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Max and his friend Lily go to the zoo and enjoy the antics of the
elephants, monkeys, giraffes, along with many others.
News of a merger or acquisition is a big event in the life of a
company, which stirs uncertainty, anxiety and fear. The changes,
redundancies and so on, that often follow this news, are a further
source of turmoil for the employees of both companies involved.
There is no magic formula to avoid these effects completely.
However, good planning, communication and human resource practice
can mitigate the worst of them; keep everyone that matters on
board; and ensure that the new organization maintains your
reputation for sensitive people management. Get it wrong, on the
other hand, and you may lose the very people you were most anxious
to keep; put the success of the process at risk and even face
employment tribunals or other legal proceedings. In addition,
imagine how these processes are complicated by any transnational
elements. James F. Klein and Robert-Charles Kahn provide a
practical, hands-on guide to successfully integrating HR functions
following any merger or acquisition within Europe. The book guides
you step by step, providing the methodology, tools, sequence of
events and necessary material. It includes comparative tables, tips
and stories illustrating the differences, specific issues and
pitfalls that are particular to the different European countries.
20 years of human resources experience across companies in
continental Europe has gone into creating this blueprint to
successfully implementing the people side of successful mergers and
News of a merger or acquisition is a big event in the life of a
company, which stirs uncertainty, anxiety and fear. The changes,
redundancies and so on, that often follow this news, are a further
source of turmoil for the employees of both companies involved.
There is no magic formula to avoid these effects completely.
However, good planning, communication and human resource practice
can mitigate the worst of them; keep everyone that matters on
board; and ensure that the new organization maintains your
reputation for sensitive people management. Get it wrong, on the
other hand, and you may lose the very people you were most anxious
to keep; put the success of the process at risk and even face
employment tribunals or other legal proceedings. In addition,
imagine how these processes are complicated by any transnational
elements. James F. Klein and Robert-Charles Kahn provide a
practical, hands-on guide to successfully integrating HR functions
following any merger or acquisition within Europe. The book guides
you step by step, providing the methodology, tools, sequence of
events and necessary material. It includes comparative tables, tips
and stories illustrating the differences, specific issues and
pitfalls that are particular to the different European countries.
20 years of human resources experience across companies in
continental Europe has gone into creating this blueprint to
successfully implementing the people side of successful mergers and
Big Train (Paperback)
Adria F. Klein; Illustrated by Craig Cameron
Discovery Miles 1 670
Save R29 (15%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Data Feminism (Paperback)
Catherine D'Ignazio, Lauren F Klein
Discovery Miles 5 480
Save R154 (22%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
A groundbreaking synthesis of food studies, archival theory, and
early American literature There is no eating in the archive. This
is not only a practical admonition to any would-be researcher but
also a methodological challenge, in that there is no eating-or, at
least, no food-preserved among the printed records of the early
United States. Synthesizing a range of textual artifacts with
accounts (both real and imagined) of foods harvested, dishes
prepared, and meals consumed, An Archive of Taste reveals how a
focus on eating allows us to rethink the nature and significance of
aesthetics in early America, as well as of its archive. Lauren F.
Klein considers eating and early American aesthetics together,
reframing the philosophical work of food and its meaning for the
people who prepare, serve, and consume it. She tells the story of
how eating emerged as an aesthetic activity over the course of the
eighteenth century and how it subsequently transformed into a means
of expressing both allegiance and resistance to the dominant
Enlightenment worldview. Klein offers richly layered accounts of
the enslaved men and women who cooked the meals of the nation's
founders and, in doing so, directly affected the development of our
national culture-from Thomas Jefferson's emancipation agreement
with his enslaved chef to Malinda Russell's Domestic Cookbook, the
first African American-authored culinary text. The first book to
examine the gustatory origins of aesthetic taste in early American
literature, An Archive of Taste shows how thinking about eating can
help to tell new stories about the range of people who worked to
establish a cultural foundation for the United States.
Max, who loves to read, discovers all the services available to him
during a visit to the library.
A cutting-edge view of the digital humanities at a time of global
pandemic, catastrophe, and uncertainty Where do the digital
humanities stand in 2023? Debates in the Digital Humanities 2023
presents a state-of-the-field vision of digital humanities amid
rising social, political, economic, and environmental crises; a
global pandemic; and the deepening of austerity regimes in U.S.
higher education. Providing a look not just at where DH stands but
also where it is going, this fourth volume in the Debates in the
Digital Humanities series features both established scholars and
emerging voices pushing the fieldâs boundaries, asking thorny
questions, and providing space for practitioners to bring to the
fore their research and their hopes for future directions in the
field. Carrying forward the themes of political and social
engagement present in the series throughout, it includes crucial
contributions to the fieldâfrom a vital forum centered on the
voices of Black women scholars, manifestos from feminist and Latinx
perspectives on data and DH, and a consideration of Indigenous data
and artificial intelligence, to essays that range across topics
such as the relation of DH to critical race theory, capital, and
accessibility. Contributors: Harmony Bench, Ohio State U; Christina
Boyles, Michigan State U; Megan R. Brett, George Mason U; Michelle
Lee Brown, Washington State U; Patrick J. Burns, New York U; Kent
K. Chang, U of California, Berkeley; Rico Devara Chapman, Clark
Atlanta U; Marika Cifor, U of Washington; MarĂa Eugenia Cotera, U
of Texas; T. L. Cowan, U of Toronto; Marlene L. Daut, U of
Virginia; Quinn Dombrowski, Stanford U; Kate Elswit, U of London;
Nishani Frazier, U of Kansas; Kim Gallon, Brown U; Patricia Garcia,
U of Michigan; Lorena Gauthereau, U of Houston; Masoud
Ghorbaninejad, University of Victoria; Abraham Gibson, U of Texas
at San Antonio; Nathan P. Gibson, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität,
Munich; Kaiama L. Glover, Barnard College; Hilary N. Green,
Davidson College; Jo Guldi, Southern Methodist U; Matthew N.
Hannah, Purdue U Libraries; Jeanelle Horcasitas, DigitalOcean;
Christy Hyman, Mississippi State U; Arun Jacob, U of Toronto;
Jessica Marie Johnson, Johns Hopkins U and Harvard U; Martha S.
Jones, Johns Hopkins U; Annette K. Joseph-Gabriel, Duke U; Mills
Kelly, George Mason U; Spencer D. C. Keralis, Digital Frontiers;
Zoe LeBlanc, U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jason Edward Lewis,
Concordia U; James Malazita, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;
Alison Martin, Dartmouth College; Linda GarcĂa Merchant, U of
Houston Libraries; Rafia Mirza, Southern Methodist U; Mame-Fatou
Niang, Carnegie Mellon U; Jessica Marie Otis, George Mason U;
Marisa Parham, U of Maryland; Andrew Boyles Petersen, Michigan
State U Libraries; Emily Pugh, Getty Research Institute; Olivia
Quintanilla, UC Santa Barbara; Jasmine Rault, U of Toronto
Scarborough; Anastasia Salter, U of Central Florida; Maura Seale, U
of Michigan; Celeste TĆ°áťng Vy Sharpe, Normandale Community
College; Astrid J. Smith, Stanford U Libraries; Maboula Soumahoro,
U of Tours; Mel Stanfill, U of Central Florida; Tonia Sutherland, U
of HawaiĘťi at MÄnoa; Gabriela Baeza Ventura, U of Houston;
Carolina Villarroel, U of Houston; Melanie Walsh, U of Washington;
HÄmi Whaanga, U of Waikato; Bridget Whearty, Binghamton U; Jeri
Wieringa, U of Alabama; David Joseph Wrisley, NYU Abu Dhabi. Cover
alt text: A text-based cover with the main title repeating
right-side up and upside down. The leftmost iteration appears in
black ink; all others are white.
The latest installment of a digital humanities bellwether
Contending with recent developments like the shocking 2016 U.S.
Presidential election, the radical transformation of the social
web, and passionate debates about the future of data in higher
education, Debates in the Digital Humanities 2019 brings together a
broad array of important, thought-provoking perspectives on the
field's many sides. With a wide range of subjects including
gender-based assumptions made by algorithms, the place of the
digital humanities within art history, data-based methods for
exhuming forgotten histories, video games, three-dimensional
printing, and decolonial work, this book assembles a who's who of
the field in more than thirty impactful essays. Contributors:
Rafael Alvarado, U of Virginia; Taylor Arnold, U of Richmond; James
Baker, U of Sussex; Kathi Inman Berens, Portland State U; David M.
Berry, U of Sussex; Claire Bishop, The Graduate Center, CUNY; James
Coltrain, U of Nebraska-Lincoln; Crunk Feminist Collective; Johanna
Drucker, U of California-Los Angeles; Jennifer Edmond, Trinity
College; Marta Effinger-Crichlow, New York City College of
Technology-CUNY; M. Beatrice Fazi, U of Sussex; Kevin L. Ferguson,
Queens College-CUNY; Curtis Fletcher, U of Southern California;
Neil Fraistat, U of Maryland; Radhika Gajjala, Bowling Green State
U; Michael Gavin, U of South Carolina; Andrew Goldstone, Rutgers U;
Andrew Gomez, U of Puget Sound; Elyse Graham, Stony Brook U; Brian
Greenspan, Carleton U; John Hunter, Bucknell U; Steven J. Jackson,
Cornell U; Collin Jennings, Miami U; Lauren Kersey, Saint Louis U;
Kari Kraus, U of Maryland; Seth Long, U of Nebraska, Kearney; Laura
Mandell, Texas A&M U; Rachel Mann, U of South Carolina; Jason
Mittell, Middlebury College; Lincoln A. Mullen, George Mason U;
Trevor Munoz, U of Maryland; Safiya Umoja Noble, U of Southern
California; Jack Norton, Normandale Community College; Bethany
Nowviskie, U of Virginia; Elika Ortega, Northeastern U; Marisa
Parham, Amherst College; Jussi Parikka, U of Southampton; Kyle
Parry, U of California, Santa Cruz; Brad Pasanek, U of Virginia;
Stephen Ramsay, U of Nebraska-Lincoln; Matt Ratto, U of Toronto;
Katie Rawson, U of Pennsylvania; Ben Roberts, U of Sussex; David S.
Roh, U of Utah; Mark Sample, Davidson College; Moacir P. de Sa
Pereira, New York U; Tim Sherratt, U of Canberra; Bobby L. Smiley,
Vanderbilt U; Lauren Tilton, U of Richmond; Ted Underwood, U of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Megan Ward, Oregon State U; Claire
Warwick, Durham U; Alban Webb, U of Sussex; Adrian S. Wisnicki, U
of Nebraska-Lincoln.
von RIEMANNS Habilitationsvortrag (aus den 1876 bei Teubner
erschienenen "Gesam- melten Mathematischen Werken" [11]), so daB
wir hier darauf verzichten konnen. Uber die philosophischen
Betrachtungen, die im Zusammenhang mit der Entwick- lung der
Theorie der Parallelen und der nicht-euklidischen Geometrie
angestellt wor- den sind, ist so viel geschrieben worden (schon
GAUSS hat Bemerkungen dazu ge- macht; siehe etwa [35, S. 27/28;
vgl. S. 33/34 dieses Bandes]), daB es unmoglich ist, im Rahmen
dieses Buches darauf einzugehen. Zwei der Hauptfragen, nlimlich wie
weit die euklidische oder die nicht-euklidische Geometrie unsere
rliumliche Situation er- fassen konnen und wie es mit der inneren
Widerspruchsfreiheit der nicht-euklidischen Geometrie steht, sind
im Laufe meines Textes [35] immer wieder behandelt worden, so daB
diese Betrachtungen hier nicht erweitert werden. Die
Vorgehensweisen von GAUSS, BOLYAI und LoBATSCHEWSKI einerseits und
KLEIN andererseits waren einander entgegengesetzt. Die ersteren
gingen rein hypothetisch vor: Sie untersuchten die Frage, wie eine
Geometrie aussehen miisse, in der das Paral- lelenaxiom nicht
gelte, setzten also voraus, daB es eine solche Geometrie gibt, und
muBten damit rechnen, daB bei nOlh weitergehenden Untersuchungen
Widerspruche auftauchen wiirden. Sie zeigten also: Es gibt im
wesentlichen hiichstens eine solche Geometrie. KLEIN dagegen gab
ein konkretes Beispiel fUr eine solche Geometrie an, indem er die
auf der projektiven MaBbestimmung beruhende Cayleysche Geometrie
als Modell fUr eine nicht-euklidische Geometrie erkannte. Da dieses
Modell auf der projektiven Geometrie beruhte, die man als
widerspruchsfrei ansieht, hatte er damit ein Modell fUr die
nicht-euklidische Geometrie angegeben.
Kaum jemals wird tin Werk eines Historikers einen so starken Reiz
tiben und so tiefe Einblicke in das Wesen der Geschichte offnen wie
Gedanken und Erinnerungen eines groBen Staatsmannes, welcher selbst
ein langes Leben hindurch an fUhrender Stelle in die Geschicke der
Welt eingegriffen hat und eine tiberlegene geistige Per-
sonlichkeit mit der Kraft ktinstlerischer schriftstellerischer
Gestaltung verbindet. Solchc Werke, schon fUr die politische
Geschichte eine kostbare Seltenheit, sind fiir die Geschichte der
exakten Wissenschaften bis- her wohl kaum geschrieben worden. Urn
so notwendiger erschien es, als Felix Klein vor Jahresfrist starb,
mit der Herausgabe seiner Vor- lesungen zur Geschichte der
Mathematik und mathematischen Physik des 19. Jahrhunderts nicht zu
zogern. Diese Vorlesungen sind die reife Frucht eines reichen
Lebens in- mitten der wissenschaftlichen Ereignisse, der Ausdruck
tiberlegener Weisheit und tiefen historischen Sinnes, einer hohen
menschlichen Kultur und einer meisterhaften Gestaltungskraft; sie
werden sicherlich auf aIle Mathematiker und Physiker und weit tiber
diesen Kreis hin- aus eine groBe Wirkung austiben. In einer Zeit,
wo der Blick der Menschen auch in der Wissenschaft allzusehr am
Gegenwartigen hangt und das Einzelne in unnatiirlicher VergroBerung
und iiber- triebener Bedeutung gegentiber dem Ganzen zu betrachten
pflegt, kann das Kleinsche Werk vielen die Augen wieder offnen fUr
die Zusammenhange und Entwicklungslinien unserer Wissenschaft im
An erster Stelle bringt dieses Doppelheft der Mater i a I i e n
einen Abschnitt aus dem in Vorbereitung befindlichen Aufsatze von
A. Ga 11 e uber die geodatischen Arbeiten von Gauss; da es sich um
einen Gegenstand handelt, der uber die Geodasie hinaus greift und
ein selbstandiges Interesse besitzt, schien es angebracht, diesen
Abschnitt .dem eigentlichen Aufsatze vorauszuschicken. Das
Zahlenrechnen greift in die ganze Tatigkeit von Gauss in der reinen
wie in der angewandten Mathematik ein, und darum war dem Verfasser
die gutige Unterstutzung der Mitarbeiter an der Herausgabe der
Werke von Gauss, sowie einiger anderer Gelehrten sehr willkommen;
er mochte auch an dieser Stelle M. Brendel, F. Klein, L. Kruger, A.
Loewy, P. Maennchen, L. Schlesinger, P. Stackel und G. Witt fur
verschiedene Bemerkungen und Hin weise seinen verbindlichen Dank
zum Ausdruck bringen. An zweiter Stelle erscheint der Aufsatz von
P. Stackel uber Gauss als Geometer, der sich den Aufsatzen von Bach
mann uber die zahlentheoretischen und von Schlesinger uber die
funktionentheoretischen Arbeiten von Gauss anreiht. Der Ver fasser
ist F. Klein und L. Schlesinger fur das grosse Interesse
verpflichtet, dass sie seiner Arbeit wahrend ihrer Entstehung ent
gegenbrachten, nicht minder auch fur eine Reihe wertvoller Be
merkungen, die sie wahrend der Korrektur beigesteuert haben. An der
Korrektur beteiligten sich ferner F. Engel, A. Galle und A."
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ Merkwurdige Rechtsspruche Der Hallischen Juristen-Facultat,
Volume 2; Merkwurdige Rechtsspruche Der Hallischen
Juristen-Facultat; Ernst F. Klein Ernst F. Klein Nicolai, 1797
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ Merkwurdige Rechtsspruche Der Hallischen Juristen-Facultat,
Volume 1; Merkwurdige Rechtsspruche Der Hallischen
Juristen-Facultat; Ernst F. Klein Ernst F. Klein Nicolai, 1796
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ System Des Preuischen Civilrechts, Volume 2; System Des
Preuischen Civilrechts; Friedrich Ludwig Von Roenne 2 Ernst F.
Klein, Friedrich Ludwig von Roenne, Ludwig von Ronne Law; General;
Law / Civil Law; Law / General
Complete Step-By-Step, Case-Illustrated Guide To Why, When And How
To Use Role Playing.