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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Calculus & mathematical analysis > Complex analysis
This book contains a rigorous coverage of those topics (and only those topics) that, in the author's judgement, are suitable for inclusion in a first course on Complex Functions. Roughly speaking, these can be summarized as being the things that can be done with Cauchy's integral formula and the residue theorem. On the theoretical side, this includes the basic core of the theory of differentiable complex functions, a theory which is unsurpassed in Mathematics for its cohesion, elegance and wealth of surprises. On the practical side, it includes the computational applications of the residue theorem. Some prominence is given to the latter, because for the more sceptical student they provide the justification for inventing the complex numbers. Analytic continuation and Riemann surfaces form an essentially different chapter of Complex Analysis. A proper treatment is far too sophisticated for a first course, and they are therefore excluded. The aim has been to produce the simplest possible rigorous treatment of the topics discussed. For the programme outlined above, it is quite sufficient to prove Cauchy'S integral theorem for paths in star-shaped open sets, so this is done. No form of the Jordan curve theorem is used anywhere in the book.
Complex Analysis with Mathematica offers a new way of learning and teaching a subject that lies at the heart of many areas of pure and applied mathematics, physics, engineering and even art. This book offers teachers and students an opportunity to learn about complex numbers in a state-of-the-art computational environment. The innovative approach also offers insights into many areas too often neglected in a student treatment, including complex chaos and mathematical art. Thus readers can also use the book for self-study and for enrichment. The use of Mathematica enables the author to cover several topics that are often absent from a traditional treatment. Students are also led, optionally, into cubic or quartic equations, investigations of symmetric chaos and advanced conformal mapping. A CD is included which contains a live version of the book: in particular all the Mathematica code enables the user to run computer experiments.
This book is intended for someone learning functions of a complex variable and who enjoys using MATLAB. It will enhance the exprience of learning complex variable theory and will strengthen the knowledge of someone already trained in ths branch of advanced calculus. ABET, the accrediting board for engineering programs, makes it clear that engineering graduates must be skilled in the art of programming in a language such as MATLAB (R). Supplying students with a bridge between the functions of complex variable theory and MATLAB, this supplemental text enables instructors to easily add a MATLAB component to their complex variables courses. A MATLAB (R) Companion to Complex Variables provides readers with a clear understanding of the utility of MATLAB in complex variable calculus. An ideal adjunct to standard texts on the functions of complex variables, the book allows professors to quickly find and assign MATLAB programming problems that will strengthen students' knowledge of the language and concepts of complex variable theory. The book shows students how MATLAB can be a powerful learning aid in such staples of complex variable theory as conformal mapping, infinite series, contour integration, and Laplace and Fourier transforms. In addition to MATLAB programming problems, the text includes many examples in each chapter along with MATLAB code. Fractals, the most recent interesting topic involving complex variables, demands to be treated with a language such as MATLAB. This book concludes with a Coda, which is devoted entirely to this visually intriguing subject. MATLAB is not without constraints, limitations, irritations, and quirks, and there are subtleties involved in performing the calculus of complex variable theory with this language. Without knowledge of these subtleties, engineers or scientists attempting to use MATLAB for solutions of practical problems in complex variable theory suffer the risk of making major mistakes. This book serves as an early warning system about these pitfalls.
Lester Ford's book was the first treatise in English on automorphic functions. At the time of its publication (1929), it was welcomed for its elegant treatment of groups of linear transformations and for the remarkably clear and explicit exposition throughout the book. Ford's extraordinary talent for writing has been memorialized in the prestigious award that bears his name. The book, in the meantime, has become a recognized classic. Ford's approach is primarily through analytic function theory. The first part of the book covers groups of linear transformations, especially Fuchsian groups, fundamental domains, and functions that are invariant under the groups, including the classical elliptic modular functions and Poincare theta series. The second part of the book covers conformal mappings, uniformization, and connections between automorphic functions and differential equations with regular singular points, such as the hypergeometric equation.
Spin glasses are disordered magnetic systems that have led to the development of mathematical tools with an array of real-world applications, from airline scheduling to neural networks. "Spin Glasses and Complexity" offers the most concise, engaging, and accessible introduction to the subject, fully explaining what spin glasses are, why they are important, and how they are opening up new ways of thinking about complexity. This one-of-a-kind guide to spin glasses begins by explaining the fundamentals of order and symmetry in condensed matter physics and how spin glasses fit into--and modify--this framework. It then explores how spin-glass concepts and ideas have found applications in areas as diverse as computational complexity, biological and artificial neural networks, protein folding, immune response maturation, combinatorial optimization, and social network modeling. Providing an essential overview of the history, science, and growing significance of this exciting field, S"pin Glasses and Complexity" also features a forward-looking discussion of what spin glasses may teach us in the future about complex systems. This is a must-have book for students and practitioners in the natural and social sciences, with new material even for the experts.
This fine book by Herb Clemens quickly became a favorite of many algebraic geometers when it was first published in 1980. It has been popular with novices and experts ever since. It is written as a book of 'impressions' of a journey through the theory of complex algebraic curves. Many topics of compelling beauty occur along the way. A cursory glance at the subjects visited reveals a wonderfully eclectic selection, from conics and cubics to theta functions, Jacobians, and questions of moduli. By the end of the book, the theme of theta functions becomes clear, culminating in the Schottky problem. The author's intent was to motivate further study and to stimulate mathematical activity. The attentive reader will learn much about complex algebraic curves and the tools used to study them. The book can be especially useful to anyone preparing a course on the topic of complex curves or anyone interested in supplementing his/her reading.
Intractability is a growing concern across the cognitive sciences: while many models of cognition can describe and predict human behavior in the lab, it remains unclear how these models can scale to situations of real-world complexity. Cognition and Intractability is the first book to provide an accessible introduction to computational complexity analysis and its application to questions of intractability in cognitive science. Covering both classical and parameterized complexity analysis, it introduces the mathematical concepts and proof techniques that can be used to test one's intuition of (in)tractability. It also describes how these tools can be applied to cognitive modeling to deal with intractability, and its ramifications, in a systematic way. Aimed at students and researchers in philosophy, cognitive neuroscience, psychology, artificial intelligence, and linguistics who want to build a firm understanding of intractability and its implications in their modeling work, it is an ideal resource for teaching or self-study.
This book provides a thorough introduction to the theory of complex semisimple quantum groups, that is, Drinfeld doubles of q-deformations of compact semisimple Lie groups. The presentation is comprehensive, beginning with background information on Hopf algebras, and ending with the classification of admissible representations of the q-deformation of a complex semisimple Lie group. The main components are: - a thorough introduction to quantized universal enveloping algebras over general base fields and generic deformation parameters, including finite dimensional representation theory, the Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt Theorem, the locally finite part, and the Harish-Chandra homomorphism, - the analytic theory of quantized complex semisimple Lie groups in terms of quantized algebras of functions and their duals, - algebraic representation theory in terms of category O, and - analytic representation theory of quantized complex semisimple groups. Given its scope, the book will be a valuable resource for both graduate students and researchers in the area of quantum groups.
Analysis underpins calculus, much as calculus underpins virtually all mathematical sciences. A sound understanding of analysis' results and techniques is therefore valuable for a wide range of disciplines both within mathematics itself and beyond its traditional boundaries. This text seeks to develop such an understanding for undergraduate students on mathematics and mathematically related programmes. Keenly aware of contemporary students' diversity of motivation, background knowledge and time pressures, it consistently strives to blend beneficial aspects of the workbook, the formal teaching text, and the informal and intuitive tutorial discussion. The authors devote ample space and time for development of confidence in handling the fundamental ideas of the topic. They also focus on learning through doing, presenting a comprehensive range of examples and exercises, some worked through in full detail, some supported by sketch solutions and hints, some left open to the reader's initiative. Without undervaluing the absolute necessity of secure logical argument, they legitimise the use of informal, heuristic, even imprecise initial explorations of problems aimed at deciding how to tackle them. In this respect they authors create an atmosphere like that of an apprenticeship, in which the trainee analyst can look over the shoulder of the experienced practitioner.
A world model: economies, trade, migration, security and development aid. This bookprovides the analytical capability to understand and explore the dynamics of globalisation. It is anchored in economic input-output models of over 200 countries and their relationships through trade, migration, security and development aid. The tools of complexity science are brought to bear and mathematical and computer models are developed both for the elements and for an integrated whole. Models are developed at a variety of scales ranging from the global and international trade through a European model of inter-sub-regional migration to piracy in the Gulf and the London riots of 2011. The models embrace the changing technology of international shipping, the impacts of migration on economic development along with changing patterns of military expenditure and development aid. A unique contribution is the level of spatial disaggregation which presents each of 200+ countries and their mutual interdependencies along with some finer scale analyses of cities and regions. This is the first global model which offers this depth of detail with fully work-out models, these provide tools for policy making at national, European and global scales. Global dynamics: * Presents in depth models of global dynamics. * Provides a world economic model of 200+ countries and their interactions through trade, migration, security and development aid. * Provides pointers to the deployment of analytical capability through modelling in policy development. * Features a variety of models that constitute a formidable toolkit for analysis and policy development. * Offers a demonstration of the practicalities of complexity science concepts. This book is for practitioners and policy analysts as well as those interested in mathematical model building and complexity science as well as advanced undergraduate and postgraduate level students.
This book, intended to commemorate the work of Paul Dirac, highlights new developments in the main directions of Clifford analysis. Just as complex analysis is based on the algebra of the complex numbers, Clifford analysis is based on the geometric Clifford algebras. Many methods and theorems from complex analysis generalize to higher dimensions in various ways. However, many new features emerge in the process, and much of this work is still in its infancy. Some of the leading mathematicians working in this field have contributed to this book in conjunction with "Clifford Analysis and Related Topics: a conference in honor of Paul A.M. Dirac," which was held at Florida State University, Tallahassee, on December 15-17, 2014. The content reflects talks given at the conference, as well as contributions from mathematicians who were invited but were unable to attend. Hence much of the mathematics presented here is not only highly topical, but also cannot be found elsewhere in print. Given its scope, the book will be of interest to mathematicians and physicists working in these areas, as well as students seeking to catch up on the latest developments.
The central theme of this reference book is the metric geometry of complex analysis in several variables. Bridging a gap in the current literature, the text focuses on the fine behavior of the Kobayashi metric of complex manifolds and its relationships to dynamical systems, hyperbolicity in the sense of Gromov and operator theory, all very active areas of research. The modern points of view expressed in these notes, collected here for the first time, will be of interest to academics working in the fields of several complex variables and metric geometry. The different topics are treated coherently and include expository presentations of the relevant tools, techniques and objects, which will be particularly useful for graduate and PhD students specializing in the area.
Chaos and Dynamical Systems presents an accessible, clear introduction to dynamical systems and chaos theory, important and exciting areas that have shaped many scientific fields. While the rules governing dynamical systems are well-specified and simple, the behavior of many dynamical systems is remarkably complex. Of particular note, simple deterministic dynamical systems produce output that appears random and for which long-term prediction is impossible. Using little math beyond basic algebra, David Feldman gives readers a grounded, concrete, and concise overview. In initial chapters, Feldman introduces iterated functions and differential equations. He then surveys the key concepts and results to emerge from dynamical systems: chaos and the butterfly effect, deterministic randomness, bifurcations, universality, phase space, and strange attractors. Throughout, Feldman examines possible scientific implications of these phenomena for the study of complex systems, highlighting the relationships between simplicity and complexity, order and disorder. Filling the gap between popular accounts of dynamical systems and chaos and textbooks aimed at physicists and mathematicians, Chaos and Dynamical Systems will be highly useful not only to students at the undergraduate and advanced levels, but also to researchers in the natural, social, and biological sciences.
This second edition presents a collection of exercises on the theory of analytic functions, including completed and detailed solutions. It introduces students to various applications and aspects of the theory of analytic functions not always touched on in a first course, while also addressing topics of interest to electrical engineering students (e.g., the realization of rational functions and its connections to the theory of linear systems and state space representations of such systems). It provides examples of important Hilbert spaces of analytic functions (in particular the Hardy space and the Fock space), and also includes a section reviewing essential aspects of topology, functional analysis and Lebesgue integration. Benefits of the 2nd edition Rational functions are now covered in a separate chapter. Further, the section on conformal mappings has been expanded.
This book discusses the complex theory of differential equations or more precisely, the theory of differential equations on complex-analytic manifolds. Although the theory of differential equations on real manifolds is well known - it is described in thousands of papers and its usefulness requires no comments or explanations - to date specialists on differential equations have not focused on the complex theory of partial differential equations. However, as well as being remarkably beautiful, this theory can be used to solve a number of problems in real theory, for instance, the Poincare balayage problem and the mother body problem in geophysics. The monograph does not require readers to be familiar with advanced notions in complex analysis, differential equations, or topology. With its numerous examples and exercises, it appeals to advanced undergraduate and graduate students, and also to researchers wanting to familiarize themselves with the subject.
This volume collects lecture notes from courses offered at
several conferences and workshops, and provides the first
exposition in book form of the basic theory of the Kahler-Ricci
flow and its current state-of-the-art. While several excellent
books on Kahler-Einstein geometry are available, there have been no
such works on the Kahler-Ricci flow. The book will serve as a
valuable resource for graduate students and researchers in complex
differential geometry, complex algebraic geometry and Riemannian
geometry, and will hopefully foster further developments in this
fascinating area of research.
Now in its fourth edition, the first part of this book is devoted to the basic material of complex analysis, while the second covers many special topics, such as the Riemann Mapping Theorem, the gamma function, and analytic continuation. Power series methods are used more systematically than is found in other texts, and the resulting proofs often shed more light on the results than the standard proofs. While the first part is suitable for an introductory course at undergraduate level, the additional topics covered in the second part give the instructor of a gradute course a great deal of flexibility in structuring a more advanced course.
The aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive account of higher dimensional Nevanlinna theory and its relations with Diophantine approximation theory for graduate students and interested researchers. This book with nine chapters systematically describes Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic maps between algebraic varieties or complex spaces, building up from the classical theory of meromorphic functions on the complex plane with full proofs in Chap. 1 to the current state of research. Chapter 2 presents the First Main Theorem for coherent ideal sheaves in a very general form. With the preparation of plurisubharmonic functions, how the theory to be generalized in a higher dimension is described. In Chap. 3 the Second Main Theorem for differentiably non-degenerate meromorphic maps by Griffiths and others is proved as a prototype of higher dimensional Nevanlinna theory. Establishing such a Second Main Theorem for entire curves in general complex algebraic varieties is a wide-open problem. In Chap. 4, the Cartan-Nochka Second Main Theorem in the linear projective case and the Logarithmic Bloch-Ochiai Theorem in the case of general algebraic varieties are proved. Then the theory of entire curves in semi-abelian varieties, including the Second Main Theorem of Noguchi-Winkelmann-Yamanoi, is dealt with in full details in Chap. 6. For that purpose Chap. 5 is devoted to the notion of semi-abelian varieties. The result leads to a number of applications. With these results, the Kobayashi hyperbolicity problems are discussed in Chap. 7. In the last two chapters Diophantine approximation theory is dealt with from the viewpoint of higher dimensional Nevanlinna theory, and the Lang-Vojta conjecture is confirmed in some cases. In Chap. 8 the theory over function fields is discussed. Finally, in Chap. 9, the theorems of Roth, Schmidt, Faltings, and Vojta over number fields are presented and formulated in view of Nevanlinna theory with results motivated by those in Chaps. 4, 6, and 7.
This book presents a comprehensive introduction to the concepts of almost periodicity, asymptotic almost periodicity, almost automorphy, asymptotic almost automorphy, pseudo-almost periodicity, and pseudo-almost automorphy as well as their recent generalizations. Some of the results presented are either new or else cannot be easily found in the mathematical literature. Despite the noticeable and rapid progress made on these important topics, the only standard references that currently exist on those new classes of functions and their applications are still scattered research articles. One of the main objectives of this book is to close that gap. The prerequisites for the book is the basic introductory course in real analysis. Depending on the background of the student, the book may be suitable for a beginning graduate and/or advanced undergraduate student. Moreover, it will be of a great interest to researchers in mathematics as well as in engineering, in physics, and related areas. Further, some parts of the book may be used for various graduate and undergraduate courses. |
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