Books > Health, Home & Family > Mind, body & spirit > Feng Shui
Clearing clutter can radically transform your life. Drawing on her
wealth of experience as a feng shui, space clearing and clutter
clearing consultant, Karen Kingston explains how clutter is stuck
energy that has far-reaching physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual effects. This book will motivate you to clutter-clear as
never before, once you realise just how much your junk has been
holding you back! Learn: - Why people keep clutter - How clutter
causes stagnation in every area of your life - Why clearing clutter
is essential for effective feng shui - How to clear clutter quickly
and effectively - Karen Kingston's top ten clutter clearing tips
A traves de los anos dedicados al Feng Shui he encontrado muy
dificil cambiar el concepto general del Feng Shui. Llaman Feng Shui
al folklore y supersticion china. Colocar cristales que regulan la
energia, espejitos que ahuyentan las malas vibras o adornos chinos
que traen suerte, no son ejemplos de verdadero Feng Shui. Este
concepto fue introducido por los comerciantes que trajeron sus
productos de Asia con el proposito de darles un toque mistico y
venderlos como algo novedoso. El Feng Shui no debe relacionarse a
religion ni espiritismo. El verdadero Feng Shui es una teoria
desarrollada durante miles de anos de observacion, pruebas y
experimentos. La teoria incluye el uso de calculos matematicos de
tiempo y espacio. Para poder manejar correctamente esta teoria se
requieren muchos anos de estudios y practica. El concepto de los
libros de venta al publico de "hagalo usted mismo" no es posible
aplicarlo porque cada edificacion tiene una fecha de construccion
diferente, cada edificacion mira hacia un punto cardinal diferente,
cada edificacion tiene elementos diferentes a su alrededor y son
habitadas por personas con fechas de nacimiento diferentes. Espero
lo disfruten
Feng Shui Simply shows you how to apply the principles of feng shui in ways that are personally meaningful, using your own intuitive abilities to determine what's true and important for you and what enhancements will be most effective in the situations you face.
This is the inner work of feng shui - not just painting your walls certain colours or arranging the furniture a certain way, but designing, at a much deeper level, the life you're meant to live. Cheryl Grace, a former ESPN executive who's now a sought-after feng shui practitioner and design professional, turns the ancient wisdom into a uniquely powerful programme of discovery and self-fulfillment.
Traditional feng shui, as many know, uses a tool called the Bagua: a map that divides a space into nine zones, or guas, each associated with a fundamental aspect of life, such as Wealth and Prosperity; Fame and Reputation; or Love, Marriage and Relationships. Cheryl has taken this concept an important step further to develop her own Inner Wisdom Bagua, a template for managing life's challenges and maximising life's possibilities in every area.
In this book, the traditional ways of working with energy to create balance in the Bagua, using the five elements and the dynamic tension between yin and yang, become pathways to a new level of harmony.