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Books > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Christian religious experience

Exodus - Enter God's Story Bible Study Book (Paperback): Lifeway Adults Exodus - Enter God's Story Bible Study Book (Paperback)
Lifeway Adults
R179 R148 Discovery Miles 1 480 Save R31 (17%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Exodus is the Rosetta stone for unlocking the Old Testament and the thread of redemption throughout Scripture. The exodus served as the primary model of God’s idea of redemption, not just in the Old Testament but even in the New, where it is used as one of the keys to understanding the meaning of the cross of Christ. Over six sessions, participants in this Bible study will walk through the first 15 chapters of Exodus. You’ll relive the experience as God hears the cries of His people and responds by sending a deliverer, ultimately giving us a pattern for recognizing His work in the world. (6 sessions)

Session Topics:

• Problem
• Deliverer
• Discouragement
• Deliverance
• Redemption
• Worship

CSB Personal Size Reference Bible (Purple) (Large print, Leather / fine binding): CSB Personal Size Reference Bible (Purple) (Large print, Leather / fine binding)
R499 R411 Discovery Miles 4 110 Save R88 (18%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

The CSB Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible features large, easy-to-read 11.25-point type in a convenient trim size that is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church. The large print type also makes this Bible an ideal choice for ministry and preaching.

Features include:

• Convenient personal trim size that is easy-to-carry
• Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding
• Two-column text format
• End-of-paragraph cross-references
• Topical subheadings
• 11.25-point type size
• Words of Christ in red
• Footnotes
• Gilded page edges
• Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages
• Concordance
• Presentation page for gift-giving
• Full-color maps

The CSB Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

Putting on the Mind of Christ - Contemplative Prayer and Holistic Unity (Paperback): James E. Woods Putting on the Mind of Christ - Contemplative Prayer and Holistic Unity (Paperback)
James E. Woods
R524 R435 Discovery Miles 4 350 Save R89 (17%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Love the Narrow Path - A 90-Day Devotional for Walking with God (Paperback): George Cargill Love the Narrow Path - A 90-Day Devotional for Walking with God (Paperback)
George Cargill
R426 R365 Discovery Miles 3 650 Save R61 (14%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
CSB Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, Gold (Leather / fine binding): CSB Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, Gold (Leather / fine binding)
R535 R440 Discovery Miles 4 400 Save R95 (18%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days
Breathing Under Water - Spirituality And The Twelve Steps (Paperback, New edition): Richard Rohr Breathing Under Water - Spirituality And The Twelve Steps (Paperback, New edition)
Richard Rohr 1
R328 R284 Discovery Miles 2 840 Save R44 (13%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

We are all addicted in some way. When we learn to identify our addiction, embrace our brokenness, and surrender to God, we begin to bring healing to ourselves and our world. In Breathing Under Water, Richard Rohr shows how the gospel principles in the Twelve Steps can free anyone from addiction - from an obvious dependence on alcohol or drugs to the more common but less visible addiction that we all have to sin. 'A must-read for any person who recognizes the need to go "inward" on their soul's journey to question what their relationship is with God, themselves, and others.' The Cord 'Rohr is a perfect writer on the subject of the 12 Steps. His easy-to-read book is essentially a commentary on each of the steps, with twelve chapters and a postscript that concisely tackles the big religious questions of human suffering, suffering with which addicts and their families are intimately acquainted. Jesus, Rohr answers, is no stranger to suffering . . . This is a good book for those in recovery from addiction and those who love them. Publishers Weekly 'Richard Rohr continues to guide us to greater wholeness . . . his books have helped countless souls, especially those who struggle with issues of brokenness and seek transformation.' National Catholic Reporter

Sonneblomme & Sneeu In Oekraine (Afrikaans, Paperback): Michele Potgieter Sonneblomme & Sneeu In Oekraine (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Michele Potgieter
R265 R228 Discovery Miles 2 280 Save R37 (14%) Ships in 11 - 15 working days

Nadat Ockert en Michele Potgieter getroud is, het hulle hul tasse gepak en vertrek Oekraïne toe, nie vir hulle wittebrood nie, maar om daar te werk onder die mense wat onlangs bevry is van agter die ystergordyn.

Dit is egter ’n groot ontnugtering vir Michele in die begin – dit is yskoud in die winter en snikwarm in die somer. Die meeste huise het net buitetoilette en daar is min verskeidenheid in basiese kruideniersware. Die mense is baie vriendelik en hulle word meestal met oop arms verwelkom. Maar alles is nie altyd maklik nie, daar is ’n noue ontkoming met die mafia, agtervolging deur die KGB en verraad van binne die gemeente. Dan sterf Ockert tydens die Covid 19-pandemie tydens ’n besoek aan Suid-Afrika. Michele moet besluit of sy teruggaan Oekraïne toe, waar ’n oorlog dreig en of sy in Suid-Afrika by haar mense en haar kinders bly.

Dit is ’n aangrypende verhaal oor liefde: liefde vir God, vir die mense van die Oekraïne, maar ook die liefde tussen Michele, Ockert en hul kinders.

The Warrior King (Paperback): Anna Rountree The Warrior King (Paperback)
Anna Rountree
R393 R322 Discovery Miles 3 220 Save R71 (18%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

We think our biggest spiritual enemy is Satan, but it’s really our flesh.

This book will help you to see Christ as the one who is able to take on all spiritual battles so that you know you are not alone in this journey of life.

In her first two books, The Heavens Opened and The Priestly Bride, Anna Rountree chronicled her remarkable visions of heaven, giving readers a glimpse of what heaven is like and how events happening in the earth today correspond with activities in the spirit realm. In this third book in her trilogy, Rountree offers a revelation of mankind's chief enemy, the flesh, and how our heavenly Father trains us to be warriors for the fierce battles to come.

Caught up once again in a vision of heaven, Rountree sees the redeemed and the heavenly hosts armed for war. She is told that all God’s children are issued armor but not everyone heeds the command to put on the full armor of God. As with all equipment, this armor must be tested before being worn into conflict.

Thus begins the tests to fit Rountree for battle. These tests take place underground in the root system of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is the flesh. The seriousness of the tests—tests all Christians must take—are both shocking and revelatory. This book takes readers on a journey through the dark bowels of the flesh and reveals how they can come out armed as overcomers who serves the Warrior King.

Wanneer 'n Geliefde Sterf - 40 Dae Op 'n Pad na Vertroosting en Vrede (Afrikaans, Hardcover): Henk Gous Wanneer 'n Geliefde Sterf - 40 Dae Op 'n Pad na Vertroosting en Vrede (Afrikaans, Hardcover)
Henk Gous
R139 R115 Discovery Miles 1 150 Save R24 (17%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Die dood van ’n geliefde bring intense hartseer mee. Dr. Henk Gous deel in Wanneer ’n geliefde sterf uit sy jare lange ervaring as berader asook sy persoonlike ervaring met die verlies van sy dogter. Hy is daarom ideaal toegerus om jou met wysheid en empatie op hierdie moeilike pad van rousmart te begelei. Elkeen van die 40 dagstukkies het plek om jou eie emosies, vrae aan God, ondraaglike pyn, selfs woede, en enige ander gedagtes neer te skryf. So sal hierdie boekie ’n joernaal wees van jou uniek persoonlike reis na aanvaarding, vertroosting, vrede en vreugde.

Ervaar God se troos en liefde sodat jy uiteindelik weer met vreugde kan leef totdat jy jou geliefdes eendag weer sien.

Break Every Chain (Paperback): John Eckhardt Break Every Chain (Paperback)
John Eckhardt
R199 R164 Discovery Miles 1 640 Save R35 (18%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days
Trek 'n Kruisie Deur Angs - Breek Los Van Die Greep Van Kommer En Stres (Afrikaans, Paperback): Louie Giglio Trek 'n Kruisie Deur Angs - Breek Los Van Die Greep Van Kommer En Stres (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Louie Giglio
R30 R25 Discovery Miles 250 Save R5 (17%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Angs neem baie vorme aan, dis dalk die vrees wat oor jou skouer loer, die paniek wat alewig aan jou sy blyk te wees of die wolk van bekommernis wat oor jou lewe hang. Vir baie mense is dit ’n reus wat hulle wysmaak dat hulle nooit, ooit weer ’n normale lewe gaan kan lei nie; ’n reus wat jou vasvang in ’n greep van duisternis en wanhoop.

Jy kán egter losbreek en sonder angs lewe.

Uit sy eerstehandse ervaring van die stryd teen angs, deel Pastoor Louie Giglio beide praktiese en geestelike wenke om vry te kom. Aan die hand van ’n boodskap van bemoediging en hoop verduidelik hy die paradoks dat angs dalk dood is, maar steeds dodelik is – met ander woorde, angs is steeds oorweldigend, maar daar is egter Iemand wat reeds die oorhand oor angs gekry het.

Hierdie nuttige hulpbron wys jou hoe om ‘n kruisie te trek deur jou angs met die sterkste wapen tot ons beskikking: Jesus se kruis. Elke dag se oordenking sal jou help om een voet voor die ander te sit en grond te wen in die stryd sowel as om bose vestings af te breek omdat Jesus reeds namens jou die oorwinning behaal het.

Any Day Now (Paperback): Amir Tsarfati Any Day Now (Paperback)
Amir Tsarfati
R49 R41 Discovery Miles 410 Save R8 (16%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Are you confused and scared by what’s happening in the world today? Do you know that Jesus could return at any time now? Are you ready if He returns today?

Best-selling author and native Israeli Amir Tsarfati’s mission is to help people around the world live with clarity and confidence in light of Christ’s soon return. With Any Day Now, he provides a pocket-sized alert that earth’s final days are drawing near. As you read, you will …

• Explore the clues that suggest Christ's second coming could occur at any moment.
• Examine Bible prophecy through the perspective of an Israeli, allowing you to better grasp the significance of what’s happening in the Middle East today.
• Embrace a spirit of expectancy, always ready for the Lord's return.
• In today’s darkened world, only Christ can give us true hope. Any Day Now will help you to understand what is next in God’s prophetic plan – and encourage you with the promise that Jesus’ return and the restoration of His people are just around the corner.

Wesleyan Foundations for Evangelism (Paperback): Albert Truesdale Wesleyan Foundations for Evangelism (Paperback)
Albert Truesdale
R500 R421 Discovery Miles 4 210 Save R79 (16%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
God Se Wonderbaarlike Genesingskrag (Afrikaans, Paperback): Isak Burger God Se Wonderbaarlike Genesingskrag (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Isak Burger
R99 R82 Discovery Miles 820 Save R17 (17%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Gebeur daar vandag nog wonderwerke? Groot wonderwerke, soos genesing van terminale siekte en kreupelheid?

Isak Burger vertel in God se wonderbaarlike genesingskrag 11 verstommende ware verhale van gewone mense vir wie daar opreg gebid is en wat bonatuurlik genees is. Saam met die ware verhale van mense wat persoonlik wonderbaarlike wonderwerke beleef het, praat Isak oor die aard van wonderwerke, wonderwerke in die Bybel en die mite dat God en die wetenskap altyd teenoor mekaar gestel moet word.

Dié ware verhale van bonatuurlike genesings sal elkeen wat dit lees, verseker dat jý as gelowige Hom ook kan vra om die onmoontlike te doen. Soms sê Hy ja ...

God se wonderbaarlike genesingskrag getuig van die genade, liefde en genesingskrag van God – Hy wat gister, vandag en tot in ewigheid dieselfde is.

Cultivating a People for God (Hardcover): Enoch Kwan Cultivating a People for God (Hardcover)
Enoch Kwan
R735 R616 Discovery Miles 6 160 Save R119 (16%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Miracles by the Moment (Paperback): Larry Huch Miracles by the Moment (Paperback)
Larry Huch
R462 R385 Discovery Miles 3 850 Save R77 (17%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
33 Dias Hacia Un Glorioso Amanecer (English, Spanish, Paperback): Michael E Gaitley 33 Dias Hacia Un Glorioso Amanecer (English, Spanish, Paperback)
Michael E Gaitley
R429 R363 Discovery Miles 3 630 Save R66 (15%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

From Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, author of the bestselling book Consoling the Heart of Jesus, comes an extraordinary 33-day journey to Marian consecration with four giants of Marian spirituality: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, and Blessed John Paul II. Fr. Michael masterfully summarizes their teaching, making it easy to grasp and simple enough to put into practice. More specifically, he weaves their thought into a user-friendly, do-it-yourself retreat that will bless even the busiest of people. So, if you've been thinking about entrusting yourself to Mary for the first time or if you're simply looking to deepen and renew your devotion to her, 33 Days to Morning Glory is the right book to read and the perfect retreat to make.

I'm Saved! Now What? - Understand Your New Life in Christ (Paperback): Debra George I'm Saved! Now What? - Understand Your New Life in Christ (Paperback)
Debra George; Jamie Barrera
R648 Discovery Miles 6 480 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Peace for Your Mind, Hope for Your Heart (Paperback): Tim Clinton Peace for Your Mind, Hope for Your Heart (Paperback)
Tim Clinton
R398 R335 Discovery Miles 3 350 Save R63 (16%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
The Ministry of Healing - The Unbroken History of God's Power to Heal (Paperback): A.J. Gordon The Ministry of Healing - The Unbroken History of God's Power to Heal (Paperback)
A.J. Gordon
R434 R368 Discovery Miles 3 680 Save R66 (15%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Die Jirre Is My Wagter - Psalms En Inkele Annerlike Tekse Ytie Bywel Yt (Afrikaans, Paperback): Elias P. Nel Die Jirre Is My Wagter - Psalms En Inkele Annerlike Tekse Ytie Bywel Yt (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Elias P. Nel
R170 R146 Discovery Miles 1 460 Save R24 (14%) Ships in 11 - 15 working days

Die Psalms is ongetwyfeld een van die mees geliefde boeke in die Bybel. Dit daag uit, aanbid en bevestig God se bemoeienis met die mens.

Elias P Nel deel in 'n outentieke stem tekste uit die Psalms en ander Bybelboeke in die taal van sy kinderjare, Boesmanlandse Afrikaans. Hy bevestig God se herderskap in ons lewe. Hierdie herskryfde tekste is hartgebeure wat op papier gesit word.

Tekste wat oorgeskryf is sluit die Psalms, Spreuke, Lukas, Johannes, Handelinge, Romeine en Openbaring in.

Enneagram Life - Personal, Relational, and Biblical Insights for All Seasons (Paperback): Elisabeth Bennett Enneagram Life - Personal, Relational, and Biblical Insights for All Seasons (Paperback)
Elisabeth Bennett
R434 R368 Discovery Miles 3 680 Save R66 (15%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Why Christ Died - Salvation Explained (Paperback): Tamryn Klintworth Why Christ Died - Salvation Explained (Paperback)
Tamryn Klintworth
R149 R123 Discovery Miles 1 230 Save R26 (17%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Why does the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ have such power? Why Christ Died dives in and seeks to answer that question.

Delving deep into Scripture, Tamryn Klintworth declares and explores the truths that supports the blood, sacrifice, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and what this truly means to humankind.

We do not like speaking about sin. It makes us uncomfortable. It raises guilty memories and past regrets. Nonetheless, we cannot avoid discussing it if we truly want to understand what Jesus achieved for us.

You can be assured that the love God has for you is indescribable. His devotion to you is unwavering and radical. He forged a way for you to be with Him forever through the blood that was shed by His Son. He wants you desperately. He yearns for you relentlessly. But will you accept His love for you? This decision is yours and yours alone.

The Prayer That Changes Everything - The Hidden Power Of Praising God (Paperback): Stormie Omartian The Prayer That Changes Everything - The Hidden Power Of Praising God (Paperback)
Stormie Omartian
R39 R33 Discovery Miles 330 Save R6 (15%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Do you need courage to face a challenge or comfort after surviving an ordeal? Remember that when you spend time before the Lord in praise and worship, amazing things happen! This pocket-sized book includes 60 powerful prayers and Scripture verses to help you unlock the power of prayer and praise in all your circumstances. It also has space to record your reflections, petitions and answers to prayer. God’s great love for you makes your life complete. His delivering power touches every situation you face. His gracious care for you soothes moments of worry and fear.

This book is the perfect starting point for watching God move mightily in your life or as a gift for someone needing upliftment and encouragement.

Christ's Limitless Riches Are Unsearchable - God Has Chosen Us to Be His Sons (Paperback): Bill Vincent Christ's Limitless Riches Are Unsearchable - God Has Chosen Us to Be His Sons (Paperback)
Bill Vincent
R299 Discovery Miles 2 990 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
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