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Written by well-respected authors, the Cambridge Checkpoint Mathematics suite provides a comprehensive structured resource which covers the full Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics framework in three stages. This Practice Book for Stage 7 provides coverage of the Problem Solving framework, with questions relating to the framework statements highlighted in both the Practice Book and the Coursebook. It also contains further exercise questions for practice in the classroom or at home.
Oxford in search of geography provides learners and teachers with outstanding, accessible high-quality material that meets the requirements of the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). The course builds learners' confidence by using scaffolded activities, and by providing opportunities for practice and consolidation. Extension activities provide for learners aspiring to excellence. Features; all the planning tools are provided, ensuring that pacing and progression comply with CAPS requirements; and a wide range of assessment tools facilitate assessment.
This book asks how governments in Africa can use evidence to improve their policies and programmes, and ultimately, to achieve positive change for their citizens. Looking at different evidence sources across a range of contexts, the book brings policy makers and researchers together to uncover what does and doesn't work and why. Case studies are drawn from five countries and the ECOWAS (west African) region, and a range of sectors from education, wildlife, sanitation, through to government procurement processes. The book is supported by a range of policy briefs and videos intended to be both practical and critically rigorous. It uses evidence sources such as evaluations, research synthesis and citizen engagement to show how these cases succeeded in informing policy and practice. The voices of policy makers are key to the book, ensuring that the examples deployed are useful to practitioners and researchers alike. This innovative book will be perfect for policy makers, practitioners in government and civil society, and researchers and academics with an interest in how evidence can be used to support policy making in Africa.
As the conservative political mood of our nation eliminates programs for the increasing numbers of bilingual children, educators are nevertheless expected to teach linguistically and culturally diverse learners with limited background knowledge and resources. This edited volume challenges « mainstream educators to critically examine how to best meet the needs of bilingual/bicultural children in contemporary America. Contents: Lourdes Diaz Soto: Introduction: The Political, the Dialogic, and the Critical - Haroon Kharem/Leila E. Villaverde: Teacher Allies: The Problem of the Color Line - Ryan Moser: Bilingual Abolitionists: Shadows of Facism - Propaganda of the Third Reich and the English-Only Movement - Lyudmila Bryzzheva: From Vygotsky to Bakhtin: Grand Theories and Teaching Practices - Colin Lankshear/Michele Knobel: Doom or Mortal Kombat? Bilingual Literacy in the « Mainstream Classroom - Ladislaus M. Semali: The Case of Repressed Native or Indigenous Languages - Richard De Gourville: What's Policy Gotta Do Wit Dis? - Cathy Gutierrez-Gomez: Golden Eagle Goes to Kindergarten - Miryam Espinosa-Dulanto: Are Schools Prepared to Support Excellence for Nonmainstream Children? Latino/a Voices as a Response - Irene Pabon: A Life Span / Toda Una Vida: The Pain and the Struggle That Will Strike / El Dolory la Lucha que Embiste - Lynus Yamuna: My Story and the Melanesian Knowledge - Rebecca Blum-Martinez: Parents as Guardians of the Mother Tongue - Maria de la Luz Reyes/Lisa Costanzo: On the Threshold of Biliteracy: A First-Grader's Personal Journey - Jofen Wu Han/Gisela Ernst-Slavit: Here They Come: Creating Rich Language-Learning Environments for Chinese-Speaking KindergartenStudents - Jocelynn Smrekar: Early Childhood Bilingual Classrooms - Maria E. Franquiz: Caring Literacy and Identity Struggles: The Transformation of a Chicano Student - Jim Cummins: Rights and Responsibilities of Educators of Bilingual / Bicultural Children.
This selection of thirty-four of McQueen's best-loved poems brings together work from twenty years of performance and publication. Cilla McQueen's readings of her work are unforgettable. In this recording, her readings are accompanied by three Dunedin musicians. Many of the poems on this CD are from a time when Cilla was the partner of leading New Zealand artist Ralph Hotere. Echoes bounce between the works of the two. A must for all poetry and art lovers.
This is the definitive book about the biggest changes in education, schooling and teaching since the school classroom was invented almost 300 years ago. The vision and power of the original "Learning Revolution" remains, but the authors now address current developments such as: how instant information and interactive technology are finally forcing a complete rethink of everything we've ever believed about education; how new interlocking networks are creating dramatic new models for learning; and how new teaching methods are revolutionizing schooling in pockets around the world. Dryden, the award-winning television and radio talk show host, is just completing a series of television programmes on new methods of learning and Vos is putting the finishing touches to a seven-year doctoral research project into the same subject. The combined power of these two dynamic authors is highly compelling!
The bestselling author of "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe" pens a hilarious look at life in the South during the '50s. It begins when Daisy Fay is a feisty, lonely 11-year-old, and ends six years later when she's the unlikely winner of the Miss Mississippi contest.
Lo ngumdlalo osekwe kwelentlanzi, phantsi kweNtab'etafile. Ibali eli liqulethe umbandela obalulekileyo nobilis'ibunzi kuluntu luphela - isifo esigqugqisayo uGawulayo, kwanentsholongwane engunozala weli gongqongqo lesifo. Libali elingoPhumela intwazana esakhulayo. Njengoko igama layo lisitsho, iphumela kumanzinzithi neenzima zobomi. This play takes place in Cape Town. It is about a very important and disturbing issue that affects the entire community - the issue of HIV and AIDS.
Long ago, a young girl named Abigail put her beloved patchwork quilt in the attic. Now years later, another girl discovers the quilt and relies on its warmth to help her feel secure in a new home. Full color.
A study edition of Twelfth Night, featuring facing notes, activities, text graded by importance and illustrations.
Hierdie studiegids dek die Graad 10 KABV-kurrikulum en bied VIR ELKE ONDERWERP: Omvattende Notas, Vrae en Antwoorde en sluit ook in: Praktiese Werk: Voedselproduksie en ‘n Eksamenvraestel & memo. Die volledige notas, praktiese wenke, groot verskeidenheid vrae, antwoorde en oefening in die beantwoord van ‘n eksamenvraestel, bied aan die Graad 10-leerder al die vaardighede, inhoudsmateriaal en vaslegging wat nodig is om in hierdie vak uit te blink. Die puntsgewyse styl en tabelformaat maak die leerproses maklik en die inhoud meer toeganklik. Hierdie boek sal leerders in staat stel om top punte te behaal in hierdie toenemend relevante en interessante vak.
From the author of the double Sunday Times and Irish bestselling Slimming Eats - comes Slimming Eats Made in the Air Fryer, packed with 80+ tasty, slimming recipes - all brand new and all under 600 calories. This book includes a how-to guide to equip you with all you need to start your Air Fryer journey today - saving you time and money, so much that you might never turn that oven on again!
Recipes include: Family-friendly meals, fuss-free ingredients and quick meals - this is the essential air fryer book you'll turn to time and again.
Le ncwadi iqukethe izindaba ezimfushane ezexwayisa umphakathi ngezehlo ezehlela abantu empilweni yabo mihla nezolo. Uma umfundi efunda lencwadi ufumana amasu okuzivikela nokucabanga ngekusasa eliqhakazile. Kanti futhi ifundisa umuntu ukuthi azi ‘umuntu umuntu ngabantu’ Izandla ziyagezana. This title consists of short stories that equip the reader with life skills and discuss ways of coping with daily life situations. ??It emphasizes that no man lives on an island.
Neffy is a young woman running away from grief and guilt and the one big mistake that has cost her her career. When she answers the call to volunteer in a controlled vaccine trial, it offers her a way to pay off her many debts and, perhaps, to make up for the past. But when the London streets below her window fall silent, and all external communications cease, only Neffy and four other volunteers remain in the unit. With food running out, and a growing sense that the strangers she is with may be holding back secrets, Neffy has questions that no-one can answer. Does safety lie inside or beyond the unit? And who, or what is out there? While she weighs up her choices, she is introduced to a pioneering and controversial technology which allows her to revisit memories from her life before: a childhood divided between her enigmatic mother and her father in his small hotel in Greece. Intoxicated by the freedom of the past and the chance to reunite with those she loves, she increasingly turns away from her perilous present. But in this new world where survival rests on the bonds between strangers, is she jeopardising any chance of a future? The Memory of Animals is a taut and emotionally charged novel about freedom and captivity, survival and sacrifice and whether you can save anyone before you save yourself. |
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