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Booklet - Biblical Perspective, counsel for individuals who
struggle with anger, anxiety and fear.
What is the purpose of Christian ministry? Is it about upholding
traditional standards? Is it about meeting organizational goals? Or
is it a mixture of meanings and roles? With numerous ways of
understanding ministry, getting a grasp on it can
be a difficult task.
Discovering Christian Ministry not only gives a concise yet
comprehensive definition of ministry but it also offers a
ministerial vision that encompasses the personal, interpersonal and
social spheres of your life.
The tyranny of the urgent is a by-product of our fast-paced world.
It affects many people, but when it impacts pastors they are often
tempted to ignore the critical needs of the pastoral disciplines
that ensure the effectiveness of ministry.
In Thinking, Listening, and Being: Wesleyan Pastoral
Disciplines, Jeren Rowell offers theological reflections on what it
means to live and work as a pastor. He examines different aspects
pastoral thinking, practice, and work, and challenges pastors
to continually pursue prayer, the study of Scriptures, and
theological reflection. "Working in this way," he writes, "could
not only be a gift of love for the church but also an important
model for parish pastors who are tempted to surrender first things
to the urgencies and temptations of contemporary life."
Tim Harlow, senior pastor of Parkview Christian Church, helps Christians rediscover the passionate savior of the Bible who is still relevant today.
For years Christians have asked, "What would Jesus do?" But what if we asked a better, more illuminating question: "What made Jesus mad?"
As much as we love a gentle, sweet image of Jesus, that picture isn't complete. Jesus got deeply angry at times. That shouldn't surprise us--but who he was mad at, and why, might. Jesus was most angry with people whose attitudes got in the way of his purpose: to seek and to save the lost, to unite us with God's amazing love. So, when he saw hypocrisy, greed, judging, and lack of mercy coming from the hearts of people who supposedly followed God and as a result pushed people away from him, Jesus went into orbit. Do we feel the same way?
Whatever the problem--tolerating injustice, shunning sinners, or ignoring the least among us--What Made Jesus Mad? opens our eyes to the issues that most angered Jesus and that should anger Christians as we align our hearts with his and get back to actually following the Savior.
Many parents have taken a defeatist approach toward understanding
their teens, and not without good reason; it does often seem
hopeless, after all. But that's where you, the volunteer youth
worker, come in. Mark Oestreicher shows that Understanding Today's
Teenager is both possible and rewarding, if one has the right
tools. Marko explores the dimensions of nature vs. nurture, brain
activity, culture, biology, and emotional development, all of which
lead teenagers to do the wacky things they do that adults don't
understand and often can't remember having done themselves. Marko
also reminds us that adolescent development doesn't end at the age
of 18 just because United States law says it does. A Volunteer
Youth Worker's Guide to Understanding Today's Teenager uses a
combination of science, logic, and compassion to help bring us back
from the cliff edge and remember why we started working with teens
in the first place. Use this book as a jumping-off point to
re-ignite your passion for teens.
A lot of churches and youth ministries have given up on the idea of
small groups, writing them off as too tedious, too difficult to
manage, too hard to find volunteers for, too expensive to provide
materials or curriculum for, or any other number of reasons. In A
Volunteer Youth Worker's Guide to Leading a Small Group, Mark
Oestreicher argues a different perspective. Marko insists that
small groups promote safe spaces to grow, consistency in teenagers'
emotionally tumultuous lives, and repetition that instills in them
the importance of trust and tradition. The Guide to Leading a Small
Group is perfect for anyone feeling disenchanted with the concept
of small groups, and after Marko succeeds in changing your mind in
the first few pages, he'll use the rest of the book to help you
restructure and rethink your small-group programming so you don't
get burned out again. Marko is leading the charge in reviving small
groups, and you can join him today.