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Richard Bradford's new introduction to poetry begins with and
answers the slippery question, 'what is poetry?'. The book provides
a compact history of English poetry from the 16th century to the
present day and surveys the major critical and theoretical
approaches to verse. It tackles the important issues of gender,
race and nationality and concludes with a lengthy account of how to
recognise good poetry. This engaging and readable book is
accessible to all readers, from those who simply enjoy poetry
through university first years to graduate students. Poetry: The
Ultimate Guide provides the technical and critical tools you need
to approach and evaluate poetry, and to articulate your own views.
With a new introduction by Professor Richard Bradford this edition
takes a fresh look at one of the great works of the twentieth
century. Orwell's classic dystopian fiction warns us of our future,
and deals with issues that speak to multiple dangers faced by many
nations today. Winston Smith is a member of 'the party' and subject
to constant surveillance by the eyes of Big Brother, the ruler of
the society. 'Newspeak' is designed to eradicate all political
speech, 'Thoughtcrimes' are categorized as any thoughts of
resistance or rebellion against any aspect of society, and the
threat of despatch to 'Room 101' is a looming warning to all.
Orwell explores the mechanics of totalitarianism revealing how
control over the mass media allows the state to control all aspects
of life, both the past and the future.
Concrete', 'pattern' or 'shaped' poems are well documented as
experimental curiosities. While giving some attention to this
sub-genre the book shifts the focus to the ways in which visual
form manifests itself in traditional verse, examining poems by
Milton, Wordsworth, Eliot, Olson, T.E. Hulme, Auden, Williams,
Larkin and Charles Tomlinson. It examines how the tactile presence
of the poem on the page transcends the routine distinctions between
genre and historical context, emerging as a significant but largely
unexamined contribution to modernist poetics. The interpretative
methodology is radical, adapting Wollheim's twofold thesis grounded
in the aesthetics of visual art to the author's own concept of the
double pattern Graphic Poetics challenges the accepted protocols of
reading and interpreting verse and considers how poetry is involved
in a dialogue with such theoreticians as Derrida. Introducing a new
perspective on how poems work and on how they generate effects, it
shows how poets use devices previously unrecognised and
unacknowledged, techniques which are more commonly associated with
visual arts than with literature.
Orwell is most well-known for his two famous novels Nineteen
Eighty-Four and Animal Farm, but their dystopian vision was
informed by observations of poverty in England (Down and Out in
Paris' and London and Road to Wigan Pier), and disillusion with
political and national events of the 1930s and 1940s. Homage to
Catalonia chronicled his experience of the Spanish Civil War and
formulated his revulsion against totalitarianism, highlighted in
his subsequent novels. This new collection (edited and with a new
introduction by Professor Richard Bradford, and a foreword by
Whitbread Prize winner D.J. Taylor) brings together Orwell's two
celebrated novels and some of his seminal nonfiction (extensive
extracts from Down and Out in Paris and London and The Road to
Wigan Pier, and the whole of Homage to Catalonia), along with some
brief extracts of pertinent work by Jack London, who also explored
totalitarianism in The Iron Heel (fiction), and the Russian
dissident Yevgeny Zamyatin whose own work We (1921) offers a strong
warning about a dystopian police state. A new addition to the Flame
Tree deluxe Gothic Fantasy series on classic and modern writers,
exploring origins and cultural themes in myth, fable and
speculative fiction. The Flame Tree Gothic Fantasy, Classic Stories
and Epic Tales collections bring together the entire range of myth,
folklore and modern short fiction. Highlighting the roots of
suspense, supernatural, science fiction and mystery stories, the
books in Flame Tree Collections series are beautifully presented,
perfect as a gift and offer a lifetime of reading pleasure.
There is a crying need for an accessible, comprehensive guide to John Milton for the thousands of students who make their way through his poetry every year on literary survey and seventeenth century literature courses. Where many previous guides have dragged their way through Paradise Lost, Richard Bradford brings Milton to life with an overview of his life, contexts, work and the relationship between these, and of the main critical issues surrounding his work.
Related link: http://www.literature.routledge.com/criti calguides/
Richard Bradford provides a definitive introductory guide to modern
critical ideas on literary style and stylistics. It will provide
students with a basic grasp of stylistics and literary
This comprehensive and accessible guidebook for undergraduates
* the terminology of literary form
* how literary style has evolved since the sixteenth century
* the role of stylistics in twentieth century criticism
* the discipline of stylistics from classical rhetoric to
* the relationship between literary style and its historical
* style and gender
* examples of poems, plays and novels from Shakespeare to the
present day.
Richard Bradford provides a definitive introductory guide to modern critical ideas on literary style and stylistics. It will provide students with a basic grasp of stylistics and literary analysis. This comprehensive and accessible guidebook for undergraduates examines: * the terminology of literary form * how literary style has evolved since the sixteenth century * the role of stylistics in twentieth century criticism * the discipline of stylistics from classical rhetoric to post-structuralism * the relationship between literary style and its historical context * style and gender * examples of poems, plays and novels from Shakespeare to the present day.
In Roman Jakobson Richard Bradford reasserts the value of
Jakobson's work, arguing that he has a great deal to offer
contemporary critical theory and providing a critical appraisal the
sweep of Jakobson's career.
Bradford re-establishes Jakobson's work as vital to our
understanding of the relationship between language and poetry. By
exploring Jakobson's thesis that poetry is the primary object
language, Roman Jakobson: Life, Language, Art offers a new reading
of his work which includes the most radical elements of modernism.
This book will be invaluable to students of Jakobson and to anyone
interested in the development of critical theory, linguistics and
In Roman Jakobson Richard Bradford reasserts the value of
Jakobson's work, arguing that he has a great deal to offer
contemporary critical theory and providing a critical appraisal the
sweep of Jakobson's career.
Bradford re-establishes Jakobson's work as vital to our
understanding of the relationship between language and poetry. By
exploring Jakobson's thesis that poetry is the primary object
language, Roman Jakobson: Life, Language, Art offers a new reading
of his work which includes the most radical elements of modernism.
This book will be invaluable to students of Jakobson and to anyone
interested in the development of critical theory, linguistics and
Since the early 1960s the academic certainties of 'traditional'
literary studies have been challenged by techniques and
perspectives borrowed from other disciplies. And this so-called
'crisis' in English studies is now being complicated by the recent
changes in the institutional structure of education. This timely
collection provides an overview of how critical theory operates in
practice and an indispensable guide to The State of Theory today.
Topic discussed include: gender, race, the gothic, the value of
student 'theory guides', and the impact of theory on teaching
practice and the future for theory in our English departments.
By bringing together the emphases and techniques of modern
linguistics and literary criticism and applying them to a range of
poetry, from Shakespeare to the present day, "A Linguistic History
of English Poetry" argues that poetry is uniquely and intrinsically
different from other linguistic discourses and non-linguistic sign
systems. A variety of approaches, including New Criticism,
Formalism, Structuralism and Poststructuralism, are used to show
how poetic structure and poetic signification have changed since
the sixteenth century and interpretive models and methods are
offered for criticizing poetry. Particular emphasis is placed on
the texts' contexts, both in relation to literary history, and
social, cultural and aesthetic considerations.
The book contains detailed readings of individual texts, including
poems by Donne, Herbert, Marvell, Milton, Pope, Wordsworth,
Coleridge, Blake, Keats, Shelly, Tennyson, Browning, Arnold,
Hopkins, Pound, Eliot, WilliamCarlos Williams, Dylan Thomas, Auden,
e. e. cummings, Larken and E. J. Thribb, as well as a full
This introductory book takes the reader through literary history
from the Renaissance to Postmodernism, and considers individual
texts as paradigms which can both reflect and unsettle their
broader linguistic and cultural contexts. Richard Bradford provides
detailed readings of individual texts which emphasize their
relation to literary history and broader socio-cultural contexts,
and which take into account developments in structuralism and
postmodernism. Texts include poems by Donne, Herbert, Marvell,
Milton, Pope, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Blake, Keats, Hopkins,
Browning, Pound, Eliot, Carlos Williams, Auden, Larkin and Geoffrey
Contemporary Publishing and the Culture of Books is a comprehensive
resource that builds bridges between the traditional focus and
methodologies of literary studies and the actualities of modern and
contemporary literature, including the realities of professional
writing, the conventions and practicalities of the publishing
world, and its connections between literary publishing and other
media. Focusing on the relationship between modern literature and
the publishing industry, the volume enables students and academics
to extend the text-based framework of modules on contemporary
writing into detailed expositions of the culture and industry which
bring these texts into existence; it brings economic considerations
into line alongside creative issues, and examines how employing
marketing strategies are utilized to promote and sell books.
Sections cover: The standard university-course specifications of
contemporary writing, offering an extensive picture of the social,
economic, and cultural contexts of these literary genres The impact
and status of non-literary writing, and how this compares with
certain literary genres as an index to contemporary culture and a
reflection of the state of the publishing industry The
practicalities and conventions of the publishing industry
Contextual aspects of literary culture and the book industry,
visiting the broader spheres of publishing, promotion, bookselling,
and literary culture Carefully linked chapters allow readers to tie
key elements of the publishing industry to the particular demands
and features of contemporary literary genres and writing, offering
a detailed guide to the ways in which the three core areas of
culture, economics, and pragmatics intersect in the world of
publishing. Further to being a valuable resource for those studying
English or Creative Writing, the volume is a key text for degrees
in which Publishing is a component, and is relevant to those
aspects of Media Studies that look at interactions between the
media and literature/publishing.
Contemporary Publishing and the Culture of Books is a comprehensive
resource that builds bridges between the traditional focus and
methodologies of literary studies and the actualities of modern and
contemporary literature, including the realities of professional
writing, the conventions and practicalities of the publishing
world, and its connections between literary publishing and other
media. Focusing on the relationship between modern literature and
the publishing industry, the volume enables students and academics
to extend the text-based framework of modules on contemporary
writing into detailed expositions of the culture and industry which
bring these texts into existence; it brings economic considerations
into line alongside creative issues, and examines how employing
marketing strategies are utilized to promote and sell books.
Sections cover: The standard university-course specifications of
contemporary writing, offering an extensive picture of the social,
economic, and cultural contexts of these literary genres The impact
and status of non-literary writing, and how this compares with
certain literary genres as an index to contemporary culture and a
reflection of the state of the publishing industry The
practicalities and conventions of the publishing industry
Contextual aspects of literary culture and the book industry,
visiting the broader spheres of publishing, promotion, bookselling,
and literary culture Carefully linked chapters allow readers to tie
key elements of the publishing industry to the particular demands
and features of contemporary literary genres and writing, offering
a detailed guide to the ways in which the three core areas of
culture, economics, and pragmatics intersect in the world of
publishing. Further to being a valuable resource for those studying
English or Creative Writing, the volume is a key text for degrees
in which Publishing is a component, and is relevant to those
aspects of Media Studies that look at interactions between the
media and literature/publishing.
As one of the most enduringly popular and controversial novelists of the last century, the 70th anniversary of George Orwell's death in 2020 will certainly be marked by conferences, festivals and media events - but more significant than these acts of commemoration is his relevance today.
Despite the commonplace view that Animal Farm was aimed exclusively at Stalinist Russia, it was far more broadly focussed and the similarities between aspects of the novel and Trump's America are obvious. `Not only the parallels with the current President, but also by those who feel that his cult of personality is a mandate for collective nastiness. 'Doublethink' features in Nineteen Eighty Four and it is the forerunner to 'Fake News'.
Aside from Orwell's importance as a political theorist and novelist his life in its own right is a beguiling narrative. His family was caught between upper middle-class complacency and uncertainty, and Orwell's time at Prep School and as a scholarship boy at Eton caused him to despise the class system that spawned him despite finding himself unable to fully detach himself from it.
His life thereafter mirrored the history of his country; like many from his background he devoted himself to socialism as a salve to his conscience. He died at the point when Britain's status as an Imperial and world power had waned.
An interest in him endures, principally because it is difficult to differentiate between the man who recorded the terrible events of the depression and the Spanish Civil War as an observer and the fiction writer who used literature to predict grim possibilities and diagnose horribly endemic inclinations. No other British writer of the 20th century has blended ideas, political commentary and literary art in such a manner.
For an author whose work has been regarded as the most important in terms of the turbulent years of the mid-20th century and who eroded the boundaries between literature, journalism and political commentary, there have been relatively few attempts to present a vibrant portrait of the man behind the writings. Fifteen years (closer to eighteen when this book appears) is a long time for the absence of a life of one of one of the best-known authors of the twentieth century.
'My New Year's Eve Toast: to all the devils, lusts, passions,
greeds, envies, loves, hates, strange desires, enemies ghostly and
real, the army of memories, with which I do battle - may they never
give me peace' - Patricia Highsmith (New Year's Eve, 1947). Made
famous by the great success of her psychological thrillers, The
Talented Mr Ripley and Strangers on a Train, Patricia Highsmith is
renowned as one of the most influential and celebrated modern
writers. However, there has never been a clear picture of the woman
behind the books. The relationship between Highsmith's lesbianism,
her fraught personality - by parts self-destructive and malicious -
and her fiction, has been largely ignored by biographers in the
past. As an openly homosexual writer, she wrote the seminal lesbian
love story Carol for which she would be venerated, in modern times,
as a radical exponent of the LGBTQ+ community. Alas, her status as
an LGBTQ+ icon is undermined by her excessive cruelty towards and
exploitation of her friends and many lovers. In this biography,
Richard Bradford brings his sharp and incisive style to one of the
greatest and most controversial writers of the twentieth century.
He considers Highsmith's bestsellers in the context of her troubled
personal life; her alcoholism, licentious sex life, racism,
anti-Semitism, misogyny and abundant self-loathing.
Written with the close cooperation of Alan Sillitoe himself, "The
Life of a Long Distance Writer" is not only the definitive work on
the legendary writer in his 80th birthday year, it also promises to
be perhaps the most controversial literary biography of the last
decade. Alan Sillitoe has allowed Richard Bradford unrestriced
access to his papers and personal archive, enabling Bradford to
build the first comprehensive portrait of this brilliant and often
contradictory figure. Within it, Bradford reveals--among other
things--that Sillitoe, though proud of his background and
Nottingham hometown, rejects the "working-class writer" tag that
has been thrust on him, loathes political correctness in all its
forms, and has retained for a long time a somewhat unfashionable
Zionism, strongly sympathetic to those who want to protect the
Jewish homeland. As well as this, Bradford delves into Silltoe's
literary and artistic liasions across mediums, perhaps most notably
a long and close friendship with Poet Laureate Ted Hughes.
The first biography to examine Mailer's life as a twisted lens,
offering a unique insight into the history of America from the end
of World War II to the election of Barack Obama. Twice winner of
the Pulitzer Prize, firstly in 1969 for The Armies of the Night and
again in 1980 for The Executioner's Song, Norman Mailer's life
comes as close as is possible to being the Great American Novel:
beyond reason, inexplicable, wonderfully grotesque and addictive.
The Naked and the Dead was acclaimed not so much for its intrinsic
qualities but rather because it launched a brutally realistic
sub-genre of military fiction - Catch 22 and MASH would not exist
without it. Richard Bradford combs through Mailer's personal
letters - to lovers and editors - which appear to be a rehearsal
for his career as a shifty literary narcissist, and which shape the
characters of one of the most widely celebrated World War II
novels. Bradford strikes again with a merciless biography in which
diary entries, journal extracts and newspaper columns set the tone
of this study of a controversial figure. From friendships with
contemporaries such as James Baldwin, failed correspondences with
Hemingway and the Kennedys, to terrible - but justified - criticism
of his work by William Faulkner and Eleanor Roosevelt, this book
gives a unique, snappy and convincing perspective of Mailer's
ferocious personality and writings.
The classic coming-of-age story set during World War II about the enduring spirit of youth and the values in life that count.
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