Books > Arts & Architecture > History of art / art & design styles > BC to 500 CE, Ancient & classical world
This book examines the effects of the Peloponnesian War on the arts
of Athens and the historical and artistic contexts in which this
art was produced. During this period, battle scenes dominated much
of the monumental art, while large numbers of memorials to the war
dead were erected. The temple of Athena Nike, built to celebrate
Athenian victories in the first part of the war, carries a rich
sculptural program illustrating military victories. For the first
time, the arts in Athens expressed an interest in the afterlife,
with many sculptured dedications to Demeter and Kore, who promised
initiates special privileges in the underworld. After the Sicilian
disaster, a retrospective tendency can be noted in both art and
politics, which provided reassurance in a time of crisis. This is
the first book to focus on the new themes and new kinds of art
introduced in Athens as a result of the thirty-year war.
Welche Funktionen erfullten die Koren, die Madchenstatuen aus
Marmor, im Alten Griechenland? Welche Bedeutung wurde ihnen
beigemessen? Wen stellen sie dar? Die Autorin beantwortet diese
Fragen anhand ihrer ausfuhrlichen Studien. Die uberaus qualitatvoll
gearbeiteten Madchenstatuen aus Marmor waren in den Stadten der
griechischen Welt in der Zeit vom 7. bis 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr.
weitverbreitet. Die Forschung hat sich intensiv mit diesen
eindrucksvollen Bildwerken junger Frauen befasst, die sich in
aufwendiger Tracht, reich geschmuckt und mit einem Attribut in der
Hand prasentieren. Doch ist es bis heute nicht gelungen eindeutig
zu klaren, welche Funktionen diese Statuen erfullten. Die Autorin
schlagt bei ihrer Suche nach Antworten einen anderen Weg als die
bisherige Forschung ein. Zunachst werden alle bekannten Koren mit
zum Teil erstmals publizierten Farbaufnahmen vorgestellt, ihre
Merkmale im einzelnen aufgefuhrt und in einer synoptischen
Darstellung zusammengefasst. Bestimmte Informationen werden sodann
isoliert behandelt und in einem tabellarischen System ausgewertet.
Auf der Grundlage dieses Kataloges wird der Versuch unternommen,
den ehemaligen Aufstellungsort einer jeden Kore zu rekonstruieren
und de n historischen und kulturellen Kontext zu bestimmen.
Schliesslich widmet sich die Autorin den wesentlichen Fragen nach
der Identitat und Bedeutung der Koren, dem Kreis der Auftraggeber
dieser prachtvollen Figuren und deren Stellung innerhalb der
griechischen Gesellschaft.
References to the past play a significant role on many levels in
both modern and ancient societies. What societies choose to
remember and how they do it can be seen in relation to their
social, religious, and moral world view. Ancient societies invested
heavily in remembrance, and the memory of remarkable individuals
and significant events was deliberately perpetuated through both
literature and material culture. The papers in this volume discuss
the topic of the deliberate creation of memory in relation to both
literary and material evidence from the Graeco-Roman world. They
range in time from the Greek Archaic period to Late Antiquity. A
major aim of the collection as a whole is an attempt to cast light
on the relationship between an individual's gender and social
status and the existence of opportunities for ensuring that he or
she would be remembered after death.
When Neapolitans speak of 'the museum' they are referring to the
Museo Archeologico Nazionale. Among the marvels that make it the
world's greatest collection of classical art, the Alexander mosaic
was, from the moment it was brought to the museum in 1843, the
'great mosaic.' Although it is evident that the Pompeian mosaic
reproduces a painting, since it was discovered in the House of the
Faun on 24 October 1831 the identity of the original has been the
subject of an intense debate among scholars. On being shown a
drawing of the mosaic, Goethe wrote, 'The present and the future
will not succeed in commenting correctly on this artistic marvel,
and we must always return, after having studied and explained it,
to simple, pure wonder.' Two centuries of archaeological inquiry
have not exhausted the profundity of the picture and have not given
wholly satisfactory replies to the principal questions regarding
it, namely, which episode is being represented here, whether the
painting was executed during Alexander's reign or later, and to
whom it should be attributed. A new series of photographs--
allowing the most important aspects of the scene to be shown in
vivid detail-- facilitates the expounding of a hypothesis that
until recently would have seemed improbable, but is justified by a
close examination of the literary sources and archaeological finds,
as well as by unexpected evidence in the original paintings that
have come to light in Macedonia: the attribution to Apelles, the
most famous painter of antiquity, whose revolutionary impact is
fully described in this fascinating account.
Paolo Moreno was born in Udine in 1934. A pupil of Ranuccio Bianchi
Bandinelli in Rome and of Doro Levi inAthens, he was Director of
the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Bari, where he
founded the series entitled "Studi sull'antico" (1-7, Bari,
1975-85), then he became Professor of the History of Ancient Art at
La Sapienza University, Rome. Since 1992 he has been Professor of
Greek and Roman Art at the Universita di Roma Tre.
Formerly on the editorial staff of the "Enciclopedia dell'arte
antica" at the Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, he has
contributed to the" Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae,"
numerous journals in Italy and abroad and the series: "Fonti per la
Storia dell'arte,"" Monumenti della Pittura antica scoperti in
Italia,"" Storia e civilta dei Greci,"" I grandi Musei,"" Guide
pratiche,"" Civilta del Mezzogiorno,"" Itinerari de l'Espresso,""
Saggi di Archeologia," "Grandi Libri," "Archivi di Arte antica."
He has made an important contribution to the new direction in the
history of ancient art with a continuous series of publications on
fundamental themes: the links between the Severe style and
Classicism ("I Bronzi di Riace," "Il Maestro di Olimpia e i Sette a
Tebe," Milan, 1998; "Les Bronzes de Riace," Paris, 1998; "La
bellezza classica," "Guida al piacere dell'antico," Turin, 2001);
the original paintings found in Macedonia ("Pittura greca, Da
Polignoto ad Apelle," Milan, 1987; "Pintura Griega," Madrid, 1988;
"Elementi di pittura ellenistica," Rome, 1998); the greatest Greek
bronze sculptor, Lysippus ("Testimonianze per la teoria artistica
di Lisippo," Treviso, 1973; "Lisippo," Bari, 1974; "Vita e arte di
Lisippo," Milan, 1987; "Lisippo, L'arte e la fortuna," exhibition
catalogue, Milan, 1995); the most famous Greek painter,
Apelles("Apelle, La Battaglia di Alessandro," Milan, 2000); an
analysis of a complex period ("Scultura ellenistica," I-II, Rome,
1994); the transition to Imperial art ("Sabato in museo, Letture di
arte ellenistica e romana," Milan, 1999); an overview from the
Geometric period to Late Antiquity, in "Arte, Storia universale,"
Milan, 1997 (also published in installments by the newspaper "La
Repubblica," 1997: "Arte, Enciclopedia universale"); observations
on those responsible for creating the present archaeological
collection at the Galleria Borghese in Rome (in "Galleria
Borghese," Milan, 2000, Eng. ed. "The Borghese Gallery").
The volumes of this bibliography show the Egyptologist where to
find published and unpublished records of ancient Egyptian
monuments which remain in situ, those which have been removed but
can be traced to a definite site, as well as those in museums and
private collections where the provenance has been lost. Monuments
are arranged geographically and there are indices, including kings,
deities and private individuals, for each volume. The first two
volumes contain the account of the temples and tombs at Thebes. The
third volume deals with the monuments of Memphis, with its vast
necropolis of pyramids and tombs; the fourth with Lower and Middle
Egypt. The fifth and sixth volumes cover the sites and temples of
Upper Egypt, and the seventh Nubia, the deserts and finds of
Egyptian objects outside Egypt. Monuments of provenance not known
are being presented systematically in the eighth volume, parts 1
and 2 of which list statues, and parts 3 and 4 stelae. This second
part of Volume III (Memphis: Saqqara to Dahshur) covers the
southern section of the Memphite necropolis and the temple and town
site of Mit Rahina. It lists published as well as important
unpublished sources, such as manuscripts, drawings and photographs.
Thirty-six pages of maps and plans accompany the text, and the
volume is fully indexed. This is an unchanged reprint of the second
edition, originally published in 1981.
In March 2009 the international conference for which this volume is
named was held in Loutraki by the 37th Ephorate of Prehistoric and
Classical Antiquities in collaboration with the Greek Ministry of
Culture s Directorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, and
the German Archaeological Institute of Athens. The results of
research carried out by international research institutes and
individual researchers working in Corinthia, and first and foremost
by the Greek Antiquities Service, were presented at the
The fountains of Rome have been beautiful, decorative and
functional icons of the Eternal City for centuries. Painters have
immortalized them; poets have rhapsodized over them; and composers
have translated into music. From the wish-inspiring Trevi to the
humblest drinking fountain, the fountains of Rome are as
fascinating as they are varied. And ... there are over 2.000 of
them. The poet Shelley said, The fountains of Rome are in
themselves magnificent combinations of art such as alone, it were
worth coming to see. The fountains of Rome are a curious lot. They
are a mixture of many different stone, not only of marble; they are
also of wood, metal and other materials. They have been shaped and
curved and otherwise formed by greats such as Carlo Maderno,
Giacomo della Porta, Domenico Fontana, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Nicola
Salvi, Raffaele De Vico and Pietro lombardi., and by unknowns as
well. Any intricate history of Rome's various fountains would take
many tomes to cover. This is not my work. I present for your
pleasure a view of the fountains, with a brief pertinent
description where appropriate. Although many dozens of books, each
generally titled Le Fontane di Roma, have been written on this
subject, none to date has covered in text and photographs together
more than several hundred fountains, only a fraction of this book's
work. (M. Pulvers).
Roma, la Citta Eterna, racchiude immagini, favole e leggende che
riguardano quasi tremila anni di storia. Come orientarsi su un
territorio cosi denso di meraviglie? Questa mappa offre una
speciale chiave di lettura: il mito di Amore e Psiche, cosi come
raffigurato dagli artisti di tutti i tempi, nei capolavori
dell'arte antica, moderna e contemporanea, custoditi nelle piu
importanti istituzioni museali della citta.
Contents: Mittelalterliche Tafelkreuze. La Croce dipinta nel
Medioevo. Akten des Studientags der Bibliotheca Hertziana am 3. und
4. November 2005, hg. v. Katharina Christa Schueppel - K. Chr.
Schueppel, Von der Toskana nach Sizilien, von der Ikonographie zur
Medialitat. Methoden der Tafelkreuzforschung im Jahrhundert nach
Evelyn Sandberg-Vavala - V. Pace, Introduzione al colloquio:
contesti di devozione alla Croce e al Crocifisso - L. van Tongeren,
The Cult of the Cross in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. A
Concise Survey of its Origins and Development - K. Chr. Schueppel,
Pictae et sculptae. Tafelkreuze und plastische Kruzifixe im lokalen
liturgischen Kontext. Die Stadte Lucca, Arezzo und Neapel - M.
Bacci, Shaping the Sacred: Painted Crosses and Shrines in 13th
Century Pisa - M. V. Schwarz, Intensitat, Differenz, Authentizitat:
Zwei Florentiner Tafelkreuze im Vergleich - M. Gaeta, Tafelkreuze
des Trecento im Kontext der Orden und privater Stiftung - M. C. Di
Natale, Le croci dipinte in Sicilia: dalla devozione alla
musealizzazione. - X. Muratova, Le scene della creazione nei
mosaici siciliani e gli studi della natura del XII secolo: problemi
dell'interpretazione iconografica - W. Wolters, "Al modo veneziano"
und nicht "alla moderna." Zu den Anfangen der venezianischen
Renaissancebaukunst - L. Sickel, Caravaggio, Lanfranco und Reni in
der Sammlung Sannesi. Geschicke einer Familie im Spiegel ihres
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