Books > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Christian worship > Christian prayer
Por que mis padres se divorcian? Es mi culpa? Dejaran de quererme?
Como sobrevivir a la separacion de mis padres? Los jovenes tienen
preguntas acerca del divorcio que dejan a padres y consejeros sin
poder contestar. En este libro encontraras respuestas precisas y
honestas para enfrentar esta dura realidad. Esteban Borghetti te
ayudara a entender asuntos practicos de un escenario que mas y mas
afecta a las familias de nuestro continente. De forma clara, el
autor, te guiara a tomar decisiones sabias en este momento de
crisis. Ya sea que estas en medio del conflicto o tus padres ya
estan divorciados, este libro sera una apoyo y guia para avanzar
sin perder de vista tus suenos y lo que Dios piensa de ti."
John Eldredge, autor best seller del New York Times ofrece una guia
paso a paso hacia una oracion eficaz, una guia paso a paso a traves
de diversas ocasiones en las que las oraciones pueden ser
aplicadas, incluyendo el fundamento biblico que respalda "la
tecnica", anecdotas alentadoras y modelos de oraciones. ?Por que
unas oraciones funcionan y otras no? ?Como se sentiria orar con la
confianza y la garantia de que Dios te escucha y que tus oraciones
hacen una diferencia? John Eldredge ofrece una guia paso a paso
hacia una oracion eficaz. Todos tenemos una razon para orar.
Anhelamos ver que Dios conceda nuestras peticiones y las de
nuestros seres amados. Sin embargo, algunas veces no lo hace, y
entonces, ?donde nos deja esa situacion? ?Estamos haciendo algo
mal? ?No nos escucha? ?Por que las oraciones de algunas personas
parecen mas eficaces que las de otras? Entonces nos desanimamos y
dejamos de lado la oracion, el arma misma que Dios nos ha dado para
que no nos desanimemos. Si tienes algun interes en la oracion,
necesitas oraciones que funcionen. Esa es la clase de oraciones que
constituyen el tema de este libro. Cuando descubrimos que la
oracion no consiste simplemente en pedirle a Dios que haga algo,
sino que representa nuestra colaboracion con El, se abren ante
nosotros nuevas posibilidades. No hay nada mas esperanzador que el
pensamiento de que las cosas pueden ser diferentes, y de que
tenemos un papel que desempenar en producir los cambios necesarios.
Con Dios, podemos mover montanas. Mueve montanas te ensenara como
experimentar el poder de la oracion, desde la intimidad de la
oracion de escuchar, la oracion de sanidad interior y el "clamor
del corazon", hasta la habilidad de las oraciones de intervencion,
de consagracion y de guerra espiritual. Tu vida nunca sera la
misma. Tampoco lo sera el mundo... gracias a tus oraciones. This
book offers a step-by-step guide through a variety of prayer
applications, including the biblical basis supporting the
"technique," encouraging anecdotes, and model prayers. The
disciples asked Jesus, "Teach us to pray!" Most Christians-most
people for that matter-want to pray and do pray, but they don't
feel confident in the process. This book offers a step-by-step
guide through a variety of prayer applications, including the
biblical basis supporting the "technique," encouraging anecdotes,
and model prayers. John Eldredge has been teaching people how to
pray for twenty years, and he has seen remarkable results. From
experience, he knows what gets in the way of effective prayer and
how to help people toward prayer that is truly effective. The book
begins with a liberating reframing of what prayer is. Most
Christians labor under the fundamental misconception that prayer is
essentially "asking God to intervene." This assumption has led to
untold confusion and grief, for many do ask but God does not seem
to hear...or care. Whereas Jesus said to his disciples, "I will
give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on
earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will
be loosed in heaven" (Matt 16:19). When we operate from a position
of our authority in Christ, we approach prayer with far greater
God wants to do more in our lives than we can possibly imagine. So why do we settle for less? Many times, it's because we are afraid to ask. Whether we feel selfish or silly doing so, or we want to let God off the hook in case He doesn't answer, we rarely pray for our deepest desires--not realizing that our desires are often dreams conceived by God that He wants to fulfill. It's time to discover the exciting adventure you were created to live!
In Pray Big Things, Julia Jeffress Sadler dares you to start praying big. Sharing her own story of God's life-changing answers to bold prayers--a miraculous journey through infertility, miscarriages, and giving birth to triplets--Julia challenges you to take God at His Word and see Him move like never before. Humorous, practical, and filled with biblical insights, this book will give you the courage to pray big things and watch expectantly for God's even bigger answers.
Our fast-paced lives are filled with distractions, frequently
leaving us disillusioned and dissatisfied-with ourselves, with
others, and even with God. Spiritual practices that used to sustain
us fall short when life circumstances bring us to the limits of our
self. After many years leading an international humanitarian
organization, Phileena Heuertz experienced the deconstruction of
her identity, worldview, and faith. Centering prayer, a Christian
expression of mindfulness, was a crucial remedy for her fragmented
condition, offering a more peace-filled and purposeful life. The
hallmarks of contemplative spirituality-solitude, silence, and
stillness-have never been more important for our society: In
solitude, we develop the capacity to be present. In silence, we
cultivate the ability to listen. In stillness, we acquire the skill
of self-control. Contemplative prayer helps us discern the voice of
God, uncover our true self, and live a life of meaning and purpose.
Filled with insights and wisdom from personal experiences, Phileena
introduces us to themes and teachers of contemplative spirituality,
as well as several prayer practices, and invites us to greater
healing and wholeness by learning to practice faith through prayer.
This is an opportunity to go deeper with God-to experience the
Divine and be transformed.