Books > Reference & Interdisciplinary > Encyclopaedias & reference works > Reference works > Dictionaries of biography (Who's Who)
The South Carolina Encyclopedia Guide to South Carolina Writers
expands the range of writers included in the landmark South
Carolina Encyclopedia. This guide updates the entries on writers
featured in the original encyclopedia and augments that list
substantially with dozens of new essays on additional authors from
the late eighteenth century to the present who have contributed to
the Palmetto State's distinctive literary heritage. Each profile in
this concise reference includes essential biographical facts and
critical assessments to place the featured writers in the larger
context of South Carolina's literary tradition. The guide comprises
128 entries written by more than sixty-nine literary scholars, and
it also highlights the sixty-nine writers inducted thus far into
the South Carolina Academy of Authors, which serves as the state's
literary hall of fame. Rich in natural beauty and historic
complexity, South Carolina has long been a source of inspiration
for writers. The talented novelists, essayists, poets, playwrights,
journalists, historians, and other writers featured here represent
the countless individuals who have shared tales and lore of South
Carolina. The guide includes a foreword by George Singleton, author
of two novels, four short story collections and one nonfiction
book, and a 2010 inductee of the South Carolina Academy of Authors.
Esta obra contiene la biografia del poeta Ruben Dario, Padre del
Modernismo; un analisis de su obra realizada por el poeta chileno
Francisco Contreras, profundo conocedor de la literatura europea en
general y de la francesa en especial. Ademas, contiene la
genealogia del linaje Diaz de Mayorga, familia a la que pertenecio
Ruben Dario, y sus descendientes directos hasta hoy dia, acompanada
con mas de 500 fotografias de su familia, amigos, poetas que
influyeron en su vida y en su obra. Una iconografia de la revista
Mundial de la que su director; varios ensayos sobre la obra de
Dario, entre ellos del poeta chileno Gonzalo Rojas, Gabriela
Mistral, Osvaldo Bazil, Guillermo Diaz-Plaja, Maurice Bowra, Arturo
Torres-Rioseco, Luis Cernuda, Ernesto Mejia Sanchez; la
carta-prologo de Juan Valera; un extenso ensayo del intelectual y
escritor Luis Alberto Cabrales, entre otros. Una breve cronologia
de su vida y las publicaciones de sus obras; un poema del chileno
Emilio Galan: Apologetica de Azul y una extensa bibliografia. Fotos
ineditas de los descendientes de Dario y de la familia de su nuera
argentina, casada con su hijo primogenito, Ruben Dario Contreras;
genealogia de Rafaela Contreras Canas, esposa de Dario. En esta
obra, el lector puede encontrar informacion fundamental de su vida,
de su obra, de su familia y el discurso del sacerdote y poeta
Azarias H. Pallais, pronunciado en las honras funebres de Dario, en
la ciudad de Leon, Nicaragua.
Si c'est a la porte de l'eglise de Bagira que j'entrevis pour la
premiere fois la haute stature de Valentin Bashige, c'est qu'il en
etait un fidele assidu. Peu bavard, serieux dans son maintien, le
visage presque austere, c'etait un chretien convaincu, reconnu et
respecte comme tel. Apres une longue carriere militaire, il
exercait alors avec sagesse la charge de juge de paix au tribunal
coutumier. Cette longue carriere dans ce qu'on appelait alors la
"Force Publique" l'avait fait beaucoup voyager, d'un bout a l'autre
du Congo, au Rwanda, au Burundi et, meme, durant la guerre, sous
commandement belge, jusqu'en Abyssinie, l'actuelle Ethiopie. Il en
parlait peu, mais de ces experiences parfois douloureuses, du
cotoiement de populations differentes, venait sans doute ce regard
profond et reflechi qu'il portait sur les gens et sur le monde.
This volume of Who Was Who contains entries for people in Who's Who
who died between 1941 and 1950. It has over 10,000 entries covering
deaths during the Second World War, and including biographies for
Virginia Wolf, Adolf Hitler, General George Patton, George Orwell,
Mohandas Gandhi and H. G. Wells. This 6th edition has been fully
updated, with the addition of newly available dates of death from
the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and other online resources.