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Many parents have taken a defeatist approach toward understanding
their teens, and not without good reason; it does often seem
hopeless, after all. But that's where you, the volunteer youth
worker, come in. Mark Oestreicher shows that Understanding Today's
Teenager is both possible and rewarding, if one has the right
tools. Marko explores the dimensions of nature vs. nurture, brain
activity, culture, biology, and emotional development, all of which
lead teenagers to do the wacky things they do that adults don't
understand and often can't remember having done themselves. Marko
also reminds us that adolescent development doesn't end at the age
of 18 just because United States law says it does. A Volunteer
Youth Worker's Guide to Understanding Today's Teenager uses a
combination of science, logic, and compassion to help bring us back
from the cliff edge and remember why we started working with teens
in the first place. Use this book as a jumping-off point to
re-ignite your passion for teens.