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Bioenergy Engineering: Fundamentals, Methods, Modelling, and
Applications presents the fundamental principles, recent
developments, innovative state-of the-art technologies, challenges,
solutions and future perspectives on the production of biofuels and
bioenergy. Balancing the scientific and engineering aspects of
biofuels production, the book guides readers through the chemical
kinetics, modeling, thermodynamics, unit operations and
technological advancements in fuel processing from conventional and
alternative resources. Each chapter of the book starts with the
fundamentals and goes on to assess the latest technologies for the
production of renewable fuels on topics. Sections cover biomass
utilization, biomass-to-liquid conversion technologies (pyrolysis,
liquefaction, solid-state fermentation and submerged fermentation),
biomass-to-gas conversion technologies (thermochemical
gasification, subcritical and supercritical water gasification, and
methanation), gas-to-liquid conversion technologies
(Fischer-Tropsch synthesis), carbonization, transesterification,
organic transformation, carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom
coupling reactions, oxidation, reforming, hydrotreating
technologies (hydrogenation, hydrodesulfurization,
hydrodenitrogenation, hydro dearomatization and hydro
demetalization), nanocatalysis and biocatalysis (enzymatic
hydrolysis), and much more.
This book contains 400 EMI MCQ questions, which collectively
reflect the breadth of important topics in Otorhinolaryngology,
Head and Neck Surgery. The EMIs are presented in four a bite sizea
chapters (100 EMIs/chapter). Each chapter is followed by answers
with succinct explanations to consolidate knowledge and
understanding. Questions are deliberately arranged randomly in each
chapter to reflect real life situations. The level of diffi culty
of the questions varies, making this book suitable for all ENT
surgeons, especially those preparing for professional examinations
such as DOHNS (UK), Arab Board, European Board, MRCS (ENT) and FRCS
ORL-HNS (UK). This book represents the most up-to-date and
comprehensive assessment of post graduate ENT knowledge, with
emphasis on the a wheata rather than the a chaff a . It will appeal
to those who want to quickly evaluate and update their knowledge,
in the shortest possible time. Seven other ENT Tzar books are also
available for ENT career development from medical student level to
Consultant (www.enttzar.co.uk, www.ricardopersaud.com)
Bioremediation and Bioeconomy: A Circular Economy Approach provides
a common platform for scientists from various backgrounds to find
sustainable solutions to environmental issues, including
remediation of emerging pollutants, usage of contaminated land and
wastewater for bioproducts such as natural fibers, biocomposites,
and fuels, to boost the economy. The need for transitioning to a
sustainable use of natural resources is now more evident than ever
as industrialization and pollution are global phenomena.
Biodiversity is being used as raw material for environmental
decontamination, and this field has grown phenomenally in recent
years, having emerged less than 3 decades ago. On the other hand,
the volume of contaminated substrates (water, soil, and air) is
increasing due to anthropogenic and technogenic sources of organic
and inorganic contaminants. Bioremediation and Bioeconomy: A
Circular Economy Approach will address the bottlenecks and
solutions to the existing limitations in field scale and the
relevant techniques.
Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not
used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad
quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are
images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to
keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the
original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain
imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made
available for future generations to enjoy.
Currently, there is a critical need to integrate diversity and
inclusion into health professions curricula and to diversify
educators' approaches to teaching. The COVID-19 pandemic has most
recently highlighted the systemic barriers that exist for our most
vulnerable patients. To address these inequities, it is important
to promote diversity and inclusion in thought, practice, and
curricular content. Social and cultural experiences uniquely
influence the learning experience, so a plurality of perspectives
should be represented in educational material and seen in the
classroom. Cases on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the Health
Professions Educator serves as a tool to enhance the structure and
competencies of learners in health professions. This case book
engages both learners and educators in health professions in robust
discussions that serve to enhance awareness and knowledge around
these issues with the expectation that knowledge will translate
into practices that eventually reduce health inequities. Covering
topics such as ableism, barriers to healthcare access, and mental
health stigma, this case book is an indispensable resource for
health professionals, educators and students in the health
professions, hospital administrators, medical librarians,
sociologists, government officials, researchers, and academicians.
In recent years, there has been considerable interest in studying
the quantum capacitance (QC) in 2D quantum MOSFETs (QMOSFET) and 1D
Nano Wire FET (NWFET) devices of various technologically important
materials which find extensive applications in many directions in
low dimensional electronics. The 2D and 1D electron statistics in
inversion layers of MOSFETs can rather easily be varied by changing
the gate voltage which, in turn, brings a change of the surface
electric field, the QC depends on the gate-voltage. This
first-of-its-kind book deals solely with the QC in 2D MOSFETs of
non-linear optical, ternary, quaternary, III-V compounds, II-VI,
IV-VI, stressed Kane type, Ge, GaP, Bismuth telluride, Gallium
Antimonide and their 1D NWFETs counter parts. The influence of
quantizing magnetic field, crossed electric and magnetic fields,
parallel magnetic field, have also been considered on the QC of the
said devices of the aforementioned materials. The influences of
strong light waves and ultra-strong electric field present in
nano-devices have also been considered. The accumulation layers of
the quantum effect devices of the said materials have also been
discussed in detail by formulating the respective dispersion
relations of the heavily doped compounds. The QC in 1D MOSFET of
the said materials have also been investigated in this context on
the basis of newly formulated electron energy spectra in all the
cases. The QC in quantum well transistors and magneto quantum well
transistors together with CNTFETs have been formulated and
discussed in detail along with I-V equations of ballistic QWFETs
and NWFETs together with their heavily doped counter parts. In this
context, experimental determinations are suggested of the Einstein
relation for the Diffusivity-Mobility ratio, the Debye screening
length, Elastic Constants and the content of this book finds three
different applications in the arena of nanoscience and
nanotechnology.This book contains hundred open research problems
which form the integral part of the text and are useful for both
PhD aspirants and researchers.
Himalayan Fruits and Berries: Bioactive Compounds, Uses and
Nutraceutical Potential presents nutraceutical fruits and berries
from the Himalayan region and highlights their potential use in
nutraceutical products. Beginning with the introduction of the
Himalayan region and its wild fruits, this book explores various
kinds of wild fruits and berries. It includes coverage of
traditional, ethnomedicinal, and local uses of potential
nutraceutical fruits and analyzes their distribution, availability,
and cultivation methods. The book also provides a detailed summary
of clinical studies and presents "from field to industry" case
studies. Wild fruits and berries play an important role in
mitigating hunger in the developing world, and these fruits are
consumed either in whole or extracted for use in nutraceutical
production. Nutrition researchers, food scientists, food chemists,
plant scientists, pharmacologists, as well as students or
researchers working in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries
exploring the use of Himalayan wild berries and fruits as new
components and sources in nutraceuticals will benefit from this
In a gorgeous history that spans continents and millennia, Aarathi
Prasad weaves together the complex story of the queen of fabrics.
Through the scientists who have studied silk, and the biology of
the animals from which it has been drawn, Prasad explores the
global history, natural history, and future of a unique material
that has fascinated the world for millennia. For silk, prized for
its lightness, luminosity, and beauty is also one of the strongest
biological materials ever known. More than a century ago, it was
used to make the first bulletproof vest, and yet science has barely
even begun to tap its potential. As the technologies it has
inspired - from sutures to pharmaceuticals, replacement body parts
to holograms - continue to be developed in laboratories around the
world, they are now also beginning to offer a desperately needed,
sustainable alternative to the plastics choking our planet.
Prasad's Silk is a cultural and biological history from the origins
and ancient routes of silk to the biologists who learned the
secrets of silk-producing animals, manipulating the habitats and
physiologies of moths, spiders and molluscs. Because there is more
than one silk, there is more than one story of silk. More than one
road, more than one people who discovered it, and wove its threads.
From the moths of China, Indonesia and India to the spiders of
South America and Madagascar, to the silk-producing molluscs of the
Mediterranean, Silk is a book rich in the passionate connections
made by women and men of science to the diversity of the animal
world. It is an intoxicating mix of biography, intellectual history
and science writing that brings to life the human obsession with
Abiotic Stress and Legumes: Tolerance and Management is the first
book to focus on the ability of legume plants to adapt effectively
to environmental challenges. Using the -omic approach, this book
takes a targeted approach to understanding the methods and means of
ensuring survival and maximizing the productivity of the legume
plant by improving tolerance to environmental /abiotic stress
factors including drought, temperature change, and other
challenges. The book presents a comprehensive overview of the
progress that has been made in identifying means of managing
abiotic stress effects, specifically in legumes, including the
development of several varieties which exhibit tolerance through
high yield using transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic and ionomic
approaches. Further, exogenous application of various stimulants
such as plant hormones, nutrients, sugars, and polyamines has
emerged as an alternative strategy to improve productivity under
these environmental challenges. Abiotic Stress and Legumes:
Tolerance and Management examines these emerging strategies and
serves as an important resource for researchers, academicians and
scientists, enhancing their knowledge and aiding further research.
Microplastics in the Ecosphere Discover the environmental impact of
microplastics with this comprehensive resource Microplastics are
the minute quantities of plastic that result from industrial
processes, household release and the breakdown of larger plastic
items. Widespread reliance on plastic goods and, particularly,
single-use plastics, which has been increased by the COVID-19
pandemic, has made microplastics ubiquitous; they can be found
throughout the ecosphere, including in the bloodstreams of humans
and other animals. As these plastics emerge as a potential threat
to the environment and to public health, it has never been more
critical to understand their distribution and environmental impact.
Microplastics in the Ecosphere aims to cultivate that understanding
with a comprehensive overview of microplastics in terrestrial
ecosystems. It analyzes microplastic distribution in aerosphere,
hydrosphere, and soil, tracing these plastics from their production
on land to their distribution—overwhelmingly—in maritime
ecosystems. The result is a book that will inform researchers and
policymakers as we look to tackle this emerging challenge globally.
Microplastics in the Ecosphere readers will also find: Introductory
information about the production and distribution of single-use
plastics An emphasis on management and mitigation strategies
designed to reduce contamination over time A multidisciplinary
approach, combining concepts and analytical techniques from a range
of scientific fields Microplastics in the Ecosphere is a valuable
guide for researchers and scientists, advanced undergraduate and
graduate students, industry professionals, and policymakers looking
to understand the impact of these widespread materials.
Manganese Mining Microorganisms covers the latest amalgamation of
the diversity of Mn biomining microorganisms, their
biosolubilization mechanisms, and their role in natural manganese
biogeochemical cycling. The book demonstrates the role of
microorganisms as applied to manganese recovery from ores using
bacteria. This new book provides an in-depth view of the latest
trends in green mining, along with mechanistic views of biomining
and bio recovery processes for both academic (undergraduate,
postgraduate, doctoral students and lecturers/researchers) and
industrial readers.
Plant Life under Changing Environment: Responses and Management
presents the latest insights, reflecting the significant progress
that has been made in understanding plant responses to various
changing environmental impacts, as well as strategies for
alleviating their adverse effects, including abiotic stresses.
Growing from a focus on plants and their ability to respond, adapt,
and survive, Plant Life under Changing Environment: Responses and
Management addresses options for mitigating those responses to
ensure maximum health and growth. Researchers and advanced students
in environmental sciences, plant ecophysiology, biochemistry,
molecular biology, nano-pollution climate change, and soil
pollution will find this an important foundational resource.
The concepts of the Electron Statistics (ES) and the ES dependent
electronic properties are basic pillars in semiconductor
electronics and this first-of-its-kind book deals with the said
concepts in doping superlattices (SLs), quantum well, quantum wire
and quantum dot SLs, effective mass SLs, SLs with graded interfaces
and Fibonacci SLs under different physical conditions respectively.
The influences of intense radiation and strong electric fields
under said concepts have been considered together with the heavily
doped SLs in this context on the basis of newly formulated the
electron energy spectra in all the cases. We have suggested
experimental determinations of the Einstein relation for the
Diffusivity-Mobility ratio, the Debye screening length, Elastic
Constants and the content of this book finds 25 different
applications in the arena of nanoscience and nanotechnology.This
book contains hundred open research problems which form the
integral part of the text and are useful for both PhD aspirants and
researchers. It is written for post graduate students of various
departments of different academic organizations, engineers and
professionals in the fields of solid state electronics, materials
science, solid state sciences, nano-science, nanotechnology and
nano materials in general.
An Economist Best Book of the Year A Financial Times Best Book of
the Year A Foreign Affairs Best Book of the Year A ProMarket Best
Political Economy Book of the Year One of The Week's Ten Best
Business Books of the Year A cutting-edge look at how accelerating
financial change, from the end of cash to the rise of
cryptocurrencies, will transform economies for better and worse. We
think we've seen financial innovation. We bank from laptops and buy
coffee with the wave of a phone. But these are minor miracles
compared with the dizzying experiments now underway around the
globe, as businesses and governments alike embrace the
possibilities of new financial technologies. As Eswar Prasad
explains, the world of finance is at the threshold of major
disruption that will affect corporations, bankers, states, and
indeed all of us. The transformation of money will fundamentally
rewrite how ordinary people live. Above all, Prasad foresees the
end of physical cash. The driving force won't be phones or credit
cards but rather central banks, spurred by the emergence of
cryptocurrencies to develop their own, more stable digital
currencies. Meanwhile, cryptocurrencies themselves will evolve
unpredictably as global corporations like Facebook and Amazon join
the game. The changes will be accompanied by snowballing
innovations that are reshaping finance and have already begun to
revolutionize how we invest, trade, insure, and manage risk. Prasad
shows how these and other changes will redefine the very concept of
money, unbundling its traditional functions as a unit of account,
medium of exchange, and store of value. The promise lies in greater
efficiency and flexibility, increased sensitivity to the needs of
diverse consumers, and improved market access for the unbanked. The
risk is instability, lack of accountability, and erosion of
privacy. A lucid, visionary work, The Future of Money shows how to
maximize the best and guard against the worst of what is to come.
Vaccine development is a complex and time consuming process that
differs from the development of conventional pharmaceuticals.
Primarily, vaccines are intended for use in healthy individuals as
a preventative measure, requiring a long and rigorous process of
research and many years of testing and development prior to
clinical trials and regulatory approval. The average time for the
development of vaccines to clinical is 12 to 15 years. Vaccine
Development: From Concept to Clinic is a detailed overview of the
development of new vaccines, covering the entire process and
addresses all classes of vaccines from a processing, development
and regulatory viewpoint. Utilising successful case studies the
book will provide insight to the issues scientists face when
producing a vaccine, the steps involved and will serve as an ideal
reference tool regarding state-of-the-art vaccine development. This
book is an ideal companion for any researchers working in vaccine
discovery and development or with an interest in the field.
Machine learning is able to solve real-time problems. It has
several algorithms such as classification, clustering, and more. To
learn these essential algorithms, we require tools like Scikit and
TensorFlow. Machine Learning Algorithms Using Scikit and TensorFlow
Environments assists researchers in learning and implementing these
critical algorithms. Covering key topics such as classification,
artificial neural networks, prediction, random forest, and
regression analysis, this premier reference source is ideal for
industry professionals, computer scientists, researchers,
academicians, scholars, practitioners, instructors, and students.
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