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This book takes an in-depth look at the software industry as a
major factor in future global economic performance. It explores how
software-based companies are a significant factor behind economic
growth and serve as important bridge builders between industries.
Countries with a weak and underdeveloped software industry risk
being left behind in the 21st century. The book examines the case
of Germany as one of the world's major industrial nations, which is
facing loss of competitiveness due to its underdeveloped software
sector. It shows how the German software market is characterized by
a multiplicity of small and medium sized companies and exhibits a
shortage of globally dominating companies. This is presented and
examined in the light of Germany being a powerhouse for
technologies in sectors other than the software industry. The book
analyzes the current situation and future potential of the German
software industry. Using empirical analysis and international case
studies, it presents the status quo and offers recommendations for
policy makers. It shows effective management strategies for the
sustainable international growth of software-based companies. The
recommendations in this book are intended to secure Germany's front
seat on the express train bound for the second half of the 21st
Digitisation and digital transformation are not only a topic of the
media, but are also taking place in companies. The digital
transformation affects the most diverse fields, from procurement to
sales and from organisation to strategy development. This task
requires the commitment of every company management and cannot
simply be delegated. This book aims to help managers and
entrepreneurs to set up structures in their organisation that allow
them to approach the digital transformation systematically. The
topics covered range from the configuration of digitisation
strategies and new management roles such as the Chief Digital
Officer to the importance of IT infrastructures, HR management and
corporate culture as enablers of digital transformation. A simple
framework serves as an orientation framework that structures the
management tasks and clearly summarises the various concepts and
instruments. In the 2nd revised and expanded edition, the focus is
on organisational aspects, in particular the role of start-ups for
the digital transformation, the design of the so-called Digital
Innovation Units and the role of the CDO. Secondly, the design and
management of digitisation projects is considered in more detail.
And thirdly, the concept of digital transformation is further
specified and delimited. In addition, the advancing technological
development is taken into account. "Prof. Thomas Hess provides a
concrete overview of many important aspects to be considered in the
digital transformation of companies. Clearly worth reading." Stefan
Winners, Chief Digital Officer at Hubert Burda Media "Beyond the
buzzword - Finally someone manages to systematically untangle the
chaos surrounding digital transformation. With his book, Thomas
Hess truly establishes the guardrails for managing digital
transformation projects. While others promise much and deliver
little, Thomas Hess gives the reader a design framework rather than
a patent remedy." Dr Christoph Steiger, former board member and CDO
of Hoffmann Group "Clearly more than just another book on the topic
of digital transformation! With exciting insights from science and
practice, Thomas Hess provides a toolbox for digital
transformation. Relevant for business and relevant researchers."
Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hubert OEsterle, University of St. Gallen
Whether ERP software, office applications, open-source products or
online games: In terms of its economic characteristics, software
differs fundamentally from industrial goods or services. Based on
the economic principles and rules of the software industry, the
book reveals strategies and business models to software vendors
that comprise cooperation, distribution, pricing and production and
industrialization strategies, as well as software as a service and
platform concepts. Further aspects including the outsourcing
behavior of software vendors and users; providing business software
as open source software; selecting software; and the value chains
in the software industry are also addressed. Based on a number of
expert meetings, it contains numerous case studies and new
empirical findings. Target audience of the book are professionals
and executives from the software, consulting and IT branches as
well as students and scholars of business administration, computer
science, business and industrial engineering.
This book takes an in-depth look at the software industry as a
major factor in future global economic performance. It explores how
software-based companies are a significant factor behind economic
growth and serve as important bridge builders between industries.
Countries with a weak and underdeveloped software industry risk
being left behind in the 21st century. The book examines the case
of Germany as one of the world's major industrial nations, which is
facing loss of competitiveness due to its underdeveloped software
sector. It shows how the German software market is characterized by
a multiplicity of small and medium sized companies and exhibits a
shortage of globally dominating companies. This is presented and
examined in the light of Germany being a powerhouse for
technologies in sectors other than the software industry. The book
analyzes the current situation and future potential of the German
software industry. Using empirical analysis and international case
studies, it presents the status quo and offers recommendations for
policy makers. It shows effective management strategies for the
sustainable international growth of software-based companies. The
recommendations in this book are intended to secure Germany's front
seat on the express train bound for the second half of the 21st
Whether ERP software, office applications, open-source products or
online games: In terms of its economic characteristics, software
differs fundamentally from industrial goods or services. Based on
the economic principles and rules of the software industry, the
book reveals strategies and business models to software vendors
that comprise cooperation, distribution, pricing and production and
industrialization strategies, as well as software as a service and
platform concepts. Further aspects including the outsourcing
behavior of software vendors and users; providing business software
as open source software; selecting software; and the value chains
in the software industry are also addressed. Based on a number of
expert meetings, it contains numerous case studies and new
empirical findings. Target audience of the book are professionals
and executives from the software, consulting and IT branches as
well as students and scholars of business administration, computer
science, business and industrial engineering.
Die Schwerpunkte der Wirtschaftsinformatik andern sich. Fur
viele Jahre stand die Nutzung der Informations- und
Kommunikationstechnik zur Effizienzsteigerung von Prozessen in
Unternehmen und offentlichen Verwaltungen im Vordergrund. Heute ist
immer mehr der private Bereich das wichtigste Einsatzgebiet der
Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik. Diese Transformation wird
in den nachsten Jahren die Tatigkeitsfelder der
Wirtschaftsinformatik stark verandern.
In dieser Festschrift zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Hubert Osterle von
der Universitat St. Gallen, stellen 26 pragende Personlichkeiten
aus Wissenschaft und Praxis mit ihren Koautoren ihre Sicht auf die
weitere Entwicklung der Wirtschaftsinformatik in Wirtschaft und im
privaten Bereich dar. Das Spektrum der Beitrage reicht von der
Beschaftigung mit neuartigen Technologien, wie z.B. Cloud
Computing, uber Veranderungen von Geschaftsmodellen und
Unternehmensgrundungen, Beitragen uber Veranderungen der
Arbeitswelt bis zu forschungsmethodischen Artikeln."
Kentucky has a rich tradition of good eatin', with famous classics
like fried chicken and bourbon balls along with less-well-known
Bluegrass mainstays like spoonbread, burgoo, and Derby pie. There's
nothing worse than pulling off the road for a tasty bite and being
confronted with an unappetizing meal instead. Veteran road trippers
and Kentucky natives Cameron Ludwick and Blair Thomas Hess are on a
mission to help you ditch the dives. They have traveled the state
and mapped out the best local foods, festivals, and flavors. From
their trek to the Beer Cheese Festival in Winchester to the Hot
Brown Hop in Louisville, these gals know the best places to eat and
want to take you along for the ride in Famous Kentucky Flavors.
Along the way, you'll visit all the classics and will also be
introduced to some more unusual fare, including lamb fries,
Benedictine spread, and barbecued mutton. Plan your own
lip-smacking road trip from bourbon balls to burgoo with Famous
Kentucky Flavors.
Taking into account strategic, organizational and technological
factors Alexander Benlian studies the question of whether to
centralize or to decentralize media content. The findings basically
emphasize the need to design publishing organizations that follow
certain patterns of congruency and consistency in order to realize
greater effectiveness.
Choose the best possible skin and wound care products to support
your patients' skin health and wound healing, with the invaluable
Product Guide to Skin and Wound Care, 8th Edition. Listing 294
product in alphabetical order, this handy product guide for wound
care practitioners across all practice settings offers detailed
information-sizes, action, indications, contraindications,
application, and removal information-so that your choices stay
informed and accurate. Know the purpose and use of skin and wound
care products, to assist in the proper product choice, usage, and
documentation: NEW products to update your formulary choices,
including sizes, action, indication, application and removal Offers
concise reviewsof the many skin and wound care products now
available-including collagens, hydrocolloids, antifungals, and
antimicrobials, liquid skin protectants, moisture barriers, and
other skin care products NEW enhanced, full-color manufacturer
photos of each product Offers the characteristics, function, and
use of skin and wound care dressings, drugs, and devices, including
classification of a particular condition Offers an Alphabetical
Wound Care Product Guide that illustrates: Product information
detailing action, indications, contraindications, application, and
removal Reimbursement codes for products provided by manufacturers
Many product references supporting products Wound care product
categories include: alginates, antimicrobials, cellular and
tissue-based products, collagens, composites, contact layers,
drugs, foams, hydrocolloids, hydrogels, negative pressure wound
therapy, specialty absorptives, surgical dressings, transparent
films, wound fillers, and other devices and products Offers a
comprehensive listing of additional products-abdominal dressings
and holders, compression bandage systems, conforming bandages,
elastic bandage rolls, impregnated gauzes, nonimpregnated gauzes,
packing strips, tapes and wound cleansers A must-have for any wound
care practitioner-provides you with the easy-to-reference product
details needed to move your practice forward and stay at the
forefront of your field About the Author Cathy Thomas Hess, RN,
BSN, CWCN, resides in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. With over 30 years
of wound care experience in a variety of healthcare settings, she's
been engaged to share her expertise with skin and wound care
practitioners, manufacturers, product suppliers, insurers, law
firms, and governmental agencies. She serves on the Editorial
Advisory Board and Contributing Author for Advances in Skin and
Wound Care and other health care periodicals. She is a past Board
Member and Marketing Chair for the Wound, Continence, and Ostomy
Certification Board, has appeared in educational videos, authored
journal articles and book chapters, and is a national and
international speaker.
Digitale Daten gelten sowohl als Quelle fur Wirtschaftswachstum,
Innovation und Arbeitsplatze wie auch als Treiber der
datenbasierten Reorganisation praktisch aller gesellschaftlichen
Bereiche ("Datafizierung"). Die datenoekonomisch befeuerten
Transformationsprozesse des Sozialen werfen dementsprechend
vielfaltige Fragen auf: Welche Daten sollen von wem wie verwertbar
sein? Wie lasst sich legitime Verfugungsmacht gestalten? Usw. Der
Band behandelt diese Fragen aus interdisziplinarer Perspektive.
Diese Einfuhrung in die betriebswirtschaftlichen Grundfragen der
Medienwirtschaft richtet sich insbesondere an Studierende der
Buch-, Medien- Kommunikations- und Publizistikwissenschaft sowie
der Medieninformatik. Das Buch gibt einen Einblick in die
relevanten betriebswirtschaftlichen Basistatbestande dieses
Wirtschaftszweigs und vermittelt diese an praktischen Beispielen.
Dabei werden sowohl Grundsatzfragen (wie der doppelte Absatzmarkt)
als auch aktuelle Themen (digitale Distribution, modulbasierte
Produktion) angesprochen. Gegenuber der vierten Auflage wurden
Daten aktualisiert, Inhalte erganzt und uberarbeitet sowie an
neueste Erkenntnisse angepasst. Durchgangig wurde - wo relevant -
Bezug auf die Digitalisierung der Medienangebote genommen.
Kontrollfragen am Ende jedes Kapitels festigen das Gelernte.
As a border state and strategic territory, Kentucky was fiercely
contested by the Union and the Confederacy and had ties to both
Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. Kentucky natives and adventure
aficionados Cameron M. Ludwick and Blair Thomas Hess plot the
course for a fun-filled road trip through history and across the
Bluegrass State in Presidents, Battles, and Must-See Civil War
Destinations. Ludwick and Hess make planning a trip to historic
Kentucky easy by exploring the history and stories behind each
major site and highlighting nearby attractions you won't want to
miss. Featuring step-by-step guidelines and exclusive tips on
sites, monuments, and attractions from presidential homes to the
best modern re-enactments, Presidents, Battles, and Must-See Civil
War Destinations helps the whole family experience and enjoy
history together.
Software-as-a-Service ist eines der meistdiskutierten Themen im
IT-Umfeld. Was verbirgt sich hinter dem Hype? Wo liegen Chancen und
Risiken fur Unternehmen und Berater? Antworten auf diese Fragen
geben namhafte Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis.
Benedikt von Walters branchenubergreifendes Konzept der
Content-Intermediation beschreibt und erklart generell die
Veranderungen durch die digitale Vermittlung von Medieninhalten
(Content). Anhand der Musikbranche und des wissenschaftlichen
Publikationswesens zeigt er beispielhaft auf, wie es zur
Vermittlung (Intermediation), Ausschaltung (Disintermediation) und
Wieder-Einschaltung (Reintermediation) von Akteuren in der
Medienbranche kommen kann."
Christoph Hirnle untersucht die Investitionsbewertung der fur
Unternehmenskooperationen notwendigen IT-Infrastruktur und
ermittelt bspw. die Kosten- und Nutzeffekte der
Kooperationspartner. Am Fallbeispiel des global fuhrenden
Luftverkehrsverbands Star Alliance veranschaulicht er seine
theoretisch fundierte Bewertung gemeinsamer IT-Investitionen und
zeigt, wie die Ergebnisse praktisch einsetzbar sind.
Mit Hilfe explorativer Fallstudien beschreibt Bernhard Gehra die
konkrete Anwendung von Business-Intelligence-Technologien zur
Fruherkennung. Er zeigt ihre Anwendungspotenziale und Grenzen auf
und entwickelt ein Wirkungskettenmodell zur Beurteilung der
Wirtschaftlichkeit Business-Intelligence-gestutzter Technologien.
Das Sonderheft 2/2005 der Fachzeitschrift "Controlling &
Management" beschaftigt sich mit den spezifischen Fragen des
Controlling in TIME-Unternehmen. Kompetente Experten aus Praxis und
Wissenschaft diskutieren sowohl ubergreifende als auch
branchenspezifische Konzepte. Ausserdem werden Losungsvorschlage
fur ausgewahlte Segmente der TIME-Branche vorgestellt.
Praxisorientierte Ansatze zur Softwareunterstutzung fur das
Controlling von TIME-Unternehmen runden die Thematik ab
Andreas Muller untersucht die Wirtschaftlichkeit der
Standardisierung betrieblicher Anwendungssysteme aus der Sicht
okonomischer Theorien und entwickelt ein nutzen- und
kostentheoretisches Modell der Wirkungen integrierter
Anwendungssysteme. Dabei berucksichtigt er sowohl den fur den
jeweiligen Anwender anfallenden originaren Nutzen als auch den
derivativen Nutzen, so dass uber die indirekten Netzeffekte
erstmals der Integrationsnutzen in komponentenbasierten Systemen
aufgezeigt wird.
Anwendungssysteme im Controlling entstehen im Spannungsfeld von
neuen Technologien einerseits und neuen betriebswirtschaftlichen
Anforderungen andererseits. Was aber sind die wirklichen Treiber,
eher die Technologien oder die neuen Controlling-Konzepte? Das neue
ZfCM-Sonderheft geht dieser Frage nach und gibt einen aktuellen
UEberblick uber die technologischen Entwicklungen sowie die
Standardanwendungssysteme. Vorgestellt werden ausserdem praktische
Loesungen im Unternehmen.
Durch die multimediale Aufbereitung von Informationen sowie deren
Online-Verfugbarkeit wird es in den nachsten Jahren zu
grundlegenden Veranderungen der Markte kommen: neue Produkte werden
entstehen, neue Wettbewerber aus der Telekommunikations- und
Informatik-Branche werden dazukommen. Die Autoren liefern hierzu
einen Uberblick, eine gleichermassen betriebswirtschaftliche und
technisch fundierte Bestandsaufnahme.
Immer mehr Unternehmen beschaftigen sich mit der Reorganisation
ihrer Prozesse. Der Ansatz einer prozessorientierten Neugestaltung
hat sich mittlerweile als wirksames Mittel zur Verbesserung der
Wettbewerbsfahigkeit in den Unternehmen etabliert. Trotzdem
herrscht an vielen Orten Unsicherheit uber das konkrete Vorgehen,
gerade auch wegen einer Vielzahl gescheiterter Projekte.
"State of the Art des Business Process Redisgn," entstanden aus
einem Projekt zwischen dem Institut fur Wirtschaftsinformatik St.
Gallen und acht Unternehmen, liefert einen systematischen Uberblick
uber die wichtigsten, zur Zeit verfugbaren Methoden. Gegenuber der
1. Auflage sind zwei interessante Methoden hinzugekommen.
Verzeichnis: Systematischer Uberblick uber die wichtigsten, zur
Zeit verfugbaren Methoden."
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