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Books > Arts & Architecture > Performing arts > Theatre, drama > Opera
In January of 1972 the Golden Age of Opera series of the Edward J. Smith Recordings was succeeded by the Unique Opera Records Corporation (UORC) and released two-hundred and eighty numbered releases between 1972 and December, 1977. Smith's final private label, the A.N.N.A. Record Company (ANNA) released seventy-three numbered issues between 1978 and 1982. Interspersed between UORC and ANNA, and spanning the years 1954 to 1981, numerous "special label" issues were released under fugitive names. As a companion to the first volume, EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings "The Golden Age of Opera," 1956-1971, this volume continues where the first left off. The three labels are catalogued in separate sections. Researchers will appreciate the ten indexes provided and the selectively quoted material from Smith's personal correspondence that supplements the text.
Dame Schwarzkopf (1915-2006) was a Flower Maiden in Wagner's "Parsifal" in her opera debut. As Marchallin in Strauss' "Rosenkavalier" she made history. This book is a homage to one of the greatest singers of the last century. Honored by Queen Elisabeth II, she not only posessed an unmistakable timbre, but also a bewitching beauty.This pictorial volume, on which the soprano collaborated right up until the time of her sudden death, contains hundreds of costume and portrait photographs from her private estate that together provide a lasting reflection of her personality and elegance. The core pictures were taken by the Viennese photographer to the stars, Lillian Fayer, who for many years was the trusted companion of Elisabeth Schwarzkopf.
The first full-length treatment of the operatic querelles in eighteenth-century France, placing individual querelles in historical context and tracing common themes of authority, national prestige and the power of music over popular sentiment. In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, French cultural life seethed with debates about the proper nature and form of musical expression, particularly in opera. Expressed in a flood of pamphlets, articles, letters and poems as well as in the actual disruption of performances, these so-called querelles were seen at the time as a distinctively French phenomenon and have been mined by scholars since for what they can tell us about French politics and culture in the revolutionary period. This is the first full-length treatment of the entire history of this phenomenon, from its beginnings in the last years of Louis XIV to the 1820s when the new musical challenges of Berlioz and Wagner put an end to this particular form of debate. Arnold analyses the individual querelles, showing how they reflected and played their part in wider political and cultural events. At the same time, hetraces themes common in varying degrees to them all - questions of authority, the issue of national prestige, and the relation of language to music. Where some scholars have characterised these disputes as simply politics by proxy, Arnold paints a more nuanced picture, showing that music itself was taken seriously beyond artistic circles because it was seen as having great, potentially limitless, power over popular sentiment and thus implicitly power to reform society and change the world. R.J. Arnold is an honorary research fellow at Birkbeck, University of London
A regiment of women warriors strides across the battlefield of German culture - on the stage, in the opera house, on the page, and in paintings and prints. These warriors are re-imaginings by men of figures such as the Amazons, the Valkyries, and the biblical killer Judith. They are transgressive and therefore frightening figures who leave their proper female sphere and have to be made safe by being killed, deflowered, or both. This has produced some compelling works of Western culture - Cranach's and Klimt's paintings of Judith, Schiller's Joan of Arc, Hebbel's Judith, Wagner's Brunnhilde, Fritz Lang's Brunhild. Nowadays, representations of the woman warrior are used as a way of thinking about the woman terrorist. Women writers only engage with these imaginings at the end of the 19th century, but from the late 18th century on they begin to imagine fictional cross-dressers going to war in a realistic setting and thus think the unthinkable. What are the roots of these imaginings? And how are they related to Freud's ideas about women's sexuality?
Music in 17th and early 18th century Italy was wonderfully rich and varied: in theatrical and secular vocal chamber music alone, we saw the rise of the solo song and cantata, and the birth and growth of opera, all establishing important new structural and expressive paradigms. But this was also a complex time of uncertainty and change, as 'old' and 'new' interacted in subtle and often surprising ways. There is still much to document, explore and explain in terms of composers and repertories and their multi-layered contexts. This collection of essays by European, British and American musicologists seeks to consolidate the recent growth interest in seventeenth century studies. It includes discussions of leading composers (d'India, Monteverdi, Rovetta, Steffani, Albinoni, Vivaldi and Handel), repertories (chamber laments, staged balli and operatic mad-scenes), geographical issues (the arrival of Neapolitan opera in Venice), institutional contexts, and iconography. Inspiration for the book was drawn from the poineering research of Nigel Fortune, to whom the volume is dedicated on his 70th birthday.
Wagner's Ring, an important phenomenon of the German drama tradition, is situated and examined alongside other major works of the canon. Wagner defines tragedy as a mythological drama. The theoretical foundation of the Ring is a complex dialectic of history and myth. By contrasting the Ring with the dramas of Schiller, Hebbel, Hofmannsthal, and Brecht different facets of Wagner's work are uniquely highlighted beyond theoretical generalizations or broad overviews. This series of comparisons offers fresh insight into the interrelationships of the Ring with the previous German drama tradition, and also investigates its influence on twentieth-century drama and opera. Scholars of German literature and culture will appreciate this innovative interpretation and study of the Ring. New ideas proposed include the suggestions that Schiller's Wallenstein trilogy might have served as a covert source for the Ring and that Ariadne auf Naxos and Mahagonny represent parodies of the Ring. The theory underlying the Ring will attract musicologists and interdisciplinary literary scholars interested in the interrelationship between words and music and literature and opera.
This comprehensive research guide surveys the most significant published materials relating to Giuseppe Verdi. This new edition includes research since the publication of the first edition in 1998.
This literary and critical approach to Wagner's Ring provides an original interpretation of the Ring tetralogy and challenges the standard political analyses of the work. The Ring is examined in the tradition of the Romantic drama as a reworking of Greek tragedy as theoretically expressed in the second part of Oper und Drama. In the Ring, using myth as a metaphor for history presents a paradoxical world. The innertextual reflection that Wotan performs in his monologue causes the Ring to self-destruct from within. He actually dismantles or deconstructs the text of the Ring. The doom of the gods happens because the Ring has undermined, unworked, and dismantled its system of signification. Studies of Wagner's theoretical writings and music-dramas have not emphasized aspects of his works within the tradition of German drama and aesthetic theory. This discussion of Wagner's revision of Greek tragedy in Oper und Drama, supplemented by an original interpretation of the Ring operas, places Wagner's writings within these realms. As a fresh interpretation of the Ring tetralogy, this valuable analysis will appeal to Wagner scholars and musicologists interested in Wagner's operas as well as to German cultural history and literary scholars.
Benjamin Britten's works for the stage developed from the traditional late nineteenth-century romantic opera structure of Peter Grimes to the experimental format of the church parables and of Death in Venice, his last opera. At the core of this development seems to have been Britten's intention to use the stage as a pulpit to express his philosophical views. This book explores an assessment of how these influenced his creative choices, mainly examining the composer's own writings, from his early involvement with left wing activism during the Thirties through to his more spiritually oriented objectives after the war, and offers alternative readings of two of Britten's most controversial works for the stage, The Rape of Lucretia and Death in Venice.
Carl Eberwein's dramatic setting of Goethe's melodrama, Proserpina, for solo voice (speaking part) and orchestra, with a choral finale, is highly dramatic in impact and beautifully orchestrated. Eberwein's music for Proserpina was written under Goethe's supervision and according to his wishes. This is the first publication to represent the artistic intentions of both artists in a modern orchestral score, with piano reduction, German/English text and critical commentary on the work.
"Worth and Cartwright have compiled a comprehensive discography documenting this exceedingly long career. In a chapter devoted to The Art of John McCormack and the Phonograph, ' McCormack's vocal technique is examined, and his artistic development chronicled. His talent for blending the intellectual and the intuitive in his musical interpretation is pointed out. An account of the events of his career adds to the history of singing. Recordings are listed chronologically by recording session, and a useful alphabetic listing by song title is provided. . . . The authors carefully acknowledge indebtedness to a number of McCormack discography researchers. A bibliography and artist index conclude the volume, which is sturdily bound. All undergraduate and graduate music libraries with McCormack recordings will want this book." Choice
Maurice Ravel's operas L'Heure espagnole (1907/1911) and L'Enfant et les sortileges (1919-25) are pivotal works in the composer's relatively small oeuvre. Emerging from periods shaped by very distinct musical concerns and historical circumstances, these two vastly different works nevertheless share qualities that reveal the heart of Ravel's compositional aesthetic. In this comprehensive study, Emily Kilpatrick unites musical, literary, biographical and cultural perspectives to shed new light on Ravel's operas. In documenting the operas' history, setting them within the cultural canvas of their creation and pursuing diverse strands of analytical and thematic exploration, Kilpatrick reveals crucial aspects of the composer's working life: his approach to creative collaboration, his responsiveness to cultural, aesthetic and musical debate, and the centrality of language and literature in his compositional practice. The first study of its kind, this book is an invaluable resource for students, specialists, opera-goers and devotees of French music.
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This book outlines how the protagonists in The Nibelung's Ring, The Lord of the Rings, and Game of Thrones attempt to construct identities and expand their consciousness manifestations. As the characters in the three works face the ends of their respective worlds, they must find answers to their mortality, and to the threat it implies: the loss of identity and consciousness. Moreover, it details how this process is depicted performatively. In a hands-on and interdisciplinary approach, this book seeks to unveil the underlying philosophical concepts of identity and consciousness in the three works as they are represented audio-visually on stage and screen. Through the use of many practical examples, this book offers both academic scholars and any interested readers a completely new perspective on three enduringly popular and interrelated works.
In mid-seventeenth-century Venice, opera first emerged from courts
and private drawing rooms to become a form of public entertainment.
Early commercial operas were elaborate spectacles, featuring ornate
costumes and set design along with dancing and music. As ambitious
works of theater, these productions required not only significant
financial backing, but also strong managers to oversee several
months of rehearsals and performances. These impresarios were
responsible for every facet of production from contracting the cast
to balancing the books at season's end. The systems they created
still survive, in part, today.
The companion volume to the Cross Index Title Guide to Classical Music (Greenwood Press, 1987) contains more than 5,500 vocal and instrumental excerpts from over 1,400 operas and operettas by 535 composers from Monteverdi to the present. Each selection is listed by its popular title or subtitle and by its variant names in alphabetical order, and the name of the composer, the title of the larger work from which the piece derives, and the first line or first words are also given. Titles of excerpts from the standard opera repertoire are given in both English and the vernacular, and those from works little known or unperformed in the English-speaking world are listed in their language of origin. The only reference of its kind, this expansive volume represents the most complete listing of excerpts from larger works to be published in any language. The compiler's introduction offers helpful information on the use of the guide; this information is presented in a clear and logically arranged format. Included are an alphabetical index of composers and their works, and a valuable list of principal sources that will aid the reader in locating printed editions and recordings of the operas and operettas as well as biographical information about the composers. Opera fans, record collectors, musicologists, students of music history, and librarians should find this guide useful in every respect.
Here for the first time are in-depth profiles of 139 major opera companies from around the globe, representing 35 countries, from Argentina to Yugoslavia, and including little-known information on opera in the People's Republic of China, Israel, Japan, the Republic of South Africa, and Turkey. Briefly noted in an appendix are an additional 24 companies from ten countries, three of them not included in the main section. The profiles provide directory and access information, a survey of the company's history, and, wherever possible, a chronological listing of directors and managers, and a concise bibliography for further reference. An annotated research bibliography contains general sources, such as reference books, opera annals, architectural studies, discographies, and relevant studies of conductors and performers. A chronology of the foundings of the opera companies and an index complete the volume. Much of the information is singularly available in this source, which will be welcomed by scholars, researchers, and opera lovers.
This book offers a stimulating introduction to the Hokkien music drama known as liyuanxi ('pear garden theatre'), heir and current expression of one of China's oldest unbroken xiqu ('Chinese opera') traditions. It considers the genre's history prior to the 20th century, its signal successes before and after the Cultural Revolution, and its national prominence today. Beginning with an analysis of the form's aesthetics and techniques, it proceeds to an overview of its rich and distinctive narrative repertoire, including several dramas unique to the genre. Josh Stenberg illustrates liyuanxi's distinctive musical and narrative qualities and presents the performance art's place, not only in Chinese drama and theatre history, but also in the culture of the historic port city of Quanzhou and the broader Hokkien region and diaspora. This study focuses on the work of the only professional theatre troupe in the genre, the Fujian Province Liyuanxi Experimental Theatre (FPLET), and examines the practice of director and leading actor Zeng Jingping, whose performances have focused attention on the genre's expression of women's desires and ambitions, and on her colleague, playwright Wang Renjie. It argues that new scripts engage with the issues of contemporary China while respecting the genre's traditions and conventions, and have led to rewritings of traditional repertoire by younger female authors. Stenberg's book skilfully demonstrates how a traditional theatre can adapt and thrive in a contemporary society, providing an indispensable introduction while whetting the appetite for the genre's exhilarating live performances.
This book considers the story of Nero and Octavia, as told in the pseudo-Senecan Octavia and the works of ancient historiographers, and its reception in (early) modern opera and some related examples of other performative genres. In total the study assembles more than 30 performative texts (including 22 librettos), ranging chronologically from L'incoronazione di Poppea in 1642/43 until the early 20th century, and provides detailed information on all of them. In a close examination of the libretto (and dramatic) texts, the study shows the impact and development of this fascinating story from the beginnings of historical opera onwards. The volume demonstrates the various transformations of the characters of Nero and his wives and of the depiction of their relationship over the centuries, and it looks at the tension between "historical" elements and genre conventions. The book is therefore of relevance to literary scholars as well as to readers interested in the evolution of Nero's image in present-day media.
The first biography of Richard D'Oyly Carte, this is a critical survey of the career of the impresario whose ambitions went beyond the famous partnership of Gilbert and Sullivan. Errors and misconceptions in current literature are challenged and corrected to give a truer portrayal of one of the most influential music theatre promoters in the nineteenth century.
Offers histories of music drama beginning with Wagner's Parsifal and then looking at works by Arnold Schoenberg, Richard Strauss, Luigi Dallapiccola, Luigi Nono and Hans Werner Henze. This book is both a telling of operatic histories 'after' Richard Wagner, and a philosophical reflection upon the writing of those histories. Historical musicology reckons with intellectual and cultural history, and vice versa. The 'after' of the title denotes chronology, but also harmony and antagonism within a Wagnerian tradition. Parsifal, in which Wagner attempted to go beyond his achievement in the Ring, to write 'after' himself,is followed by two apparent antipodes: the strenuously modernist Arnold Schoenberg and the aestheticist Richard Strauss. Discussion of Strauss's Capriccio, partly in the light of Schoenberg's Moses und Aron, reveals amore 'political' work than either first acquaintance or the composer's 'intention' might suggest. Then come three composers from subsequent generations: Luigi Dallapiccola, Luigi Nono, and Hans Werner Henze. Geographical context is extended to take in Wagner's Italian successors; the problem of political emancipation in and through music drama takes another turn here, confronting challenges and opportunities in more avowedly 'politically engaged' art. A final section explores the world of staging opera, of so-called Regietheater, as initiated by Wagner himself. Stefan Herheim's celebrated Bayreuth production of Parsifal, and various performances of Lohengrin are discussed, before looking back to Mozart (Don Giovanni) and forward to Alban Berg's Lulu and Nono's Al gran sole carico d'amore. Throughout, the book invites us to consider how we might perceive the aesthetic and political integrity of the operatic work 'after Wagner'. After Wagner will be invaluable to anyone interested in twentieth-century music drama and its intersection with politics and cultural history. It will also appeal to those interested in Richard Wagner's cultural impact on succeeding generations of composers. MARK BERRY is Senior Lecturer in Music at Royal Holloway, University of London.
L'incoronazione di Poppea is the most compelling of all early Italian operas and this has, in part, been responsible for the way in which it has become separated from its social and historical context. In this book, Iain Fenlon and Peter Miller show how an understanding of contemporary Venetian intellectual currents and preoccupations provides a key to the structure of the opera's libretto, the progress of the action and the points of emphasis in both the music and the text. |
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