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Recent discussions of self-realization have devolved into
unscientific theories of self-help. However, this vague and often
misused concept is connected to many important individual and
social problems. As long as its meaning remains unclear, it can be
abused for social, political, and commercial malpractices. To
combat this issue, this book shares perspectives from scholars of
various philosophical traditions. Each chapter takes new steps in
asking what the meaning of self-realization is-both in terms of
what it means to understand who or what one is, and also in terms
of how one can, or should, fulfilll oneself. The conceptual
elucidations achieved from both theoretical and practical
perspectives allow for a more mature awareness of how to deal with
discourses on self-realization and, in any case, can help to
demystify the subject.
Young people who come into contact with police officers on the
streets today have little idea of the significance of the stabbing
to death of Stephen Lawrence in a racist attack in 1993. Only their
parents or grandparents remember the daily exposures of police
incompetence and indirect racism which were given high profile in
the media for six months. The repercussions of the case are still
ongoing with the long overdue conviction in 2012 of two of the
original suspects, and in the same year a number of racist assaults
by police. This accessible and engaging book includes analysis of
hitherto inaccessible transcripts. These dramatically show how the
Inquiry was undermined to the point of failure to produce the
desired results. Dr Stone also discusses contemporary issues and
the relevance of the Inquiry today. This paperback edition is
updated with a new Afterword, including revelations about police
surveillance on members of the public who attended the Lawrence
Inquiry, Dr Stone's meeting with Mark Ellison QC prior to the
release of his report on possible corruption and the role of
undercover policing in the Stephen Lawrence case, and proposals for
action on implementation of the agenda set by the Lawrence Inquiry.
Hard-hitting and full of insightful detail, this book makes
essential reading for academics, students, researchers and anyone
interested in institutional racism, particularly in the police.
In recent years, the law relating to entry, search and seizure has
undergone major change. Significant legislation, including the
Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, has led to the amendment and
abolition of powers, creating a complex and dynamic legal
landscape. What powers are available? Who may use them? And under
what circumstances? A practical guide to the powers available in
both criminal and civil proceedings, The Law of Entry, Search and
Seizure offers comprehensive analysis of the powers available to
the police and other officials in light of all the relevant
legislation. It contains exhaustive treatment of police powers both
at common law and under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
and subsequent legislation such as the Serious Organised Crime and
Police Act 2005, including powers of personal search as well as
searches of premises. The book also covers the powers of many other
officials, such as the HM Revenue and Customs, trading standards
officers, and the powers of central and local government officers.
Focussing in particular on the most commonly-used powers, but with
reference to others which are available, this new edition offers
expert analysis of the ways in which powers are typically used, and
the constraints which exist in relation to them.
Good balance of well-chosen texts and materials with accessible,
critical author commentary Offers a concise, clear and accessible
overview of contract law for incoming 1st year students Tailored
pedagogy to aid student understanding of the subject
Routledge Q&As give you the tools to practice and refine
your exam technique, showing you how to apply your knowledge to
maximum effect in an exam situation. Each book contains up to fifty
essay and problem-based questions on the most commonly examined
topics, complete with expert guidance and fully worked model
These new editions will provide you with the skills you need for
your exams by:
- Helping you to be prepared: each title in the series has an
introduction presenting carefully tailored advice on how to
approach assessment for your subject
- Showing you what examiners are looking for: each question is
annotated with both a short overview on how to approach your
answer, as well as footnoted commentary that demonstrate how model
answers meet marking criteria
- Offering pointers on how to gain marks, as well as what common
errors could lose them: Aim Higher and Common Pitfalls offer
crucial guidance throughout
- Helping you to understand and remember the law diagrams for
each answer work to illuminate difficult legal principles and
provide overviews of how model answers are structured
Books in the series are also supported by a Companion Website
that offers online essay-writing tutorials, podcasts, bonus
Q&As and multiple-choice questions to help you focus your
revision more effectively.
Good balance of well-chosen texts and materials with accessible,
critical author commentary Offers a concise, clear and accessible
overview of contract law for incoming 1st year students Tailored
pedagogy to aid student understanding of the subject
"Exploring History In and Around Derbyshire" vividly brings to life
aspects of bygone times from misty Celtic twilight to more modern
times. In this fascinating study of Derbyshire history you'll find
tales about saints and sinners, hermits and heroes, faith, folly,
fonts, crinkle-crankle walls, 'secret' forests and much more! It is
a fantastic read with many captivating and enjoyable stories to
share! History is all around us. The past haunts the present,
shaping our customs, architecture, landscape and community life. In
a series of informative, well-illustrated chapters, this book
vividly brings to life aspects of bygone times from misty Celtic
twilight to more modern times. Many of the topics covered are
expanded from features contributed to BBC Radio Derby or from
articles that have appeared in "Derby Evening Telegraph's"
"Yesterday Today" supplement, "Derbyshire Life" and other
publications. Together with brand new items, they add up to a
collection with widespread appeal. You can meet mediaeval England's
architect-in-chief, a man whose real life rags-to-riches story
rivals that of his contemporary Dick Whittington. You can find out
how Derbyshire's farmers led a rural revolution. You can tread the
packhorse trail. You can hear strange reports of tree climbing
rabbits and of pigs decked out in ribbons and bows. You can
discover the achievements of a Derbyshire man with a claim to being
Britain's finest sculptor. Saints and sinners, hermits and heroes,
faith, folly, fonts, crinkle-crankle walls, 'secret' forests,
sundials, postboxes, and the humble country stile all feature in
this wide-ranging exploration of the character and landscape of
Derbyshire and its immediate surrounds. This is serious history
with the lightest of touches that will be enjoyed by anyone who
takes more than a passing interest in local history.
These lectures focus on 12 pioneers of economic, demographic and
social statistics ranging from the 17th century to the end of the
19th century. The first lecture discusses the work of the political
arithmeticians including William Petty, Founding Fellow of the
Royal Society. The second lecture considers three steps in the
development of quantitative economics in the form of Bishop
Fleetwood, Arthur Young and Patrick Colquhoun. In the third lecture
Stone turns to demography, and to John Graunt, Edmond Halley and
William Farr. The fourth lecture deals with social statistics in
the persons of Frederick Morton Eden, Florence Nightingale and
Charles Booth.
Routledge QandAs give you the tools to practice and refine your
exam technique, showing you how to apply your knowledge to maximum
effect in an exam situation. Each book contains essay and
problem-based questions on the most commonly examined topics,
complete with expert guidance and fully worked model answers that
help you to: Plan your revision: introducing how best to approach
revision in each subject Know what examiners are looking for:
identifying and explaining the main elements of each question to
help you understand the best approach providing marker annotation
to show how examiners will read your answer Gain marks, and avoid
common errors: identifying common pitfalls students encounter in
class and in assessment providing revision advice to help you aim
higher in essays and exams Understand and remember the law: using
diagrams as overviews for each answer to demonstrate how the law
fits together The series is also supported by an online resource
that allows you to test your progress during the run-up to exams.
Features include: multiple choice questions, bonus QandAs and
podcasts. www.routledge.com/cw/revision
Recent discussions of self-realization have devolved into
unscientific theories of self-help. However, this vague and often
misused concept is connected to many important individual and
social problems. As long as its meaning remains unclear, it can be
abused for social, political, and commercial malpractices. To
combat this issue, this book shares perspectives from scholars of
various philosophical traditions. Each chapter takes new steps in
asking what the meaning of self-realization is-both in terms of
what it means to understand who or what one is, and also in terms
of how one can, or should, fulfilll oneself. The conceptual
elucidations achieved from both theoretical and practical
perspectives allow for a more mature awareness of how to deal with
discourses on self-realization and, in any case, can help to
demystify the subject.
Introducing readers to many of the most prominent features of
PostgreSQL, the authors simultaneously present key relational
database design and management principles that will help novice
readers effectively manage their data-driven application. Over 150
pages of coverage is devoted to the most popular PostgreSQL APIs,
including PHP, Perl, Java, and C.
Young people who come into contact with police officers on the
streets today have little idea of the significance of the stabbing
to death of Stephen Lawrence in a racist attack in 1993. Only their
parents or grandparents remember the daily exposures of police
incompetence and indirect racism which were given high profile in
the media for six months. The repercussions of the case are still
ongoing with the long overdue conviction in 2012 of two of the
original suspects, and in the same year a number of racist assaults
by police. This accessible and engaging book includes analysis of
hitherto inaccessible transcripts. These dramatically show how the
Inquiry was undermined to the point of failure to produce the
desired results. Dr Stone also discusses contemporary issues and
the relevance of the Inquiry today. This paperback edition is
updated with a new Afterword, including revelations about police
surveillance on members of the public who attended the Lawrence
Inquiry, Dr Stone's meeting with Mark Ellison QC prior to the
release of his report on possible corruption and the role of
undercover policing in the Stephen Lawrence case, and proposals for
action on implementation of the agenda set by the Lawrence Inquiry.
Hard-hitting and full of insightful detail, this book makes
essential reading for academics, students, researchers and anyone
interested in institutional racism, particularly in the police.
First published in 1951, and originally delivered as the Newmarch
Lectures for 1948 9, this book examines the role of measurement in
obtaining and applying economic knowledge. Esteemed economist
Richard Stone, who went on to win the Nobel Prize in Economics,
divides his topic into four sections: questions of fact and
empirical constructs; the truth or falsity of a hypothesis; the
estimation of parameters; and questions of prediction. This book
will be of value to anyone with an interest in economics and the
development of the discipline.
These lectures focus on twelve pioneers of economic, demographic
and social statistics ranging from the seventeenth century to the
end of the nineteenth century. The first lecture discusses the work
of the political arithmeticians including William Petty, Founding
Fellow of the Royal Society. The second lecture considers three
steps in the development of quantitative economics in the form of
Bishop Fleetwood, Arthur Young and Patrick Colquhoun. In the third
lecture Stone turns to demography, and to John Graunt, Edmond
Halley and William Farr. The fourth lecture deals with social
statistics in the persons of Frederick Morton Eden, Florence
Nightingale and Charles Booth.
This book contains a full translation of a major but little-known
Soviet work on Soviet national income accounts for a crucial stage
in the social and economic transformation of the Soviet economy
from 1928 to 1930. These were years of mass collectivisation and
the launching of the Soviet industrialisation drive. The USSR was
perhaps unique in having a well-developed statistical service able
to record the detailed changes in economic relationships that were
taking place at this time. The translation is accompanied by three
introductory articles which explain the structure and contents of
these materials, what new light these materials throw on the
development of the Soviet economy in this period and describe the
significance of these materials for the history of Soviet
statistics and planning. Amongst other questions this evidence
casts some doubt on recent attempts to show that Soviet
industrialisation resulted in a change in the net flow of goods
between industry and agriculture, in favour of agriculture. It also
shows that considerable attempts were made by some influential
statisticians and planners in the early 1930s to analyse the
relationship between different branches and sectors of the economy.
In a foreword Professor Sir Richard Stone sets the achievement of
the construction of these materials in the context of the history
of Western works on national income accounts.
Civil Liberties and Human Rights provides a straightforward and
stimulating account of this fascinating area of law. This essential
textbook covers all the key topics on undergraduate human rights
modules including crucial areas such as police powers, privacy,
freedom of expression, terrorism and public order. Detailed
analysis of key cases throughout puts the law into context and
encourages students to engage with contemporary issues and debates.