Books > Health, Home & Family > Mind, body & spirit > Psychic powers, ESP
Este libro consta de diferentes Decretos y Meditaciones en audio y
escritas de tal forma que cuando se lee u oye, la energ a se
integra en el cuerpo f sico.Conforme se van integrando las energ as
se va elevando la vibraci n celular.Al elevar la vibraci n celular
el cuerpo f sico se va sanando y regenerando.Este sistema 40 D as,
est dise ado para poder detener, una vez finalizado, el proceso de
envejecimiento y activar el Manantial de la Eterna Juventud.Cada d
a hay m?'s personas en todo el mundo que lo est n experimentado en
su propia piel, recobrando la vitalidad y la salud.Esto es ya, hoy
en d a, una realidad Innegable. El que la experimente por s mismo
depende solo y exclusivamente de usted. El sistema para poder
lograrlo lo tiene ahora mismo en sus manos.40 D AS, primera parte
del m todo Pempenides especial nominativo El Libro de la Vida,
recoge el sistema completo de los 7 Chacras con sus 49 puertas,
m?'s 46 meditaciones del rbol de la Vida de 10 s firas, y el
Decreto para la erradicaci n del rbol de la Ciencia del Bien y del
Mal (hormona de la muerte), am n de otros diversos Decretos.El M
todo Pempenides especial nominativo El Libro de la Vida, consta de
varias partes y ha sido escrito en esta poca por el actual Regente
Planetario siguiendo las instrucciones del Logos Planetario.Este m
todo ha sido transmitido directamente por Sanat Kumara "el
iniciador nico planetario" como gu a precisa para alcanzar r
pidamente la ascensi n.El M todo Pempenides al completo contiene la
transmisi n de energ as de las 256 puertas del sistema de chacras
de la QUINTA DIMENSI N, y las transmisiones del YO SOY EL ALPHA Y
LA OMEGA: el primero y el ltimo, el que hab a de venir, El
Beautifully illustrated, The Crystal Bible offers a comprehensive
guide to crystals, their shapes, colors and applications. With
informative descriptions and an easy-to-use format, it is an
indispensable practical handbook for crystal lovers and users
everywhere--both beginner and expert alike. The book's directory
format and beautiful, full-color photos ensure that the crystals
are easily identifiable. Descriptions, which accompany each entry,
provide information on their appearance, worldwide distribution,
attributes, actions and healing properties. Both major and
lesser-known stones currently available are covered, including
those only recently discovered. A comprehensive index
cross-referencing crystals to applications, aliments and conditions
makes this book a vital reference for all crystal users.
This title takes you inside the eye-opening life and work of the US
military's former top paranormal spy. As the operations and
training officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency's Psychic
Intelligence Unit, Dames and his team used the practice of remote
viewing to uncover accurate military intelligence without putting
personnel at risk in hostile countries. In "Tell Me What You See",
Dames takes you behind the scenes of some of his most fascinating,
mind-bending cases, revealing how he and his cohorts solved some of
the world's greatest mysteries and uncovered some of the world's
most deeply buried secrets. This is a memoir that takes you inside
the secret history of the US military's Psychic Intelligence Unit.
It reveals true stories and fascinating secrets uncovered by the
military's remote viewing teams - from intelligence on Soviet
missile sites to the whereabouts of missing POWs in Vietnam to the
location of the Ark of the Covenant * Maj. Dames is the most
popular guest on George Noory's exceedingly popular radio show
"Coast to Coast AM". For anyone fascinated by the intersection of
the military and the mysterious, "Tell Me What You See" is an
amazing and completely absorbing must-read.
In this book Chris Ratter combines practical advice with personal
experience to inform and guide the reader on the development of
mediumship and healing. Each person who undertakes to develop their
mediumship will experience occasional concerns and doubts. Chris
Ratter illustrates how, with dedication, trust and by maintaining
an open mind, these hurdles may be overcome to make it a wonderful
and fulfilling journey.
Use the magic of crystal grids to create, heal, and manifest goals
and intentions. A condensed version of The Ultimate Guide to
Crystal Grids, Crystal Grids Handbook shows you the fundamentals of
constructing an effective grid. Learn how to harness the power of
sacred geometry to activate and amplify the power of your crystals.
Featuring dozens of grids designed by the world's leading crystal
expert, Judy Hall, this truly is the essential quick-reference
guide. You'll find beginner grids based on basic geometric shapes
and templates as well as advanced grids for deep healing and
transformation. Learn how to select the best crystal for a
particular grid or purpose as well as how to correctly set up,
activate, and dismantle a grid. This indispensable little volume
includes grids for: Love Manifesting prosperity Career Healing
Protection Filled with beautiful photos and illustrations, Crystal
Grids Handbook is your step-by-step guide for harnessing the magic
and power of crystals.
Your soul is calling you to step fully into your purpose, your
truth, the reason why you're here: your dharma. This book will
guide you through the journey and lead you to a life of happiness,
abundance, joyful service and fulfilment. Sahara Rose shares her
unique approach to discovering your dharma through the Doshas (the
Ayurvedic mind-body types) and the chakras (energy centres of the
body). Take the 'What's Your Dharma Archetype?' quiz and use your
Dharma Blueprint to unlock the code of what you're meant to do
next, in your relationships, business and every facet of your life.
Discovering your dharma is the most important work you can do. This
is the perfect introduction to living in alignment for all
spiritual seekers and anyone looking to become more self-aware.
A practical guide to working with gemstones and crystals connected
to Goddess energy for magick, healing, and transformation In this
practical guide to working with the stones of the Goddess, Nicholas
Pearson explores more than 100 gemstones and crystals strongly
connected with the energies of the Divine Feminine, including old
favorites like amazonite, amethyst, geodes, and carnelian (also
known as the blood of Isis), alongside newer and more unusual
stones such as sakura ishi, yeh ming zhu, and Lemurian seed
crystals. He details each stone's spiritual and healing properties,
astrological and elemental correspondences, Goddess archetypes and
lore, magickal uses, and the aspects of the Divine Feminine it
embodies. Guiding you through the basics of crystal work, including
cleansing and programming, the author offers step-by-step
instructions for Goddess-centered magickal rituals, guided
meditations to connect with the Divine Feminine, and the use of
crystals for spellcasting. He explains how to create crystal grids,
including the Triple Goddess Grid and the Venus Grid; crystal
elixirs, such as Aphrodite Elixir and Yemaya Essence; and crystal
charm bags for purification, wealth, and a happy home.
"Superb survey of the paranormal ... I cannot recommend it highly
enough." - New York Times bestselling author Herbie Brennan This is
the most entertaining and broad survey of the paranormal ever made,
combining forgotten lore, evidence from parapsychological
experiments and the testament of scientists, archaeologists,
anthropologists, psychologists, physicists and philosophers, and
also quite a few celebrities. Exploring the possibility that
paranormal phenomena may be - and that some most likely are -
objectively real, this travelogue through the twilight zone of
human consciousness is both scientifically rigorous and extremely
entertaining. Readers may be surprised to learn that reputable
scientists, among them several Nobel laureates, have claimed that
telepathy is a reality, that Cleopatra's lost palace and Richard
III's burial place were recovered by means of clairvoyance, and
that an espionage program using psychics was set up by the US
military! The author proposes that all humans (perhaps all living
beings) are linked together in a sort of "mental internet" that
allows us to exchange "telepathic emails" and make clairvoyant
downloads of information. Could it be that what we usually call
"supernatural" is a natural but little understood communication via
this mental internet? An engaging, entertaining and informative
analysis of a controversial subject, in which these phenomena are
approached as potential expressions of unexplained powers of the
human mind.
A complete guide to understanding, working with and developing your
connection to your chakra system for healing and transformation.
Anodea Judith is the world's bestselling author and foremost expert
on the chakras. In this inspirational guide, she introduces each of
the seven major energy centres in the body and offers practical
tools for using this incredible energy system to take charge of
your wellbeing, express your true self and navigate your journey
towards full-spectrum living. Learn how you can use the chakra
system for: - Enhancing wellbeing - Liberating yourself from
limiting patterns - Manifesting the life you want - Awakening to a
higher state of consciousness - Helping to transform the world we
all share This book was previously published under the title
Chakras (Hay House Basics series).
In this full-colour illustrated guide, Michael Gienger, along with
contributors Hildegard Weiss and Ursula Dombrowksy, details the
energetics and healing properties of more than 50 crystals and
gemstones for use in massage. The book explains how to select the
proper crystal or stone to aid healing of a specific condition as
well as for relaxation and stress release. It illustrates specific
massage techniques with crystal wands, crystal spheres, and
polished stones that best utilize the crystal or stone's properties
and shows how to perform a full-body massage that works on several
levels--physical, ethereal, mental, and spiritual--depending on how
the crystals are applied. Explaining how crystals absorb energy and
information during a massage, the guide shows how to cleanse and
recharge their energetic fields so energies are not transferred
from one person to another. It also details how to rebalance and
replenish your own energy after giving a massage. The book also
includes a detailed chapter on the harmonizing effects of amber
massage, complete with a step-by-step illustrated massage sequence.
Amber's unique electromagnetic vibrations make it especially
conducive to creating homeostasis in the body and thus a beneficial
addition to any crystal or stone massage practice. With this
complete illustrated guide, anyone can enhance their massage
practice or self-healing through the powerful effects of crystals,
gemstones, and amber.
An inspiring and compelling collection of questions and answers are
posed to Omni, a non-physcial group entity channeled through John
Payne. Omni is primarily concerned with communicating the four
principals of creation which form the core of his teachings, all
centering around the idea that the creative aspect of the universe
is a natural part of our being. The Omni material offers candid,
uplifting and inspiring answers to questions about abortion,
sexuality, suicide, money, health, personal development and
decision-making. The all encompassing message that Omni relates is
that all is okay with humanity--we are evolving without
encountering the prophesied disasters--and will continue to be okay
as we gently unfold our potential. John Payne is a gifted and
internationally known trance channel and metaphysical teacher who
studied Light Body with Sanaya Roman some years ago. He now travels
the globe offering workshops and lecturing in Germany, the U.S.,
South Africa, Scandinavia, Croatia and the Netherlands. Payne is
well-known on the internet, having a prominent position on
Spiritweb, the web's largest new age site. He has also written
articles for several U.S. based metaphysical journals, such as the
Sedona Journal of Emergence, Horizons, and the Auroran, and is a
regular contributor to Namaste Magazine in South Africa.
Inusual obra que plantea al hombre comun y corriente, los
principios generales de "la maxja negra pura" (nerometamaxja),
desde sus fundamentos mas primarios.
Dirigido especialmente a quienes husmean este proverbial arte,
ya sea con el afan de dedicarse a ello, o al menos, concebir cual
es el aparato que yace detras de sus misterios, pese no obstante,
haber chocado siempre con los mismos enchiridiones que jamas
En consecuencia, por el bien de ellos y la cultura; este tratado
-propio del campo de la hechiceria-, se reinscribe esnobistamente,
proyectado a difuminar sus mas sordidos enigmas, como nadie antes
lo hizo. En 7 capitulos, 488 paginas, 102.143 palabras, estan
cifradas las claves del conocimiento promedio de la nerometamaxja
(nombre tecnico de la maxja negra revisada), cuyos secretos
esenciales se ponen al alcance de quien lo quiera...
Aparece, hoy mismo, cuando las aprehensiones moralizantes son
aplastadas por la racionalidad gnoseologica de los tiempos, y
cuando las persecuciones y la hoguera son vistas como prejuicios
del pasado.
Se espera que la ancestral semilla de este disidente oficio,
retalle ahora sin acodos, despejando tal vez alguna necesidad
espiritual y por el bien del discernimiento humano.
This outstanding reference work contains concise quotes from the
Edgar Cayce readings on 264 different topics, including past and
future world conditions, life's purpose, the evolution of the soul,
reincarnation and karma, religion, and health and diet.
This luminous deck makes it easy to bring crystal energy to
everyday life. Each card features a photo of a gorgeous crystal on
the front and an illuminating description of the stone's powers on
the back (such as why to use serpentine for a fresh start; ametrine
for indecision; and kunzite for love). Users can select a crystal
based on their needs or pull a card at random to see what the
universe has in store. Curated by the makers of Stone, an app for
crystal healing, and brimming with positive energy, this deck is a
practical and beautiful accessory for modern mystics and
spirituality seekers.
In Lily Dale, New York, the dead don't die. Instead, they flit
among the elms and stroll along the streets. According to
spiritualists who have ruled this community for five generations,
the spirits never go away--and they stay anything but quiet. Every
summer twenty thousand guests come to consult the town's mediums in
hopes of communicating with dead relatives or catching a glimpse of
the future. Weaving past with present, the living with the dead,
award-winning journalist and bestselling author Christine Wicker
investigates the longings for love and connection that draw
visitors to "the Dale," introducing us to a colorful cast of
characters along the way--including such famous visitors as Susan
B. Anthony, Harry Houdini, and Mae West. Laugh-out-loud funny at
times, this honest portrayal shows us that ultimately it doesn't
matter what we believe; it is belief itself that can transform us
Your past lives hold the secret to healing yourself in the present.
Find out how you can access this power in just 21 days. Your soul
has experienced many lifetimes before manifesting in your body.
Trauma and joy from past lives can reveal our unique emotional
make-up and explain physical ailments that trouble us today. People
around the world have attested to the incredible awakening, healing
and insight that can be found in a deep connection to our past
selves. Travelling through the ages has never been easier with
highly respected teacher Denise Linn's guide to uncovering the
truth of our lives before our births. The book includes easy-to-use
techniques to help you examine clues in your current incarnation
and recall events from your previous lives, and guidance on healing
past-life blockages with regression. Removing limitations in
relationships, fulfilling your future destiny and uncovering the
symptoms of past-life trauma and how to relieve it are all within
your hands, wherever you are. You'll soon realize the potential
you're capable of by calling on your previous incarnations and
creating a connection with your spirit guide. It takes just 21 days
to establish a new habit. If there's a skill you've always wanted
to take advantage of, the answer is only a few weeks away with Hay
House’s 21 Days series.
Inside the Earth our planet is a wealth of crystals, each unique in
beauty and properties. Whether you want to cleanse your mind or
shield against negativity, there's a crystal that's perfect for you
and your needs. Learn about what they do and when to use them as
you dive into their rich legacies. * Features 50 crystal profiles *
Explores stones' properties, history, and lore * Beautiful
watercolor illustrations
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