Books > Medicine > General issues > Public health & preventive medicine
Mineral Composition and Radioactivity of Edible Mushrooms is the
definitive reference guide that collects and collates all recent
very dispersed data and information on mushroom mineral elements
and radioactivity. The book deals with the overall outline of the
major and trace mineral elements of many both wild growing and
cultivated mushroom species, including chemistry, biochemistry and
environmental context, losses of minerals during mushroom
preservation and cooking, and nutritional and health implications.
This monography also includes a chapter on natural and
anthropogenic radionuclides, along with the lessons learned after
the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters concerning mushroom
Innovative Thermal and Nonthermal Processing, Bioacessibility and
Bioavailability of Nutrients and Bioactive Compounds presents the
implications of conventional and innovative processing on the
nutritional and health aspects of food products. Chapters cover the
relationship between gastronomic science, nutrition and food
science in the development of healthy products, introduce the most
commonly used conventional and innovative approaches to preserve
foods and extract valuable compounds, describe how processing
affects bioavailability and bioaccessibility of lipids,
particularly fatty acids, protein, amino acids and carbohydrates,
and discuss how processing affects bioavailability and
bioaccessibility of minerals, water-soluble vitamins, and fat
soluble vitamins. Final sections cover processing, bioavailability
and bioaccessibility of bioactive compounds, describing how
processing (conventional and non-conventional) is affecting to
bioavailability and bioaccessibility of bioactive sulphur
compounds, polyphenols, flavonoids, and bioactive peptides.
Approximately 380 million people worldwide are 60 years of age or
older. This number is predicted to triple to more than 1 billion by
2025. Aging, Nutrition and Taste: Nutrition, Food Science and
Culinary Perspectives for Aging Tastefully provides research,
facts, theories, practical advice and recipes with full color
photographs to feed the rapidly growing aging population
healthfully. This book takes an integrated approach, utilizing
nutrition, food science and the culinary arts. A significant number
of aging adults may have taste and smell or chemosensory disorders
and many may also be considered to be undernourished. While this
can be partially attributed to the behavioral, physical and social
changes that come with aging, the loss or decline in taste and
smell may be at the root of other disorders. Aging adults may not
know that these disorders exist nor what can be done to compensate.
This text seeks to fill the knowledge gap. Aging, Nutrition and
Taste: Nutrition, Food Science and Culinary Perspectives for Aging
Tastefully examines aging from three perspectives: nutritional
changes that affect health and well-being; food science
applications that address age-specific chemosensory changes,
compromised disease states and health, and culinary arts techniques
that help make food more appealing to diminishing senses. Beyond
scientific theory, readers will find practical tips and techniques,
products, recipes, and menus to increase the desirability,
consumption and gratification of healthy foods and beverages as
people age.