays there are countless assumed realistic film images
which were never shot as they are presented later. Frampton
concedes that film uses material of the real world but finally -
and hence his theory is one of reception - this material becomes
its own world with its own processes and even its own thoughts. To
draw a consistent picture of his theory he developed a kind of
unique language to speak about film.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Medien /
Kommunikation - Forschung und Studien, Note: 1,7, Universitat
Potsdam, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Es gibt nicht viele Symbole
oder Sinnbilder die uber Jahrhunderte eine Vielzahl von
Kulturraumen umspannen und in ihnen nachhaltig grosse Bekanntheit
erzielen. Das Symbol der Drei Affen zahlt zweifelsfrei hinzu. Im
abendlandischen Raum werden die Affen, die sich mit den eigenen
Handen jeweils Augen, Ohren und Mund verschliessen, als Sinnbild
fur mangelnde Zivilcourage, das buchstabliche Wegschauen,
aufgefasst. Und obwohl vom Trodelmarkt bis zum Antiquariat
allerorts die Figuren aus verschiedenem Material, in verschiedener
Qualitat und zu verschiedenen Preisen angeboten werden, gibt es nur
wenige Publikationen die sich mit den Drei Affen und ihrem
wahrhaftigen Ursprung beschaftigen. Aus einigen wenigen
Sammlerforen, die trotz grosstem Eifer die Unzahl der mehr oder
weniger kunstlerischen Umsetzungen kaum zu fassen vermogen, kann
man fragmentarisch eine lange und komplexe Herkunftsgeschichte der
Drei Affen erkennen, die ihren Ursprung im Orient find
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Theaterwissenschaft,
Tanz, Note: 1,0, Universitat Bayreuth, Veranstaltung:
Auffuhrungsanalyse, 16 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache:
Deutsch, Anmerkungen: Die Uberlegungen zur Medienkritik, gestutzt
auf einschlagige Literatur, ist sehr uberzeugend und benennt
scharfsinnig die Probleme einer Auffuhrungsanalyse, sowie die
Diskussion zwischen Werktreue und Regietheater. Die Analyse selbst,
gestutzt auf die Mittel von Farbe, Licht, Raum, ist ausgezeichnet
gelungen. Stilistisch prazise Formulierungen, Bezug auf
theoretische Literatur sowie nutzlich Anwendbare Ideen zeichnen
diese Arbeit aus., Abstract: Eine der grossten Otelloinszenierungen
unserer Zeit wurde 1992 im Royal Opera House Covent Garden in
London auf die Buhne gebracht. Neben Regisseur Elijah Moshinsky war
die seltene Klasse der Produktion auch Dirigent Georg Solti zu
verdanken. Doch auch die hochkaratige Besetzung mit Kiri Te Kanawa
als Desdemona und Placido Domingo in seiner einschlagigen
Paraderolle als Otello trugen zum enormen Erfolg bei. Nicht zuletzt
weil gerade diese beiden Opernkunstler ihre Rollen sowohl
gesanglich als auch schauspielerisch verkorperten wie kaum ein
anderer, wurde explizit diese Otelloinszenierung aus dem Royal
Opera House mehrfach auf Tontragern aufgezeichnet sowie filmisch
von der BBC festgehalten. Diese Filmaufzeichnung von 1992 mochte
ich nun zu einer Auffuhrungsanalyse heranziehen. Meine Arbeit teilt
sich in drei Hauptuntersuchungspunkte ein. Zum ersten mochte ich
mich mit Inszenierung selbst beschaftigen, das heisst, was genau
bedeutet es uberhaupt zu inszenieren. Zum zweiten werde ich mich
der verfilmten Oper widmen. Denn nur durch das Kameraauge ist es
mir moglich, diese Oper zu beurteilen, obgleich naturlich das
Filmische meine Wahrnehmung an sich beeinflusst. An dritter Stelle
werde ich mich konkreten Details der Inszenierung widmen. Hierfur
beziehe ich mich auf den Fragenkatalog zur Inszenierungsanalyse von
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Medien /
Kommunikation - Forschung und Studien, Note: 1,3, Universitat
Potsdam, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Von alters her wurde der Sinn
des Sehens in der westlich-christlichen Welt als hochster der
menschlichen Sinne angesehen. Einige der bedeutendsten Theoretiker
des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts, darunter Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer,
Goethe und Jacob Grimm, verfassten Schriften, die das Auge als
edelsten Sinn' beschrieben. Alle dem Menschen zur Verfugung
stehenden Sinne arbeiten im Einklang miteinander und bilden fur
seinen Trager die Grenze zwischen der Innen- und Aussenwelt. Das
Auge jedoch, glaubt man Christoph Wulf, steht dieser sinnlichen
Gesamtheit stets zu oberst und dominiert die korperliche Empfindung
und somit wohl implizit die menschliche Existenz. Die Grunde
hierfur sind vielfaltig, doch ganz zuforderst sollten zwei Aspekte
genannt werde: Zum einen vermag es das Auge, so prazise wie nicht
einmal der zweite Fernsinn das Ohr, eine Fernnahe' herzustellen und
Blickobjekte zu vereinnahmen ohne ihnen leibhaftig nahe zu sein -
ein Phanomen was gerade im Medienzeitalter eine vollig neue
Tragweite bekommt. Zum zweiten kann das Auge eine Gestalt
raumzeitlich fassen. Dies erklart sich in Goethes Konzept des
anschauenden Denkens, welches dem im Auge bedingten
Kontrollanspruch entgegensteht und von einem Spiel und Gegenspiel
von Kraften und Beziehungen ausgeht. Das heisst erstmals werden
Blickobjekte nicht als Tauschung, sondern als wahre' Wahrnehmung
aufgefasst, der es moglich ist, im Anblick - der als Denkvorgang
uber das Visuelle verstanden wird - ein Objekt zu begreifen.
Hierbei steht das Auge in einer gleichberechtigten Wechselbeziehung
zum betrachteten Objekt. Auge und das Licht der Welt kommen durch
ihre gemeinsame Interaktion erst zur Existenz. .