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Die Profesie-Bybel Nuwe Testament is die volledige 2020-vertaling van die Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika se Nuwe Testament saam met 50 artikels oor profesie - ’n eerste in Afrikaans! Elke Nuwe-Testamentiese Bybelboek is vergesel van ’n inleiding wat fokus op die profetiese inhoud en belang van daardie boek. Die 50 artikels dek profesieë en sluit temas in soos geheimenisse en profesie, die Kerk en profesie, die laaste dae, tekens van die tye, die Antichris, die merk van die dier, die Nuwe Jerusalem en veel meer. Profesie beslaan ’n groot gedeelte van die Bybel. ’n Bietjie meer as ’n kwart van die Skrif was profeties toe die Heilige Gees dit geïnspireer het. Vervulde profesie wys dat God getrou is om sy beloftes na te kom. Dit wys ook dat die Woord van God waar is. Omdat God waar en getrou is, kan Hy geglo en vertrou word om steedsonvervulde beloftes en profesieë ook te vervul (vgl Joh 13:19). Verder wys profesieë dat God soewerein oor die geskiedenis en tyd is (Jes 46:9-11; Dan 2:20-22). God is in beheer: Hy bring sy plan in Christus as Verlosser en Koning in die geskiedenis tot vervulling (Hand 4:12; Op 11:15). Profesie gee hoop vir ons toekoms in Christus.
Dit is vir ons onmoontlik om God te verstaan, ons kan slegs klein glimpsies van sy karakter kry. Een manier is om God se Name te bestudeer. Esté Geldenhuys het breedvoerige navorsing gedoen oor God se Name, en die in hierdie boek belig sy die belangrikstes, van Elohim (Drie in een) tot El Roi (die Een wat sien). Sy bespreek die Naam self in Hebreeus, waar dit in Bybel voorkom, die betekenis daarvan, wat dit in ons alledaagse lewe beteken en ook hoe om dit te gebruik in gebed.
Each of us has innate instincts that drive our actions, our feelings,
and our desires. Learning to recognize, understand, and act on those
instincts can help each of us reach for the opportunities and step into
the purpose for which God has called us.
Jesus promised, “Seek and you will find!” Do you long for a transforming encounter with the living God? Jesus assures us that those willing to become seekers will find what their hearts most deeply desire. The promise is clear. Those who seek God consistently, faithfully, and passionately will not be disappointed. They will find God and all those good things that accompany God’s Kingdom. Profoundly influenced by his long friendship with Dallas Willard, and his experience guiding people through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius for the last thirty years, Trevor Hudson offers you a practical tool kit for your seeking journey. You search for God does not have to take you to a remote mountain top as God wants to meet us right where we are in our everyday lives. Reading the wisdom contained within the pages of Seeking God will help you to move beyond insight and knowledge and encounter the presence of the living God as a reality in your daily life.
Die soen tussen Berdine en Dieter laat Berdine meer deurmekaar as
ooit. Intussen kom die Bertha Human-skuiling op dreef en is daar
oorgenoeg sake om Berdine en Melanie besig te hou. Melanie vind liefde
maar tragedie tref die jong verhouding. Berdine gee al haar aandag
aan haar vriendin se gesin, die kinders van die skuiling en haar
praktyk. Toe Melanie haar in desperaatheid vra om na haar man en kind
om te sien as sy tot sterwe kom, aanvaar sy dit as haar plig. Maar is
dit die Here se wil?
Many Jesus followers are sleepwalking through their Christian lives. They wear a smile, attend church gatherings, and try their best to make it through, but they don’t really expect answered prayers, breakthroughs, or a miraculous change in their situations. Why? Disappointment and disillusionment. The Bible calls this “hope deferred.” What we hoped for did not happen, and we are left with hopes and dreams that are dead. But remember: we serve the God of resurrection life and revival! Robert Henderson is the bestselling author of the Courts of Heaven series, and in this latest book he challenges you to pray for miracle reversals in every situation that seems hopeless. Resurrection thunders as a verdict from the Courts of Heaven, for it is God alone who gives life to the dead. This powerful new book will show you how to:
Resurrection is not a one-time event; it should be the default setting of the Christian life. We are filled with Jesus’ resurrection life and power! We have been commissioned by the resurrected Jesus to see His supernatural miracle power reverse any plan of the enemy that has sought to steal, kill, and destroy.
In this Southern African edition of Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace In His Presence, a 366-day devotional in Large print, you are invited to come and experience the Presence of God daily. With Scripture and personal reflections, New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus' message of peace for today and every day. By spending time daily in the presence of the Savior with the much-loved devotions in Jesus Calling, you will:
Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to you, Jesus Calling invites you to experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is always with you.
Christian Reflections on The Leadership Challenge gathers together in one place a remarkable collection of leaders who share insights on faith and leadership. Well-grounded in research, this reflective and practical book shows how Christian leaders - no matter the setting - put into place The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership:
Daar is geen towerformule om wysheid te bekom nie. Dit vra ʼn leeftyd se dag-tot-dag-toewyding en soeke na die ware wysheid. Dit vra dat ons met ons oor op die grond sal leef, in afwagting op God se stem wat ons leer hoe om ware wysheid – die wysheid wat van Hom kom – te verkry. In hierdie 366 dagstukkies neem bekende skrywer Lizette Murray ons hand en lei ons na Hom toe, die bron van Wysheid, en help ons om met wysheid te leef, in ons alledaagse bestaan.
Is your soul weary? Are you worn out by the demands of life, disappointing setbacks, or downcast days? If so, stand under the waterfall of God’s unfailing love and soak in the promise that God will never let you go. “For God so loved the world…” This verse stops us in our tracks: “Wait, this world? With heartbreakers, hope-snatchers, and dream-dousers?” Yes. And God loves this world so much that he gave us the precious gift of himself. New York Times bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado invites us to dive deep into the heart-stilling, mind-bending, deal-making claim of John 3:16. In this book, Max will help you:
Don’t wait another minute to get to know the God who invented time. Don’t live another second without growing close to the God who is life itself. Today, step confidently into the greatest news you’ll ever receive.
You are living in the last days―a season where God is pouring out His Spirit upon believers, empowering them to walk in the greatest flood of prophetic power the earth has ever seen, and ushering in the end-times harvest. Are you prepared? Annette Capps – author, ordained minister, and daughter of well-known author and teacher, Charles Capps – encourages every believer to be knowledgeable and practiced in the gift of prophecy so you can take your place in the coming revival. In The Spirit of Prophecy, Annette offers simple, straightforward teaching to comprehensively cover the scope of Bible-teaching on prophecy. Also included are prophecies delivered by Charles Capps that are still speaking power and revelation to the body of Christ. Subjects you will learn about are:
Rise up! It’s time to get equipped with prophetic revival tools!
Ivor Swartz kom van die Gaatjie in Grabouw, 'n hooplose plek. Sy pa is vroeg dood en sy ma maak hom en sy sibbe alleen groot. Hulle oudste broer terroriseer die gesin en een aand skiet Ivor en sy vriend sy broer en hy sterf later in die hospitaal. Ivor gaan tronk toe en met sy uitkoms begin sy lewe van voor af. Vandag is hy 'n jeugpastoor met 'n passie vir Here wat sy storie gebruik om ander te inspireer. 'n Storie van die verlore seun wat huis toe kom.
The brand-new John C. Maxwell Undated Planner features a unique new
design. It comes with a 2024/2025 calendar insert for easy reference
and more than enough space for appointments, goals and notes. The
imitation leather format contains wisdom and guidance from renowned
leadership expert John C. Maxwell. Business people can now choose a
flexible planner that suits their needs as well as their taste.
A. W. Tozer wrote, "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." How we view God makes all the difference in our lives. It informs everything about who we are and who we're becoming. When you think about God, do you imagine a ruler who demands absolute loyalty, or a coach who expects you to perform to his expectations? Or even a virtual assistant to help when other options are exhausted? This updated edition of the national bestseller Not Forsaken challenges our perception of who God is and points us to a heavenly Father who is not absent or ambivalent, but is available and affectionate, ready to shower us with his approval and love. No matter what has happened on this side of eternity between you and your earthly dad, Seeing God as a Perfect Father will help you:
When we take hold of the truth that our God has spanned heaven and earth to reach us, we will no longer be defined by our past but by the love of a perfect Father. Learn how God wants us to experience his unique, unconditional love and to live in the freedom, abundance, and blessing He freely gives.
A revolutionary new offering from Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, renowned psychologist and author of the global bestseller 12 Rules for Life. In We Who Wrestle with God, Dr. Peterson guides us through the ancient, foundational stories of the Western world. In riveting detail, he analyzes the Biblical accounts of rebellion, sacrifice, suffering, and triumph that stabilize, inspire, and unite us culturally and psychologically. Adam and Eve and the eternal fall of mankind; the resentful and ultimately murderous war of Cain and Abel; the cataclysmic flood of Noah; the spectacular collapse of the Tower of Babel; Abraham’s terrible adventure; and the epic of Moses and the Israelites. What could such stories possibly mean? What force wrote and assembled them over the long centuries? How did they bring our spirits and the world together, and point us in the same direction? It is time for us to understand such things, scientifically and spiritually; to become conscious of the structure of our souls and our societies; and to see ourselves and others as if for the first time. Join Elijah as he discovers the Voice of God in the dictates of his own conscience and Jonah confronting hell itself in the belly of the whale because he failed to listen and act. Set yourself straight in intent, aim, and purpose as you begin to more deeply understand the structure of your society and your soul. Journey with Dr. Peterson through the greatest stories ever told. Dare to wrestle with God.
In this trade adaptation of Sally Lloyd-Jones’ bestselling Jesus Storybook Bible, readers can explore how God’s incredible story centers around his most amazing gift, Jesus. Teens and adults will have their own glimpse of God’s amazing, Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.
It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe—the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor—loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss. Whether you've verbalized it yet or not, we all know something's wrong. Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical, solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of do's and don'ts—it's falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis describes it, you will never be the same. Because when you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything.
According to researchers, the vast majority--a whopping 75-98
percent--of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of
our thought life. What we think about truly affects us both physically
and emotionally. In fact, fear alone triggers more than 1,400 known
physical and chemical responses in our bodies, activating more than
thirty different hormones! Today our culture is undergoing an epidemic
of toxic thoughts that, left unchecked, create ideal conditions for
Die nuutste roman van topverkoperskrywer Helena Hugo. Caroline is maar
dertig jaar oud toe sy haar agtste kind in die wêreld bring. Al waarop
sy gehoop het was om te sterf. Die kloof tussen haar en Willem is so
wyd dit lyk asof hulle mekaar nooit weer sal vind nie. Intussen dan pak
die onweerwolke van oorlog op die horison saam. Maar die hoop beskaam
nie: Genesing begin by 'n weggooikind en 'n gekneusde veldblom.
Om terug te dink aan sy lewe is soos om ’n boek te lees waarvan daar bladsye uitgeskeur is. Hy onthou party hoofstukke so helder soos vandag, ander so vaag soos drome. Stories oor sy kleintyd, dié kom van oral af – van sy ma en pa, Safira, ander grootmense en sy boetie, Stephan. Hierdie stories neem hy met ’n knippie sout, glo hy ter wille van die vertellers. Hy is oor die algemeen inskiklik van geaardheid, iemand wat sy kleinkinders ’n people pleaser sou noem. Wat van Afrikaans gaan word, weet hy nie. Hy en Stephan, het in ’n pastorie grootgeword. Dis ook waar Andreas veronderstel was om die eerste lewenslig te aanskou, op die dubbelbed in die hoofslaapkamer waar hy, soos hy dit later uitgewerk het, waarskynlik ook verwek is. Suster Lenie Joubert, die gemeente se vroedvrou en hul huisdokter, dokter Morrie Jacobs, sou Louisa kom bystaan. Dit sou ’n tuisgeboorte wees, ’n private aangeleentheid in die veiligheid van haar eie huis. Van kleintyd af word Andreas nie net geestelik getoets nie, maar ook fisiek. Sy eie behoeftes en begeertes kry soms die oorhand. Byna te laat besef hy dat hy op ander dinge as geloof gereken het. Eers dan leer hy om hom geheel en al te onderwerp aan die wil van die Here. Geloof soos ’n mosterdsaadjie, sê Jesus, is al wat jy nodig het.
Trained as a midwife, Chrissie Chapman went to Burundi in the nineties to open a maternity clinic and dispensary in a rural area of the country. She had been there just three years when a coup was declared, and the country descended into a state of civil war. It lasted for thirteen long years. During that time, God directed her to work with the orphans and widows. She started a centre for abandoned babies and traumatised children and saw the Lord performing remarkable miracles in the lives of people who had lost everything. Chrissie adopted three children herself, and has raised more than fifty others to young adulthood. Again and again she has witnessed miracles of protection and provision. When the war started, Chrissie, her adopted children, and the health staff were living in a rural location on top of a mountain, in a healing centre, with maternity clinic and dispensary. Every night there was gunfire, and every day people would come seeking refuge. One night, she and David Ndarahutse, the mission director, were sitting praying amid the fighting, when David said, "Chrissie, look up." There were dozens of angels standing on top of the walls of the healing centre. That was the night the angels came. "From that moment on," Chrissie records, "I have never experienced or felt fear for my life." Today Chrissie divides her time between Burundi, where she continues to care for the teenagers in her charge, and England, Canada and America, where she speaks widely about the faithfulness and power of God.
Ontdek die vreugde van kreatiewe stilword by God!
Beleef jy God elke dag? God woon in die gewone, en ons kan onsself leer
om Hom daarin raak te sien. Ons kan die lewe opnuut beleef gevul met sy
teenwoordigheid. Tom Smith wys ons hoe ons daagliks meer bewus kan wees
van God in ons lewe: In ons gaan slaap, wakker word, soeke, reis, werk,
speel, eet, seerkry, rus en in die dood. Hy help ons om te sien dat ons
verhouding met God nie daaroor gaan om meer goed in ’n alreeeds
bedrywige lewe in te prop nie; dit gaan daaroor om God in alles te
Toxic thoughts, depression, anxiety--our mental mess is frequently aggravated by a chaotic world and sustained by an inability to manage our runaway thoughts. But we shouldn't settle into this mental mess as if it's just our new normal. There's hope and help available to us--and the road to healthier thoughts and peak happiness may actually be shorter than you think. Backed by clinical research and illustrated with compelling case studies, Dr. Caroline Leaf provides a scientifically proven five-step plan to find and eliminate the root of anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts in your life so you can experience dramatically improved mental and physical health. In just 21 days, you can start to clean up your mental mess and be on the road to wholeness, peace, and happiness.
His street name was Daylight. But he was a nightmare. On the streets of New York, darkness and violence reigned. Dimas “Daylight” Salaberrios popped his first pill when he was eleven years old, and just days later, he was selling drugs to his schoolmates. By fifteen, he was facing time at the notorious Rikers Island Prison. It was never safe to turn your back, and Dimas saw only one chance to survive: to become a street god. He would be the richest, most powerful ruler in the hood . . . or die trying. But in one terrifying moment, with a gun pointed at his head, Dimas had to decide: How far would he go? Was he finished taking reckless chances to rule as a god of the streets? Would he dare to entrust his life to the real God―an even riskier path? Because that God would send Dimas back down the darkest streets he’d ever known on a rescue mission after those still in danger. Street God is the true story of one man’s against-all-odds journey from the streets to the altar and back again. A modern-day The Cross and the Switchblade for a new generation, it reveals that we’re never too far gone for God to change us―and shows how a single spark can illuminate even the darkest existence. |
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