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Books > Reference & Interdisciplinary > Communication studies > Coding theory & cryptology
Biometrics is a rapidly evolving field with applications ranging from accessing one 's computer to gaining entry into a country. The deployment of large-scale biometric systems in both commercial and government applications has increased public awareness of this technology. Recent years have seen significant growth in biometric research resulting in the development of innovative sensors, new algorithms, enhanced test methodologies and novel applications. This book addresses this void by inviting some of the prominent researchers in Biometrics to contribute chapters describing the fundamentals as well as the latest innovations in their respective areas of expertise.
Quantum computers will break today's most popular public-key cryptographic systems, including RSA, DSA, and ECDSA. This book introduces the reader to the next generation of cryptographic algorithms, the systems that resist quantum-computer attacks: in particular, post-quantum public-key encryption systems and post-quantum public-key signature systems. Leading experts have joined forces for the first time to explain the state of the art in quantum computing, hash-based cryptography, code-based cryptography, lattice-based cryptography, and multivariate cryptography. Mathematical foundations and implementation issues are included. This book is an essential resource for students and researchers who want to contribute to the field of post-quantum cryptography.
QUANTUMCOMM 2009--the International Conference on Quantum Communi- tion and Quantum Networking (from satellite to nanoscale)--took place in Vico Equense near Naples, Italy, during October 26-30, 2009. The conference made a significant step toward stimulating direct dialogue between the communities of quantum physics and quantum information researchers who work with photons, atoms, and electrons in pursuit of the common goal of investigating and utilizing the transfer of physical information between quantum systems. This meeting brought together experts in quantum communication, quantum inf- mation processing, quantum nanoscale physics, quantum photonics, and networking. In the light of traditional approaches to quantum information processing, quantum communication mainly deals with encoding and securely distributing quantum states of light in optical fiber or in free space in order to provide the technical means for quantum cryptography applications. Exciting advances in the area of quantum c- munication over the last decade have made the metropolitan quantum network a re- ity. Several papers presented at this meeting have demonstrated that quantum crypt- raphy is approaching the point of becoming a high-tech application rather than a - search subject. The natural distance limitation of quantum cryptography has been significantly augmented using ideas of global quantum communication with stab- orbit satellites. The results presented at this conference demonstrated that practical secure satellite communication is clearly within reach.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the two international workshops DPM 2009, the 4th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management, and SETOP 2009, the Second International Workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security, collocated with the ESORICS 2009 symposium in St. Malo, France, in September 2009. The 8 revised full papers for DPM 2009, selected from 23 submissions, presented together with two keynote lectures are accompanied by 9 revised full papers of SETOP 2009; all papers were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The DPM 2009 papers cover topics such as privacy in service oriented architectures, privacy-preserving mechanisms, crossmatching and indistinguishability techniques, privacy policies, and disclosure of information. The SETOP 2009 papers address all current issues within the sope of security policies, identification and privacy, as well as security mechanisms.
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems. This unique event aimed at bringing together researchersfrom softwareen- neering and security engineering, which might help to unite and further develop the two communities in this and future editions. The parallel technical spons- ships from the ACM SIGSAC (the ACM interest group in security) and ACM SIGSOF (the ACM interest group in software engineering) is a clear sign of the importance of this inter-disciplinary research area and its potential. The di?culty of building secure software systems is no longer focused on mastering security technology such as cryptography or access control models. Other important factors include the complexity of modern networked software systems, the unpredictability of practical development life cycles, the intertw- ing of and trade-o? between functionality, security and other qualities, the d- culty of dealing with human factors, and so forth. Over the last years, an entire research domain has been building up around these problems. The conference program included two major keynotes from Any Gordon (Microsoft Research Cambridge) on the practical veri?cation of security pro- cols implementation and Angela Sasse (University College London) on security usability and an interesting blend of research, industry and idea papers.
In today's extensively wired world, cryptology is vital for guarding communication channels, databases, and software from intruders. Increased processing and communications speed, rapidly broadening access and multiplying storage capacity tend to make systems less secure over time, and security becomes a race against the relentless creativity of the unscrupulous. The revised and extended third edition of this classic reference work on cryptology offers a wealth of new technical and biographical details. The book presupposes only elementary mathematical knowledge. Spiced with exciting, amusing, and sometimes personal accounts from the history of cryptology, it will interest general a broad readership.
As future generation information technology (FGIT) becomes specialized and fr- mented, it is easy to lose sight that many topics in FGIT have common threads and, because of this, advances in one discipline may be transmitted to others. Presentation of recent results obtained in different disciplines encourages this interchange for the advancement of FGIT as a whole. Of particular interest are hybrid solutions that c- bine ideas taken from multiple disciplines in order to achieve something more signi- cant than the sum of the individual parts. Through such hybrid philosophy, a new principle can be discovered, which has the propensity to propagate throughout mul- faceted disciplines. FGIT 2009 was the first mega-conference that attempted to follow the above idea of hybridization in FGIT in a form of multiple events related to particular disciplines of IT, conducted by separate scientific committees, but coordinated in order to expose the most important contributions. It included the following international conferences: Advanced Software Engineering and Its Applications (ASEA), Bio-Science and Bio-Technology (BSBT), Control and Automation (CA), Database Theory and Application (DTA), D- aster Recovery and Business Continuity (DRBC; published independently), Future G- eration Communication and Networking (FGCN) that was combined with Advanced Communication and Networking (ACN), Grid and Distributed Computing (GDC), M- timedia, Computer Graphics and Broadcasting (MulGraB), Security Technology (SecTech), Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (SIP), and- and e-Service, Science and Technology (UNESST).
The 8th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2009) was held at the Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art in Kanazawa, Japan, during December 12-14, 2009. The conference was jointly co-organized by the NationalInstituteofAdvancedIndustrialScienceandTechnology(AIST), Japan, and the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). In ad- tion, the event was supported by the Special Interest Group on Computer Se- rity (CSEC), IPSJ, Japan, the Japan Technical Group on Information Security (ISEC), IEICE, the Japan Technical Committee on Information and Com- nication System Security(ICSS), IEICE, and the Society of Information Theory and its Applications (SITA), Japan, and co-sponsored by the National Ins- tute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan, ComWorth Co., LTD, Japan, Hitachi, Ltd., Hokuriku Telecommunication Network Co., Inc., and Internet Initiative Japan Inc. The conference received 109 submissions from 24 countries, out of which 32 were accepted for publication in these proceedings. At least three Program Committee (PC) members reviewed each submitted paper, while submissions co-authored by a PC member were submitted to the more stringent evaluation of ?ve PC members. In addition to the PC members, many external reviewers joinedthereviewprocessintheirparticularareasofexpertise. Wewerefortunate to have this energetic team of experts, and are deeply grateful to all of them for their hard work, which included a very active discussion phase-almost as long as the initial individual reviewing period. The paper submission, review and discussion processes were e?ectively and e?ciently made possible by the Web-based system iChair.
This book constitutes the revised selected papers of the 20th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, held in June/July 2009 in the castle of Hradec nad Moravici, Czech Republic. The 41 papers included in this volume together with 5 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from over 100 submissions. The topics dealt with are algorithms and data structures, applications, combinatorial enumeration, combinatorial optimization, complexity theory, computational biology, databases, decompositions and combinatorial designs, discrete and computational geometry, including graph drawing, and graph theory and combinatorics.
The 16th Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC 2009) was held at the University of Calgary,in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, during August 13-14, 2009. There were 74 participants from 19 countries. Previous workshops in this series were held at Queens University in Kingston (1994, 1996, 1998, 1999, and 2005), Carleton University in Ottawa (1995, 1997, and 2003), University of - terloo (2000 and 2004), Fields Institute in Toronto (2001), Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. Johns (2002), Concordia University in Montreal (2006), University of Ottawa (2007), and Mount Allison University in Sackville (2008). The themes for SAC 2009 were: 1. Design and analysis of symmetric key primitives and cryptosystems, incl- ing block and stream ciphers, hash functions, and MAC algorithms 2. E?cient implementations of symmetric and public key algorithms 3. Mathematical and algorithmic aspects of applied cryptology 4. Privacy enhancing cryptographic systems This included the traditional themes (the ?rst three) together with a special theme for 2009 workshop (fourth theme).
The Second Annual Workshop on Privacy and Security, organized by the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Information Privacy and Security of the School of C- munication and Information at Rutgers University, was held on May 12, 2008 at the Hyatt Regency, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. A few of the papers in this volume were produced through a multi-step process. First, we recorded the talk given by each author at the workshop in May 2008. Next, we transcribed the recording. The authors then produced a draft of their paper from these transcriptions, refining each draft until the final version. Although the papers are not verbatim transcriptions of the talks given, some do retain the informal and conv- sational quality of the presentations. In one instance we have included some material from the question-and-answer period after the talk, since the material covered proved to be relevant and interesting. The majority of authors, however, preferred to include a more formal paper based on the material presented at the workshop.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cryptology in India, INDOCRYPT 2009, held in New Dehli, India, in December 2009. The 28 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 104 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on post-quantum cryptology, key agreement protocols, side channel attacks, symmetric cryptology, hash functions, number theoretic cryptology, lightweight cryptology, signature protocols, and multiparty computation.
The11thInternationalConferenceonInformationandCommunicationsSecurity (ICICS 2009) was held in Beijing, China during December 14-17, 2009. The ICICS conferenceseriesis anestablished forum that bringstogether people from universities,researchinstitutes, industry and governmentinstitutions, who work in a range of ?elds within information and communications security. The ICICS conferencesgiveattendeestheopportunitytoexchangenewideasandinvestigate developments in the state of the art. In previous years, ICICS has taken place in the UK (2008), China (2007, 2005, 2003, 2001 and 1997), USA (2006), Spain (2004), Singapore (2002), and Australia (1999). On each occasion, as on this one, the proceedings have been published in the Springer LNCS series. In total, 162 manuscripts from 20 countries and districts were submitted to ICICS 2009, and a total of 37 (31 regular papers plus 6 short papers) from 13 countries and districts were accepted (an acceptance rate of 23%). The accepted papers cover a wide range of disciplines within information security and applied cryptography. Each submission to ICICS 2009 was anonymously reviewed by three or four reviewers. We are very grateful to members of the Program C- mittee, which was composed of 44 members from 14 countries; we would like to thank them, as well as all the external referees, for their time and their valuable contributions to the tough and time-consuming reviewing process.
As intelligent autonomous agents and multiagent system applications become more pervasive, it becomes increasingly important to understand the risks associated with using these systems. Incorrect or inappropriate agent behavior can have harmful - fects, including financial cost, loss of data, and injury to humans or systems. For - ample, NASA has proposed missions where multiagent systems, working in space or on other planets, will need to do their own reasoning about safety issues that concern not only themselves but also that of their mission. Likewise, industry is interested in agent systems that can search for new supply opportunities and engage in (semi-) automated negotiations over new supply contracts. These systems should be able to securely negotiate such arrangements and decide which credentials can be requested and which credentials may be disclosed. Such systems may encounter environments that are only partially understood and where they must learn for themselves which aspects of their environment are safe and which are dangerous. Thus, security and safety are two central issues when developing and deploying such systems. We refer to a multiagent system's security as the ability of the system to deal with threats that are intentionally caused by other intelligent agents and/or s- tems, and the system's safety as its ability to deal with any other threats to its goals.
th It is our great pleasure to present in this volume the proceedings of the 7 Inter- tional Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW) which was held in Busan, Korea, during November 10-12, 2008. The workshop was hosted by the by Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology (KIISC) and sponsored by MarkAny, BK21 CIST (Korea University), ETRI. Since its birth in the early 1990s, digital watermarking has become a mature e- bling technology for solving security problems associated with multimedia distri- tion schemes. Digital watermarks are now used in applications like broadcast mo- toring, movie fingerprinting, digital rights management, and document authentication, to name but a few. Still, many research challenges remain open, among them security and robustness issues, reversibility, and authentication. Continuing the tradition of previous workshops, IWDW 2008 also featured besides papers dealing with digital watermarking contributions from other related fields, such as steganography, ste- nalysis, and digital forensics. The selection of the program was a challenging task. From more than 62 subm- sions (received from authors in 15 different countries) the Program Committee - lected 36 as regular papers. At this point we would like to thank all the authors who submitted their latest research results to IWDW 2008 and all members of the Program Committee who put significant effort into the review process, assuring a balanced program. In addition to the contributed papers, the workshop featured three invited lectures delivered by Y. Q. Shi, C. -C."
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Theoretic Security, ICITS 2007, held in Madrid, Spain, in May 2007. The 13 revised full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 26 submissions. There were one invited keynote speech and 3 invited talks to the conference. The topics covered are authentication, group cryptography, private and reliable message transmission, secret sharing, and applications of information theory.
This book contains the best papers of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2008), held in Porto, Portugal, which was organized by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Communication and Control (INSTICC), co-sponsored by the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), in cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Institute for Collaboration and Research on Enterprise Systems and Technology (IICREST). The purpose of ICSOFT 2008 was to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in information technology and software development. The conference tracks were "Software Engineering", "Information Systems and Data Management", "Programming Languages", "Distributed and Parallel Systems" and "Knowledge Engineering". Being crucial for the development of information systems, software and data te- nologies encompass a large number of research topics and applications: from imp- mentation-related issues to more abstract theoretical aspects of software engineering; from databases and data-warehouses to management information systems and kno- edge-base systems; next to that, distributed systems, pervasive computing, data qu- ity and other related topics are included in the scope of this conference.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 5th International ICST Conference, SecureComm 2009, held in September 2009 in Athens, Greece. The 19 revised full papers and 7 revised short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 76 submissions. The papers cover various topics such as wireless network security, network intrusion detection, security and privacy for the general internet, malware and misbehavior, sensor networks, key management, credentials and authentications, as well as secure multicast and emerging technologies.
On behalf of the Program Committee, it is our pleasure to present the p- ceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection systems (RAID 2009),which took place in Saint-Malo,France, during September 23-25. As in the past, the symposium brought together leading - searchers and practitioners from academia, government, and industry to discuss intrusion detection research and practice. There were six main sessions prese- ingfullresearchpapersonanomalyandspeci?cation-basedapproaches,malware detection and prevention, network and host intrusion detection and prevention, intrusion detection for mobile devices, and high-performance intrusion det- tion. Furthermore, there was a poster session on emerging research areas and case studies. The RAID 2009ProgramCommittee received59 full paper submissionsfrom all over the world. All submissions were carefully reviewed by independent - viewers on the basis of space, topic, technical assessment, and overall balance. The ?nal selection took place at the Program Committee meeting on May 21 in Oakland, California. In all, 17 papers were selected for presentation and p- lication in the conference proceedings. As a continued feature, the symposium accepted submissions for poster presentations which have been published as - tended abstracts, reporting early-stage research, demonstration of applications, or case studies. Thirty posters were submitted for a numerical review by an independent, three-person sub-committee of the Program Committee based on novelty, description, and evaluation. The sub-committee recommended the - ceptance of 16 of these posters for presentation and publication. The success of RAID 2009 depended on the joint e?ort of many people.
th This book contains the best papers of the 5 International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE), which was held in July 2008, in Porto, Portugal. This conference reflects a continuing effort to increase the dissemination of recent research results among professionals who work in the areas of e-business and te- communications. ICETE is a joint international conference integrating four major areas of knowledge that are divided into four corresponding conferences: ICE-B (- ternational Conf. on e-Business), SECRYPT (International Conf. on Security and Cryptography), SIGMAP (Int'l Conf. on Signal Processing and Multimedia) and WINSYS (International Conf. on Wireless Information Systems). The program of this joint conference included several outstanding keynote lectures presented by internationally renowned distinguished researchers who are experts in the various ICETE areas. Their keynote speeches have contributed to heightening the overall quality of the program and significance of the theme of the conference. The conference topic areas define a broad spectrum in the key areas of e-business and telecommunications. This wide-view reporting made ICETE appealing to a global au- ence of engineers, scientists, business practitioners and policy experts. The papers - cepted and presented at the conference demonstrated a number of new and innovative solutions for e-business and telecommunication networks and systems, showing that the technical problems in these closely related fields are challenging and worthwhile - proaching an interdisciplinary perspective such as that promoted by ICETE.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the International Conference on Personal Satellite Services (PSATS 2009) in Rome, Italy in March 2009. The 17 papers papers demonstrate recent advances in Internet applications over satellites, satellites technologies, and future satellite location-based systems.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Security Conference, ISC 2009, held in Pisa, Italy, September 7-9, 2009. The 29 revised full papers and 9 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 105 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on analysis techniques, hash functions, database security and biometrics, algebraic attacks and proxy re-encryption, distributed system security, identity management and authentication, applied cryptography, access control, MAC and nonces, and P2P and Web services.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking, NEW2AN 2009, held in conjunction with the Second Conference on Smart Spaces, ruSMART 2009 in St. Petersburg, Russia, in September 2009. The 32 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 82 submissions. The NEW2AN papers are organized in topical sections on teletraffic issues; traffic measurements, modeling, and control; peer-to-peer systems; security issues; wireless networks: ad hoc and mesh; and wireless networks: capacity and mobility. The ruSMART papers start with an invited talk followed by 10 papers on smart spaces.
These proceedings contain the papers presented at VoteID 2009, the Second - ternationalConferenceonE-votingandIdentity.TheconferencewasheldinL- embourgduring September 7-8,2009, hostedbythe Universityof Luxembourg. VoteID 2009 built on the success of the 2007 edition held in Bochum. Events have moved on dramatically in the intervening two years: at the time of writing, people are in the streets of Tehran protesting against the claimed outcome of the June12thpresidentialelectionin Iran.Banners bearingthe words"Whereis my vote?" bear testimony to the strength of feeling and the need for elections to be trusted. These events show that the search for high-assurance voting is not a purely academic pursuit but one of very real importance. We hope that VoteID 2009 will help contribute to our understanding of the foundations of democracy. TheProgramCommitteeselected11papersforpresentationattheconference out of a total of 24 submissions. Each submission was reviewed by at least four Program Committee members. The EasyChair conference management system proved instrumental in the reviewing process as well as in the preparation of these proceedings. The selected papers cover a wide range of aspects of voting: proposals for high-assurancevotingsystems, evaluationofexistingsystems, assessmentofp- lic response to electronic voting and legal aspects. The program also included a keynote by Mark Ryan.
The NordSec workshops were started in 1996 with the aim of bringing together - searchers and practitioners within computer security in the Nordic countries - thereby establishing a forum for discussions and co-operation between universities, industry and computer societies. Since then, the workshop has developed into a fully fledged inter- tional information security conference, held in the Nordic countries on a round robin basis. The 14th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems was held in Oslo on 14-16 October 2009. Under the theme Identity and Privacy in the Internet Age, this year's conference explored policies, strategies and technologies for protecting identities and the growing flow of personal information passing through the Internet and mobile n- works under an increasingly serious threat picture. Among the contemporary security issues discussed were security services modeling, Petri nets, attack graphs, electronic voting schemes, anonymous payment schemes, mobile ID-protocols, SIM cards, n- work embedded systems, trust, wireless sensor networks, privacy, privacy disclosure regulations, financial cryptography, PIN verification, temporal access control, random number generators, and some more. As a pre-cursor to the conference proper, the Nordic Security Day on Wednesday 14 October hosted talks by leading representatives from industry, academia and the g- ernment sector, and a press conference was given. |
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