Books > Science & Mathematics > Science: general issues > Scientific standards
The fascinating stories behind the essential seven units of
measurement that allow us to understand the physical world Â
“Entertaining popular science and a literate tale of why things
are as they are.â€â€”Kirkus Reviews  From the beginning of
history, measurement has been interwoven into the human experience,
shaping our understanding of nature, personal relationships, and
the supernatural. We measure the world to know our past, comprehend
the present, and plan the future. Â Renowned physicist Piero
Martin explores how scientific knowledge is built around seven key
pillars of measurement: the meter for length; the second for time;
the kilogram for mass; the kelvin for temperature; the ampere for
electricity; the mole for quantity of substance; and the candela
for luminous intensity. Martin examines the history and function of
these units and illustrates their applications in rich vignettes on
a range of topics—from quarks to black holes, from a glass of
wine to space exploration. He delves into not only the
all-important numbers but also anecdotes that underline each
unit’s special quality. At the same time, he explains how each
unit contributes to important aspects of science, from classical
physics to quantum mechanics, from relativity to chemistry, from
cosmology to elementary particle physics, and from medicine to
modern technology. Martin eloquently shows how the entire universe
can be measured and understood using just seven units.
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer
Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags
von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv
Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche
Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext
betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor
1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen
Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Gradiometry is a multidisciplinary area that combines theoretical
and applied physics, ultra-low noise electronics, precision
engineering, and advanced signal processing. All physical fields
have spatial gradients that fall with distance from their sources
more rapidly than the field strength itself. This makes the
gradient measurements more difficult. However, there has been a
considerable investment, both in terms of time and money, into the
development of various types of gradiometers driven by the
extremely valuable type of information that is contained in
gradients. Applications include the search for oil, gas, and
mineral resources, GPS-free navigation, defence, space missions,
medical research, and some other applications. The author describes
gravity gradiometers, magnetic gradiometers, and electromagnetic
(EM) gradiometers. The first two types do not require any active
sources of the primary physical fields whose gradients are
measured, such as gravity field and ambient magnetic field. EM
gradiometers do require a primary EM field, pulsed, or sinusoidal,
which propagates through media and creates a secondary EM field.
The latter one contains information about the non uniformness of
electromagnetically active media such as conductivity and magnetic
permeability contrasts. These anomalies are the boundaries of
mineral deposits, oil and gas traps, underground water reserves,
buried artifacts, unexploded ordnance (UXO), nuclear submarines,
and even cancerous human tissue. This book provides readers with a
comprehensive introduction, history, potential applications, and
current developments in relation to some of the most advanced
technologies in the 21st Century. Most of the developments are
strictly controlled by Defence Export Control rules and
regulations, introduced in all developed countries that typically
require permission to transfer relevant information from one
country to another. The book is based on the materials that have
been available in public domain such as scientific journals,
conferences, extended abstracts, and online presentations. In
addition, medical applications of EM gradiometers are exempt from
any control, and some new results relevant to breast cancer early
detection research are published in this book for the first time.
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Sky's Time
Y Nguyen (isabella); Edited by Vanessa Durley; Lisa L Durley
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This book is an introduction to the mechanical properties, the
force generating capacity, and the sensitivity to mechanical cues
of the biological system. To understand how these qualities govern
many essential biological processes, we also discuss how to measure
them. However, before delving into the details and the techniques,
we will first learn the operational definitions in mechanics, such
as force, stress, elasticity, viscosity and so on. This book will
explore the mechanics at three different length scales - molecular,
cellular, and tissue levels - sequentially, and discuss the
measurement techniques to quantify the intrinsic mechanical
properties, force generating capacity, mechanoresponsive processes
in the biological systems, and rupture forces.
Die vorliegende Arbeit befaBt sich in der Hauptsache mit den
Wirbelstromerscheinungen in den raumlich ausgedehnten Leitern der
Rotationskorper der Ferraris oder InduktionsmeB gerate, deren
genaue Kenntnis fiir die ausfiihrende Technik von Wert ist. Obschon
im Laufe des letzten Jahrzehntes eine Reihe sehr wertvoller
Arbeiten, zum Teil theoretischer und experimenteller Natur, iiber
Giese MeBgerate erschienen sind, so sind sie doch zum groBten Teil
nicht geeignet, die immerhin nicht ganz ein fache Arbeitsweise
dieser Apparate zahlenmaBig verfolgen zu konnen, weil sie sich in
der Hauptsache nur auf die Zerlegung der Felder in Fouriersche
Reihen beschranken und die elektri schen und magnetischen
Verhaltnisse im Rotationskorper zum Teil vernachlassigen. Das Ziel
dieser Arbeit soU deshalb weniger sein, eine ex akte mathematische
Losung der Probleme zu liefern unter Be achtung samtlicher
Feinheiten an ausgefiihrten Apparate- das wurde wohl zu den
schwierigsten Aufgaben der heutigen Mathematik gehoren - als
vielmehr unter Vernachlassigung alles Nebensachliohen und unter
Zuhilfenahme der Maxwellschen Theorie fUr die gebrauchlichsten
Typen dieser MeBgerate Formeln zur Berechnung herzuleiten, wie sie
der praktische Ingenieur braucht. Zum Schlusse soIl dann an einem
Voltmeter nach dem Ferrarisschen Prinzip untersucht werden, wie
weit die Theorie mit den experimentell ermittelten Resultaten
ubereinstimmt. Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde durch die Anregung von
Herrn Dr. Hausrath ins Leben gerufen und unter der Leitung des so
fruh dahingeschiedenen Geh. Hofrats Prof. Dr. E. Arnold Vorwort. IV
ausgefiihrt, der mich bis kurz vor seinem Tode durch sein
liebenswiirdiges Interesse und wertvollen Ratschlage
Electrostatic Accelerators have been at the forefront of modern
technology since the development by Sir John Cockroft and Ernest
Walton in 1932 of the first accelerator, which was the first to
achieve nuclear transmutation and earned them the Nobel Prize in
Physics in 1951. The applications of Cockroft and Walton's
development have been far reaching, even into our kitchens where it
is employed to generate the high voltage needed for the magnetron
in microwave ovens. Other electrostatic accelerator related Nobel
prize winning developments that have had a major socio-economic
impact are; the electron microscope where the beams of electrons
are produced by an electrostatic accelerator, X-rays and computer
tomography (CT) scanners where the X-rays are produced using an
electron accelerator and microelectronic technology where ion
implantation is used to dope the semiconductor chips which form the
basis of our computers, mobile phones and entertainment systems.
Although the Electrostatic Accelerator field is over 90 years old,
and only a handful of accelerators are used for their original
purpose in nuclear physics, the field and the number of
accelerators is growing more rapidly than ever. The objective of
this book is to collect together the basic science and technology
that underlies the Electrostatic Accelerator field so it can serve
as a handbook, reference guide and textbook for accelerator
engineers as well as students and researchers who work with
Electrostatic Accelerators.
1. Zehn Jahre sind vergangen, seit Dr. C. Pulfrich vom Zeisswerk in
Jena es unternahm, die bis dahin nur in der Theorie 1) be kannte
stereoskopische Messmethode in die Praxis einzufuhren. Zu dieser
Zeit war die in andern Staaten inzwischen zu Ansehen gelangte
Bildmessung bei der deutschen Topographie fast schon in Ver
gessenheit geraten. Sie hatte in Deutschland nicht zu halten
vermocht, was ihre eifrigen Vertreter an Nutzen fur die Topographie
von ihr ver sprochen hatten. Es wurde deshalb anfangs auch der
grosse Fortschritt, den das stereoskopische Bildmessverfahren
brachte, von der Allgemein heit wenig beachtet. Erst in neuester
Zeit macht sich eine kraf.: e Propaganda fur die Sache bemerkbar.
Bei der Konigl. Preuss. Landesaufnahme wurde jedoch das neue
Verfahren sofort von seinem Erscheinen im Jahre 1901 an sorgfaltig
studiert. Besonders lebhaft interessierte sich dafur der im Jahre
1904 vers tor bene Generalmaj or Sc h u I z e, damaliger Chef der
Topographischen Abteilung. Verfasser hatte das Gluck, mit der
Ausfuhrung seiner inter essanten Versuche betraut. zu werden und
selbstandige Arbeiten unter nehmen zu durfen."
Measurement techniques form the basis of scientific, engineering,
and industrial innovations. The methods and instruments of
measurement for different fields are constantly improving, and it's
necessary to address not only their significance but also the
challenges and issues associated with them. Strategic Applications
of Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation is a collection of
innovative research on the methods and applications of measurement
techniques in medical and scientific discoveries, as well as modern
industrial applications. The book is divided into two sections with
the first focusing on the significance of measurement strategies in
physics and biomedical applications and the second examining
measurement strategies in industrial applications. Highlighting a
range of topics including material assessment, measurement
strategies, and nanoscale materials, this book is ideally designed
for engineers, academicians, researchers, scientists, software
developers, graduate students, and industry professionals.
Atomic Physics provides a concise treatment of atomic physics and a
basis to prepare for work in other disciplines that are underpinned
by atomic physics such as chemistry, biology and several aspects of
engineering science. The focus is mainly on atomic structure since
this is what is primarily responsible for the physical properties
of atoms. After a brief introduction to some basic concepts, the
perturbation theory approach follows the hierarchy of interactions
starting with the largest. The other interactions of spin, and
angular momentum of the outermost electrons with each other, the
nucleus and external magnetic fields are treated in order of
descending strength. A spectroscopic perspective is generally taken
by relating the observations of atomic radiation emitted or
absorbed to the internal energy levels involved. X-ray spectra are
then discussed in relation to the energy levels of the innermost
electrons. Finally, a brief description is given of some modern,
laser based, spectroscopic methods for the high resolution study of
the nest details of atomic structure.
Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, published in 1915,
made a remarkable prediction: gravitational radiation. Just like
light (electromagnetic radiation), gravity could travel through
space as a wave and affect any objects it encounters by alternately
compressing and expanding them. However, there was a problem. The
force of gravity is around a trillion, trillion, trillion times
weaker than electromagnetism so the calculated compressions and
expansions were incredibly small, even for gravity waves resulting
from a catastrophic astrophysical event such as a supernova
explosion in our own galaxy. Discouraged by this result, physicists
and astronomers didn't even try to detect these tiny, tiny effects
for over 50 years. Then, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, two
events occurred which started the hunt for gravity waves in
earnest. The first was a report of direct detection of gravity
waves thousands of times stronger than even the most optimistic
calculation. Though ultimately proved wrong, this result started
scientists thinking about what instrumentation might be necessary
to detect these waves. The second was an actual, though indirect,
detection of gravitational radiation due to the effects it had on
the period of rotation of two 'neutron stars' orbiting each other.
In this case, the observations were in exact accord with
predictions from Einstein's theory, which confirmed that a direct
search might ultimately be successful. Nevertheless, it took
another 40 years of development of successively more sensitive
detectors before the first real direct effects were observed in
2015, 100 years after gravitational waves were first predicted.
This is the story of that hunt, and the insight it is producing
into an array of topics in modern science, from the creation of the
chemical elements to insights into the properties of gravity
For most of the history of scientific endeavour, science has been
recorded on paper. In this digital era, however, there is
increasing pressure to abandon paper in favour of digital tools.
Despite the benefits, there are barriers to the adoption of such
tools, not least their usability. As the relentless development of
technology changes the way we work, we need to ensure that the
design of technology not only overcomes these barriers, but
facilitates us as scientists and supports better practice within
science. This book examines the importance of record-keeping in
science, current record-keeping practices, and the role of
technology for enabling the effective capture, reuse, sharing, and
preservation of scientific data. Covering the essential areas of
electronic laboratory notebooks (ELNs) and digital tools for
recording scientific data, including an overview of the current
data management technology available and the benefits and pitfalls
of using these technologies, this book is a useful tool for those
interested in implementing digital data solutions within their
research groups or departments. This book also provides insight
into important factors to consider in the design of digital tools
such as ELNs for those interested in producing their own tools.
Finally, it looks at the role of current technology and then
considers how that technology might develop in the future to better
support scientists in their work, and in capturing and sharing the
scientific record.
Two of the most powerful tools used to study magnetic materials are
inelastic neutron scattering and THz spectroscopy. Because the
measured spectra provide a dynamical fingerprint of a magnetic
material, those tools enable scientists to unravel the structure of
complex magnetic states and to determine the microcscopic
interactions that produce them. This book discusses the
experimental techniques of inleastic neutron scattering and THz
spectroscopy and provides the theoretical tools required to analyze
their measurements using spin-wave theory. For most materials, this
analysis can resolve the microscopic magnetic interactions such as
exchange, anisotropy, and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions.
Assuming a background in elementary statistical mechanics and a
familiarity with the quantized harmonic oscillator, this book
presents a comprehensive review of spin-wave theory and its
applications to both inelastic neutron scattering and THz
spectroscopy. Spin-wave theory is used to study several model
magnetic systems, including non-collinear magnets such as spirals
and cycloids that are produced by geometric frustration, competing
exchange interactions, or Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions.
Several case studies utilizing spin-wave theory to analyze
inelastic neutron-scattering and THz spectroscopy measurements are
presented. These include both single crystals and powders and both
oxides and molecule-based magnets. In addition to sketching the
numerical techniques used to fit dynamical spectra based on
microscopic models, this book also contains over 70 exercises that
can be performed by beginning graduate students.
Metrological data is known to be blurred by the imperfections of
the measuring process. In retrospect, for about two centuries
regular or constant errors were no focal point of experimental
activities, only irregular or random error were. Today's notation
of unknown systematic errors is in line with this. Confusingly
enough, the worldwide practiced approach to belatedly admit those
unknown systematic errors amounts to consider them as being random,
too. This book discusses a new error concept dispensing with the
common practice to randomize unknown systematic errors. Instead,
unknown systematic errors will be treated as what they physically
are- namely as constants being unknown with respect to magnitude
and sign. The ideas considered in this book issue a proceeding
steadily localizing the true values of the measurands and
consequently traceability.