Books > Reference & Interdisciplinary > Encyclopaedias & reference works > Reference works > Dictionaries of biography (Who's Who)
Consult this reference for biographical information on more than 4,
500 figures in todays musical arena. Covering all genres of modern
music, Contemporary Musicians profiles artists involved in rock,
jazz, pop, rap, rhythm and blues, folk, New Age, country, gospel
and reggae. Looking for information on Front man Trent Reznor? Need
a list of Van Cliburns early recordings or background details on
Johnny Mercers musical career? Music lovers, students, teachers,
journalists and other researchers will appreciate and enjoy the
lively and descriptive essays of this excellent series.
Contemporary Musicians offers biographical statistics, detailed
source information, critical essays, selected discographies and,
whenever available addresses for the leaders, the legends and the
up-and-coming celebrities of popular and classical music. Also
provided is a list of selected books, magazines, newspapers and
other sources where more information can be found. Nearly every
entry contains a photograph of the featured subject. This source is
up-to-date with coverage of the performers and writers who interest
readers, drawn from the various musical genres as represented by
the breakdown of record sales. The series also covers past artists
whose accomplishments still have an impact on todays music. This
reference is appealing to students because of its contemporary
focus, easy format and style. Each volume is alphabeticall
An easy-to-use source for librarians, students and other
researchers, each volume in this series provides illustrated
biographical profiles of approximately 75 childrens authors and
artists. This critically acclaimed series covers more than 12, 000
individuals, ranging from established award winners to authors and
illustrators who are just beginning their careers. Entries
typically cover: personal life, career, writings, works in
progress, adaptations, additional sources. A cumulative author
index is included in each odd-numbered volume.
Find biographical information on more than 130, 000 modern
novelists, poets, playwrights, nonfiction writers, journalists and
scriptwriters. Sketches typically include personal information,
contact information, career history, writings, biographical and
critical sources, authors comments, and informative essays about
their lives and work. A softcover cumulative index is published
twice per year (included in subscription).
An easy-to-use source for librarians, students and other
researchers, each volume of this series provides illustrated
biographical articles on approximately 70 childrens authors and
artists. The series covers more than 10, 000 individuals, ranging
from established award winners to authors and illustrators who are
just beginning their careers. Entries cover: personal life, career,
writings and works in progress, adaptations, additional sources and
photographs. This title is now available in eBook format through
Gale Virtual Reference Library. Gale Virtual Reference Library is
taking eBooks to the next level by delivering a wealth of reference
content in a database format. This valuable new product allows
libraries of any size - based on users needs and usage patterns -
to develop collections at their own pace and within their own