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Human Microbiome Drug Targets: Modern Approaches in Disease Management presents fundamental information on the human microbiome, looking into the relationship between the microbiome and how it changes with specific diseases. Changes in the human microbiome can provide clues to the probable cause and effect of diseases or disorders, as well as the impact of therapy or intervention. Delving into the multifaceted roles of the microbiome in health and disease, as well as how it can be turned into something useful in the management and prevention of diseases and disorders, chapters discuss the role of the human microbiome in the pathophysiologic understanding of relevant diseases or disorders and their management. Explaining how a better understanding of the microbiome and its impact on health and disease can pave the way for future discoveries leading to better health outcomes the book will be of interest to drug developers, medicinal chemists, microbiologists, infectious disease specialists, biochemists and students.
This book includes review articles in the field of elliptic integrals, elliptic functions and modular forms intending to foster the discussion between theoretical physicists working on higher loop calculations and mathematicians working in the field of modular forms and functions and analytic solutions of higher order differential and difference equations.
This book presents a printed testimony for the fact that George Andrews, one of the world's leading experts in partitions and q-series for the last several decades, has passed the milestone age of 80. To honor George Andrews on this occasion, the conference "Combinatory Analysis 2018" was organized at the Pennsylvania State University from June 21 to 24, 2018. This volume comprises the original articles from the Special Issue "Combinatory Analysis 2018 - In Honor of George Andrews' 80th Birthday" resulting from the conference and published in Annals of Combinatorics. In addition to the 37 articles of the Andrews 80 Special Issue, the book includes two new papers. These research contributions explore new grounds and present new achievements, research trends, and problems in the area. The volume is complemented by three special personal contributions: "The Worlds of George Andrews, a daughter's take" by Amy Alznauer, "My association and collaboration with George Andrews" by Krishna Alladi, and "Ramanujan, his Lost Notebook, its importance" by Bruce Berndt. Another aspect which gives this Andrews volume a truly unique character is the "Photos" collection. In addition to pictures taken at "Combinatory Analysis 2018", the editors selected a variety of photos, many of them not available elsewhere: "Andrews in Austria", "Andrews in China", "Andrews in Florida", "Andrews in Illinois", and "Andrews in India". This volume will be of interest to researchers, PhD students, and interested practitioners working in the area of Combinatory Analysis, q-Series, and related fields.
With an ever-increasing elderly population and the resultant rising levels of dementia-related disorders, preclinical research based on animal models is pivotal to our knowledge of underlying molecular mechanisms and drug discovery aiming at the development of therapeutic strategies alleviating or preventing the neurological devastation. In Animal Models of Dementia, expert researchers provide contributions that stress the importance of extensively validated animal models in drug discovery and development in order to predict clinical activity. Beginning with general aspects of animal modeling, related ethical issues, and essential methodological considerations, the highly detailed volume then continues with various levels of model validation, including pathological, behavioral, neurochemical, pharmacological, and imaging aspects, followed by sections focused on specific disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, metachromatic leukodystrophy and adrenoleukodystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, frontotemporal dementia as well as vascular dementia and more. As a volume in the renowned Neuromethods series, this book offers a detailed, yet accessible, overview of currently available animal models in the field of dementia research, and touches, as well, upon more general areas linked to the development and use of animal models. Comprehensive and efficient, Animal Models of Dementia will significantly aid both experienced animal researchers as well as investigators on the verge of beginning animal model-based dementia research.
Der deutsche Weg zum Euro war ein politisches Abenteuer voller Tücken und Machtspiele: Mehrmals stand das Projekt vor dem Scheitern. Ein Außenminister, der einen arglosen Bundesbankchef seine Bundesbank entmachten läßt. Medien, die das Thema verschlafen. Ein Ministerpräsident, der nachts vor der Wahl steht, das Ende der D-Mark abzunicken oder seine CSU zu zerlegen. Ein Zentralbankrat, der als Kronzeuge benutzt wird, die Währungsunion als morsch durchschaut und ihr dennoch den Weg bahnt. Ein französischer Präsident, der schwache Momente des Bundeskanzlers ausnutzt. Ein SPD-Chef, der den Euro als Wahlkampfthema testet und scheitert. Ein schlingernder Helmut Kohl, der mühsam in der Spur gehalten wird. Verängstigte Bürger, die machtlose Abgeordnete bestürmen. Banken, die aus der Verunsicherung ein Geschäft machen. Ein Bundestag ohne Chance, Einfluß auf die Geschichte zu nehmen. Wer wissen will, wie den Deutschen ihre geliebte D-Mark in einem 15 Jahre dauernden Verfahren zentimeterweise abgerungen wurde, wird in diesem Dokument fündig. Sollte die Europäische Währungsunion eines Tages scheitern - hier sind die Ursachen jetzt schon nachzulesen.
Despite being one of the greatest educators of the 19th century (perhaps of the modern period) and one of the greatest moral philosophers of all time, Nietzsche's educational thought and works, with some notable exceptions, have been ignored, or remain hidden and obscured. This was true of his philosophy as a whole and its recent reception, first by French poststructuralist thinkers during the 1960s and 1970s, and later by English-speaking philosophers in the 1980s. The controversy surrounding Nietzsche involves not only his style (his way of "doing" philosophy) and the radical nature of his inquiries, but also the history of Nietzscheanism, the politicization of the Nietzsche archive, and his appropriation by the Nazis. This international collection is unique in that it draws upon these recent developments in the interpretation of thought and the question of defining value in the era of postmodernity. The essays address a range of topics, including the history of the reception of Nietzsche's work, Nietzsche's early educational writings, genealogy as method, ethics and difference, democracy, Nietzsche's notion of self and its importance for education, the arts, the limits of academic life, Nietzsche's critique of liberal education, Irigaray's Nietzsche, and Nietzsche's critique of modernity and the question of nihilism.
This book presents four mathematical essays which explore the foundations of mathematics and related topics ranging from philosophy and logic to modern computer mathematics. While connected to the historical evolution of these concepts, the essays place strong emphasis on developments still to come. The book originated in a 2002 symposium celebrating the work of Bruno Buchberger, Professor of Computer Mathematics at Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Among many other accomplishments, Professor Buchberger in 1985 was the founding editor of the Journal of Symbolic Computation; the founder of the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) and its chairman from 1987-2000; the founder in 1990 of the Softwarepark Hagenberg, Austria, and since then its director. More than a decade in the making, Mathematics, Computer Science and Logic - A Never Ending Story includes essays by leading authorities, on such topics as mathematical foundations from the perspective of computer verification; a symbolic-computational philosophy and methodology for mathematics; the role of logic and algebra in software engineering; and new directions in the foundations of mathematics. These inspiring essays invite general, mathematically interested readers to share state-of-the-art ideas which advance the never ending story of mathematics, computer science and logic. Mathematics, Computer Science and Logic - A Never Ending Story is edited by Professor Peter Paule, Bruno Buchberger s successor as director of the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation. "
Environmental policy has long been determined by a dichotomy between technology and behavior. Some approaches stress the importance of technology and technological innovation, while others focus on behavioral change. Each approach has its limitations, however, since technology and behavior often appear so closely intertwined. Human behavior results not only from intentions and deliberate decisions, but from its interaction with technological artifacts. In the area of traffic safety, for instance, peoplea (TM)s driving behavior is determined as much by curves, speed bumps and the power of their motors as by considerations of safety and responsibility. How can we best describe and understand these interactions between behavior and technology? What conceptual frameworks and empirical studies are available, and how can they be integrated? And how can we bring these interactions to bear on product design and policy making? User Behavior and Technology Development explores the relationships between technology and behavior from an interdisciplinary perspective. It includes contributions from cognitive psychology, industrial design, public administration, marketing, sociology, ergonomics, science and technology studies, and philosophy. The book aims to create a conceptual basis for analyzing interactions between technology and behavior, and to provide insights that are relevant to technology design and environmental policy.
This critical resource provides foundational information and practical strategies for d/Deaf or hard of hearing (d/Dhh) multilingual learners. These learners come from backgrounds where their home languages differ from the dominant spoken or sign languages of the culture. This book is a one-stop resource for professionals, interventionists, and families, helping them to effectively support the diverse needs of d/Dhh multilingual learners by covering topics such as family engagement, assessment, literacy, multiple disabilities, transition planning, and more. The book provides vignettes of learners from 25 countries, discussion questions, and family-centered infographic briefs that synthesize each chapter. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Multilingual Learners is a groundbreaking step towards better supporting the many languages and cultures d/Dhh students experience in their lifetimes through strength-based and linguistically responsive approaches.
This book considers the question: to what extent does it make sense to qualify technical artefacts as moral entities? The authors contributions trace recent proposals and topics including instrumental and non-instrumental values of artefacts, agency and artefactual agency, values in and around technologies, and the moral significance of technology. The editors introduction explains that as agents rather than simply passive instruments, technical artefacts may actively influence their users, changing the way they perceive the world, the way they act in the world and the way they interact with each other. This volume features the work of various experts from around the world, representing a variety of positions on the topic. Contributions explore the contested discourse on agency in humans and artefacts, defend the Value Neutrality Thesis by arguing that technological artefacts do not contain, have or exhibit values, or argue that moral agency involves both human and non-human elements. The book also investigates technological fields that are subject to negative moral valuations due to the harmful effects of some of their products. It includes an analysis of some difficulties arising in Artificial Intelligence and an exploration of values in Chemistry and in Engineering. "The Moral Status of Technical Artefacts "is an advanced exploration of the various dimensions of the relations between technology and morality""
Unrivalled in its coverage of recent work and writers, The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary American Playwrights surveys and analyses the breadth, vitality and development of theatrical work to emerge from America over the last fifty years. This authoritative guide leads you through the work of 25 major contemporary American playwrights, discussing more than 140 plays in detail. Written by a team of 25 eminent international scholars, each chapter provides: * a biographical introduction to the playwright's work; * a survey and concise analysis of the writer's most important plays; * a discussion of their style, dramaturgical concerns and critical reception; * a bibliography of published plays and a select list of critical works. Among the many Tony, Obie and Pulitzer prize-winning playwrights included are Sam Shepard, Tony Kushner, Suzan-Lori Parks, August Wilson, Paula Vogel and Neil LaBute. The abundance of work analysed enables fresh, illuminating conclusions to be drawn about the development of contemporary American playwriting.
This critical resource provides foundational information and practical strategies for d/Deaf or hard of hearing (d/Dhh) multilingual learners. These learners come from backgrounds where their home languages differ from the dominant spoken or sign languages of the culture. This book is a one-stop resource for professionals, interventionists, and families, helping them to effectively support the diverse needs of d/Dhh multilingual learners by covering topics such as family engagement, assessment, literacy, multiple disabilities, transition planning, and more. The book provides vignettes of learners from 25 countries, discussion questions, and family-centered infographic briefs that synthesize each chapter. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Multilingual Learners is a groundbreaking step towards better supporting the many languages and cultures d/Dhh students experience in their lifetimes through strength-based and linguistically responsive approaches.
Postphenomenological Investigations: Essays on Human-Technology Relations provides an introduction to the school of thought called postphenomenology and showcases projects at the cutting edge of this perspective. Postphenomenology presents a unique blend of insights from the philosophical traditions of phenomenology and American pragmatism, and applies them to studies of user relations to technologies. These studies provide deep descriptions of the ways technologies transform our abilities, augment our experience, and shape the world around us. This book proceeds with a preface by Don Ihde, postphenomenology's founder, and a detailed review of the main ideas of this perspective by the editors Robert Rosenberger and Peter-Paul Verbeek. The body of this volume is composed of twelve postphenomenological essays which reflect the expansive range, detail-orientation, and interdisciplinarity of this school of thought. These essays confront a broad assortment of topics, both abstract and concrete. Abstract topics addressed include metaphysics, ethics, methodology, and analysis of the notions of selfhood, skill training, speed, and political activism. Just a few of the concrete topics studied include human-like interactive robots, ethics education, image interpretation in radiology, science fiction tropes, transportation history, wearable computing, and organ donation protocols for brain-dead bodies. The volume concludes with constructive critiques of postphenomenology by Andrew Feenberg, Diane Michelfelder, and Albert Borgmann, all figures whose work is relevant to postphenomenological projects.
George Andrews is one of the most influential figures in number theory and combinatorics. In the theory of partitions and q-hypergeometric series and in the study of Ramanujan's work, he is the unquestioned leader. To suitably honor him during his 70th birthday year, an International Conference on Combinatory Analysis was held at The Pennsylvania State University during December 5-7, 2008. Three issues of the Ramanujan Journal comprising Volume 23 were published in 2010 as the refereed proceedings of that conference. The Ramanujan Journal was proud to bring out that volume honoring one of its Founding Editors. In view of the great interest that the mathematical community has in the influential work of Andrews, it was decided to republish Volume 23 of The Ramanujan Journal in this book form, so that the refereed proceedings are more readily available for those who do not subscribe to the journal but wish to possess this volume. As a fitting tribute to George Andrews, many speakers from the conference contributed research papers to this volume which deals with a broad range of areas that signify the research interests of George Andrews. In reproducing Volume 23 of The Ramanujan Journal in this book form, we have included two papers-one by Hei-Chi Chan and Shaun Cooper, and another by Ole Warnaar-which were intended for Volume 23 of The Ramanujan Journal, but appeared in other issues. The enormous productivity of George Andrews remains unabated in spite of the passage of time. His immensely fertile mind continues to pour forth seminal ideas year after year. He has two research papers in this volume. May his eternal youthfulness and his magnificent research output continue to inspire and influence researchers in the years ahead.
Global issues such as climate change and the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis have spurred interest in thinking about the history of the modern economy that goes beyond disciplinary economic history. This book contributes to the cultural history of capitalism and its different regimes of productivity by pursuing the perspective of body history and by providing a global scope. Throughout modernity, the body served as a fundamental, albeit essentially changing, linchpin for both the organization of economic practices and for intellectual reflections on the economy. In particular, it was the pivotal interface to render notions of economic productivity intelligible. The book explores this central thesis in a range of case studies, drawing on source material from West Africa, Europe, Mexico, and the US. Framed by a theoretically informed introduction, which also provides a conceptual history of notions of productivity, and by an afterword that brings the approaches explored in this volume into dialogue with scholarship inspired by Marx and Foucault, the individual chapters tackle the concept of productivity from a wide array of angles, each illuminating the promises and problems of a cultural take on the history of economic productivity.
This volume critically and constructively discusses philosophical questions which have particular bearing on the formulation of educational aims. The book is divided into three major parts: the first deals with the nature of education, and discusses the various general aims, such as 'mental health', 'socialization' and 'creativity' which have been thought to characterize it; the second section is concerned with the nature of reason and its relationship to feeling, will and action; finally the development of different aspects of reason in an educational context is considered.
This volume critically and constructively discusses philosophical questions which have particular bearing on the formulation of educational aims. The book is divided into three major parts: the first deals with the nature of education, and discusses the various general aims, such as 'mental health', 'socialization' and 'creativity' which have been thought to characterize it; the second section is concerned with the nature of reason and its relationship to feeling, will and action; finally the development of different aspects of reason in an educational context is considered. |
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