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Books > Business & Economics > Finance & accounting > Finance > General
Asymptotic analysis of stochastic stock price models is the central topic of the present volume. Special examples of such models are stochastic volatility models, that have been developed as an answer to certain imperfections in a celebrated Black-Scholes model of option pricing. In a stock price model with stochastic volatility, the random behavior of the volatility is described by a stochastic process. For instance, in the Hull-White model the volatility process is a geometric Brownian motion, the Stein-Stein model uses an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as the stochastic volatility, and in the Heston model a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process governs the behavior of the volatility. One of the author's main goals is to provide sharp asymptotic formulas with error estimates for distribution densities of stock prices, option pricing functions, and implied volatilities in various stochastic volatility models. The author also establishes sharp asymptotic formulas for the implied volatility at extreme strikes in general stochastic stock price models. The present volume is addressed to researchers and graduate students working in the area of financial mathematics, analysis, or probability theory. The reader is expected to be familiar with elements of classical analysis, stochastic analysis and probability theory.
This open access book is the first attempt to elaborate the formalization phase of banking supervision in eight developed countries-USA, Japan, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, France, and UK. This innovative study in the field of banking supervision history identifies why national histories of banking supervision share similarities, but also remain different and are heavily path dependent. This book will be of great interest not only to financial/economic historians but also to general readers interested in banking supervision, i.e., students, bankers, supervisors, and international officials.
Originally published in 2006, this book examines the collapse of the Enron Corp. and other financial scandals that arose in the wake of the market downturn in 2000. Part 1 reviews the market book and bust that preceded Enron's collapse. It then describes the growth of Enron and the events that led to its sensational failure. Part 2 examines the role of the Securities and Exchange Commission's full disclosure system in corporate governance and the role of accountants in that system. Part 3 reviews the meltdown in the telecoms sector and the accounting scandals that emerged. Part 4 traces the remarkable market recovery that followed the financial scandals and the resumption of the growth of finance in America.
The digital revolution is changing our world and the fundamentals of business faster than anyone expected, and the responsibility for leading key aspects of enterprise-wide business transformation often falls to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). This book provides motivation and guidance for current and future finance leaders to navigate an increasingly unpredictable, dynamic, complex and connected world. As businesses are forced to change fundamentally or accept the reality of being left behind, the CFO has a particularly important part to play in preparing for this change - not only for their own function but for the business as a whole. So what is the role of CFOs in delivering digital business transformation? What can they do to manage business resources and performance more dynamically? How can CFOs contribute to the creation and management of new business models, such as digital business platforms and ecosystems? And what can finance leaders do to enable sustainable growth and long-term multi-stakeholder value creation? These and many more key questions are tackled in The Contemporary CFO, which draws on practical experience of transforming leading global businesses and on extensive, original research, including in-depth interviews with a wide range of corporate leaders. CFOs are used to managing change but delivering a complex business transformation on top of an already demanding role can be challenging. This essential guide includes the latest thinking, trends and perspectives to help finance leaders navigate the demands of the connected world successfully.
Simulation in Computational Finance and Economics: Tools and Emerging Applications presents a thorough collection of works, covering several rich and highly productive areas of research including Risk Management, Agent-Based Simulation, and Payment Methods and Systems, topics that have found new motivations after the strong recession experienced in the last few years. Despite the fact that simulation is widely accepted as a prominent tool, dealing with a simulation-based project requires specific management abilities of the researchers. Economic researchers will find an excellent reference to introduce them to the computational simulation models. The works presented in this book can be used as an inspiration for economic researchers interested in creating their own computational models in their respective fields.
An in-depth explanation of mezzanine finance Mezzanine finance products, which have grown increasingly popular in recent years, involve a unique and complex form of analysis because of their hybrid nature. Because mezzanine finance involves no collateral, it accentuates legal terms, term sheets, and contracts, in addition to depicting dynamics of both debt and equity. Experienced chairman, lecturer, and professor of investment banking Luc Nijs presents readers with a thorough description of product groups, structuring and pricing, and cultural discrepancies in terms of regulation and application in "Mezzanine Financing: Tools, Applications and Total Performance." Nijs analyzes common triumphs and failures encountered in mezzanine financing, and he discusses techniques for risk analysis and risk mitigation. A final study of international capital markets, their products' relevance, attractiveness, and liquidity, and the effects on pure equity/fixed-income risk concludes the book.Conveys a professional's advice through case studies of various regions, industries and contextsProvides the only complete analysis of mezzanine finance as no other books take on the topic as their only subjectDetails an increasingly popular and globally relevant subject in finance Those seeking a detailed explanation of the complexities within mezzanine financing will encounter a professional account in Nijs's book.
This book discusses market microstructure environment within the context of the global financial crisis. In the first part, the market microstructure theory is recalled and the main microstructure models and hypotheses are discussed. The second part focuses on the main effects of the financial downturn through an examination of market microstructure dynamics. In particular, the effects of market imperfections and the limitations associated with microstructure models are discussed. Finally, the new regulations and recent developments for financial markets that aim to improve the market microstructure are discussed. Well-known experts on the subject contribute to the chapters in the book. A must-read for academic researchers, students and quantitative practitioners.
This book examines financial vulnerability: a state in which a person or household cannot absorb any substantial spending or negative income shock without substantial financial and ultimately broader harm such as job loss, emotional harm, or mental illness. The focus of the book is on the experiences of low- income and modest income Canadian families - families which, by virtue of being in the lower income brackets, are particularly at risk of experiencing financial hardship. Looking at vulnerability from a conceptual and empirical lens, this book offers a framework to better understand the complex and interdependent ways in which financial vulnerability emerge and can be addressed. By locating its analysis of individual and household financial management in wider community, cultural, and economic contexts, this book seeks to offer holistic policy recommendations to reduce financial vulnerability, with implications that go beyond Canada and to other developed countries.
This book will offer ways, means and suggestions on how to manage your money. If they are followed, you should find our about how to honor and respect your relationship with money. It is hoped that it will encourage you to stop just spending and spend wisely or face financial disaster. Insights are given about preparing an maintaining a budget, banking, spending money not only spending money but spending money wisely. Buying a house and the enemy of a lot of a people credit cards and making financial adjustments when needed are elaborated upon. Insurance plays an important part in family life and its costs should be included in your financial mamagement. A main key to financial success is living within your means, this will be discussed along with pitfalls with living above your means. The basics that affect families in financial mamagement is included. Quick notes that can be easily digested is given in the last chapter that will help you be successful finacially if followed closely. The secret to being wealty if not what you make, it's what you keep.
This book presents the state-of-the-art applications of machine learning in the finance domain with a focus on financial product modeling, which aims to advance the model performance and minimize risk and uncertainty. It provides both practical and managerial implications of financial and managerial decision support systems which capture a broad range of financial data traits. It also serves as a guide for the implementation of risk-adjusted financial product pricing systems, while adding a significant supplement to the financial literacy of the investigated study. The book covers advanced machine learning techniques, such as Support Vector Machine, Neural Networks, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbors, Extreme Learning Machine, Deep Learning Approaches, and their application to finance datasets. It also leverages real-world financial instances to practice business product modeling and data analysis. Software code, such as MATLAB, Python and/or R including datasets within a broad range of financial domain are included for more rigorous practice. The book primarily aims at providing graduate students and researchers with a roadmap for financial data analysis. It is also intended for a broad audience, including academics, professional financial analysts, and policy-makers who are involved in forecasting, modeling, trading, risk management, economics, credit risk, and portfolio management.
Read addresses the contributions of significant individuals to our understanding of financial decisions and markets. Great financial theorists created the basis for what we now know as personal finance and this volume describes four great minds in finance that forever established the role of the rate of return and life cycle decision-making.
Gerald P. Dwyer, Jr. and R. W. Hafer The articles and commentaries included in this volume were presented at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' thirteenth annual economic policy conference, held on October 21-22, 1988. The conference focused on the behavior of asset market prices, a topic of increasing interest to both the popular press and to academic journals as the bull market of the 1980s continued. The events that transpired during October, 1987, both in the United States and abroad, provide an informative setting to test alter native theories. In assembling the papers presented during this conference, we asked the authors to explore the issue of asset pricing and financial market behavior from several vantages. Was the crash evidence of the bursting of a speculative bubble? Do we know enough about the work ings of asset markets to hazard an intelligent guess why they dropped so dramatically in such a brief time? Do we know enough to propose regulatory changes that will prevent any such occurrence in the future, or do we want to even if we can? We think that the articles and commentaries contained in this volume provide significant insight to inform and to answer such questions. The article by Behzad Diba surveys existing theoretical and empirical research on rational bubbles in asset prices."
This book focuses on traditional fields of business studies and economics and how digitalization has affected them. It provides an overview about the lessons learned from academic research and highlights implications for practitioners. Digitalization has not only changed the ways business administration and economics are taught, but also the substance at the core of the two disciplines. Chapters from expert contributors define and carefully evaluate the developments that have occurred over the last decades. The authors further provide an assessment of how industry branches have adapted and in which form regulators have engaged. Attention is given to the theoretical and empirical findings from recent scholarly literature. Furthermore, the authors provide some novel insights from their own research at the University of Bremen. This book appeals to business administration, economics, and entrepreneurship scholars and practitioners alike.
Critically acclaimed investigative reporter and CNBC personality Charles Gasparino demonstrates how the ongoing tumult in financial markets is part of a much larger story that entails some of the world's most esteemed financial institutions selling out their responsibility - not just to their own shareholders, but to millions of outside investors and to the American public. "The Sellout" shows how and why America's largest investment banks have suffered staggering losses in assets and influence, triggering the vast financial crisis that is now devastating the United States and institutions across the globe. This page-turning narrative captures how avarice, arrogance, and sheer stupidity eroded Wall Street's dominance, made many of the US' most fabled financial institutions vulnerable to significant new foreign control, and profoundly weakened the financial security of millions of poor and middle-class American families.
This book constitutes a selection of the best papers from the 15th International Conference on Business Excellence, Digital Economy and New Value Creation, ICBE 2021, held in Bucharest, Romania, in March 2021. This book is a collection of research findings and perspectives related to the digital economy and new value creation, led by the set of improvements and changes in the economic, societal and technological structures and processes towards the effort of reaching the sustainability goals.
Discounting is a perennial problem for economists; it is an essential component of assessing economic comparisons over time, but a number of practical and theoretical difficulties continue to confront its use. This is especially so for economists concerned with long time horizons, such as climate change or the management of the environment and natural resources. Discounting is perhaps the area of economics that generates the most disquiet and confusion from outside the discipline. Economics and the Future tackles the discounting issue from a number of angles, ranging from relatively short-term private financial decisions, to very long-term public issues spanning generations. The authors present differing perspectives and original ideas in a style that remains accessible while addressing some of the more difficult questions about discounting in theory and practice. It reveals that the economic issues regarding time are embedded in a broader social, ethical and philosophical context. This book explores practical and theoretical concerns in making economic comparisons over time, and presents innovative proposals for resolving some of the problems raised. As such, it will be of great interest to a wide-ranging audience including: academics and students focusing on economics, economic consultants, analysts and policy advisors and environmental organizations.
This edited volume explores theoretical and empirical issues related to monetary economics and policy in the Islamic financial system. Derived from the Conference on Islamic Monetary Economics and Institutions: Theory and Practice 2017 held in Male, Maldives, the enclosed papers highlights several option for authorities and regulatory bodies regarding monetary policy and regulation, as well as discussing how Islamic monetary policy effects growth, financial stability and resilience to shocks in practice. The inter-linkage between Islamic monetary policy and other markets are also explored. The subject of Islamic economics has gained considerable attention in the last four decades with the emergence of Islamic financial institutions around the world. This phenomenon has motivated economists to develop a comprehensive theoretical framework of modern monetary economics for Islamic economic system. An important characteristic of the Islamic economic system is the abolition of interest from the financial system. Islamic monetary economics is distinguished from conventional monetary economics due to the absence of interest. Therefore, under the Islamic economic system, monetary policy has to depend on other tools. In the early theoretical literature on Islamic monetary economics, many have discussed the role of money in Islamic economics system, while the number of empirical studies on Islamic monetary economics is a relatively new phenomenon. According to Islamic scholars, there are three main goals of Islamic monetary policy: a) economic well-being with full employment and optimum rate of economic growth; b) socioeconomic justice and equitable distribution of income and wealth and c) stability in the value of money. Hence, the Islamic monetary policy has several socioeconomic and ethical implications. Featuring regional case studies, this book serves as a valuable resource for academics, scholars, practitioners and policy makers in the areas of Islamic economics and finance.
Over the last thirty years, Islamic banking has emerged as a viable and efficient model of financial intermediation. In conventional economic systems, the interest rate mechanism is at the heart of that process, however the Islamic financial system cannot rely on that mechanism. With this fact considered, this volume explores the role of Islamic finance in promoting growth and development. It highlights the benefits that Islamic banking can bring to society as an alternative model of financial intermediation and presents interesting case studies that examine certain features of Islamic finance and their relationship with growth, economic and financial stability, allocative efficiency and social justice.
A lot of economic problems can formulated as constrained optimizations and equilibration of their solutions. Various mathematical theories have been supplying economists with indispensable machineries for these problems arising in economic theory. Conversely, mathematicians have been stimulated by various mathematical difficulties raised by economic theories. The series is designed to bring together those mathematicians who were seriously interested in getting new challenging stimuli from economic theories with those economists who are seeking for effective mathematical tools for their researchers.
Since the 2007 2008 global financial crisis, there has been much debate about the role of financial regulation and the causes of financial instability in the industry. Where studies commonly question the value of a regulated rather than free market , this book focuses on the differentiation of 'good regulation' and 'bad regulation'. This book highlights the need for financial regulation to combat corruption, and the integral link that exists between corruption and financial instability. The author evaluates the benefits and shortcomings of specific types of regulation, drawing on recent examples to illustrate each argument. The book presents compelling arguments for the regulation of leverage, liquidity, payday loans and securitisation; and debates the negative aspects of the regulation of short selling, and high-frequency trading, and of Basel-style banking regulation. The author argues that there is no free-market solution to financial instability, and rejects the idea of 'too big to fail'.
The subject of numerical methods in finance has recently emerged as a new discipline at the intersection of probability theory, finance, and numerical analysis. The methods employed bridge the gap between financial theory and computational practice, and provide solutions for complex problems that are difficult to solve by traditional analytical methods. Although numerical methods in finance have been studied intensively in recent years, many theoretical and practical financial aspects have yet to be explored. This volume presents current research and survey articles focusing on various numerical methods in finance. The book is designed for the academic community and will also serve professional investors.
Economists broadly define financial asset price bubbles as episodes in which prices rise with notable rapidity and depart from historically established asset valuation multiples and relationships. Financial economists have for decades attempted to study and interpret bubbles through the prisms of rational expectations, efficient markets, equilibrium, arbitrage, and capital asset pricing models, but they have not made much if any progress toward a consistent and reliable theory that explains how and why bubbles (and crashes) evolve and are defined, measured, and compared. This book develops a new and different approach that is based on the central notion that bubbles and crashes reflect urgent short-side rationing, which means that, as such extreme conditions unfold, considerations of quantities owned or not owned begin to displace considerations of price. |
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