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Books > Academic & Education > Varsity Textbooks > Computer Science
INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON PROGRAMMING AND DEVELOPING GUI APPLICATIONS WITH PYQT 1E teaches Python programming step-by-step through practical examples that readers can see in action right away. It begins with a solid introduction of Python from scratch, covering loops, control structures, sequences, functions, classes, and exception handling. Thereafter, the book explores file handling and GUI application development in PyQT, the powerful cross-platform GUI layout and forms builder that allows programmers to rapidly design and build widgets and dialogs. This is a great book for newbie programmers interested in learning Python
Master the details of IT technical support as Andrews/Dark/West's comprehensive COMPTIA A+ GUIDE TO IT TECHNICAL SUPPORT, 10E explains how to work with users as well as install, maintain, troubleshoot and network computer hardware and software. This step-by-step, highly visual, best-selling approach uses CompTIA A+ Exam objectives as a framework to prepare you for 220-1001 and 220-1002 certification exams. Each chapter covers core and advanced topics while emphasizing practical application of the most current technology, techniques and industry standards. You study the latest hardware, security, Active Directory, operational procedures, basics of scripting, virtualization, cloud computing, mobile devices and Windows 10. Lab Manuals, CourseNotes, online labs and optional MindTap online resources provide additional certification test preparation and interactive activities to prepare you for a role as an IT support technician or administrator.
The book describes the use of smoothing techniques in statistics, including both density estimation and nonparametric regression. Considerable advances in research in this area have been made in recent years. The aim of this text is to describe a variety of ways in which these methods can be applied to practical problems in statistics. The role of smoothing techniques in exploring data graphically is emphasized, but the use of nonparametric curves in drawing conclusions from data, as an extension of more standard parametric models, is also a major focus of the book. Examples are drawn from a wide range of applications. The book is intended for those who seek an introduction to the area, with an emphasis on applications rather than on detailed theory. It is therefore expected that the book will benefit those attending courses at an advanced undergraduate, or postgraduate, level, as well as researchers, both from statistics and from other disciplines, who wish to learn about and apply these techniques in practical data analysis. The text makes extensive reference to S-Plus, as a computing environment in which examples can be explored. S-Plus functions and example scripts are provided to implement many of the techniques described. These parts are, however, clearly separate from the main body of text, and can therefore easily be skipped by readers not interested in S-Plus.
Public Service Information Technology explains how all areas of IT management work together. Building a computer-based information system is like constructing a house; different disciplines are employed and need to be coordinated. In addition to the technical aspects like computer networking and systems administration, the functional, business, management, and strategic aspects all are equally important. IT is not as simple as expecting to use a software program in three months. Information Technology is a complex field that has multiple working parts that require proper management. This book demystifies how IT operates in an organization, giving the public manager the necessary details to manage Information Technology and to use all of its resources for proper effect. This book is for technical IT managers and non-technical (non-IT) managers and senior executive leaders. Not only will the Chief Information Officer, the IT Director, and the IT Manager find this book invaluable to running an effective IT unit, the Chief Financial Officer, the HR Director, and functional managers will understand their roles in conjunction with the technical team. Every manager at all levels of the organization has a small yet consequential role to play in developing and managing an IT system. With practical guidelines and worksheets provided in the book, both the functional team and the technical team will be able to engage collaboratively to produce a high-quality computer-based information system that everyone involved can be proud to use for many years and that can deliver an effective and timely public program to citizens. This book includes:
Over the past several decades, applications permeated by advances in digital signal processing have undergone unprecedented growth in capabilities. The editors and authors of High Performance Embedded Computing Handbook: A Systems Perspective have been significant contributors to this field, and the principles and techniques presented in the handbook are reinforced by examples drawn from their work. The chapters cover system components found in today's HPEC systems by addressing design trade-offs, implementation options, and techniques of the trade, then solidifying the concepts with specific HPEC system examples. This approach provides a more valuable learning tool, Because readers learn about these subject areas through factual implementation cases drawn from the contributing authors' own experiences. Discussions include: Key subsystems and components Computational characteristics of high performance embedded algorithms and applications Front-end real-time processor technologies such as analog-to-digital conversion, application-specific integrated circuits, field programmable gate arrays, and intellectual property-based design Programmable HPEC systems technology, including interconnection fabrics, parallel and distributed processing, performance metrics and software architecture, and automatic code parallelization and optimization Examples of complex HPEC systems representative of actual prototype developments Application examples, including radar, communications, electro-optical, and sonar applications The handbook is organized around a canonical framework that helps readers navigate through the chapters, and it concludes with a discussion of future trends in HPEC systems. The material is covered at a level suitable for practicing engineers and HPEC computational practitioners and is easily adaptable to their own implementation requirements.
Develop the skills you need to compete successfully in today's high-tech workforce with Carey's NEW PERSPECTIVES ON HTML5 AND CSS3: COMPREHENSIVE, 8E and MindTap digital resources. You learn fundamental design concepts as you build websites based on real-world case scenarios. Specially designed activities help you strengthen your logic, design, troubleshooting and creativity. The projects you complete can even become part of your professional portfolio. You progress from hands-on labs focused on code snippets and debugging to completing assessments and a capstone project. Short Coding Challenges check your understanding of key concepts, while Debugging Challenges teach you how to fix syntax errors in an existing web page. In addition, MindTap's educational integrated development environment (IDE) provides immediate feedback with tutorials, based on realistic case problems, that help you refine problem-solving skills as you develop websites in a professional environment.
"Universal Usability" is the concept of designing computer interfaces that are easy for all users to utilize. It is a concept which many decry as elusive, impossible, or impractical, but this book, which addresses usability issues for a number of diverse user groups, proves that there is no problem in interface design that cannot be solved, or at least improved upon. Individuals with cognitive, motor, and perceptual impairments, as well as older, younger, and economically disadvantaged users, face a variety of complex challenges when interacting with computers. However, with user involvement, good design practice, and thorough testing, computer interfaces can be successfully developed for any user population. This book, featuring key chapters by Human-Computer Interaction luminaries such as Jonathan Lazar, Ron Baecker, Allison Druin, Ben Shneiderman, Brad Myers and Jenny Preece, examines innovative and groundbreaking research and practice, and provides a practical overview of a number of successful projects which have addressed a need for these specific user populations. Chapters in this book address topics including age diversity, economic diversity, language diversity, visual impairment, and spinal cord injuries. Several of these trailblazing projects in the book are amongst the first to examine usability issues for users with Down Syndrome, users with Amnesia, users with Autism Spectrum Disorders, and users with Alzheimer's Disease, and coverage extends to projects where multiple categories of needs are addressed. These chapters represent real-world projects, being carried out on different continents. The authors of the chapters also represent diversity--interface researchers and software developers in university, industrial, and government settings. In the practical spirit of the book, chapter authors provide guidelines and suggestions for those attempting similar projects, as well as implications for different stakeholders such as policymakers, researchers, and designers. Ideal for students of HCI and User Interface Design, and essential reading for usability practitioners, this fascinating collection of real-world projects demonstrates that computer interfaces can truly be designed to meet the needs of any category of user.
"Digital Design and Computer Architecture" takes a unique and modern approach to digital design. Beginning with digital logic gates and progressing to the design of combinational and sequential circuits, Harris and Harris use these fundamental building blocks as the basis for what follows: the design of an actual MIPS processor. SystemVerilog and VHDL are integrated throughout the text in examples illustrating the methods and techniques for CAD-based circuit design. By the end of this book, readers will be able to build their own microprocessor and will have a top-to-bottom understanding of how it works. Harris and Harris have combined an engaging and humorous writing style with an updated and hands-on approach to digital design. This second edition has been updated with new content on I/O systems in the context of general purpose processors found in a PC as well as microcontrollers found almost everywhere. The new edition provides practical examples of how to interface with peripherals using RS232, SPI, motor control, interrupts, wireless, and analog-to-digital conversion. High-level descriptions of I/O interfaces found in PCs include USB, SDRAM, WiFi, PCI Express, and others. In addition to expanded and updated material throughout, SystemVerilog is now featured in the programming and code examples (replacing Verilog), alongside VHDL. This new edition also provides additional exercises and a new appendix on C programming to strengthen the connection between programming and processor architecture. SECOND Edition Features Covers the fundamentals of digital logic
design and reinforces logic concepts through the design of a MIPS
microprocessor.Features side-by-side examples of the two most
prominent Hardware Description Languages (HDLs)-SystemVerilog and
VHDL-which illustrate and compare the ways each can be used in the
design of digital systems.Includes examples throughout the text
that enhance the reader s understanding and retention of key
concepts and techniques.Companion Web site includes links to CAD
tools for FPGA design from Altera and Mentor Graphics, lecture
slides, laboratory projects, and solutions to exercises. Updated based on instructor feedback with more exercises and new examples of parallel and advanced architectures, practical I/O applications, embedded systems, and heterogeneous computing Presents digital system design examples in both VHDL and SystemVerilog (updated for the second edition from Verilog), shown side-by-side to compare and contrast their strengthsIncludes a new chapter on C programming to provide necessary prerequisites and strengthen the connection between programming and processor architectureCompanion Web site includes links to Xilinx CAD tools for FPGA design, lecture slides, laboratory projects, and solutions to exercises. Instructors can also register at textbooks.elsevier.com for access to: Solutions to all exercises (PDF)Lab materials with solutionsHDL for textbook examples and exercise solutions Lecture slides (PPT)Sample exams\Sample course syllabusFigures from the text (JPG, PPT)"
Designed to provide you with the knowledge needed to protect computers and networks from increasingly sophisticated attacks, SECURITY AWARENESS: APPLYING PRACTICE SECURITY IN YOUR WORLD, Fifth Edition continues to present the same straightforward, practical information that has made previous editions so popular. For most computer users, practical computer security poses some daunting challenges: What type of attacks will antivirus software prevent? How do I set up a firewall? How can I test my computer to be sure that attackers cannot reach it through the Internet? When and how should I install Windows patches? This text is designed to help you understand the answers to these questions through a series of real-life user experiences. In addition, hands-on projects and case projects give you the opportunity to test your knowledge and apply what you have learned. SECURITY AWARENESS: APPLYING PRACTICE SECURITY IN YOUR WORLD, Fifth Edition contains up-to-date information on relevant topics such as protecting mobile devices and wireless local area networks.
Master the latest technology and developments from the field with the book specifically oriented to the needs of information systems students like you -- PRINCIPLES OF INFORMATION SECURITY, 6E. Taking a managerial approach, this bestseller emphasizes all aspects of information security, rather than just a technical control perspective. You receive a broad overview of the entire field of information security and related elements with the detail to ensure understanding. You review terms used in the field and a history of the discipline as you learn how to manage an information security program. Current and relevant, this edition highlights the latest practices with fresh examples that explore the impact of emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, and DevOps. Updates address technical security controls, emerging legislative issues, digital forensics, and ethical issues in IS security, making this the ideal IS resource for business decision makers.
Recent years have seen the development of powerful tools for verifying hardware and software systems, as companies worldwide realise the need for improved means of validating their products. There is increasing demand for training in basic methods in formal reasoning so that students can gain proficiency in logic-based verification methods. The second edition of this successful textbook addresses both those requirements, by continuing to provide a clear introduction to formal reasoning which is both relevant to the needs of modern computer science and rigorous enough for practical application. Improvements to the first edition have been made throughout, with extra and expanded sections on SAT solvers, existential/universal second-order logic, micro-models, programming by contract and total correctness. The coverage of model-checking has been substantially updated. Further exercises have been added. Internet support for the book includes worked solutions for all exercises for teachers, and model solutions to some exercises for students.
To survive in globally competitive markets manufacturers are going to have to develop a system for mass customization of products. This valuable resource is designed to prepare readers for the future by training them in the latest technologies and processes in the areas of design, manufacturing, and tools of integration.
Discover an expert blend of the programming principles and concepts and hands-on coding skills you need to create a strong professional foundation as a beginning C# programmer. The latest edition of C# PROGRAMMING: FROM PROBLEM ANALYSIS TO PROGRAM DESIGN from respected author Dr. Barbara Doyle provides a straightforward approach and understandable vocabulary that make it easy for you to grasp new programming concepts without distraction. This edition introduces a variety of fundamental programming concepts, from data types and expressions to arrays and collections, all using the latest version of today’s popular C# language. New programming exercises and engaging, numbered examples throughout this edition reflect the latest updates in Visual Studio® 2015 and C# 6.0, while learning objectives, case studies, and Coding Standards summaries in each chapter give you the knowledge and tools you need to master each key concept.
An outstanding author team presents the ultimate Wrox guide to ASP.NET MVC 4 Microsoft insiders join giants of the software development community to offer this in-depth guide to ASP.NET MVC, an essential web development technology. Experienced .NET and ASP.NET developers will find all the important information they need to build dynamic, data-driven websites with ASP.NET and the newest release of Microsoft's Model-View-Controller technology. Featuring step-by-step guidance and lots of code samples, this guide gets you started and moves all the way to advanced topics, using plenty of examples. * Designed to give experienced .NET and ASP.NET programmers everything needed to work with the newest version of MVC technology * Expert author team includes Microsoft ASP.N ET MVC insiders as well as leaders of the programming community * Covers controllers, views, models, forms and HTML helpers, data annotation and validation, membership, authorization, security, and routing * Includes essential topics such as Ajax and jQuery, NuGet, dependency injection, unit testing, extending MVC, and Razor * Includes additional real-world coverage requested by readers of the previous edition as well as a new case study example chapter
This fourth edition of Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne's Algorithms is the leading textbook on algorithms today and is widely used in colleges and universities worldwide. This book surveys the most important computer algorithms currently in use and provides a full treatment of data structures and algorithms for sorting, searching, graph processing, and string processing -- including fifty algorithms every programmer should know. In this edition, new Java implementations are written in an accessible modular programming style, where all of the code is exposed to the reader and ready to use. The algorithms in this book represent a body of knowledge developed over the last 50 years that has become indispensable, not just for professional programmers and computer science students but for any student with interests in science, mathematics, and engineering, not to mention students who use computation in the liberal arts. The companion web site, algs4.cs.princeton.edu contains An
online synopsisFull Java implementationsTest dataExercises and
answersDynamic visualizationsLecture slidesProgramming assignments
with checklistsLinks to related material The MOOC related to this book is accessible via the "Online Course" link at algs4.cs.princeton.edu. The course offers more than 100 video lecture segments that are integrated with the text, extensive online assessments, and the large-scale discussion forums that have proven so valuable. Offered each fall and spring, this course regularly attracts tens of thousands of registrants. Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne are developing a modern approach to disseminating knowledge that fully embraces technology, enabling people all around the world to discover new ways of learning and teaching. By integrating their textbook, online content, and MOOC, all at the state of the art, they have built a unique resource that greatly expands the breadth and depth of the educational experience.
Prepare for Microsoft Exam 70-480-and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of programming with HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3. Designed for experienced developers ready to advance their status, Exam Ref focuses on the critical-thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the Microsoft Specialist level. Focus on the expertise measured by these objectives: Implement and manipulate document structures and objects Implement program flow Access and secure data Use CSS3 in applications This Microsoft Exam Ref: Organizes its coverage by exam objectives. Features strategic, what-if scenarios to challenge you.
GUIDE TO NETWORK DEFENSE AND COUNTERMEASURES provides a thorough guide to perimeter defense fundamentals, including intrusion detection and firewalls. This trusted text also covers more advanced topics such as security policies, network address translation (NAT), packet filtering and analysis, proxy servers, virtual private networks (VPN), and network traffic signatures. Thoroughly updated, the new third edition reflects the latest technology, trends, and techniques including virtualization, VMware, IPv6, and ICMPv6 structure, making it easier for current and aspiring professionals to stay on the cutting edge and one step ahead of potential security threats. A clear writing style and numerous screenshots and illustrations make even complex technical material easier to understand, while tips, activities, and projects throughout the text allow you to hone your skills by applying what you learn. Perfect for students and professionals alike in this high-demand, fast-growing field, GUIDE TO NETWORK DEFENSE AND COUNTERMEASURES, Third Edition, is a must-have resource for success as a network security professional.
SAFe (R) 5.0: The World's Leading Framework for Business Agility "Those who master large-scale software delivery will define the economic landscape of the twenty-first century. SAFe 5.0 is a monumental release that I am convinced will be key in helping countless enterprise organizations succeed in their shift from project to product." -Dr. Mik Kersten, CEO of Tasktop and author of the book Project to Product Business agility is the ability to compete and thrive in the digital age by quickly responding to unprecedented market changes, threats, and emerging opportunities with innovative business solutions. SAFe (R) 5.0 Distilled: Achieving Business Agility with Scaled Agile Framework (R) explains how adopting SAFe helps enterprises use the power of Agile, Lean, and DevOps to outflank the competition and deliver complex, technology-based business solutions in the shortest possible time. This book will help you Understand the business case for SAFe: its benefits, and the problems it solves Learn the technical, organizational and leadership competencies needed for business agility Refocus on customer centricity with design thinking Better align strategy and execution with Lean Portfolio Management Learn the leadership skills needed to thrive in the digital age Increase the flow of value to customers with value stream networks Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.
Learn Management Information Systems YOUR Way with MIS! MIS’s easy-reference, paperback textbook presents course content through visually-engaging chapters as well as Chapter Review Cards that consolidate the best review material into a ready-made study tool. With the textbook or on its own, MIS Online allows easy exploration of MIS anywhere, anytime - including on your device! Collect your notes and create StudyBits™ from interactive content as you go to remember what’s important. Then, either use preset study resources, or personalize the product through easy-to-use tags and filters to prioritize your study time. Make and review flashcards, review related content, and track your progress with Concept Tracker, all in one place and at an affordable price! New to this edition:
For courses in Web Programming and Design: Numerous Mark-up / Scripting Languages, as part of the CS1 course sequence. Master the fundamentals of web development Fundamentals of Web Development, 2nd Edition guides readers through the creation of enterprise-quality websites using current development frameworks. Written by a leading teacher in the field and designed for serious programmers, this book is as valuable to developers as a dev bootcamp. Its practical approach and comprehensive insight into the practice of web development covers HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, and the LAMP stack (that is, Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP), jQuery, XML, WordPress, Bootstrap, and a variety of third-party APIs that include Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Bing Maps. Coverage also includes the required ACM web development topics, aligned with real-world web development best practices. The 2nd Edition faithfully covers the most vital trends and innovations in the field since 2013, while continuing to provide a thorough and comprehensive overview.
This book is written with the IT professional in mind. It provides
a clear, concise system for managing IT projects, regardless of the
size or complexity of the project. It avoids the jargon and
complexity of traditional project management (PM) books. Instead,
it provides a unique approach to IT project management, combining
strategic business concepts (project ROI, strategic alignment,
etc.) with the very practical, step-by-step instructions for
developing and managing a successful IT project. It s short enough
to be easily read and used but long enough to be comprehensive in
the right places.
Computers now impact almost every aspect of our lives, from our social interactions to the safety and performance of our cars. How did this happen in such a short time? And this is just the beginning. . . . In this book, Tony Hey and Gyuri Papay lead us on a journey from the early days of computers in the 1930s to the cutting-edge research of the present day that will shape computing in the coming decades. Along the way, they explain the ideas behind hardware, software, algorithms, Moore's Law, the birth of the personal computer, the Internet and the Web, the Turing Test, Jeopardy's Watson, World of Warcraft, spyware, Google, Facebook, and quantum computing. This book also introduces the fascinating cast of dreamers and inventors who brought these great technological developments into every corner of the modern world. This exciting and accessible introduction will open up the universe of computing to anyone who has ever wondered where his or her smartphone came from."
Learn to master the fundamentals of effective programming as you work through Visual Basic 2017's latest features with the wealth of hands-on applications in this book's engaging real-world setting. PROGRAMMING WITH MICROSOFT (R) VISUAL BASIC (R) 2017, 8E by best-selling technology author Diane Zak offers you an ideal introduction to programming with a dynamic visual presentation, step-by-step tutorials, and strategically placed activity boxes. New hands-on applications, timely examples, and practical exercises address a variety of learning preferences. Even if you have no prior programming experience, you will learn how to effectively plan and create interactive Visual Basic 2017 applications. To ensure your success, this edition is available with MindTap, the digital learning solution that powers students from memorization to mastery. It gives you complete control of your course-to provide engaging content, to challenge every individual, and to build their programming confidence. Empower students to accelerate their progress with MindTap with an interactive eBook, auto-graded quizzing, study tools, and helpful videos created and narrated by the author.
Discover a practical, streamlined, updated approach to information systems development that covers both traditional and emerging technologies and approaches to systems analysis and design. SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, 11E offers a well-organized, streamlined approach. Chapter objectives are keyed directly to chapter headings, making content easy to comprehend and convenient to study. Numerous real-world examples and screenshots ensure content is current and relevant. In addition, key terms at the end of the chapter now include definitions so you don't have to flip back and forth to a glossary. Exercises throughout this edition emphasize critical thinking and IT skills in a dynamic, business-related environment. This new edition offers everything you need to prepare for success in today's intensely competitive and rapidly changing business world. |
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