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Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency - Contributions to the First International Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency, MOSCOSSEE'2021, February 25-26, 2021 (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2022)
Ahmed Hammami, Philippus Stephanus Heyns, Stephan Schmidt, Fakher Chaari, Mohamed Slim Abbes, …
Discovery Miles 49 720
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This book provides readers with an overview of recent theories and
methods for studying complex mechanical systems used in energy
production, such as wind turbines, but not limited to them. The
emphasis is put on strategies for increasing energy efficiency, and
on recent industrial applications. Topics cover dynamics and
vibration, vibroacoustics, engineering design, modelling and
simulation, fault diagnostics, signal processing and prognostics.
The book is based on peer-review contributions and invited talks
presented at the first International Workshop on MOdelling and
Simulation of COmplex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency,
MOSCOSSEE 2021, held online on February 25-26, 2021, and organized
by the LAboratory of Mechanics, Modelling and Production (LA2MP)
from University of Sfax, Tunisia and the Department of Mechanical
and Aeronautical engineering, Centre of Asset Integrity Management
(C-AIM) from University of Pretoria, South Africa. By offering
authoritative information on innovative methods and tools for
application in renewable energy production, it provides a valuable
resource to both academics and professionals, and a bridge to
facilitate communication between the two groups.
Sulke Vriende Is Skaars bevat die geannoteerde briefkorrespondensie tussen twee seminale figure in die Suid-Afrikaanse Westerse kunsmusiek. Dit is die eerste keer dat briefwisseling binne die Suid-Afrikaanse musiekgeskiedenisskrywing gepubliseer word en is ’n publikasie wat ’n noemenswaardige bydra tot die dissipline van Suid-Afrikaanse musiekhistoriografie, asook tot Afrikaner- en apartheidshistoriografie, sal maak.
Dit toon die belangrikheid aan van verdere navorsing oor die geďnstitusionaliseerde posisie van wit kunsmusiek in Suid-Afrika. Benewens die briewe, word belangrike foto’s, afskrifte van faksimilees, telegramme en ander vorme van korrespondensie geplaas en groot klem geplaas op die visuele voorkoms van die boek.
This book presents the design and manufacturing of microsystems as
well as necessary key technologies developed within the
Collaborative Research Center 516. The research efforts of this
collaboration are focused on active micro systems which are based
on the electromagnetic actuator principle. The travel of the
investigated actuator systems is on the order of several
millimeters. The total construction size of the actuator is on the
range of several centimeters whereas essential structures being
several micrometers. The methods and the production technologies
that are investigated on the basis of various research models
incorporate the fundamental process chains of microsystems.
Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not
used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad
quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are
images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to
keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the
original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain
imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made
available for future generations to enjoy.
Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not
used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad
quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are
images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to
keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the
original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain
imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made
available for future generations to enjoy.
The earlier part of the commentary by 'Philoponus' on Aristotle's
On the Soul is translated by William Charlton in another volume in
the series. This volume includes the latter part of the commentary
along with a translation of Stephanus' commentary on Aristotle 's
On Interpretation. It thus enables readers to assess for themselves
Charlton's view that the commentary once ascribed to Philoponus
should in fact be ascribed to Stephanus. The two treatises of
Aristotle here commented on are very different from each other. In
On Interpretation Aristotle studies the logic of opposed pairs of
statements. It is in this context that Aristotle discusses the
nature of language and the implications for determinism of opposed
predictions about a future occurrence, such as a sea-battle. And
Stephanus, like his predecessor Ammonius, brings in other
deterministic arguments not considered by Aristotle ('The Reaper'
and the argument from God's foreknowledge). In On the Soul 3.9-13,
Aristotle introduces a theory of action and motivation and sums up
the role of perception in animal life. Despite the differences in
subject matter between the two texts, Charlton is able to make a
good case for Stephanus' authorship of both commentaries. He also
sees Stephanus as preserving what was valuable from Ammonius'
earlier commentary On Interpretation, while bringing to bear the
virtue of greater concision. At the same time, Stephanus reveals
his Christian affiliations, in contrast to Ammonius, his pagan
This book presents the design and manufacturing of microsystems as
well as necessary key technologies developed within the
Collaborative Research Center 516. The research efforts of this
collaboration are focused on active micro systems which are based
on the electromagnetic actuator principle. The travel of the
investigated actuator systems is on the order of several
millimeters. The total construction size of the actuator is on the
range of several centimeters whereas essential structures being
several micrometers. The methods and the production technologies
that are investigated on the basis of various research models
incorporate the fundamental process chains of microsystems.
Science is first and foremost an intellectual activity, an activity
of thought. Therefore, how do we, as information scientists,
respond intellectually to what is happening in the world of
information and knowledge development, given the context of new
sociocultural and knowledge landscapes? Information Science as an
Interscience poses many challenges both to information science,
philosophy and to information practice, and only when information
science is understood as an interscience that operates in a
multifaceted way, will it be able to comply with these challenges.
In the fulfilment of this task it needs to be accompanied by a
philosophical approach that will take it beyond the merely critical
and linear approach to scientific work. For this reason a critical
philosophical approach is proposed that will be characterised by
multiple styles of thinking and organised by a compositional
inspiration. This initiative is carried by the conviction that
information science will hereby be enabled to make contributions to
significant knowledge inventions that may bring about a better
world. Chapters focus on the rethinking of human thinking, our
unique ability that enables us to cope with the world in which we
live, in terms of the unique science with which we are involved.
Subsequent chapters explore different approaches to the
establishment of a new scientific spirit, the demands these
developments pose for human thinking, for questions of method and
the implications for information science regarding its proposed
functioning as a nomad science in the context of information
practice and information work. Final chapters highlight the
proposed responsibility of focusing on information and
inventiveness and new styles of information and knowledge work.
Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency - Contributions to the First International Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency, MOSCOSSEE'2021, February 25-26, 2021 (Paperback, 1st ed. 2022)
Ahmed Hammami, Philippus Stephanus Heyns, Stephan Schmidt, Fakher Chaari, Mohamed Slim Abbes, …
Discovery Miles 49 410
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This book provides readers with an overview of recent theories and
methods for studying complex mechanical systems used in energy
production, such as wind turbines, but not limited to them. The
emphasis is put on strategies for increasing energy efficiency, and
on recent industrial applications. Topics cover dynamics and
vibration, vibroacoustics, engineering design, modelling and
simulation, fault diagnostics, signal processing and prognostics.
The book is based on peer-review contributions and invited talks
presented at the first International Workshop on MOdelling and
Simulation of COmplex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency,
MOSCOSSEE 2021, held online on February 25-26, 2021, and organized
by the LAboratory of Mechanics, Modelling and Production (LA2MP)
from University of Sfax, Tunisia and the Department of Mechanical
and Aeronautical engineering, Centre of Asset Integrity Management
(C-AIM) from University of Pretoria, South Africa. By offering
authoritative information on innovative methods and tools for
application in renewable energy production, it provides a valuable
resource to both academics and professionals, and a bridge to
facilitate communication between the two groups.
The book "Case Studies in Micromechatronics - From Systems to
Process" offers prominent sample applications of micromechatronic
systems and the enabling fabrication technologies. The chosen
examples represent five main fields of application: consumer
electronics (pressure sensor), mobility and navigation
(acceleration sensor), handling technology and automation (micro
gripper), laboratory diagnostics (point of care system), and
biomedical technology (smart skin). These five sample systems are
made from different materials requiring a large variety of modern
fabrication methods and design rules, which are explained in
detail. As a result, an inverted introduction "from prominent
applications to base technologies" is provided. Examples of
applications are selected to offer a broad overview of the
development environment of micromechatronic systems including
established as well as cutting-edge microfabrication technologies.
Nagmusiek is a startling addition to contemporary South African
fiction and biography. The book is both a scholarly study of the
Afrikaans composer Arnold van Wyk and a work of fiction in which
the author/biographer - who is and is not Stephanus Muller -
highjacks his own literary undertaking. It is an extraordinary
meditation on the art of biography, on South African classical
music under the apartheid regime, and on the complicated
relationship between life and fiction. Van Wyk’s musical
composition, for which this book is named, is a ‘modernist poem of
loss, of pain, of flickering memory, of dignified death’. Muller
sets out to explore Van Wyk’s work and in the process creates an
epic and genre-defying work of his own. This is an important book,
a profoundly scholarly undertaking that will be a vital
contribution to the field of Van Wyk studies in South Africa, but
at the same time a groundbreaking work of experimental fiction.
Stephanus Muller was raised in the Karoo and studied music and
musicology at the universities of Pretoria, South Africa and
Oxford. He teaches musicology at the University of Stellenbosch,
where he is also the founder and head of the Documentation Centre
for Music (DOMUS). He has published research and essays on many
South African composers and is the co-editor of A Composer in
Africa: Essays on the Life and Work of Stefans Grové (2006) and
Gender and Sexuality in South African Music (2005).
The Life of Wilfrid offers us a graphic portrait of one of the most
forceful characters in the history of the English Church: a man
courageous and energetic yet at the same time litigious,
ostentatious and overbearing, his life punctuated by restless
travels and the most violent quarrels. Of noble birth, Wilfrid
(c.634 709) gained his first experience of monastic life as a boy
at Lindisfarne. Thereafter we find him at various times, crossing
Gaul, staying in Lyons, visiting Rome, back in England at York,
Ripon or Hexham, preaching to heathens in Sussex or Frisia,
quarrelling with kings and bishops, imprisoned in Northumbria,
again in Rome seeking papal support for his claims, founding
monasteries in the Midlands and at last, in his old age, reconciled
to those with whom he had earlier quarrelled so bitterly. Partisan
but highly detailed, the Life was probably written within a decade
of the saint's death. It is a remarkable account of a powerful
personality who aroused affection and dislike in almost equal
Die Mikromechanik, die sich mit Entwurf, Herstellung und Anwendung
von dreidimen- sionalen mechanischen Strukturen und Systemen mit
Abmessungen im Mikrometerbe- reich befasst, hat in den vergangenen
Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen und steht an der Schwelle
zur breiten industriellen Anwendung. Ihr Einsatz fuhrt zu Quali-
tats-und Leistungssteigerungen in vielen Bereichen der modernen
Technik. An Stelle der konventionellen Fertigungsverfahren der
Feinwerktechnik nutzt die Mikro- mechanik den Technologievorrat der
Mikroelektronik, vor allem das Konzept der hoch- genauen
Strukturubertragung mittels lithographischer Verfahren und das
Konzept der kostengunstigen Fertigung in Batch-Prozessen. Die
Mikromechanik kann daher als konsequente Weiterentwicklung der
Mikroelektronik auf nicht-elektronische Gebiete be- trachtet
werden. Die gemeinsame technologische Basis von Mikromechanik und
Mikro- elektronik bietet gunstige Voraussetzungen fur die
Integration mechanischer, optischer und elektronischer Funktionen
zu komplexen Mikrosystemen. Die zur Zeit rasch anstei- gende Zahl
von Publikationen zu diesem Thema zeigt die grosse Bedeutung, die
dieser Entwicklung von Wissenschaft und Industrie beigemessen wird.
Mikromechanische Bauelemente koennen durchaus in mittelstandischen
Betrieben ent- wickelt und gefertigt werden. Wichtig ist jedoch,
dass diese Betriebe Ingenieure als Mitarbeiter finden, die einen
breiten UEberblick uber die Moeglichkeiten der Mikromecha- nik
besitzen. Das vorliegende Buch moechte deshalb Studierenden,
Anwendern in For- schung und Entwicklung sowie technisch
interessierten Lesern eine Einfuhrung in die technologischen
Grundlagen und die Anwendungen der Mikromechanik geben. Es ist aus
einer Vorlesung entstanden, die ich seit 1986 an der Universitat
Stuttgart fur Stu- denten der Fakultat Konstruktions-und
Fertigungstechnik halte.
Die Mikromechanik, die sich mit Entwurf, Herstellung und Anwendung
von dreidimen- sionalen mechanischen Strukturen und Systemen mit
Abmessungen im Mikrometerbe- reich befasst, hat in den vergangenen
Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen und steht an der Schwelle
zur breiten industriellen Anwendung. Ihr Einsatz fuhrt zu Quali-
tats-und Leistungssteigerungen in vielen Bereichen der modernen
Technik. An Stelle der konventionellen Fertigungsverfahren der
Feinwerktechnik nutzt die Mikro- mechanik den Technologievorrat der
Mikroelektronik, vor allem das Konzept der hoch- gen auen
Strukturubertragung mittels lithographischer Verfahren und das
Konzept der kostengunstigen Fertigung in Batch-Prozessen. Die
Mikromechanik kann daher als konsequente Weiterentwicklung der
Mikroelektronik auf nicht-elektronische Gebiete be- trachtet
werden. Die gemeinsame technologische Basis von Mikromechanik und
Mikro- elektronik bietet gunstige Voraussetzungen fur die
Integration mechanischer, optischer und elektronischer Funktionen
zu komplexen Mikrosystemen. Die zur Zeit rasch anstei- gende Zahl
von Publikationen zu diesem Thema zeigt die grosse Bedeutung, die
dieser Entwicklung von Wissenschaft und Industrie beigemessen wird.
Mikromechanische Bauelemente koennen durchaus in mittelstandischen
Betrieben ent- wickelt und gefertigt werden. Wichtig ist jedoch,
dass diese Betriebe Ingenieure als Mitarbeiter finden, die einen
breiten UEberblick uber die Moeglichkeiten der Mikromecha- nik
besitzen. Das vorliegende Buch moechte deshalb Studierenden,
Anwendern in For- schung und Entwicklung sowie technisch
interessierten Lesern eine Einfuhrung in die technologischen
Grundlagen und die Anwendungen der Mikromechanik geben. Es ist aus
einer Vorlesung entstanden, die ich seit 1986 an der Universitat
Stuttgart fur Stu- denten der Fakultat Konstruktions-und
Fertigungstechnik halte.
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