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Derick Hougaard - Die Storie Van Die Liefling Van Loftus (Afrikaans, Paperback): Brenden Nel Derick Hougaard - Die Storie Van Die Liefling Van Loftus (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Brenden Nel
R303 Discovery Miles 3 030 Ships in 5 - 7 working days

"Dié seun is vir groot dinge bestem . . ."

Só het sy afrigters by Boland Landbou sedert sy hoërskooldae geglo. Toe hy op die bloedjong ouderdom van 19 die Curriebeker vir die Blou Bulle verower én die skopkoning Naas Botha se eindstrydpunterekord verbeter, het dit gelyk of sy pad na roem en rykdom geplavei was. Maar toe begin die dobbelstene verkeerd val vir die liefling van Loftus.

Harsingskudding, Kamp Staaldraad, beserings en toé ’n allesverterende pilverslawing het hom laat steier. Sy sprokies-huwelik is verwoes en sy beroepslewe en geldsake is in ’n warboel gelaat . . .

Dié boek onthul staaltjies oor sy rugbydae maar ook vriende en vertrouelinge se vergeefse pogings om Derick uit die kloue van verslawing los te wikkel.

Dit is ’n diep menslike verhaal wat wys hoe dun die lyn tussen sukses en mislukking is en hoe maklik selfs die grootste helde tot op hul knieë gedwing kan word.

Influence Empire - Inside The Story Of Tencent & China's Tech Ambition (Paperback): Lulu Chen Influence Empire - Inside The Story Of Tencent & China's Tech Ambition (Paperback)
Lulu Chen
R504 R459 Discovery Miles 4 590 Save R45 (9%) Ships in 9 - 15 working days

A fascinating behind-the-scenes look at one of the world's biggest tech companies.

In 2019, a Chinese entity called Tencent overtook Facebook to become the world's fifthlargest company. It was a watershed moment, a wake-up call for those in the West accustomed to regarding the global tech industry through the prism of Silicon Valley: Facebook, Google, Apple and Microsoft. Yet to many of the two billion-plus people who live just across the Pacific Ocean, it came as no surprise at all.

Tencent's ambition to be an essential part of digital daily life means it holds a dizzyingly diverse range of products - music, gaming, messaging, and film.

In this fascinating narrative - crammed with insider interviews, exclusive details about the company's culture - tech reported Lulu Chen tells the story of how Tencent is changing the world and asks what the consequences will be for us all.

Bloedbande - 'n Donker Tuiskoms (Afrikaans, Paperback): Wilhelm Verwoerd Bloedbande - 'n Donker Tuiskoms (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Wilhelm Verwoerd
R388 Discovery Miles 3 880 Ships in 2 - 4 working days

Ek blaai vinnig deur hierdie bladsye. Ouma se politieke spore is besaai met duwweltjies. ’n Deel van my wil-wil die swart dagboek toemaak. ’n Ander deel skop vas: Hoe eerlik is jy in jou poging om oupa Hendrik te verstaan?

Ná jare van versoeningswerk tussen eertydse vyande in Ierland keer Wilhelm Verwoerd terug na Suid-Afrika. Hy wil vrede maak met sy eie familie en sy geskiedenis. In die Verwoerd-strandhuis, Blaas ’n Bietjie, waar hy sit en skryf, hang ’n gesinsfoto waarop sy oupa, HF Verwoerd, hom as baba teer vashou. Hoe versoen hy dié menslike oupa met die gehate onderdrukker wat in die stories van sy swart bure en kennisse na vore kom, mense wat as kinders in die strate gedans het toe sy oupa vermoor is?

In sy soektog na begrip kom Wilhelm op ouma Betsie Verwoerd se private dagboeke af en voer hy soms ongemaklike gesprekke met mense wat sy van as vloekwoord onthou. So ontvou ’n geskakeerde blik op wat dit beteken om vandag met integriteit in Suid-Afrika te leef.

“Diepsinnig … Wilhelm Verwoerd ondersoek die veelkantigheid van verantwoording in families in hierdie belangrike en menslike memoir.” – Martie Retief Meiring

Moederland - Nine Daughters of South Africa (Paperback): Cato Pedder Moederland - Nine Daughters of South Africa (Paperback)
Cato Pedder
R470 R419 Discovery Miles 4 190 Save R51 (11%) Ships in 6 - 11 working days

A fascinating, unflinching and forensic work of non-fiction by Cato Pedder, the great-grand daughter of Jan Smuts, the South African prime minister responsible for heralding the age of apartheid.

Moederland is a courageous and modern appraisal of what it means to be descended from the people who created the ultra-racist apartheid system in South Africa. Illuminating its turbulent history through the lives of her female ancestors, it is a history of South Africa like no other, told from the perspective of women long silenced in the historical narrative.

It asks, what were they doing while white supremacy was constructed?

In Moederland, Cato Pedder travels the centuries from the 1600s, when Cape Town was a remote outpost of the Dutch East India Company, to the kraal of a Zulu king in the 1800s before doubling back to Europe and then culminating with the English Quaker aunt who defies apartheid to marry across the colour line. As anti-racist campaigners call out the statue of Jan Smuts in Parliament Square, Cato painstakingly excavates the longforgotten life stories of the women of her prehistory, unpacking the legacy of her Afrikaans heritage and bringing their collective shame into the light.

Moederland brilliantly sits at the borderline between personal history and memoir and shares themes with The Hare with Amber Eyes by Edmund de Waal, The Wife's Tale by Aida Edemariam and Maybe Esther by Katja Petrowskaja, both of which use unknown
forebears to throw new light on the troubled past. It will also appeal to readers of Damon Galgut's Booker Prize winning novel, The Promise.

Blood Brothers - To Battleground Smokeshell and Back (Paperback): Deon Lamprecht Blood Brothers - To Battleground Smokeshell and Back (Paperback)
Deon Lamprecht 1
R290 R259 Discovery Miles 2 590 Save R31 (11%) Ships in 6 - 11 working days

On 10 June 1980, during a seemingly endless day of bloody fighting, 13 men of the South African Defence Force died and several more were wounded after 61 Mechanised Infantry Battalion Group attacked a vast complex of Swapo military bases in Angola.

During Operation Sceptic second lieutenant Paul Louw led his platoon in four Ratel infantry fighting vehicles to a battleground called Smokeshell. In the ensuing chaos of that day 12 national servicemen of his platoon of 44 were killed and he himself was wounded. In a separate incident during the fighting his company second-in-command was also slain. One of his troops, 18-year-old HP Ferreira, was shot through the pelvis by a 14,5 mm anti-aircraft round and also hit by AK-47 bullets.

Louw spent the night drenched in the blood and guts of his men, hunkered down with a handful of other survivors in a Ratel destroyed by an RPG 7 rocket, isolated from the rest of the South African attack force.

Blood Brothers records the dramatic events that took place in Angola that day, in the words of the survivors of the battle. It investigates the human cost of war after the last shots have been fired and follows the veterans as they return to the battleground four decades later in search of peace.

Fighting For Mandela - The Explosive Autobiography of the Woman Who Helped to Destroy Apartheid (Hardcover): Priscilla Jana,... Fighting For Mandela - The Explosive Autobiography of the Woman Who Helped to Destroy Apartheid (Hardcover)
Priscilla Jana, Barbara Jones 1
R550 Discovery Miles 5 500 Ships in 2 - 4 working days

Priscilla Jana is a legendary figure in South African revolutionary politics. As an Indian woman who had experienced racial oppression first-hand, she decided to use her degree in law to fight for the rights of her fellow people and do all she could to bring down the Apartheid state - who saw her as a very real threat. At one time she represented every single political prisoner on Robben Island, including both the late Nelson Mandela and his wife Winnie. Priscilla spent her days in court, fighting human rights case after human rights case, but it was at night when her real work was done. As part of an underground cell, she fought tirelessly to bring down the hated government. This activism, however, came at a price. One of South Africa's infamous 'banned persons', for five years Priscilla was unable to take part in any political activities, enter any place where a large number of people were gathered, and had her movements severely restricted. Worse, her own home was attacked with petrol bombs on multiple occasions. Undeterred, Priscilla Jana continued her work, even adopting the baby daughter of a client imprisoned on Robben Island, bringing here up, educating her, and providing a loving home. Finally, upon Mandela's release and the political revolution of her beloved country, Priscilla's work was rewarded, as she was elected as a member of South Africa's first democratic parliament. Later, she was to become an ambassador to both The Netherlands and Ireland. Now retired and living in Cape Town, Priscilla still works and waits for her most fervent desire: the true healing and unification of South Africa.

My Thirty-Minute Bar Mitzvah - A Memoir (Paperback): Denis Hirson My Thirty-Minute Bar Mitzvah - A Memoir (Paperback)
Denis Hirson
R260 R240 Discovery Miles 2 400 Save R20 (8%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

“There were three other people present, or five, depending on whom one chooses to include. Five, let’s say, the men divided from the women according to the timeworn tradition… The ceremony lasted precisely thirty minutes, as had been agreed on well in advance, not a second longer. One of the people present announced the end in a voice as blunt as it was relieved.”

What kind of bar mitzvah lasts no more than thirty minutes? Which five people could have been in attendance, and where could such a ceremony –– if there really was a ceremony –– have taken place under these circumstances? This book has echoes of a detective trail and as Denis Hirson gradually reveals the answers, he explores the wider ancestral and political strands of his story.

We are reminded of what the world might have looked like to a thirteen-year-old boy in the Johannesburg of the 1960s. This perspective is, thanks to his daughter, set against that same boy’s adult understanding of what had happened. This is a breathtaking account of the author being confronted by his own past.

Botha, Smuts and The First World War (Paperback): Antonio Garcia, Ian van der Waag Botha, Smuts and The First World War (Paperback)
Antonio Garcia, Ian van der Waag
R330 R295 Discovery Miles 2 950 Save R35 (11%) Ships in 6 - 11 working days

Facing internal rebellion and the threat posed by German troops on South Africa’s borders, Prime Minister Louis Botha and his deputy, Jan Smuts, led the Union Defence Force during the First World War. This first-of-a-kind volume investigates the wartime roles of these two legendary yet divisive historical figures.

Both men commanded in the field. The army they commanded gained resilience, experience and battle-hardiness, adapting to the conditions of the campaigns and the demands of the tasks. South Africa’s campaigns were complex and divergent, starting with the invasion of neighbouring German South West Africa, moving to East Africa, Egypt, Palestine and the devasting fighting at Delville Wood in France.

Behind Botha’s charming façade and Smuts’s stoic machine, were two very human, imperfect men. Together they provide a wonderful lens through which to examine the potent forces of the early 20th -century world and the country they hoped to forge. Myopic compatriots had constrained their plans, but it was the outbreak of war in 1914 that offered the most significant opportunities and brought the most adverse challenges.

They fought insurmountable odds and achieved great victories, at home and abroad, but also made startling errors and, ultimately, in classical fashion risked being crushed by the weight of the world they tried to create.

Agter My Glimlag (Afrikaans, Paperback): Lindie Stander Agter My Glimlag (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Lindie Stander
R388 Discovery Miles 3 880 Ships in 2 - 4 working days

In 2012 verdwyn Binnelanders se geliefde Elise Kruger sonder waarskuwing van kykers se televisieskerms af. Lindie Stander, wat die rol van die vermaaklike Elise vertolk, was op die kruin van haar loopbaan toe sy in ’n bloedbevlekte bed in ’n staatshospitaal wakker word. Hier het sy besef dat sy haar rol en haar lewe soos sy dit ken, kwyt is.

Lindie Stander: Agter my glimlag is die eerlike ervaring van dit wat kykers nie op skerm sien nie: die verpletterende verlies van haar pa, haar worsteling met dwelmmisbruik en rehabilitasie, ’n lewe met depressie en ’n gewonde vrou se genadelose soeke na ’n liefde wat kan heelmaak.

In haar bekende, deernisvolle stem vertel Lindie haar hartverskeurende, maar hoopvolle verhaal soos net sy kan: sonder skroom en met ’n goeie skeut humor.

A Rare Gift To The Struggle - Ma Vesta Smith And The Everyday Politics Of Liberation (Paperback): Maria Suriano A Rare Gift To The Struggle - Ma Vesta Smith And The Everyday Politics Of Liberation (Paperback)
Maria Suriano
R265 R213 Discovery Miles 2 130 Save R52 (20%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

By uncovering the untold story of Vesta Smith (1922–2013), a community activist from Noordgesig, Soweto, this biography addresses a crucial gap in the literature on the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa.

Based on extensive interviews and previously unexamined archival materials, it reveals how her Christian faith fuelled her commitment to non-racialism and lifelong pursuit of social justice and how her non-sectarian, anti-apartheid activism connected generations, ideologies and communities.

This book reframes Ma Vesta’s legacy, celebrating her contributions while offering fresh insights into non-racialism, the politics of the everyday and the role of black women and Christians in the liberation struggle.

A powerful tale of resilience and hope, it stands as an inspiration for contemporary movements seeking social justice and community empowerment.

Patrice Motsepe - An Appetite For Disruption (Paperback): Janet Smith Patrice Motsepe - An Appetite For Disruption (Paperback)
Janet Smith
R300 R268 Discovery Miles 2 680 Save R32 (11%) Ships in 6 - 11 working days

Business tycoon Patrice Motsepe is never shy to shake up the status quo. He has always followed his instincts to stay ahead of the curve. An icon of corporate South Africa, he is as much known for his leadership in the world of football as for his philanthropy.

He was a top lawyer when he followed his dream of being an entrepreneur, making a deal with Anglo American in the late 1990s that marked the beginning of a series of unique relationships which today define his African Rainbow Minerals empire. As the owner of Mamelodi Sundowns, he led it to becoming one of the most accomplished clubs in Africa. Then came the powerful seats of president at the Confederation of African Football and vice-president of FIFA, football’s global governing body, in 2021. Yet questions linger about his political ambitions because of his close links to the ANC and particularly his brothers-in-law, Cyril Ramaphosa and Jeff Radebe.

In this unauthorised biography, best-selling author and journalist Janet Smith mines public archives, academic papers and international media to find what lies behind this hugely successful, intensely private man, and what may lie ahead.

Revenge - Meghan, Harry And The War Between The Windsors (Paperback): Tom Bower Revenge - Meghan, Harry And The War Between The Windsors (Paperback)
Tom Bower 4
R514 R472 Discovery Miles 4 720 Save R42 (8%) Ships in 9 - 15 working days

Tom Bower, Britain's leading investigative biographer, unpicks the tangled web surrounding the Sussexes and their relationship with the royal family.

From courtroom dramas to courtier politics, using extensive research, expert sourcing and interviews from insiders who have never spoken before, this book uncovers an astonishing story of love, betrayal, secrets and revenge.

Forgiveness Redefined - A Young Woman's Journey Towards Forgiving The Apartheid Assassin Who Brutally Murdered Her Father... Forgiveness Redefined - A Young Woman's Journey Towards Forgiving The Apartheid Assassin Who Brutally Murdered Her Father (Paperback)
Candice Mama
R280 R250 Discovery Miles 2 500 Save R30 (11%) Ships in 6 - 11 working days

Forgiveness Redefined is Candice Mama’s honest and healing story. It tells how she found ways to deal with the death of her father, Glenack Masilo Mama, and to forgive the notorious apartheid assassin Eugene de Kock, the man responsible for his brutal murder. We follow Candice’s journey of discovering how her father died, how this affected her and how she battled the demons of depression before the age of sixteen. But most importantly, we follow her journey towards beating the odds and rising above her heartbreaks.

Candice Mama is today still under the age of 30, but has been named as one of Vogue Paris’ most inspiring women alongside glittering names such as Michelle Obama. She has taken backstage selfies with music crooner Seal and travels all over the world to talk about her journey. This bubbly, inspiring young author tells how she shed some of the worst layers of grief and became an inspiration for others. We learn about her perplexing, unconventional childhood, her search for identity, and the beautiful bond she formed, posthumously, with a father she never had the opportunity to get to know in person. She also tells, in her own words, about the life-changing encounter between her family and her father’s killer.

Candice tenderly opens up about the result of the trauma of her father’s death on her entire family, and meeting her mother for the first time at the age of four. She tells about the confusing, yet fascinating, dynamics that later unfolded as she discovered pieces of herself, rediscovered relationships with her own family and came to forgiveness and understanding.

This book serves as inspiration for other young – and older – people to look at their own stories through different lenses. Candice’s experiences are not unique, and she offers healing thoughts to others who suffered similar trauma by sharing the details of her own story. Forgiveness Redefined is a touching, personal story by a young woman who learned too early about pain, loss and rejection – but who also learned how to overcome those burdens and live joyfully.

Son Of A Whore - A Memoir (Paperback): Herman Lategan Son Of A Whore - A Memoir (Paperback)
Herman Lategan
R300 R277 Discovery Miles 2 770 Save R23 (8%) In Stock

After the runaway success of his Afrikaans memoir, Hoerkind, the contrarian journalist and writer Herman Lategan translated and updated his eventful life story to include material that did not appear in the original book.

Herman was conceived illegitimately one warm February night in 1964 in a boarding house in Cape Town. From an early age, he felt disposable, passed from one pair of unstable adult hands to the next, even ending up in an orphanage for a while.

At thirteen he was caught in the web of a cunning paedophile, a well-known Afrikaans newspaperman. Shortly after his eighteenth birthday, when his abuser had finished with him, Herman was unceremoniously dumped at the door of his alcoholic father. Conscription into the army and a dishonourable discharge followed.

During his teenage years, Herman befriended poets like Sheila Cussons, Tatamkhulu Afrika and Casper Schmidt, and later, in New York, he followed Andy Warhol in the street and partied with a ‘smorgasbord of social butterflies’.

Back in South Africa, Herman established himself as a journalist, but struggled with alcohol and drug addiction, and was homeless for a while. For many an employer, he became the nightmare they feared most.

Son of a Whore is a gripping account of loss, hardship and overcoming both; it will make you laugh and, at times, break your heart. You will despair at the cruelty of a world in which the marginalised are forsaken, but stand in awe at the extent of the goodness surrounding us, because, ultimately, people depend on each other.

Taylor: Era By Era - The Unauthorized Biography (Hardcover): Caroline Sullivan Taylor: Era By Era - The Unauthorized Biography (Hardcover)
Caroline Sullivan
R458 R420 Discovery Miles 4 200 Save R38 (8%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Celebrate the incredible career of pop music’s biggest star in this sparkling biography.

We’re all living in the Taylor Swift Era. Since her 2006 debut album she’s sold more than 200 million records, sold out countless arenas and become one of the most influential artists of her generation. Her Eras Tour is on track to gross more than $1 billion by the time it concludes in December 2024, and her most recent studio album hit No. 1 in more than 25 countries.

In this revealing and entertaining biography, author and music journalist Caroline Sullivan charts Taylor’s journey from budding country starlet to pop music phenomenon, encompassing her evolution as an artist, her high-profile relationships and the stories behind her songs. Each of Taylor’s Eras is explored in depth, detailing her influences, her collaborators and the aesthetics that have become such a crucial part of her performance.

Featuring a stunning photographic section with pictures spanning her entire career, this is the most complete portrait yet of one of the most popular artists on the planet.

Guilty And Proud - An MK Soldier's Memoir Of Exile, Prison And Freedom (Paperback): Marion Sparg Guilty And Proud - An MK Soldier's Memoir Of Exile, Prison And Freedom (Paperback)
Marion Sparg
R495 Discovery Miles 4 950 In Stock

In this riveting memoir Marion Sparg traces not only her experience in MK – often as the only woman in training camps in Angola – and her friendship with Chris Hani, Joe Slovo and Thabo Mbeki, but also her secret return to South Africa, the three police-station bombs, her sudden arrest and her years of imprisonment.

Guilty And Proud is the gripping tale of a woman who defied stereotypes and, at great personal cost, stood up for her beliefs.

Hot Water (Paperback): Nadine Dirks Hot Water (Paperback)
Nadine Dirks
R265 R100 Discovery Miles 1 000 Save R165 (62%) In Stock

Hot Water is an intimate and daring look into the life of a young African woman from the Cape Flats with a chronic illness. The book investigates how endometriosis affects the way young woman function and navigate the world, and how this becomes especially complicated for those who are underprivileged and reliant on the public sector’s healthcare system.

In Hot Water Nadine Dirks reveals the unique issues of racism, sexism, classism, fatphobia and slut-shaming that African women experience within the context of healthcare facilities, and how especially jarring it is when the stigma comes from medical staff who one expects to have the patient’s care as their primary concern. All of this has enraged Dirks and catapulted her into becoming a sexual reproductive health and rights advocate.

Hot Water tells the story of how people with chronic illness are treated daily, at school, university and socially for being differently abled; how people are regarded as lazy, aggressive, disappointing, lacking, among multiple other things for being unwell in comparison to their healthy counterparts.

One cannot look at seeking adequate healthcare as a young, black, underprivileged woman on the Cape Flats without experiencing racism in the most blatant of ways. Even with guidelines in place, the book shows that it is next to impossible to invoke those rights even if you are aware of them for fear of being victimised and excluded from the system.

Legends - People Who Changed South Africa For The Better (Paperback): Matthew Blackman, Nick Dall Legends - People Who Changed South Africa For The Better (Paperback)
Matthew Blackman, Nick Dall
R340 R269 Discovery Miles 2 690 Save R71 (21%) Ships in 5 - 7 working days

We have a lot to be positive about in South Africa. With all our problems, it’s easy to feel bleak. But hold those thoughts, because Legends might be just the tonic you need to drive off the gloom. This book tells the stories of a dozen remarkable people – some well known, others largely forgotten – who changed Mzansi for the better.

Most South Africans are proud of Nelson Mandela – and rightly so. His life was truly astounding, but he’s by no means the only person who should inspire us. There’s King Moshoeshoe, whose humanity and diplomatic strategies put him head and shoulders above his contemporaries, both European and African. And John Fairbairn, who brought non-racial democracy to the Cape in 1854. Olive Schreiner was a bestselling international author who fought racism, corruption and chauvinism. And Gandhi spent twenty years here inventing a system of protest that would bring an empire to its knees.

Legends also celebrates Eugène Marais’s startling contributions to literature and natural history (despite a lifelong morphine addiction); Sol Plaatje’s wit, intelligence and tenacity in the face of racial zealots; Cissie Gool’s lifetime fighting for justice and exposing bigots; and Sailor Malan’s battles against fascists in the skies of Europe and on the streets of South Africa. And then there’s Miriam Makeba, who began her life in prison and ended it as an international singing sensation; Steve Biko, who shifted the minds of an entire generation; and Thuli Madonsela (the book’s only living legend), who gracefully felled the most powerful man in the land.

Engagingly written and meticulously researched, Legends reminds South Africans that we have a helluva lot to be proud of.

The Race To Be Myself (Paperback): Caster Semenya The Race To Be Myself (Paperback)
Caster Semenya 1
R320 R286 Discovery Miles 2 860 Save R34 (11%) Ships in 6 - 11 working days

“Caster’s story isn’t just a tale of perseverance and poise, it’s a story that makes us all interrogate our humanity and the world we build with our actions every day. An essential read.” - Trevor Noah

Caster Semenya is one of the greatest athletes ever to run the 800- metre. She went undefeated for almost four years, winning two Olympic gold medals and three World Athletics Championships, and set and broke numerous records.

However, Caster’s life and career were devastated by accusations that she was not a woman and should not compete against other women as she was born with naturally elevated levels of testosterone. Required by the International Association of Athletics Federations to take hormone-altering drugs as a condition of competing in certain events, Caster for years suffered side effects that she describes as devastating to her health. Her predicament surfaced a still-raging firestorm over our understanding of gender and, of how gender plays out in sports, as well as our expectations of female athletes.

The Race to be Myself tells the coming-of-age story of an iconic athlete – of Caster’s dramatic journey from a gifted and self-trained novice to the pinnacle of her sport – and takes readers behind the scenes of her inspiring battle to run in the ‘body that God gave me’.

Belonging - The Autobiography (Paperback): Alun Wyn Jones Belonging - The Autobiography (Paperback)
Alun Wyn Jones
R340 R308 Discovery Miles 3 080 Save R32 (9%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Alun Wyn Jones is the most capped rugby player of all time. Seen by many as one of the greatest ever Welsh players, he has won three Grand Slams for Wales and was named the best player of the 2019 Six Nations Championship.

Born in Swansea, AWJ made his test debut for Wales in June 2006 against Argentina, and came to prominence in the 2007 campaign before Wales won the Grand Slam in 2008. And he has not looked back. In March 2009 against Italy he captained the Welsh side for the first time before being selected on the 2009 Lions Tour of South Africa. He was subsequently selected for the 2013 Lions Tour of Australia and the 2017 Lions Tour of New Zealand. On 31 October 2020, against Scotland, he became the most capped rugby player of all time, with 149 caps.

Brilliant, honest and combative, his autobiography, written with Tom Fordyce, is the story of one of the most compelling and singular figures in rugby. Told with unflinching honesty, this is the ultimate book for all fans of the sport.

A Life Committed - A Memoir (Paperback): Essop Pahad A Life Committed - A Memoir (Paperback)
Essop Pahad; Foreword by Thabo Mbeki
R450 R415 Discovery Miles 4 150 Save R35 (8%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Born in the old Transvaal town of Schweizer Reneke, Essop Pahad started on a path of political activism from his parents' flat in Becker Street, Ferreirastown, where an all-welcome policy prevailed and visionaries of the Congress alliance, such as Yusuf Dadoo, Walter Sisulu, O.R.Tambo, Nelson Mandela and Ahmed Kathrada were regular visitors. His parents instilled in the family strong anti-racist principles and a genuine concern for all human beings regardless of race, class or religion.

A graduate of the 'Congress School' in Johannesburg, Essop's growing commitment to social justice was nurtured by teachers who were among the struggle's most eminent leaders. An executive member of the Transvaal Indian Youth Congress, Essop was banned in 1964 and went into exile in the UK where he was recruited into the South African Communist Party (SACP). In 1973 he studied at the Lenin Party School in Moscow and then worked in Prague representing the SACP on the editorial board of the World Marxist Review for a decade.

During this time he was sent by the ANC for military training with Umkhonto we Sizwe in Angola, which he was unable to complete as he contracted malaria. Essop returned to South Africa in 1990, where he played a central role in shaping our new democracy.

A Life Committed is the memoir of a revolutionary whose diverse experiences with other progressive people and movements, local and international, enabled him to deepen his understanding of how to better face the challenges confronting South Africa, Africa and the world. The book is spiced with anecdotes from his impressive memory archive and lightened by his mischievous sense of humour. Profiles of his mentors and friends from liberation movements and workers' parties provide insight into the extent of the fierce integrity,compassion and humanity of the author.

Inside The Belly Of The Beast - The Real Bosasa Story (Paperback): Angelo Agrizzi Inside The Belly Of The Beast - The Real Bosasa Story (Paperback)
Angelo Agrizzi 1
R302 Discovery Miles 3 020 Ships in 4 - 8 working days

In this multi-billion rand corruption memoir, former Bosasa C.O.O and whistleblower, Angelo Agrizzi rips open the can of worms, exposing two decades of untold greed, politicking, corruption, bribery and deep state capture.

Inside the Belly of The Beast is a detailed confession, exposing the intimate fraudulent workings of a company, under the cult-like leadership of Gavin Watson. Agrizzi is one of few people with a first-hand account of what really happened behind the closed doors of Bosasa.

Hot Tea & Apricots - A Memoir Of Loss And Hope (Paperback): Kim Ballantine Hot Tea & Apricots - A Memoir Of Loss And Hope (Paperback)
Kim Ballantine 1
R300 R277 Discovery Miles 2 770 Save R23 (8%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

How would you cope, suddenly not being able to talk, in a world that only knows how to communicate through speech? This story explores one woman's journey through this uncharted territory and her eventual victory through tenacity and faith.

Kim Ballantine’s profound and poignant description of her remarkable journey with voice loss and cancer is a humbling tribute to the resilience of the human spirit, the love of family and the faithfulness of God. Hot Tea and Apricots speaks directly to the courage center in each of us, calling us to stand in faith and trusting that God who sees what we cannot, is already lighting the path ahead even in the darkest of times. This book is for anyone of any gender, ethnicity or creed who is seeking a pathway to their own courage, through unthinkable pain, towards victory.

As heartbreaking, raw and painfully honest – and at times darkly humorous – as the memoir is, Hot Tea and Apricots is a triumphant story of hope and holding onto life.

Rule Of Law - A Memoir (Paperback): Glynnis Breytenbach, Nechama Brodie Rule Of Law - A Memoir (Paperback)
Glynnis Breytenbach, Nechama Brodie 2
R320 R290 Discovery Miles 2 900 Save R30 (9%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

In Rule Of Law, Glynnis Breytenbach reflects back on her career as a prosecutor, including specific cases she has tried, and on her life to provide a fascinating commentary on the importance of the independence of judicial institutions and the precariousness of this independence.

Her current challenges are directly linked to how outspoken she is and how she continues to campaign fiercely for the rule of law in this country.

My Only Story - The Hunt For A Serial Paedophile (Paperback): Deon Wiggett My Only Story - The Hunt For A Serial Paedophile (Paperback)
Deon Wiggett
R376 Discovery Miles 3 760 Ships in 2 - 4 working days

In November 2019, Deon Wiggett’s sensational weekly podcasts held South Africa in thrall as he hunted down the paedophile who raped him as a schoolboy. Now, in My Only Story, he completes his exposé of Willem Breytenbach, the once brilliant teacher and later media luminary who led a predatory life.

Deon’s mission to expose his abuser takes him from Breytenbach’s high-school years at an agricultural school in South Africa’s hinterland to the famous Grey College in Bloemfontein and the media titan Naspers. But his quest reveals so much more. As he traces systemic failures through schools great and small, he uncovers a culture of complicity that poses a clear and present danger to the country’s children. While investigating men who prey on boys and girls, Deon devises a model that anyone can use to identify paedophiles in their midst. In his own words: ‘It’s pleasant to pretend that men don’t rape children, but once you accept that they do, it becomes surprisingly easy to recognise their trickery. Once you match a universal pattern to a specific man’s profile, you can spot the deceit before it is too late.’

My Only Story is a riveting, thoughtful and often irreverent account of one man’s determination to overcome childhood trauma; to help others face their demons; and to extract some beauty from the boyhood he lost.

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