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Keto Lifestyle: Maklik (Afrikaans, Paperback): Hendrik Marais Keto Lifestyle: Maklik (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Hendrik Marais
R380 R265 Discovery Miles 2 650 Save R115 (30%) In Stock

Ja, die ketodieet is al lankal bekend; jy het daarvan gehoor maar verstaan die konsep nie heeltemal nie en dink dis te duur. Of miskien het jy dit getoets maar is oorweldig deur ’n oorvloed dikwels teenstrydige inligting en het jy moed opgegee. Miskien volg jy dit noukeurig maar het jy nuwe inspirasie nodig. Daar kom in elk geval altyd nuwe inligting na vore. Ná die wegholsukses van sy eerste boek twee jaar gelede, Living the Ultimate Keto Lifestyle, het Hendrik Marais besluit dis tyd om die ketogeniese leefstyl aan selfs meer mense bekend te stel, terwyl hy aanhangers terselfdertyd ’n vereenvoudigde uiteensetting van die jongste neigings en ’n volledige stel maklike en smaaklike resepte wou bied.

Keto Lifestyle: Maklik is presies dit: ’n Gids vir die implementering van ’n ketogeniese dieet en periodieke vas – met maaltydplanne wat eenvoudig is om te volg – wat sinvol asook begroting- en beurtkragvriendelik is, en met al die truuks om tyd te bespaar. Jy sal mal wees oor die geurige resepte en selfs maniere vind om jou vriende te onthaal met spyskaarte wat by hierdie leefstyl inpas. Maar daar’s soveel meer: inligting oor voedingswaarde, en raad oor oefening en maniere om jou motivering te handhaaf.

Chris van Wyk: Irascible Genius - A Son's Memoir (Paperback): Kevin van Wyk Chris van Wyk: Irascible Genius - A Son's Memoir (Paperback)
Kevin van Wyk
R360 R250 Discovery Miles 2 500 Save R110 (31%) In Stock

When he died in 2014, author Chris van Wyk left behind an impressive literary legacy. The scope of his work was broad – poetry, children’s books, short stories and biographies. But perhaps he is best remembered for his memoir Shirley, Goodness & Mercy, which chronicles his growing up in Riverlea and introduces us to the colourful characters who helped to shape his life and inform the stories he wrote.

The public persona of this witty and wise raconteur was well known, but behind it was a family man, who liked nothing better than to spend time with his two sons Kevin and Karl, his wife and childhood sweetheart Kathy, and the friends and family who were his primary sources of inspiration.

Using the unique vantage point of oldest son, Kevin van Wyk’s astute observations of his father and the strong bond they enjoyed throughout Chris’s life have resulted in a memoir that is as affectionate as it is entertaining. In taking us behind the scenes into the Van Wyk household, we witness the inner workings of the mind of a storyteller, from the flowering of his father’s activism, wit and wisdom to the sources of his occasional quirky outbursts. If storytelling runs in the genes, Kevin may just be proof that his father’s spirit lives on.

Van Tweeling Tot Trafalgar Square - 'n Memoir (Afrikaans, Paperback): Portchie Van Tweeling Tot Trafalgar Square - 'n Memoir (Afrikaans, Paperback)
R295 R254 Discovery Miles 2 540 Save R41 (14%) In Stock

Portchie is een van Suid-Afrika se suksesvolste kunstenaars, maar wie is die man wat agter die skilderye skuil? Waar kom die naam Portchie vandaan? En hoe en wanneer het Jan Hendrik Viljoen van die klein dorpie Tweeling in die Vrystaat, aangemeld om die wêreldbekende kunstenaar Portchie te word? Hierdie memoir kombineer Portchie se inspirerende verhaal met foto’s, staaltjies en selfs resepte. Dit vertel die storie agter die storie: onopgesmuk, sonder tierlantjies, maar met ’n tikkie flair.

Principles Of Supply Chain Management - A Balanced Approach (Hardcover, 5th Edition): Joel Wisner, Keah-Choon Tan, G. Leong Principles Of Supply Chain Management - A Balanced Approach (Hardcover, 5th Edition)
Joel Wisner, Keah-Choon Tan, G. Leong
R2,405 Discovery Miles 24 050 In Stock

Examine the latest practices, trends, and emerging developments as PRINCIPLES OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: A BALANCED APPROACH, 5E guides you step-by-step through the management of all supply chain activity.

You review issues related to both domestic and global supply chains as comprehensive, one-of-a-kind coverage encompasses important processes in operations, purchasing, logistics, as well as process integration. A balanced approach follows the natural flow through the supply chain. Well-organized chapters demonstrate the practical applications of supply chain management in today's workplace with the help of intriguing SCM Profiles and interesting real business examples.

Relevant end-of-chapter questions, problems, and new cases help you put what you learn into practice as you sharpen your management skills.

Psychology - Themes And Variations: A South African Perspective (Paperback, 4th Edition): Wayne Weiten Psychology - Themes And Variations: A South African Perspective (Paperback, 4th Edition)
Wayne Weiten; Edited by Anathi Ntozini
R1,037 R899 Discovery Miles 8 990 Save R138 (13%) In Stock

Loved by many students across South Africa, the new edition of Psychology Themes and Variations offers a superb thematic organisation together with practical applications and South African examples that assist in seeing beyond research to big-picture concepts.

The text surveys psychology's broad range of content with three aims: to illuminate the process of research and its relationship to application; to show both the unity and diversity of psychology's subject matter; and to help students master the basic concepts and principles of psychology with as little struggle as possible.

Russia In Africa - Resurgent Great Power Or Bellicose Pretender (Paperback): Samuel Ramani Russia In Africa - Resurgent Great Power Or Bellicose Pretender (Paperback)
Samuel Ramani
R380 R297 Discovery Miles 2 970 Save R83 (22%) In Stock

Challenging Western depictions, this consideration of Moscow’s post-Cold War Africa policy takes into account both African and Russian decisionmakers.

Three decades after the Soviet Union’s collapse, Russia has transformed from a fringe player to a resurgent great power in Africa. The October 2019 Russia-Africa Summit in Sochi highlighted the appeal of Russia’s normative agenda, the ubiquity of Russian military technology, and the breadth of Moscow’s presence on the continent. Beneath the pageantry, a darker side of Russia’s African resurgence looms large. From Libya to Madagascar, Russia has used sinister tactics to expand its influence, such as private military contractors, shadowy mining and energy deals with authoritarian regimes, and election interference campaigns.

This book presents a chronological examination of Russia’s post-Cold War foreign policy towards Africa, and outlines the factors that have enabled and impeded the growth of its influence. It pays special attention to the non-material factors behind this rising power; the domestic drivers of Russian decision-making; Moscow’s relationships with fellow external powers; and African perspectives on Russia’s geopolitical role. Samuel Ramani’s analysis cites extensively both Russian-language media and academic sources, and his own interviews with Russian and African elites. His fascinating study challenges popular depictions of Russia as an opportunistic anti-Western actor, instead emphasising Moscow’s strategic commitment to Africa and the endurance of historical memory.

What About Men? (Paperback): Caitlin Moran What About Men? (Paperback)
Caitlin Moran
R420 R328 Discovery Miles 3 280 Save R92 (22%) In Stock

With her signature candor and wit, New York Times bestselling author Caitlin Moran attempts to answer society’s weirdly unasked question: What About Men?

Like anyone who discusses the problems of girls and women in public, Caitlin Moran has often been confronted with the question: “But what about men?” And at first, tbh, she dgaf. Boys, and men, are fine, right? Feminism doesn’t need to worry about them.

However, around the time she heard an angry young man saying he was “boycotting” International Women’ Day because “It's easier to be a woman than a man these days,” she started to wonder: are unhappy boys, and men, also making unhappy women? The statistics on male misery are grim: boys are falling behind in school, are at greater risk of depression, greater risk of suicide, and, most pertinently, are increasingly at risk from online misogynist radicalization. Will the Sixth Wave of feminism need to fix the men, if it wants to fix the women?

Moran began to investigate—talking to her husband, close male friends, and her daughters' friends: bringing up very difficult and candid topics, and receiving vulnerable and honest responses. So: what about men? Why do they only go to the doctor if their partner makes them? Why do they never discuss their penises with each other—but make endless jokes about their balls? What is porn doing for young men? Is sexual strangling a good hobby for young people to have? Are men ever allowed to be sad? Are they ever allowed to lose? Have Men's Rights Activists confused “power” with “empowerment”? Are Mid-Life Crises actually quite cool? And what’s the deal with Jordan Peterson’s lobster?

In this thoughtful, warm, provocative book, Moran opens a genuinely new debate about how to reboot masculinity for the twenty-first century, so that “straight white man” doesn’t automatically mean bad news—but also uses the opportunity to make a lot of jokes about testicles, and trousers. Because if men have neither learned to mine their deepest anxieties about masculinity for comedy, nor answered the question “What About Men?,” then it’s up to a busy woman to do it.

Liberation Diaries - Reflections On 30 Years Of Democracy (Paperback): Busani Ngcaweni Liberation Diaries - Reflections On 30 Years Of Democracy (Paperback)
Busani Ngcaweni
R300 R234 Discovery Miles 2 340 Save R66 (22%) In Stock

Liberation Diaries is a powerful and spirited collection of essays from some of South Africa’s most distinctive thinkers on the country’s 30 years of democracy. The writers consider what freedom and democracy mean to them.

By turns provocative and daring, these insightful essays amount to a touchstone to accompany the reader in the 30th year of democracy.

Busani Ngcaweni edited Liberation Diaries: Reflections on 20 Years of Democracy in 2014.

Cancer - Navigating The Journey (Paperback): Cherry Armstrong Cancer - Navigating The Journey (Paperback)
Cherry Armstrong
R390 R305 Discovery Miles 3 050 Save R85 (22%) In Stock

This guide is written with love and care by a palliative nursing sister to help ease the journey for patients and their loved ones.

This book offers mindful advice for patients and their loved ones on navigating the cancer journey – from the time of diagnosis to remission or terminal stages – armed with appropriate information and emotional support. It covers the practical aspects of cancer treatment in a simple, comprehensive way – from medical aids, treatments and side effects to nutrition, complementary therapies and caring for a loved one. It also addresses questions and fears, what to say and do, and how to deal with a terminal diagnosis.

Amongst this, you will also find stories of how others experienced and managed their cancer journey.

Emigrating Successfully - The Insider's Guide (Paperback): Johan Oldenburg Emigrating Successfully - The Insider's Guide (Paperback)
Johan Oldenburg
R275 R215 Discovery Miles 2 150 Save R60 (22%) In Stock

Every South African knows of a person who has emigrated or who is planning to emigrate.

This thoughtful book takes you on a hilarious and insightful journey through the world of emigration and entrepreneurship. It offers an honest and candid account of Johan’s ups and downs and how to navigate them. He draws the link between successful emigration and entrepreneurship. It provides practical tips and advice on overcoming homesickness and cultural differences, and the mindset needed to thrive as both an emigrant and entrepreneur.

Drawing from his own successful experiences, Johan unveils the secrets behind his triumph as an immigrant and entrepreneur. This book is not only a must-read for anyone considering emigration but also for those seeking a better understanding of immigrant life. With a mix of humour and practical wisdom, this book is an indispensable companion for every reader.

A Student's Approach To Taxation In South Africa 2024 (Paperback): A Student's Approach To Taxation In South Africa 2024 (Paperback)
R1,022 R919 Discovery Miles 9 190 Save R103 (10%) In Stock

The specific purpose this book is to combine in one volume the provisions of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962, as it applies to individuals and businesses for the year of assessment ending 28 Feb.

It is written for undergraduate students using simple language and the relevant sections of the Act are provided and explained in simple terms.

Onkant - 'n Rugbyliefdesverhaal (Afrikaans, Paperback): Hendrik Hancke Onkant - 'n Rugbyliefdesverhaal (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Hendrik Hancke
R290 R232 Discovery Miles 2 320 Save R58 (20%) In Stock

Het jy al ooit gewonder hoe dit moet voel om vir die Springbokke gekies te word of hoe 50 000 ekstatiese ondersteuners op die pawiljoen klink?

Met die Rugbywêreldbeker om die draai, het Hendrik Hancke die land deurkruis om met oud-Springbokke en ander rolspelers, insluitend breiers en’n skeidsregter, te gesels oor hul liefde vir rugby. Hulle deel oomblikke in die kleedkamer, persoonlike oorwinnings en voorheen ongepubliseerde stories oor wat van die veld af en op toer gebeur.

Schalk “Schalla” Brits verduidelik waarom dit so noodsaaklik vir ’n Springbok is om ’n spanspeler te wees, terwyl Gcobani Bobo aangrypend vertel van sy reis met rugby van King Williamstown tot Nieu-Seeland. Frik du Preez verklap weer hoe hy en ’n voormalige Nobelpryswenner mekaar gevind het oor hul gedeelde afkeer van Brusselse spruite en Jean de Villiers gesels oor die hoogtepunte en uitdagings van Springbok-kaptein wees.

As jy Saterdagmiddae kliphard vir die televisie skree of op die sypaadjie sal slaap vir ’n kaartjie na ’n groot wedstryd, dan is dié boek vir jou!

Too Far - The Blacklist: Book 2 (Paperback): Sylvia Day Too Far - The Blacklist: Book 2 (Paperback)
Sylvia Day
R380 R265 Discovery Miles 2 650 Save R115 (30%) In Stock

The second novel in the new Blacklist series from the number one bestselling author Sylvia Day.

Lily Black was presumed dead for years. Now she's returned to the unquestioning arms of her loving husband, Kane. Where she's been is a mystery, but the deadly danger she's brought with her is manifest to all.

Aliyah, Kane's mother, has worked hard to position herself in power. No one escapes her bitter ambition, not her children and certainly not a woman who may not be who she claims.

Amy, Kane's sister-in-law, has been a pawn throughout the dangerous games the family plays. She's beginning to grasp the rules, though, and won't stop until all the pieces on the board have toppled.

General Principles Of South African Property Law (Paperback): General Principles Of South African Property Law (Paperback)
R669 R618 Discovery Miles 6 180 Save R51 (8%) In Stock

An introductory legal textbook for property law.

Hiking The Fish - The Ultimate Guide To The Fish River Canyon Trail (Paperback): Henk Blanckenberg, Lizet Meyer Hiking The Fish - The Ultimate Guide To The Fish River Canyon Trail (Paperback)
Henk Blanckenberg, Lizet Meyer
R220 R172 Discovery Miles 1 720 Save R48 (22%) In Stock

Hiking the Fish is the ultimate planner for anyone wanting to embark on the Fish River Canyon Trail. Written by expert adventure guides, it combines practical advice, handy tips and full-colour photographs to bring this exhilarating five-day hike to life.

A detailed introduction to the canyon and its surrounds is followed by chapters that cover planning and preparation; bookings and accommodation; hiking, cooking and sleeping gear; nutrition and meal planning; and first aid.

A comprehensive day-by-day route description forms the core of the book.

The Heist (Paperback): Jack Du Brul The Heist (Paperback)
Jack Du Brul; Created by Clive Cussler
R380 R297 Discovery Miles 2 970 Save R83 (22%) In Stock

Detective Isaac Bell faces an attack on the Federal Reserve in this all-new adventure in the #1 New York Times bestselling series from Clive Cussler.

1914: As America’s century of dominance dawns, the country’s greatest detective, Van Dorn agent Isaac Bell, is pitted against a master thief and his assassin accomplice. They’re plotting to pull off the greatest heist in America’s history: the theft of a billion dollars from the newly created Federal Reserve.

When an aerial attack is launched against Woodrow Wilson’s yacht during a meeting among the Federal Reserve’s branch leaders, Bell thwarts it, only to find that the strike was just the opening of an even deadlier gambit. It’s up to Bell to find the link between the attack, the mysterious death of a Newport heiress, and growing evidence of an unimaginably audacious heist.

Double-cross and betrayal are Bell’s stock and trade, but this time, the deeper he delves into the puzzle, the less he seems to understand. He is in a race against his most ruthless opponent yet, to prevent a financial panic that would bring the United States to its knees.

Fabulously 40 And Beyond - Women Coming Into Their Own (Paperback): Margie Orford, Karin Schimke Fabulously 40 And Beyond - Women Coming Into Their Own (Paperback)
Margie Orford, Karin Schimke
R250 R215 Discovery Miles 2 150 Save R35 (14%) In Stock

The authors spent time finding out how South African women respond to this phenomenon referred to as 'over 40'. The result is a title that a woman would give to herself, to a friend or to a daughter going through this 'big' transition period that involves psychological and physiological change that brings about much contemplation.

'Fabulously 40 and beyond' is written primarily from an extensive base of questionnaires as well as from feedback from media work during the book's development. The authors then synthesised and wrote this title from an extensive base of questionnaires and from feedback from media work to bring on important themes including identity, spirituality, body, family and other animals, leisure (and pleasure). At the centre is a certain power that women come into as they move into their 40's and beyond which is a clear measure of where women in their 40s are at. Clearly, the title demonstrates that these women have humour, lightness, know how much they own, and do juggle things to get things in life to go the way they want. The book offers practical advice as well as relevant statistics.

During the research phase 'Fabulously 40 and beyond' saw much media interest including a feature on SAFM Otherwise, in Femina magazine and on Radio 702. This is no doubt a much-needed book that fills a gap dealing with this often difficult or traumatic stage in women's lives.

SAS - The Illustrated History Of The SAS (Paperback): Joshua Levine SAS - The Illustrated History Of The SAS (Paperback)
Joshua Levine
R247 Discovery Miles 2 470 In Stock

The authorised illustrated history of the SAS by the number one bestselling author of Dunkirk, Joshua Levine. With never-before-seen photographs and unheard stories, this is the SAS’s wartime history in vivid and astonishing detail.

The SAS began as a lie, a story of a British parachute unit in the North African desert, to convince the Axis they were under imminent threat. The lie was so effective that soon a small band of men were brought together to make it real. These recruits were the toughest and brightest of their cohort, the most resilient, most dynamic and most self-sufficient. Their first commanders, David Stirling and Paddy Mayne, would go down in history as unorthodox visionaries. Yet this book tells much more than the usual origin story of the unit and seeks out less well-known leaders like Bill Fraser, who was essential in helping the SAS achieve fame for their devastating raids. By looking beyond the myth, this book brings back to life a group of men who showed immense bravery and endured unimaginable risks behind enemy lines.

Written with the full cooperation of the SAS and with exclusive access to SAS archives, Levine draws on individual stories and personal testimony, including interviews with veterans and family members. On every page, the book gives a visceral sense of what it was like to fight and train in the SAS in both North Africa and Europe during the Second World War, focusing on their failures as well as their successes.

This book is vivid with the characters of the men, their eclectic personalities, their strengths, weaknesses and many disagreements. Levine has uncovered a remarkable portrait of this enigmatic unit with photographs and stories long thought lost to history.

Apprentice In Wonderland - How Donald Trump And Mark Burnett Took America Through The Looking Glass (Hardcover): Ramin Setoodeh Apprentice In Wonderland - How Donald Trump And Mark Burnett Took America Through The Looking Glass (Hardcover)
Ramin Setoodeh
R735 R486 Discovery Miles 4 860 Save R249 (34%) In Stock

From the editor in chief of Variety and author of the New York Times bestseller "Ladies Who Punch", the never-fully-told, behind-the-scenes story of Donald Trump and The Apprentice, the long-running reality series that catapulted him to the White House.

Here for the first time is the definitive untold story of Donald Trump’s years as a reality TV star. Trump himself admits he might not have been president without The Apprentice. Now, just as he uncovered the chaos inside the daytime favorite The View in his bestselling "Ladies Who Punch", Ramin Setoodeh chronicles Trump’s dramatic tenure as New York’s ultimate boss in the boardroom, a mirage created by Survivor producer Mark Burnett and NBC boss Jeff Zucker.

With unprecedented access, including hours of interviews with Trump, his boardroom advisers George Ross and Carolyn Kepcher, Eric Trump, and some of the most memorable contestants, and writing with flair and authority, Setoodeh shares all the untold tales from this legendary show that has left its mark on popular culture, shaped the legend of its star, and ultimately changed American history.

Fangirl Down (Paperback): Tessa Bailey Fangirl Down (Paperback)
Tessa Bailey
R295 R236 Discovery Miles 2 360 Save R59 (20%) In Stock

Wells Whitaker was once golf’s hottest rising star, but lately, all he has to show for his “promising” career is a killer hangover, a collection of broken clubs, and one remaining supporter. No matter how bad he plays, the beautiful, sunny redhead is always on the sidelines. He curses, she cheers. He scowls, she smiles. But when Wells quits in a blaze of glory and his fangirl finally goes home, he knows he made the greatest mistake of his life.

Josephine Doyle believed in the gorgeous, grumpy golfer, even when he didn’t believe in himself. Yet after he throws in the towel, she begins to wonder if her faith was misplaced. Then a determined Wells shows up at her door with a wild proposal: be his new caddy, help him turn his game around, and split the prize money. And considering Josephine’s professional and personal life is in shambles, she could really use the cash…

As they travel together, spending days on the green and nights in neighboring hotel rooms, sparks fly. Before long, they’re inseparable, Wells starts winning again, and Josephine is surprised to find a sweet, thoughtful guy underneath his gruff, growly exterior. This hot man wants to brush her hair, feed her snacks, and take bubble baths together? Is this real life? But Wells is technically her boss and an athlete falling for his fangirl would be ridiculous… right?

The Premonition - A Pandemic Story (Hardcover): Michael Lewis The Premonition - A Pandemic Story (Hardcover)
Michael Lewis
R499 R199 Discovery Miles 1 990 Save R300 (60%) In Stock

For those who could read between the lines, the censored news out of China was terrifying. But the president insisted there was nothing to worry about. Fortunately, we are still a nation of skeptics. Fortunately, there are those among us who study pandemics and are willing to look unflinchingly at worst-case scenarios.

Michael Lewis’s taut and brilliant nonfiction thriller pits a band of medical visionaries against the wall of ignorance that was the official response of the Trump administration to the outbreak of COVID-19. The characters you will meet in these pages are as fascinating as they are unexpected.

A thirteen-year-old girl’s science project on transmission of an airborne pathogen develops into a very grown-up model of disease control. A local public-health officer uses her worm’s-eye view to see what the CDC misses, and reveals great truths about American society. A secret team of dissenting doctors, nicknamed the Wolverines, has everything necessary to fight the pandemic: brilliant backgrounds, world-class labs, prior experience with the pandemic scares of bird flu and swine flu…everything, that is, except official permission to implement their work.

Michael Lewis is not shy about calling these people heroes for their refusal to follow directives that they know to be based on misinformation and bad science. Even the internet, as crucial as it is to their exchange of ideas, poses a risk to them. They never know for sure who else might be listening in.

The Attention Fix - How To Focus In A World That Wants To Distract You (Paperback): Dr Anders Hansen The Attention Fix - How To Focus In A World That Wants To Distract You (Paperback)
Dr Anders Hansen
R380 R297 Discovery Miles 2 970 Save R83 (22%) In Stock

Are you increasingly distracted, demotivated and unable to focus on simple tasks?

There's a good chance your smartphone is to blame. In the always-on age of notifications, emails and the news cycle, it's easy to waste the majority of our days mindlessly scrolling. But according to psychiatric specialist and mental health guru Dr Anders Hansen, being tethered to our devices 24/7 is taking its toll on our mental wellbeing. Sleeplessness, anxiety, depression and burnout are just some of the consequences of feeling digitally overloaded.

In The Attention Fix, Hansen shares an informative guide to what unrestricted social media use is actually doing to our brains, and the practical steps we can take to break the addiction cycle. Unpacking the latest scientific research on the brain, he explains knowledge to cure your smartphone addiction and foster deep, single-task focus. By taking control of your screen time, you'll feel happier, healthier and more productive.

The Other Guest (Paperback): Heidi Perks The Other Guest (Paperback)
Heidi Perks
R379 Discovery Miles 3 790 In Stock

Two women and two sides to the story. Whose do you trust?

Laila and her husband arrive for a week's holiday in Greece in desperate need of a reset. As Laila sits by the pool she finds herself inexplicably drawn to the other family staying in their resort.

Em has no idea who Laila is, or that she has been watching her and her teenage sons and husband so intently. Five days later their worlds will be blown apart by a horrifying event.

Laila thinks she knows the truth of what happened. But in telling Em what she's seen, she stands to lose everything she holds dear.

And what if she's got it wrong?

A Seed Of A Dream - Morris Isaacson High School And The Struggle For Education In Soweto, 1956-2012 (Paperback): Clive Glaser A Seed Of A Dream - Morris Isaacson High School And The Struggle For Education In Soweto, 1956-2012 (Paperback)
Clive Glaser
R265 R207 Discovery Miles 2 070 Save R58 (22%) In Stock

Morris Isaacson High School (MIHS) is widely known as the epicentre of the 1976 Soweto uprising. However, its legacy extends far beyond this event. This insightful book explores the rich, untold story of the school, revealing its profound impact on secondary education in Soweto.

While the 1976 uprising cemented MIHS’s place in history, Clive Glaser argues that its true significance lies in its unwavering commitment to quality education during a tumultuous period. Located in the heart of Soweto, MIHS faced immense challenges – poverty, a repressive education system (Bantu Education) and political unrest. Yet, it defied the odds, nurturing generations of successful professionals throughout the 1960s and 1970s. How did MIHS flourish under Bantu Education, and why did its performance not reach its full potential in the democratic era? By examining the interplay between dedicated leadership, a strong alumni network and shifting socio-economic realities, the book provides some compelling answers.

This book is not just about MIHS; it is a testament to the enduring power of education in the fight for social justice. MIHS’s story serves as an inspiration, demonstrating the transformative potential of education, even under the most challenging circumstances.

How To Fix (Unf*ck) A Country - 6 Things To Reboot South Africa (Paperback): Roy Havemann How To Fix (Unf*ck) A Country - 6 Things To Reboot South Africa (Paperback)
Roy Havemann; Foreword by Tito Mboweni
R310 R248 Discovery Miles 2 480 Save R62 (20%) In Stock

After state capture, South Africa is f*cked and not in a good place. The system is down so how do we reboot?

We aren’t the first country to find itself in a difficult spot so we can ask ourselves why have some countries been successful and others not so much? How can South Africa pick itself up to become a thriving state? Roy Havemann answers these questions in this engaging, accessible book and argues that right now we need to focus on six basics: Eskom, Education, the Environment, Exports, Equality and Ethics.

It’s time to stop raking over the coals of who is to blame for our problems and focus on the future, looking at how other countries have overcome challenges similar to ours and how we can practically implement a set of policies that will get South Africa back on track.

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