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We describe people who are “consumed” or “devoured” by ambition as if by a predator or an out-of-control inferno. Thinkers since deepest antiquity have raised these questions, approaching the subject of ambition with ambivalence and often trepidation—as when the ancient Greek poet Hesiod proposed a differentiation between the good and the bad goddess Eris. Indeed, ambition as a longing for immortal fame seems to be one of the unique hallmarks of the human species. While philosophy has touched only occasionally on the problem of burning ambition, sociology, psychoanalysis, and world literature have provided rich and more revealing descriptions and examples of its shaping role in human history. Drawing on a long and varied tradition of writing on this topic, ranging from the works of Homer through Shakespeare, Freud, and Kafka and from the history of ancient Greece and Rome to the Italian Renaissance and up to the present day (to modernity and the current neoliberal era), Eckart Goebel explores our driving passion for recognition — that insatiable hunter in the mirror — and power.
This "must have" reference work for semiconductor professionals and researchers provides a basic understanding of how the most commonly used tools and techniques in silicon-based semiconductors are applied to understanding the root cause of electrical failures in integrated circuits.
Drawing on more than 22 years' research, this book presents an exhaustive chronology of the Great Sioux Campaign in three parts: the U.S. Seventh Cavalry's communications, decisions and movements October 15, 1875-June 21, 1876, are traced day-by-day; the three-day prelude to the Battle of Little Bighorn hour-by-hour; and the battle itself minute-by-minute. The separate actions of the several military commands and the Indians involved are narrated in coherent sequence. Archival intelligence summaries offer the reader fresh perspective on the events leading to the decisive Indian victory known as Custer's Last Stand.
Major Marcus Reno's actions at the Battle of Little Big Horn have been both criticized and lauded, often without in-depth analysis. This book takes a fresh look at the battle and events leading up to it, offering answers to unanswered questions. The author examines the meanings of "orders" given in Custer's command and how they were treated, the tactics and fighting in the valley, Reno's alcoholism, and his last stand on the hilltop named for him.
TItis book is the joint project of a philosopher, Lehrer, and a mathematician, Wagner. The book is, therefore, divided into a first part written by Lehrer, which is primarily philosophical, and a second part written by Wagner that is primarily formal. The authors were, however, influenced by each other throughout. Our book articulates a theory of rational consensus in science and society. The theory is applied to politics, ethics, science, and language. We begin our exposition with an elementary mathematical model of consensus developed by Lehrer in a series of articles [1976a, 1976b, 1977, 1978]. Chapter 3 contains material from [1978]. Lehrer formulated the elementary model when he was a Fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Be havioral Sciences, Stanford, in 1973 with the invaluable mathematical assist of Kit Fine, Gerald Kramer and Lionel McKenzie. In the summer of ance 1977, Lehrer and Wagner met at the Center in a Summer Seminar on Freedom and Causality supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Wagner read the manuscript of Lehrer [1978] and subsequently solved some mathematical problems of the elementary model. After discussions of philosophical prob lems associated with that model, Wagner developed the foundations for the extended model. These results were reported in Wagner [1978, 1981a].
Sociology and Catholic Social Teaching: Contemporary Theory and Research contains essays by key scholars in the territory where Catholic social thought and secular sociology meet, and offers a much needed alternative to the relativism and individualism that so often characterize social scientific analysis today. Contributors to this volume argue that Catholic social teaching, as articulated so powerfully today in recent papal encyclicals and major summations such as the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, offers a powerful moral framework for addressing today s pressing social problems. This is especially true since many of its tenets find solid support in social scientific research on the nature of the person and the workings of culture and social institutions. Sponsored by the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, and including work by sociologists from both the Society and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, this volume is offered in the spirit of Pope John Paul II s exhortation to draw from contemporary social science whatever can help the Church better understand contemporary social issues and trends and thus better serve humanity. Specific articles address such topics as the Church as a virtual nation in the international arena; changing cultural norms regarding deviance; the historical and contemporary relationship between Catholicism and mainstream academic sociology; empirical support for a natural law perspective on family relations; the social psychology of happiness and moral behavior among emerging adults; the sociology of knowledge from a distinctively Catholic perspective; and how the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity can be used to analyze and evaluate the functioning of institutions like the family, education and the state. Each author also offers some autobiographical reflections on how they relate sociology and their life of Faith. This anthology will interest scholars in both sociology and Catholic social thought, as well as advanced undergraduate and graduate students in these areas."
As the worldwide prayer movement continues to flourish, never before have so many Christians from so many faith traditions joined together to intercede for so long--in their homes, in their churches, in their communities. As the prayer movement continues to explode, leaders emerge to give guidance to the growing number of intercessors . . . and Alice Smith is at their forefront, leading the leaders who have lifted the banner of passionate, effective intercessory prayer for this generation and the next. In Beyond the Veil, Smith proclaims God's call for His people to pray and shares what she has learned on her own journey toward deeper intimacy with God through prayer. Whether readers are new to intercession or are veteran prayer warriors, they will discover sound, biblical methods for binding the enemy and loosing the Holy Spirit in their families, churches, and nations. Each chapter includes questions and prayer exercises, with a corresponding devotional to bring the principles of intercession to life, making Beyond the Veil the essential guidebook for the prayer revival that is sweeping the globe.
Foundational Teaching from Bestselling Author John Eckhardt We are currently experiencing the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit the world has ever known. God is raising up a new generation of people willing to move in kingdom authority--and you can be part of it! Join bestselling author John Eckhardt, world-renowned apostle and teacher, as he clarifies the gift and functions of apostolic ministry. Observing the roots of our biblical heritage, Eckhardt explores the function of an apostle--both the office and also the gifting every believer carries. With keen insight he reveals how the apostolic dimension affects all aspects of the local church and how apostolic leadership points the way toward fulfillment of the Great Commission. Now is the time to respond to the call. Receive your apostolic commissioning and watch for breakthrough in the hearts around you.
The Battle of the Little Big Horn was the decisive engagement of the Great Sioux War of 1876-1877. In its second edition this biographical dictionary of all known participants-the 7th Cavalry, civilians and Indians--provides a brief description of the battle, as well as information on the various tribes, their customs and methods of fighting. Seven appendices cover the units soldiers were assigned to, uniforms and equipment of the cavalry, controversial listings of scouts and the number of Indians in the encampments, the location of camps on the way to the Big Horn and more. Updated biographies are provided for many European soldiers, along with an additional 5,060 names of Indians who were or could have been in the battle.
This "must have" reference work for semiconductor professionals and researchers provides a basic understanding of how the most commonly used tools and techniques in silicon-based semiconductors are applied to understanding the root cause of electrical failures in integrated circuits.
TItis book is the joint project of a philosopher, Lehrer, and a mathematician, Wagner. The book is, therefore, divided into a first part written by Lehrer, which is primarily philosophical, and a second part written by Wagner that is primarily formal. The authors were, however, influenced by each other throughout. Our book articulates a theory of rational consensus in science and society. The theory is applied to politics, ethics, science, and language. We begin our exposition with an elementary mathematical model of consensus developed by Lehrer in a series of articles [1976a, 1976b, 1977, 1978]. Chapter 3 contains material from [1978]. Lehrer formulated the elementary model when he was a Fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Be havioral Sciences, Stanford, in 1973 with the invaluable mathematical assist of Kit Fine, Gerald Kramer and Lionel McKenzie. In the summer of ance 1977, Lehrer and Wagner met at the Center in a Summer Seminar on Freedom and Causality supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Wagner read the manuscript of Lehrer [1978] and subsequently solved some mathematical problems of the elementary model. After discussions of philosophical prob lems associated with that model, Wagner developed the foundations for the extended model. These results were reported in Wagner [1978, 1981a].
This volume deals in an exemplary manner with the involvement of private German enterprises in the National Socialist policy of extermination. It focuses primarily on the activities of the company "IG Farben" in the neighbourhood of Auschwitz and on the concentration camp Monowitz, built in co-operation with the SS. It investigates not only the motives of the "IG Farben" managers and the alternatives open to them, but also the 'everyday life' of prisoners used forced labour -- more than 25,000 of whom died.
This volume documents the internal orders given by SS camp commanders to the guards of Auschwitz. Issued as hectographs, very few orders survived, scattered through German, Polish and Russian archives and have been largely disregarded by researchers until now. However, the sheer abundance of detail they offer renders them both an impressive witness to 'every day life' of the SS at the very scene of mass extermination and a significant source for the history of the Holocaust.
Inheritance means taking hold of the portion God has planned for you. Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10), demonstrating God's longing for His people to prosper, to accomplish all He has planned for them. He wants to take them from a place of judgment, desolation, and fruitlessness to a place of restoration, hope, and abundant life. In this revised and updated edition of Possessing Your Inheritance, prophetic intercessor Chuck Pierce, with coauthor Rebecca Wagner Sytsema, shows readers how to embrace what God has destined for them, for their children, and their children's children.
This volume contains contributions on selected aspects of camp policy in the 'Third Reich'. Aided by the opening of Eastern European archives, new questions and research perspectives have been presented, ranging from the structure of the 'society of prisoners' and the conditions of the policy of systematic extermination in the occupied East to the awareness of these crimes within the German society.
La innovadora serie "Guerrero en oracion" culmina con el mas personal discernimiento de lo que es la dinamica de la oracion y la guerra espiritual. Con mas de un cuarto de millon de libros en circulacion, la siere Guerrero en oracion del Dr. Wagner ha bosquejado los comos y los porques de la oracion. En "Oremos con poder," aborda varias cuestiones fundamentales de hablar con Dios.
Usted puede llevar luz a las partes mas lobregas de su comunidad destruyendo las fortalezas del enemigo en la oracion. Si halla la informacion que necesita, podra orar mas concentrada y efectivamente. "La destruccion de fortalezas en su ciudad" ensena como identificar el territorio enemigo, y ofrece consejos practicos en cuanto a como orar contra esas fuerzas de las tinieblas. Ya sea que usted se sienta llamado al frente en la guerra espiritual o a respaldar la lucha en oracion detras del telon, descubra como enfocar sus oraciones para que Dios sea glorificado en su vecindad.
En Escudo de oracion, Peter Wagner inaugura una nueva era en el campo de la intercesion. Mientras leia este libro, me maravillaba de la poca atencion que le hemos prestado a este importante asunto. Es obvio que quienes llevan la principal carga del ministerio necesitan apoyo espiritual Pero, quien se lo proporcionara?
En "Oracion de guerra" descubriras que utlilizar la oracion como un arma significa alcanzar con mayor efectividad a los perdidos. Aprenderas lo que se requiere para salir, como un guerrero informado y preparado, a combatir contra las obras del demonio.
En esta obra, Como enfrentarnos a la Reina del Cielo, C. Peter Wagner y Hector Torres se unen para desenmascarar a esta deidad, y mostrarnos quien es, que esta haciendo para ganar adeptos y como podemos nosotros contrarrestar su nefasta influencia.
Landmark Text Now Revised and Updated for a New Generation Practical, personal, biblical, and motivational, this bestselling book has been a go-to, definitive guide to intercessory prayer for years. Fully revised and updated, with an in-depth study guide, the fourth edition of this classic text offers new and vital insights on prayer and spiritual warfare. With compassion, strategic thinking, encouragement, and time-tested advice, international prayer leader Cindy Jacobs equips you to be an effective prayer warrior, covering essential topics and answering questions such as: - What is the purpose of intercession? - How do you know someone needs your prayers? - How do you pray? - Do your prayers really battle the enemy and thwart his plans? - What are the "gates" of the enemy? - And more! Whether you are a beginner or an expert intercessor, this training manual has everything you need to pray effectively--and possess the gates of the enemy.
We describe people who are “consumed” or “devoured” by ambition as if by a predator or an out-of-control inferno. Thinkers since deepest antiquity have raised these questions, approaching the subject of ambition with ambivalence and often trepidation—as when the ancient Greek poet Hesiod proposed a differentiation between the good and the bad goddess Eris. Indeed, ambition as a longing for immortal fame seems to be one of the unique hallmarks of the human species. While philosophy has touched only occasionally on the problem of burning ambition, sociology, psychoanalysis, and world literature have provided rich and more revealing descriptions and examples of its shaping role in human history. Drawing on a long and varied tradition of writing on this topic, ranging from the works of Homer through Shakespeare, Freud, and Kafka and from the history of ancient Greece and Rome to the Italian Renaissance and up to the present day (to modernity and the current neoliberal era), Eckart Goebel explores our driving passion for recognition — that insatiable hunter in the mirror — and power. |
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