Books > Academic & Education > Primary & Secondary Education > Grade 11
X-kit Achieve Business Studies Grade 11 is a study guide which
includes concise explanations, plenty of practice and sample exam
papers with answers. The series has been developed based on
research and feedback from learners and teachers. It offers
exercises which cover understanding, application and
problem-solving skills. CAPS compliant.
The literature X-kits offer a wealth of interactive material.
Literary texts are discussed in detail, and topics include plot,
theme, character, style, symbolism and imagery. The depth of
knowledge conveyed to learners encourages them to engage in
literature on a far more meaningful level. They also cover
essential study and exam preparation techniques, that prepare
learners thoroughly for literature exams.
Le ndaba yenzeka ngeminyaka yawo-1800, indaba igxile kumlingiswa
onguNdlunkulu uNtombazi wesizwe sakwaNdwandwe, osebenzisa amaqhinga
kanye nobuthakathi emizamweni yakhe yokwenza indodana yakhe uZwide
ukuthi abe yinkosi enamandla kunawo wonke. Untombazi uyaziwa
ngokubulala amakhosi awanqume amakhanda bese ewaphanyeka elawini
lakhe. INdlovukazi yamaNdwandwe ibulala ngempumelelo amakhosi
abakhelene nawo. Lapho ibulala iNkosi uDingiswayo wesizwe
sakwaMthethwa, ihlokoloza isidleke seminyovu. INkosi uShaka wesizwe
samaZulu igasela kungalindelekile izophindisela ukuchithwa kwegazi
lomsebe wokugcina wamakhosi aphemba uxolo, iNkosi uDingiswayo
wakwaMthethwa, owamkhulisa. Kuba uqhude manikiniki, zindala zombili
lapho kutholana phezulu amabutho akwaZulu kanye nawakwaNdwandwe.
Kazi iyozala nkomoni!
X-kit Achieve! Literature Study Guides make nationally prescribed novels and dramas accessible to learners to help them prepare for exams. They provide insight into the author and context of the writing, analysis of critical themes, plots and characters and plenty of exercises for exam preparation.
Amabali asithandathu asekuqaleni kule ncwadi aphumelela imbasa
yamabali amafutshane esiXhosa ngowe-1971 kukhuphiswano
olwaluququzelelwe liSebe lezeMfundo. Yincwadi yamabali amafutshane
abantu, ukufa ngobomi. The first six stories in this anthology won
DET awards in 1971. ?The stories cover a variety of themes
including people and life in general.
This drama explores the results and the consequences of lies,
pride, dishonesty and deception. Makhaya Ntsenge, a worker at a
garage, meets his good fortune when he gets the chance to marry a
nurse, Thembisa, who has a B.Cur degree. However, are his motives
Yebo, a CAPS-compliant book that reflects the way you learn Life
Orientation with: Four sections, each reflecting a term's work and
covering Physical Education, Development of the self in society,
Social and environmental responsibility, Democracy and human
rights, Careers and career choices, and Study Skills; 80 pages of
Physical Education activities; Brief, clear and accessible content;
Practical activities; and Full colour photographs.
Contains research-based content, richly supported by South African
and international applications;Assessments effectively consolidate
learning; Makes teaching and learning easy with important concepts
and terminology listed; Has questions formulated in the style
required by the examination guidelines; Provides a benchmark for
Accounting courses used by South African Accounting teachers.
Voldoen ten volle aan die vereistes van die Kurrikulum- en
assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (NKABV). Eksamenoefening en
assesseringsgeleenthede word verskaf. Riglyne van die volledige
Assesseringsprogram word verskaf. Klaskamers regoor Suid-Afrika het
die materiaal gebruik en beproef. Eksamensukses deur leerders te
ondersteun en te betrek. Nuttige wenke vir klaskameronderrig.
Finalist - Maskew Miller Longman 2011 Literature Awards.
Matsetseleko, jaaka leina la gagwe le itlhalosa, o nna matsetseleko
mo go boneng gore maikemisetso le ditoro tsa gagwe di a diragala. O
tlogela legae la gagwe, ka pelo e e botlhoko, go ya go senka
bokamoso jo bo botoka. Batsadi ba Matsetseleko go lemogeng fa
mosimane a tsene ka la seloko ba dira dithulaganyo tsa gore a
bonwe, fela ga go nko epe e e tswang lemina. Mo go boneng katlego
mo botshelong jwa gagwe o tsamaya a ithuta go le gontsi ka ga
botshelo mme o tsamaya a kopana le batho ba ba nang le botho bao ba
ikaelelang go mo tlhomola mmutlwa gore le ene a kgone go gata a
gatoga. Kwa bofelong o ikgata motlhala go boela gae mme go tlheng
ga gagwe gae o feta a tlhomola motse wa gaabo mmutlwa ka go ba
thusa go o tlhabolola. Padi e, e e rokotsang e bile e humile ka
lobebe la puo ya Setswana e, ke ya ga OM Lobelo yo e leng ene yo a
tswileng mo legatong la bobedi la bafenyi ba Literature Awards mo
ngwageng wa 2010. Barutwana ba tla ithuta go le gontsi ka go nna le
maikaelelo le ditoro, go di sireletsa le go di diragatsa mo
botshelong. E feta gape e ba ungwela puo le meila ya setso sa
Batswana. "Baithuti ba tla itumelela go buisa padi e ka go
dirisitswe Setswana se se humileng ebile se le lobebe. E tlhagisa
sentle kgolo ya batsaya karolo, go simolola mo botsheng ba bona go
tlha ba gola ba nna le malapa a bona." KME Tlhabanyane, moatlhodi
wa MML Literature Awards. Padi e e na le ditirwana tse di tla
thusang barutwana le barutabana go tlhelela ditheo tsa Pegelo ya
Pholisi ya Bosetshaba ya Kharikhulamo le Tlhatlhobo (CAPS) ya
Spot On is spot on! The most popular course in South Africa, Spot
On has everything a learner needs in one book. Spot On improves
results, makes learning enjoyable, makes teaching a pleasure and is
easy to use. The Spot On Teacher’s Guide comes with printable
planning material, Formal Assessment Tasks, revision tests and
Winner - Maskew Miller Longman 2013 Literature Awards. Akukho linge
angalenzanga uBhasophu, uyise kaSithembele ukumnqanda kulomsele
umnyama wayengene kuwo wokutshaya iziyobisi kodwa kwahle kwacaca
ukuba uza kunyuka umnqantsa. Ngubani kakade owayenokuphikisana
noZwilakhe onjengoSithembele lo? Akaqondangana xasele emi eliweni
ukuba ubomi bakhe bujinga ngomsonto. Ingaba lo mfana uza kuba
nawona amandla okulwa nedabi leziyobisi aze ade oyise? There is
nothing that Bhasophu, Sithembele's father, did not do to warn his
son against drug abuse. It was clear that Sithembele was getting
deeper into the habit. Who could argue with such an arrogant person
who listened only to his drug-addicted friends? The question is
will he eventually untangle himself from the web? Will he come out
victorious in this battle?