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Bringing together an unprecedented range of perspectives on the
Gaelic language, this book covers the history of the language, its
development in Scotland and Canada, its spelling, syntax and
morphology, its modern vocabulary, and the study of its dialects.
It also addresses sociolinguistic issues such as identity,
perception, language planning and the appearance of the language in
literature. Each chapter is written by an expert on their topic.
The book has been written accessibly with a non-specialist audience
in mind. It will have a particular value for those requiring
introductions to aspects of the Gaelic language. It will also be of
great interest to those who are embarking on research on Gaelic for
the first time. Authors include Colm O Baoill, David Adger,
Roibeard O Maolalaigh, Rob Dunbar, Seosamh Watson, Ken Nilsen, Ken
MacKinnon and Ronald Black. This book: *Deals with a wide range of
aspects of Gaelic *Places the study of the Gaelic language within
the context of modern linguistic research *Encourages and supports
further study *Includes chapters by a number of leading experts on
Gaelic language
The first guide to Gaelic fiction - covering the full expanse of
the canon Tracing the history of Gaelic fiction over the last
century, Moray Watson looks at the work of well-known authors such
as Iain Moireach, Tormod Caimbeul and Iain Mac a' Ghobhainn, as
well as lesser-known authors, and focuses on the major developments
that have led to the recent flourishing in Gaelic fiction
publishing. Watson examines novels and novellas from DA'n-Aluinn to
Dileas Donn and Shrapnel, alongside short story collections,
uncollected fiction and short fiction from magazines such as Gairm.
The final chapters focus on the current state of criticism of
Gaelic fiction and discuss the most recent initiatives that have
sustained the viability of fiction in the Gaelic language. Key
Features * The only introduction to Gaelic fiction available *
Analyses all novels and novellas, all short story collections, and
much of the uncollected fiction * Places Gaelic fiction within a
wider context * Examines the critical approaches taken to the
fiction so far and introduces research areas that must be explored
This is the second volume in a series of textbooks designed to take
the academically-minded student from beginner (or near-beginner)
level to a stage where he/she has all the tools to achieve fluency.
Attaining actual fluency will still depend on the student's own
investment, in both time and energy. There will be five volumes in
the series, with volumes 3 and 4 due to be published in 2013. A
series of CDs to accompany the course will also be published in
2013. Answer files for the exercises in the book are available on
the book's website: http: //www.progressivegaelic.com. Progressive
Gaelic is designed to support lessons with a qualified teacher, and
is not a stand-alone or teach-yourself course. The material in this
first volume is equivalent to the second half of Level 1 in the
beginners' Gaelic course at the University of Aberdee
This is the first volume in a series of textbooks designed to take
the academically-minded student from beginner (or near-beginner)
level to a stage where he/she has all the tools to achieve fluency.
Attaining actual fluency will still depend on the student's own
investment, in both time and energy. There will be five volumes in
the series, with volumes 2, 3 and 4 due to be published in 2012 and
2013. A series of CDs to accompany the course will also be
published in 2013. Answer files for the exercises in the book are
available on the book's website: http: //www.progressivegaelic.com.
Progressive Gaelic is designed to support lessons with a qualified
teacher, and is not a stand-alone or teach-yourself course. The
material in this first volume is equivalent to the first half of
Level 1 in the beginners' Gaelic course at the University of
'S e ainm-pinn a th' ann an Lewis Carroll: b' e Charles Lutwidge
Dodgson ainm ceart an ughdair agus bha e na oraidiche le Matamataig
ann an Colaiste Chriosd, an Oilthigh Ath nan Damh. Thoisich Dodgson
an sgeulachd air a' 4mh latha den Iuchar 1862, nuair a chaidh e
sgriob ann am bata-raimh air an abhainn Thames ann an Ath nan Damh
comhla ris an Urramach Robinson Duckworth, comhla ri Alice Liddell
(a bha deich bliadhna a dh'aois) an nighean aig Deathain Cholaiste
Chriosd, agus comhla ris an dithis pheathraichean aice, Lorina (a
bha tri bliadhna deug), agus Edith (a bha ochd bliadhna a dh'aois).
Mar a tha soilleir san dan aig toiseach an leabhair, dh'iarr na
triuir nigheanan air Dodgson sgeulachd innse dhaibh agus thoisich
e, gu h-aindeonach an toiseach, a' chiad dreach den sgeulachd innse
dhaibh. Tha torr iomraidhean den choignear aca an leth-fhalach ann
am faclan an leabhair fhein, a chaidh fhoillseachadh mu dheireadh
thall ann an 1865. 'S e an leabhar seo a' chiad eadar-theangachadh
lan gu Gaidhlig, agus tha an leabhar a' cleachdadh litreachadh a
reir nan gnathasan as uire ann an Gaidhlig, na Gaelic Orthographic
Conventions (2005). -- Lewis Carroll is a pen-name: Charles
Lutwidge Dodgson was the author's real name and he was lecturer in
Mathematics in Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson began the story on 4
July 1862, when he took a journey in a rowing boat on the river
Thames in Oxford together with the Reverend Robinson Duckworth,
with Alice Liddell (ten years of age) the daughter of the Dean of
Christ Church, and with her two sisters, Lorina (thirteen years of
age), and Edith (eight years of age). As is clear from the poem at
the beginning of the book, the three girls asked Dodgson for a
story and reluctantly at rst he began to tell the rst version of
the story to them. There are many half-hidden references made to
the ve of them throughout the text of the book itself, which was
published nally in 1865. This book is the first complete
translation to Gaelic, and the book uses spellings according to the
current guidelines in Gaelic, the Gaelic Orthographic Conventions