Books > Christianity > Christian Worship > Christian prayer
God has given every believer spiritual authority and rights as a believer to encounter
the personal healing power of God - not just healing ministers and apostles. You will be
inspired, empowered, and equipped to speak to any mountainous situation, sickness,
disease, or pain in your life and be made whole!
Stand in your spiritual authority and release God’s healing power!
Do you fully understand what it means to walk in your spiritual authority and exercise
your Kingdom rights as a believer? If you or a loved one need a healing touch from
God, there is a powerful, Bible-based strategy that you can start operating in today!
Command Your Healing is a power-packed prophetic experience that combines
intentional meditation on God’s word with confident declarations of God’s promises to
attain a healing miracle!
Through revelation on key healing Scriptures, faith declarations, inspiring testimonies,
prophetic decrees, and healing confessions you will be equipped to break demonic
sickness and strongholds that hold back healing.
We need some Christians who are as crazy as the Lord. Crazy enough
to love like Jesus, to give like Jesus, to forgive like Jesus, to
do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with God like Jesus. Crazy
enough to dare to change the world from the nightmare it often is
into something close to the dream that God dreams for it. And for
those who would follow him, those who would be his disciples, those
who would live as and be the people of the Way. It might come as a
shock, but they are called to craziness. From Bishop Curry's "Crazy
Christians" address to the 2012 General Convention of the Episcopal
Church in Indianapolis.
Are you ready for a new level of boldness, faith, and authority?
God is inviting you to join a new breed of spiritually-enabled
prophetic warriors who have been given a set of extraordinary powers.
You can expect:
• To flow with revelation, miracles, signs, and wonders like never
• The fullness and power of God to work through you and your family’s
• To receive new thoughts, plans, ideas, creativity and fresh
• To speak into people’s lives with a love and a warrior edge that
burns away
pain and delivers them into freedom.
• To prophesy and release a successful and prosperous reality to
cities and nations.
Growing up in Northern Ireland, prophet Emma Stark was raised in an
environment that cultivated boldness and a no-nonsense approach to the
prophetic. Now, through heart-warming, shocking and funny real-life
stories and practical activations, she releases an impartation of faith
and encouragement that will propel you to go beyond your fears and into
your wildest expectations and dreams of being a bold truth-teller.
Are you ready to be weaponized by Heaven?
For most people most of the time, prayer is hard. It is
especially difficult--not to mention unsatisfying--when people
experience it as formal, dry, and repetitious. But what might
happen if you discovered a simple prayer that changed all that?
What if you discovered a prayer that changed you? In "A Simple,
Life-Changing Prayer," Jim Manney introduces Christians to a
500-year-old form of prayer that dramatically altered his
perception of prayer and the way he prayed. The prayer is the
examen, which St. Ignatius Loyola developed for the purpose of
nurturing a reflective habit of mind that is constantly attuned to
God's presence. What makes the prayer so powerful is its capacity
to dispel any notion that God is somewhere "up there," detached
from our day-to-day tasks and concerns. Instead, the examen leads
us into a relationship with a God who desires to be personally
caught up in the lives of those whom he created. By following five
simple yet powerful steps for praying the examen, we can encounter
the God who, as Scripture tells us, "is not far from each one of
us"--the God whose presence in our lives can make all the
difference in the world.
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