Books > Health, Home & Family > Mind, body & spirit > Unexplained phenomena / the paranormal
In the heart of the picturesque Smoky Mountains, Asheville is a
city steeped in local legends and hauntings. Resident ghost and
folklore expert Ken Traylor uses his broad knowledge of Asheville's
specters to give life to a variety of spirits who haunt the city
and surrounding hills and valleys.
Come nose around in the creepier corners of the Grand Rapids of
yesteryear. Discover why Hell's Bridge persists as such an oft-told
urban legend and what horrific history earned Heritage Hill the
title of Michigan's most haunted neighborhood. Mingle with the
spooky inhabitants of the Phillips Mansion, Holmdene Manor, San
Chez Restaurant and St. Cecilia Music Center. Meet the guests who
never quite checked out of the Amway Grand. Read the true stories
behind the Michigan Bell Building and the Ada Witch Legend. Nicole
Bray, Robert Du Shane and Julie Rathsack illuminate the shadows of
local sites you thought you knew.
In 2002, Grace J. Scott began to receive messages from those beyond
the grave. Grace felt it her duty to record their voices, their
thoughts, and even their warnings. Awakening of the Soul is the
amazing result. This intriguing collection of channeled thoughts
from souls in heaven, other planetary systems, and other universes
will benefit those seeking spiritual growth as well as those
wanting information about preparing for upcoming Earth changes.
Much of the material is packed with information and requires time
to read and digest while other material is simple and easily
understood. Presented in chronological order as received in
reflexology sessions, the conversations are completely original,
unedited, and unorganized, straight from the spirit itself. Some
spirits channeled big lessons for the general public or gave
messages to individuals while some explained disasters, politics,
wars, dreams, and events in our daily lives. But all of the souls
have one thing in common: they bring news that Earth is cleansing
itself at a rapid pace, and they are here to assist us through the
cleansing and beyond. Epic in scope, Awakening of the Soul is a
vital tool for those looking to the future and to the fate of Earth
"Echoes of a Haunting Revisited" is a re-issue and adds some
material not in the original book. It tells the story of a family
under siege. From the time the Dandy family moved to their "home in
the country" in 1970 until they fled it in 1974, they were plagued
but unexplainable and terrifying events. When they tell you ghosts
can't harm you, take it with a grain of salt. Perhaps they can't
affect you directly but they can sure cause incidents that can
kill. The book is told in semi-diary form to keep it in (hopefully)
order. If you don't believe in the paranormal, you'd better not
read this book. If you want to learn something, by all means read
it and learn.
As one of America's most haunted cities, Wilmington and its many
ghosts make the Cape Fear region of North Carolina truly worthy of
its name. With wit and style, ghostlore expert John Hirchak leads
readers on a journey down Wilmington's back alleys and docksides,
urging them to listen to the lingering whispers of generations long
Isaiah 61 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the
Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent
me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the
captive and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim
the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in
Zion-to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil
of gladness Instead of mourning and a garment of praise Instead of
a spirit of despair. They will be called the oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. They will
rebuild an ancient ruin and restore the places long devastated they
will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for
generations. Aliens will Shepard your flocks; foreigners will work
your field and vineyards. And you will be called priests of the
Lord, you will be named ministers of our God you will feed on the
wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast.
The church is the Spiritual Hospital for sin, sick souls. Everyone
in the hospital is sick. Some are in intensive care, some in
critical care, some in ambulatory surgery, and some in out patient
care, but we all are sick. God has provided for each of us through
His word, a supernatural prescription for every situation in our
lives. This book will share with you some of God's Supernatural
The debate about UFO's has raged for as long as people have stared
into the heavens. Yet to this day the scientific establishment has
steadfastly refused to engage in systematic study of what they are.
This book examines why.
Randles and Warrington establish by detailed case histories of many
UFO sightings that unexplained phenomena certainly exist. Picking
their way expertly through the maze of misinformation and fantasy,
they examine the possible explanations, rejecting the 'standard'
view- that UFO's are alien spaceships- in favour of more
scientifically based and testable ideas. They suggest ways in which
scientific standard should be applied and consider the fruits that
such enquiries might yield- and the potential consequences for
mankind of explaining the hitherto inexplicable.
Because Door County received its name from "Death's Door," the
perilous strait with more freshwater shipwrecks than anywhere else
in the world, it should be no surprise that the idyllic county has
plenty of ghostly history. In the company of storyteller Gayle
Soucek, meet lighthouse keepers whose sense of duty extends beyond
the grave. Catch a glimpse of the phantom ship Le Griffon, never
seen for more than a moment since it sailed through a crack in the
ice in 1679. And it is not just the waters of Door County that
carry the freight of haunted tales--Country Road T has its share of
spooks, bizarre beasts have caused disturbances in the woods and
there are whispered rumors that infamous gangster Al Capone added
to the county's stock of ghosts through a handful of brutal
murders, including an ex-girlfriend and two unacknowledged
This is a story of tragedy, love, heartbreak, hope, humor,
forgiveness, and the pure power of human compassion. An old man has
been living on his own for many years. Although not considered a
recluse or hermit, he does spend much time alone. He is
guilt-ridden and has many regrets which he thinks about in his
isolation. Mainly, it's the guilt of leaving his children on that
day, those many years past. His guilt haunts him in the form of
dreams and nightmares. The old man is a father whose heart aches
with the love for his children, yet he finds it difficult to locate
the level ground on which to have a relationship, as well as a
level piece of ground to deal with the choices that he has made in
his life. A bird of faith, not believed to exist, befriends him and
stands by him, even to protect him from a near-death tragedy, and
has the ability to locate him, no matter where he is. Although once
a solid blackbird, it slowly changes to white as the man sheds his
guilt. He develops a passion to make sketches of the bird, and this
becomes a source that creates the problem. Due to certain
circumstances, he ends up in a hospital mental ward. A continuous
barrage of technicalities and other circumstances make it difficult
for him to attain his freedom. He captures the love of a
middle-aged, not-so pretty, recovering drug addict who along with
her illiteracy had a speech impediment. A dedicated doctor finds he
is not too old to learn a lesson about life from his patient. And
two compassionate ward nurses befriend him and help him make
life-changing decisions. His impact on them is no less
life-changing. Hopefully, the man who dared to dream will capture
your heart, as well.
This book is nonfiction a real person that cried out to GOD in a
period when things was really going bad in my life and the only
person that could have understand the real pain I was going
through.I write this book so that my readers can know that even
though we might have problems in our live and we sometimes cannot
find help or get the answers from any one GOD is the answer.I cried
to HIM instead of complaining to others because HE has all the
answers, but the only way I could speak to HIM is throug the word
of GOD, praises and prayer when my heart is full and I do not know
what to do.
With over a billion followers spread across the world, Islam today
stands as the second largest and the fastest growing religion of
our time. I wonder how many of these over one billion followers
know that their religious scriptures mention spacecrafts that
visited the deserts of Arabia during Prophet Muhammad's time. To
most Muslims, it will come as a great surprise that the pagan
Arabs, who opposed the Prophet, worshipped alien visitors from
outer space! These alien visitors (or sky-gods as they were
understood by pagan Arabs) are mentioned repeatedly in the Quran
and the Hadeeth. Yet, in spite of their emphasized mention, the
Muslim world has not been able to gather any concrete proof of
their existence. In the absence of concrete scientific proof, these
alien space travelers occupy Muslim conscience as spiritual beings.
Concrete proof of the existence of UFOs has been gathered elsewhere
in another part of the world. In the West, thousands of books have
been written on the subject of UFOs but the real reasons for their
visits to our world have still remained a mystery. Furthermore, UFO
researchers today understand that governments of certain Western
countries are concealing important information on UFOs, but the
reasons for this global censorship have not been understood. It
took courage to write this book and it will take courage to read
it. Yet, one thing is for sure, UFOs in the Quran will blow your
mind. At times it will amaze you, at times it will frighten you but
for most part, it will just take the ground from under your feet.
Abdul Aziz Khan is a television journalist whose news reports and
documentaries have gone on air in many countries around the world.
He is a former Field Investigator with MUFON, the worlds largest
organization doing investigations into unexplained aerial