Books > Medicine > General issues > Public health & preventive medicine
Offers vivid narratives illuminating the challenges and
opportunities health professionals and policymakers face
Distinguished by abundant patient and health provider narratives
highlighting the impact of health disparities on health outcomes
worldwide, this scholarly yet practical text prepares RN-BSN, DNP,
and PhD students to work toward improving community health for a
variety of underserved and vulnerable populations. Grounded in the
population health approach addressed in AACN Essentials, the text
delivers practical steps nurses can take to address population
health goals, including the improvement of quality of care, access
to healthcare, improved outcomes, and cost management. The resource
is also unique in its reflection of the interconnected points of
view of the patient, the provider, and the health system. Written
by lawyers, physicians, social workers, statisticians and
economists, psychologists, ethicists, finance experts, population
health specialists, anthropologists, and nurses, the text
emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach to learning and all
components of health care-delivery of care, policy, research, and
teaching. It examines demographic differences, chronic and acute
health conditions, and the health needs of the unserved/underserved
across the life cycle. The book emphasizes the importance of
understanding the social determinants of health and discusses ways
to address health disparities through changes in public policy,
attitudes, beliefs, education, research, and advocacy. Objectives,
key terms, discussion questions, and exercises facilitate group
discussion about best practices. Key Features: Delivers practical
knowledge with detailed narratives and case studies of specific
populations from experienced interprofessional authors Highlights
the interwoven perspectives of patients, health providers, and
health systems to promote cultural competence Pinpoints health
disparities including a discussion of COVID-19 Presents selected
historical landmarks and cases that influence population health
outcomes among vulnerable groups Interdisciplinary approach
includes the perspectives of other health and social science
In this issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics, guest editors Drs.
Michael D. Seidman and Marilene B. Wang bring their considerable
expertise to the topic of Complementary and Integrative Medicine
and Nutrition in Otolaryngology. Many patients use heath care
approaches that are not part of conventional medical care or that
may have origins outside of usual Western practice, while also
using conventional health care. In this issue, top experts
summarize the current knowledge of complementary and integrative
medicine and nutrition as they relate to the care of patients in
otolaryngology practices, providing a comprehensive resource that
physicians and allied health providers can rely on for accurate
patient counseling. Contains 19 practice-oriented topics including
diet and health; why otolaryngologists should be interested in
psychedelic medicine; probiotics for otolaryngology disorders;
sinus issues and natural alternatives; CIM and prevention of
hearing loss; CIM and the voice; natural alternatives and the
common cold/flu; otitis media; and more. Provides in-depth clinical
reviews on complementary and integrative medicine and nutrition in
otolaryngology, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.
Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under
the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors
synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines
to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.
Over the years, the complexity of health systems has grown due to
the continuous and constant introduction of new
technologies-process, production, and organizational-which have
increased the number of stakeholders involved, creating new
relationships and new channels through which the various subjects
interact. It is necessary to highlight the critical issues and
opportunities relating to the innovation of the organization and
governance of health services as well as the complementarity of
management and leadership. The new health needs require a
Copernican revolution in the organization of services: not only
offering individual services but also effective permanent care of
the patient within institutional and professional assistance
networks and effective, efficient, and appropriate pathways. This
requires that on an organizational and managerial level, the
internal relationships between the branches of the healthcare
companies must be reviewed and closer relationships built with the
managing bodies of the social and welfare services. The Handbook of
Research on Complexities, Management, and Governance in Healthcare
proceeds with a reasoned reconstruction of healthcare issues
through the problems connected to the complexities, management, and
governance in healthcare in light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic.
It discusses both the ethical side of health and the economic,
organizational, and legal content. Covering topics such as
healthcare innovation, taxation for public health, and waste
disposal, this major reference work is a comprehensive resource for
healthcare administration, directors, executive boards, lawyers,
sociologists, government officials and policymakers, students and
faculty of higher education, libraries, researchers, and
Communicable diseases have been an important part of human history.
Epidemics afflicted populations, causing many deaths before
gradually fading away and emerging again years after. Epidemics of
infectious diseases are occurring more often, and spreading faster
and further than ever, in many different regions of the world. The
scientific community, in addition to its accelerated efforts to
develop an effective treatment and vaccination, is also playing an
important role in advising policymakers on possible
non-pharmacological approaches to limit the catastrophic impact of
epidemics using mathematical and machine learning models.
Controlling Epidemics With Mathematical and Machine Learning Models
provides mathematical and machine learning models for epidemical
diseases, with special attention given to the COVID-19 pandemic. It
gives mathematical proof of the stability and size of diseases.
Covering topics such as compartmental models, reproduction number,
and SIR model simulation, this premier reference source is an
essential resource for statisticians, government officials, health
professionals, epidemiologists, sociologists, students and
educators of higher education, librarians, researchers, and