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Books > Earth & environment > The environment > Pollution & threats to the environment > General

Strontium Contamination in the Environment (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2020): Pankaj Pathak, Dharmendra K. Gupta Strontium Contamination in the Environment (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2020)
Pankaj Pathak, Dharmendra K. Gupta
R9,538 Discovery Miles 95 380 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book provides an authoritative review of the origin and extraction of strontium and its impact on the environment. It also presents the latest strontium decontamination and remediation strategies. Around the globe, nuclear power is being recognized as a major source of energy and is expected to play a crucial role in meeting the energy requirements of present day society. However, the pros and cons have to be considered, and the safe disposal of large amounts of radionuclide wastes is becoming a matter of great concern. These wastes encompass contaminants such as heavy metals and toxic substances, which may exist in solid, liquid or gaseous forms or a combination of these, and as such, their disposal requires particular attention. The book focuses on 90Sr, which is a predominant isotope of strontium and considered an intermediate level radioactive waste with a half-life of 28.8 years, average biological half-life of 18 years and 546 KeV decay energy. Written by expert contributors, it addresses occurrence, detection and extraction of strontium, the chemical and nuclear properties of strontium isotopes, the fate and migration of strontium in soil, its bioaccumulation, and its associated health impact, mechanistic toxicity response as well as related regulation and remediation. It appeals to scholars, scientists and environmental managers working with strontium contamination in the environment and its consequences.

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) - Monitoring, Impact and Treatment (Hardcover): Mohamed Nageeb Rashed Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) - Monitoring, Impact and Treatment (Hardcover)
Mohamed Nageeb Rashed
R3,417 Discovery Miles 34 170 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Radioactivity and Pollution in the Nordic Seas and Arctic - Observations, Modeling and Simulations (Hardcover, 2010 Ed.): Olaf... Radioactivity and Pollution in the Nordic Seas and Arctic - Observations, Modeling and Simulations (Hardcover, 2010 Ed.)
Olaf M. Johannessen, Vladimir A. Volkov, Lasse H. Pettersson, Helge Drange, Yongqi Gao, …
R4,557 Discovery Miles 45 570 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Polar Seas Oceanography describes a new tool called the Generic Model System for simulations and assessment of potential radioactive spreading in the Arctic regions, through rivers, estuaries, regional seas and the Arctic and Atlantic basin. It considers the present and future potential for spreading of radionuclear pollution from sources, such as from the major Russian processing plants through Siberian rivers as well as from European sources such as the UK Sellafield plant. The book provides support for decision making involving risk prevention, forecasting and readiness for probable crises, alerting and detection, relief and mitigation and damage assessment. The book combines the expertise of professionals from the radionuclear and climate-change sciences."

Biomonitoring of Trace Aquatic Contaminants (Hardcover, New edition): David J.H. Phillips, Philip S. Rainbow Biomonitoring of Trace Aquatic Contaminants (Hardcover, New edition)
David J.H. Phillips, Philip S. Rainbow
R4,576 Discovery Miles 45 760 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Twenty years ago, researchers wishing to identify contaminated areas in aquatic environments generally took water samples, and analysed them badly (as we have since discovered) for a few "pollutants" which were of topical note at the time (and which could be quantified by the methods then available). Today, the use of aquatic organisms as biomonitors in preference to water analysis has become commonplace, and many national and interna tional programmes exist around the world involving such studies. We believe that this trend will continue, and have complete faith in the methodology (when it is employed correctly). We hope that the following text assists in some part in attaining this goal, such that the quality of our most basic global resource -water - is adequately protected in the future. DAVE PHILLIPS, PHIL RAINBOW England, March 1992 vii Acknowledgements Our thanks for contributions to this book are due to several individuals and groups, for varying reasons. Firstly, a co-authored book is always a triumph, and we trust that the following text is an acceptable compromise of the views of two individual authors, on a complex and developing topic. Secondly, many of the ideas herein have crystallised over the last two decades as the field has grown, and we are individually and collectively grateful to a number of researchers for their insight and assistance."

Hormones and Pharmaceuticals Generated by Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations - Transport in Water and Soil (Hardcover, 2009... Hormones and Pharmaceuticals Generated by Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations - Transport in Water and Soil (Hardcover, 2009 ed.)
Laurence S. Shore, Amy Pruden
R3,035 Discovery Miles 30 350 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Hormones and Pharmaceuticals Generated by Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Transport in Water and Soil examines how hormones, antibiotics and pharmaceuticals generated from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) of cattle, poultry, swine and aquaculture are transported in water and soil. Little is known of the environmental fate of the tons of physiologically active steroid hormones released each year. In their own regard, in the last 20 years considerable attention has been given to a wide variety of natural and anthropomorphic agents known as endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs). Until the contribution of steroid hormones to the environment are better defined, it will be difficult to quantify the exact impact of EDCs. While some advances in the understanding of the fate of these compounds in water has been made, little is known about the processes that govern their transport in soil or how they eventually reach groundwater. As this book discusses extensively, it is somewhat of a mystery how steroids, with their lipophilic nature, strong binding to humic acids and extensive metabolism by soil bacteria, can be transported through even a few centimeters of soil, let alone 20 to 40 meters to the groundwater. With respect to antibiotics, the emphasis is on their fate and transport in the environment and on the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Impacts on soil ecology, including the impact of antibiotics on the metabolism of other active agents, is also discussed. Similarly, the acaricides and insecticides used in animal husbandry are widely used and their environmental pathways have been studied and have significant impacts on soil and dung ecology. Active compounds with potential environmental impacts, such as growth promoters generated from CAFOs, are described. However, because little is known of their environmental fate, emphasis is placed on defining the gaps in our knowledge and defining their possible effects.

Metal Speciation & Bioavailability in Aquatic Systems (Hardcover): A. Tessier Metal Speciation & Bioavailability in Aquatic Systems (Hardcover)
A. Tessier
R22,095 Discovery Miles 220 950 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Metal Speciation and Bioavailability in Aquatic Systems is the first comprehensive review to deal with fundamental concepts and models, speciation measurements and field applications in metal speciation and bioavailability in aquatic environments. This volume provides a thorough review of current developments concerning the interactions between trace metals and aquatic organisms. Metal Speciation and Bioavailability in Aquatic Systems provides:

  • The first comprehensive approach to the subject covering all aspects of trace metal ecotoxicology in the environment.
  • Essential reading for researchers and graduate students who will appreciate critical reviews of classical and modern methods of metal speciation.
  • Contributions from leading scientists from many disciplines assessing both analytical and physical methods applied to this growing field of environmental analysis.
  • An introduction to the use of laboratory bioassays as predictive tools for understanding trace metalorganism interactions.
  • An examination of the use and limitations of bioassays in management decisions.
The interdisciplinary nature of this topic is highlighted in Metal Speciation and Bioavailability in Aquatic Systems, ensuring that this volume is invaluable for chemists, biochemists, biologists, ecologists and environmental engineers involved in the fields of metal ecotoxicology, metal speciation, environmental and analytical chemistry, and the management of trace metals in aquatic systems.
Pesticide Properties in the Environment (Hardcover, 1996 ed.): A.G. Hornsby, R.Don Wauchope, A. Herner Pesticide Properties in the Environment (Hardcover, 1996 ed.)
A.G. Hornsby, R.Don Wauchope, A. Herner
R2,962 Discovery Miles 29 620 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Identifying and remediating environmental contamination is a complex and very expensive problem worldwide. Pollution of soil and water by pesticides is a significant issue that persists for years after the pesticide application ceases. Pesticide Properties in the Environment is a unique database compiled from extensive literature searches. It presents data on hundreds of pesticides, including their common, commercial, and scientific names, their chemical formulas, and their environmental properties including water solubility, field half-life, sorption coefficient, and vapor pressure. All data is carefully cited to original references, and is presented both in printed form and as an electronic database. Pesticide Properties in the Environment will be invaluable for environmental scientists, engineers, and consultants, as well as soil scientists and water quality specialists.

Management of Animal Waste - Environmental Health Problems and Technological Solutions (Hardcover, New): Amer El-Ahraf, William... Management of Animal Waste - Environmental Health Problems and Technological Solutions (Hardcover, New)
Amer El-Ahraf, William V. Willis
R1,997 Discovery Miles 19 970 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Animal agriculture is a major industry in the United States and around the world. Like all major industries, animal operations generate a significant amount of waste by-products, by-products which represent serious potential environmental pollutants. This work is an attempt to help those concerned with animal waste management--agricultural economists and policy-makers, environmental and public health officers, farmers, and so on--deal with this critical issue by addressing the problems generated by animal waste within a comprehensive management approach. As animal production worldwide has taken on the characteristics of an industrial operation, the implications of large quantities of waste--disposal and/or refuse--must be analyzed in environmental, economic, and public health terms. This work provides such an analysis.

Countermeasures to Airborne Hazardous Chemicals (Hardcover, New): J.M. Holmes, C.H. Byers Countermeasures to Airborne Hazardous Chemicals (Hardcover, New)
J.M. Holmes, C.H. Byers
R1,803 Discovery Miles 18 030 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

"From the Introduction: "
Recent major incidents involving the release of hazardous chemicals have heightened the awareness of both the public and the private sectors that effective strategies must be developed to prevent and to deal with emergencies. A number of federal, state, and local government agencies share portions of the responsibility for various aspects of the problem. With the very considerable overlap, as well as holes in the coverage, a study of this picture has been performed to review the entire collage of activities and to recommend appropriate roles for FEMA and other agencies.
While the entire area of hazardous materials may require such a treatment, the most chronic needs for a strong direction are cases where an airborne hazard is involved. The materials might be in any form, but the means by which the threat overtakes people is such that little warning is possible and immediate means of protection are very limited. There are, in fact, many parallels to be drawn between airborne spread of hazardous chemicals and the airborne dispersion from a nuclear incident. Since these parallels exist and since the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has taken a leading role in preparedness for nuclear problems, it is natural that the experience and planning for hazardous materials, particularly airborne ones, should fall in that agency. However, the nature of the disasters which are possible and the short periods during which they occur make it absolutely mandatory that the responsibility for dealing with the problems in local entities must lie with the local authorities. . . .

Global Warming - The Research Challenges - A Report of Japan's Global Warming Initiative (Hardcover, 2004 ed.): Atsunobu... Global Warming - The Research Challenges - A Report of Japan's Global Warming Initiative (Hardcover, 2004 ed.)
Atsunobu Ichikawa
R2,950 Discovery Miles 29 500 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book presents the latest results of global warming researches focusing on Japanese and international efforts. In 2002, Japan initiated Global Warming Research Initiatives lead by the Council for Science and Technology Policy, which aims to harmonize the national research activities and projects. This book is the first report from the initiative. In this book, latest knowledge and future research directions are described for four study areas of the initiative: monitoring and process study, projection modelling and climate change study, impact and risk assessment, and response policies. Readers can review the major topic areas on global warming and climate change. They include the circulation of green house gases in the atmosphere, major results of climate observation, climate prediction made by the Earth Simulator supercomputer, predicted impacts of climate change and future threats, and mitigation and adaptation strategies on climate policy.

Costs of Ammonia Abatement and the Climate Co-Benefits (Hardcover): Stefan Reis, Clare Howard, Mark A Sutton Costs of Ammonia Abatement and the Climate Co-Benefits (Hardcover)
Stefan Reis, Clare Howard, Mark A Sutton
R4,141 R3,584 Discovery Miles 35 840 Save R557 (13%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book examines the costs involved in reducing ammonia emissions from agricultural practices as well as the potential benefits for climate change mitigation. It features contributions by experts in agricultural production processes, producers of agricultural equipment and service providers as well as scientists who assess the issue from an European perspective. Coverage examines all agricultural production stages starting from animal feed and housing, including the storage and application of liquid and solid manure and of mineral fertilizer. In addition, the book looks at the relationship between ammonia control and greenhouse gas emissions and details the GAINS (Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies) model for estimating costs and reducing ammonia emissions from agriculture. Examples and case studies from select European countries, including Italy, Switzerland, Russia, Ireland, and Spain, provide readers with detailed studies of ammonia abatement costs and the effectiveness of implementing control measures under different conditions. This book is the result of an Expert Workshop held under the auspices of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and organised by the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN). The findings of this workshop have informed the development of documents supporting the revision of the Gothenburg Protocol and provided researchers and practitioners with vital new data. Bringing together a wealth of key information on the costs of ammonia abatement and the climate co-benefits, this monograph provides readers with deep insight into this complex issue.

The Big Smoke (Routledge Revivals) - A History of Air Pollution in London since Medieval Times (Hardcover): Peter Brimblecombe The Big Smoke (Routledge Revivals) - A History of Air Pollution in London since Medieval Times (Hardcover)
Peter Brimblecombe
R4,388 Discovery Miles 43 880 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

First published in 1987, Peter Brimblecombe's book provides an engaging historical account of air pollution in London, offering a fascinating insight into the development of air pollution controls against a changing social and economic background. He examines domestic and industrial pollution and their effects on fashions, furnishings, buildings and human health. The book ends with an intriguing analysis of the dangers arising from contemporary pollutants and a glimpse of what the future may hold for London.

Exposure and Risk Assessment of Chemical Pollution - Contemporary Methodology (Hardcover, 2009 ed.): Mahmoud A. Hassanien Exposure and Risk Assessment of Chemical Pollution - Contemporary Methodology (Hardcover, 2009 ed.)
Mahmoud A. Hassanien
R5,372 R4,612 Discovery Miles 46 120 Save R760 (14%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The book contains the contributions at the NATO Study Institute on Exposure and Risk Assessment of Chemical Pollution - Contemporary Methodology, which took place in Sofia - Borovetz, Bulgaria, July 1-10, 2008. Rapid advances in mathematics, computer science and molecular biology and chemistry have lead to the development in of a new branch of toxicology called Computational Toxicology. This emerging field is addressing the estimation and prediction of exposure risk and effects of chemicals based on experimental data, measured concentration and biological mechanisms and computational models of biological systems. Mathematical models are also being used to predict the fate and transport of substances in the environment. Because this area is still in its infancy, there has been limited application from governmental agencies to regulating controllable processes, such as registration of new chemicals, determination of estimated exposure and risk based limits and maximum acceptable concentrations in different compartments of the environment - ambient air, waters, soil and food products. However, this is soon to change as the ability to collect, analyze and interpret the required information is becoming increasingly more efficient and cost effective. Full implementation of the new processes have to involve education on both part of the experimentalists who are generating the data and the models, and the risk assessors who will use them to better protect human health and the environment.

Environmental Metal Pollutants, Reactive Oxygen Intermediaries and Genotoxicity - Molecular Approaches to Determine Mechanisms... Environmental Metal Pollutants, Reactive Oxygen Intermediaries and Genotoxicity - Molecular Approaches to Determine Mechanisms of Toxicity (Hardcover, 1999 ed.)
Maria E. Ariza, Gautam N. Bijur, Marshall V. Williams
R4,528 Discovery Miles 45 280 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Humans are exposed daily to low concentrations of metals that are released into the environment by both natural and industrial processes. Environmental Metal Pollutants, Reactive Oxygen Intermediaries and Genotoxicity: Molecular Approaches to Determine Mechanisms of Toxicity examines concerns about the acute and/or chronic exposure of humans to concentrations of these metals that are below the threshold levels established by various federal regulatory agencies. Some of these metals are accumulated in various tissues and over time this may result in the accumulation of a significant body burden. This could increase the risk of developing a variety of diseases later in life, at a time when thresholds for such effects may already be reduced by the processes of aging. Such possibilities could only further compromise the quality of life in the elderly population and could contribute to the rising cost of health care in this country. Studies that have been conducted to determine the possible risks associated with exposure to relatively non-toxic concentrations of environmental metals have been hampered by a lack of appropriate models and a lack of funding. It has also been difficult for researchers to demonstrate a correlation between the exposure of humans or animals to low concentrations of environmental pollutants and disease. This book examines recent technological advances in the areas of molecular biology, biochemistry, and computer-enhanced image analyses that provide researchers with the tools to begin elucidating the genotoxic effects of environmental metal pollutants and the mechanisms by which these metals cause DNA damage. Environmental Metal Pollutants, Reactive Oxygen Intermediaries and Genotoxicity: Molecular Approaches to Determine Mechanisms of Toxicity presents data that demonstrate that certain environmental metal pollutants are genotoxic. The authors describe the role of reactive oxygen intermediates in causing the DNA damage induced by environmental metal pollutants and discuss their possible role in human disease.

Air Quality in Cities (Hardcover, 2003 ed.): Nicolas Moussiopoulos Air Quality in Cities (Hardcover, 2003 ed.)
Nicolas Moussiopoulos
R4,555 Discovery Miles 45 550 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Understanding urban air pollution is a prerequisite to finding effective solutions to air quality problems and for a sustainable development in the urban environment. In this book the current state of the art in urban air pollution research is presented. A major focus is on suitable air pollution modelling concepts, covering also street canyon geometries. Such models may be applied to establish source-receptor relationships in support of urban air quality management. Procedures for evaluating the performance of air pollution models are proposed, and results from field experiments and laboratory studies are shown to provide better insight into the characteristics of air pollution at the urban and local scales. The contents of this book are of a high policy relevance, given their direct connection to the formulation of improved tools for urban air quality assessments.

Water Safety, Security and Sustainability - Threat Detection and Mitigation (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2021): Ashok Vaseashta, Carmen... Water Safety, Security and Sustainability - Threat Detection and Mitigation (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2021)
Ashok Vaseashta, Carmen Maftei
R4,213 Discovery Miles 42 130 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book focuses on threats, especially contaminants, to drinking water and the supply system, especially in municipalities but also in industrial and even residential settings. The safety, security, and suitability landscape can be described as dynamic and complex stemming from necessity and hence culpability due to the emerging threats and risks, vis-a-vis globalization resulting in new forms of contaminants being used due to new technologies. The book provides knowledge and guidance for engineers, scientists, designers, researchers, and students who are involved in water, sustainability, and study of security issues. This book starts out with basics of water usage, current statistics, and an overview ofwater resources. The book then introduces different scenarios of safety and security and areas that researchers need to focus. Following that, the book presents different types of contaminants - inadvertent, intentional, or incidental. The next section presents different methodologies of contamination sensing/detection and remediation strategies as per guidance and standards set globally. The book then concludes with selected chapters on water management, including critical infrastructure that is critical to maintaining safe water supplies to cities and municipalities. Each chapter includes descriptive information for professionals in their respective fields. The breadth of chapters offers insights into how science (physical, natural, and social) and technology can support new developments to manage the complexity resident within the evolving threat and risk landscape.

Managing Salinization - Institutional Analysis of Public Irrigation Systems (Hardcover, illustrated edition): W. Scheumann Managing Salinization - Institutional Analysis of Public Irrigation Systems (Hardcover, illustrated edition)
W. Scheumann; Translated by A. Weissbach, H. Boeddicker
R2,543 Discovery Miles 25 430 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Salinization of soils is a major threat to irrigated agriculture and counteracts the targets of costly public infrastructure investments. In this study, salinization is regarded as the outcome of an institutional arrangement which impedes the effective implementation of well-known and well-established control measures be they technical, managerial or economic. In public irrigation systems neither the management units nor the farmers are offered any incentives towards the control of high groundwater levels and salinization if the management units are embedded in a highly centralized non-market institutional setting. The author answers the question under which conditions management units and irrigators are active in halting and reversing the process of salinization.

Metals in Society and in the Environment - A Critical Review of Current Knowledge on Fluxes, Speciation, Bioavailability and... Metals in Society and in the Environment - A Critical Review of Current Knowledge on Fluxes, Speciation, Bioavailability and Risk for Adverse Effects of Copper, Chromium, Nickel and Zinc (Hardcover, 2004 ed.)
Lars Landner, Rudolf Reuther
R4,582 Discovery Miles 45 820 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

In 2002, the Swedish Metal Information Task Force (MITF) engaged the Environmental Research Group (MFG) to update previous monographs on copper, zinc and major alloying metals (such as chromium, nickel and molybdenum) in society and in the environment. This book presents new results on metal fluxes from society to the environment, on metal speciation in water, soil and sediment, and its interpretation in terms of mobility, biological uptake and toxicity. The scientific fundamentals of new approaches, like the Acid Volatile Sulphide (AVS) concept to predict metal bioavailability in sediments, and the Biotic Ligand Model (BLM) to calculate the toxicity of metals to aquatic organisms, are critically evaluated, with a focus on copper, nickel, zinc, and, in part, chromium.

Recent scientific advances now offer an improved understanding of the mechanisms and factors controlling the intricate behaviour of trace metals, their interactions, uptake and effect in natural systems. Traditional risk assessment methods usually built on quite crude toxicity tests done in unrealistic "laboratory waters," and did not consider natural conditions. In contrast, modern approaches now increasingly involve the full utilisation of site-specific factors, which are decisive for the formation of bioavailable and toxic metal forms.

Audience: This book provides excellent guidance not only to scientists focusing on the assessment of the ecological risk of metals, but also to authorities, decision makers in industry, educational staff and the interested public concerned with the occurrence and fate of trace metals.

Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology - Continuation of Residue Reviews (Hardcover, 2003 ed.): George Ware Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology - Continuation of Residue Reviews (Hardcover, 2003 ed.)
George Ware
R3,051 Discovery Miles 30 510 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology attempts to provide concise, critical reviews of timely advances, philosophy, and significant areas of accomplished or needed endeavor in the total field of xenobiotics in any segment of the environment, as well as toxicological implications.

World on the Edge - How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse (Paperback): Lester Brown World on the Edge - How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse (Paperback)
Lester Brown
R811 Discovery Miles 8 110 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

In this urgent time, World on the Edge calls out the pivotal environmental issues and how to solve them now. We are in a race between political and natural tipping points. Can we close coal-fired power plants fast enough to save the Greenland ice sheet and avoid catastrophic sea level rise? Can we raise water productivity fast enough to halt the depletion of aquifers and avoid water-driven food shortages? Can we cope with peak water and peak oil at the same time? These are some of the issues Lester R. Brown skilfully distils in World on the Edge. Bringing decades of research and analysis into play, he provides the responses needed to reclaim our future.

Assessing the Risks of Nuclear and Chemical Contamination in the former Soviet Union (Hardcover, 1996 ed.): E. J Kirk Assessing the Risks of Nuclear and Chemical Contamination in the former Soviet Union (Hardcover, 1996 ed.)
E. J Kirk
R3,019 Discovery Miles 30 190 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Risk assessment has come to assume acute importance in the former Soviet Union since money is so scarce, yet the needs for cleanup are so huge. Other factors contribute to this situation, too: New leaders are still emerging, and governmental structures are still evolving. This creates a particular difficulty for environmentalists who attempt to become involved in the risk assessment process. New information continues to surface on the fallout from Chernobyl and its consequences for human health. Scientists are still debating the effects of low doses of radiation delivered over a long period of time. This type of contamination is especially prevalent in the Russian North, for example, as a result of the dumping of nuclear submarine reactors into the Kara and Barents Seas. This book examines the complexities of risk assessment in the FSU at this unique time in history.

High-Temperature H2S Removal from IGCC Coarse Gas (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018): Jiang Wu, Dongjing Liu, Weiguo Zhou, Qizhen Liu,... High-Temperature H2S Removal from IGCC Coarse Gas (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018)
Jiang Wu, Dongjing Liu, Weiguo Zhou, Qizhen Liu, Yaji Huang
R2,951 Discovery Miles 29 510 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book provides extensive information on high-temperature H2S removal for integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) coarse gas, together with briefly introductions to the concept of clean coal technology, and to the mechanism and kinetics of hot coal gas desulfurizers. Readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of available control methods for high-temperature H2S removal in IGCC coarse gas and how the technology has been adopted by industry. As such, the book offers a unique resource for researchers and engineers in the fields of energy science and technology, environmental science and technology, and chemical engineering.

Nanoparticles in medicine and environment - Inhalation and health effects (Hardcover, 2010 ed.): J. C. Marijnissen, Leon Gradon Nanoparticles in medicine and environment - Inhalation and health effects (Hardcover, 2010 ed.)
J. C. Marijnissen, Leon Gradon
R5,766 Discovery Miles 57 660 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

A huge effort is put into the science of nanoparticles and their production. In many cases it is unavoidable that nanoparticles are released into the environment, either during the production processes or during the use of a product made from these particles. It is also realized that combustion processes like traffic and power plants release nanoparticles into the atmosphere. However it is not known how nanoparticles interact with the human body, especially upon inhalation. At the same time research activities are devoted to understand how nano-sized medicine particles can be used to administer medicines via inhalation. In any case it is absolutely necessary to know how the nanoparticles interfere with the inhalation system, how they deposit and affect on the human system.

Three main themes are discussed:

  • Nanoparticle sources and production
  • Nanoparticle inhalation and deposition
  • Toxicological and medical consequences of nanoparticles

Each theme is covered comprehensively, starting at nano-quantum effects up to technical and medical applications such as measuring equipment and inhalation instrumentation. This book brings together all sub-disciplines in the field related to aerosol nanoparticles. Each chapter is written by a world expert, giving the state of the art information and challenging open questions. The last chapter summarizes in an interdisciplinary way what is already known and what still is ahead of us.

Managed Ecosystems and CO2 - Case Studies, Processes, and Perspectives (Hardcover, 2006 ed.): Josef Noesberger, S.P. Long, R.... Managed Ecosystems and CO2 - Case Studies, Processes, and Perspectives (Hardcover, 2006 ed.)
Josef Noesberger, S.P. Long, R. J. Norby, M. Stitt, G.R. Hendrey, …
R5,861 Discovery Miles 58 610 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Managed ecosystems cover a large part of the Earth's land surface, provide almost all of our food and most of our wood and fibre, and are increasingly a source of renewable energy. Forecasting the ability of managed ecosystems to continue these vital roles in a globally changing environment is an inter-disciplinary challenge.

To elucidate the complex responses of managed systems to elevated CO2], several free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) facilities were established. These FACE systems allow large areas to be exposed to the elevated CO2] we expect by the middle of the century. This volume summarizes the main findings from 13 experiments with annual crops, permanent pastures and plantation forests at 11 sites throughout the world during the past ten years. The results significantly alter our perception of how rising CO2] will directly affect these managed ecosystems, with implications for policy, plant-breeding objectives and adaptation.

Advances in Waste Management - Select Proceedings of Recycle 2016 (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2019): Ajay S. Kalamdhad, Jiwan Singh,... Advances in Waste Management - Select Proceedings of Recycle 2016 (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2019)
Ajay S. Kalamdhad, Jiwan Singh, Kondusamy Dhamodharan
R5,702 R5,085 Discovery Miles 50 850 Save R617 (11%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book presents some of the latest technologies in waste management, and emphasizes the benefits that can be gained from the use of recycled products. Divided into four sections, it deals with phytoremediation, acquatic weed management and the treatment of solid- and water-based wastes, such as those arising from agricultural, industrial and medical activities. With its special emphasis on the utilization of recycled products, this volume will be of interest to students, academicians, policy makers and others who have a practical and academic interest in dealing with the waste society generates.

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