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Books > Reference & Interdisciplinary > Communication studies > Information theory > Cybernetics & systems theory
This book explores Probabilistic Cellular Automata (PCA) from the perspectives of statistical mechanics, probability theory, computational biology and computer science. PCA are extensions of the well-known Cellular Automata models of complex systems, characterized by random updating rules. Thanks to their probabilistic component, PCA offer flexible computing tools for complex numerical constructions, and realistic simulation tools for phenomena driven by interactions among a large number of neighboring structures. PCA are currently being used in various fields, ranging from pure probability to the social sciences and including a wealth of scientific and technological applications. This situation has produced a highly diversified pool of theoreticians, developers and practitioners whose interaction is highly desirable but can be hampered by differences in jargon and focus. This book - just as the workshop on which it is based - is an attempt to overcome these difference and foster interest among newcomers and interaction between practitioners from different fields. It is not intended as a treatise, but rather as a gentle introduction to the role and relevance of PCA technology, illustrated with a number of applications in probability, statistical mechanics, computer science, the natural sciences and dynamical systems. As such, it will be of interest to students and non-specialists looking to enter the field and to explore its challenges and open issues.
This book covers a wide spectrum of systems such as linear and nonlinear multivariable systems as well as control problems such as disturbance, uncertainty and time-delays. The purpose of this book is to provide researchers and practitioners a manual for the design and application of advanced discrete-time controllers. The book presents six different control approaches depending on the type of system and control problem. The first and second approaches are based on Sliding Mode control (SMC) theory and are intended for linear systems with exogenous disturbances. The third and fourth approaches are based on adaptive control theory and are aimed at linear/nonlinear systems with periodically varying parametric uncertainty or systems with input delay. The fifth approach is based on Iterative learning control (ILC) theory and is aimed at uncertain linear/nonlinear systems with repeatable tasks and the final approach is based on fuzzy logic control (FLC) and is intended for highly uncertain systems with heuristic control knowledge. Detailed numerical examples are provided in each chapter to illustrate the design procedure for each control method. A number of practical control applications are also presented to show the problem solving process and effectiveness with the advanced discrete-time control approaches introduced in this book.
This book presents recent developments in nonlinear dynamics and physics with an emphasis on complex systems. The contributors provide recent theoretic developments and new techniques to solve nonlinear dynamical systems and help readers understand complexity, stochasticity, and regularity in nonlinear dynamical systems. This book covers integro-differential equation solvability, Poincare recurrences in ergodic systems, orientable horseshoe structure, analytical routes of periodic motions to chaos, grazing on impulsive differential equations, from chaos to order in coupled oscillators, and differential-invariant solutions for automorphic systems, inequality under uncertainty.
This book originated at a workshop by the same name held in May 2018 at the University of Pavia. The aim was to encourage a cross-disciplinary discussion on the limits of cognition. When venturing into cognitive science, notwithstanding the approach, one of the first riddles to be solved is the definition of cognition. Any definition immediately sparks the ascription debate: who/what cognizes? Definitions may appear either too loose, or too demanding. Are bacteria included? What about plants? Is it a human prerogative? We engage in the quest for artificial intelligence, but is artificial cognition already the case? And if it was a human prerogative, are we doing it all the time? Is cognition a process, or the sum of countless sub processes? Is it in the brain, or also in the body? Or does it go beyond the body? Where does it start? Where does it end? We tried answering these questions each from our own perspectives, as philosophers, ethnographers, psychologists and rhetoricians, handing each other our peculiar insight.
This book introduces recent results on output synchronization of complex dynamical networks with single and multiple weights. It discusses novel research ideas and a number of definitions in complex dynamical networks, such as H-Infinity output synchronization, adaptive coupling weights, multiple weights, the relationship between output strict passivity and output synchronization. Furthermore, it methodically edits the research results previously published in various flagship journals and presents them in a unified form. The book is of interest to university researchers and graduate students in engineering and mathematics who wish to study output synchronization of complex dynamical networks.
This book discusses the latest progresses and developments on complex systems research and intends to give an exposure to prospective readers about the theoretical and practical aspects of mathematical modelling, numerical simulation and agent-based modelling frameworks. The main purpose of this book is to emphasize a unified approach to complex systems analysis, which goes beyond to examine complicated phenomena of numerous real-life systems; this is done by investigating a huge number of components that interact with each other at different (microscopic and macroscopic) scales; new insights and emergent collective behaviours can evolve from the interactions between individual components and also with their environments. These tools and concepts permit us to better understand the patterns of various real-life systems and help us to comprehend the mechanisms behind which distinct factors shaping some complex systems phenomena being influenced. This book is published in conjunction with the International Workshop on Complex Systems Modelling & Simulation 2019 (CoSMoS 2019): IoT & Big Data Integration. This international event was held at the Universiti Sains Malaysia Main Campus, Penang, Malaysia, from 8 to 11 April 2019. This book appeals to readers interested in complex systems research and other related areas such as mathematical modelling, numerical simulation and agent-based modelling frameworks.
This thesis focuses on the dynamics of autonomous Boolean networks, on the basis of Boolean logic functions in continuous time without external clocking. These networks are realized with integrated circuits on an electronic chip as a field programmable gate array (FPGA) with roughly 100,000 logic gates, offering an extremely flexible model system. It allows fast and cheap design cycles and large networks with arbitrary topologies and coupling delays. The author presents pioneering results on theoretical modeling, experimental realization, and selected applications. In this regard, three classes of novel dynamic behavior are investigated: (i) Chaotic Boolean networks are proposed as high-speed physical random number generators with high bit rates. (ii) Networks of periodic Boolean oscillators are home to long-living transient chimera states, i.e., novel patterns of coexisting domains of spatially coherent (synchronized) and incoherent (desynchronized) dynamics. (iii) Excitable networks exhibit cluster synchronization and can be used as fast artificial Boolean neurons whose spiking patterns can be controlled. This work presents the first experimental platform for large complex networks, which will facilitate exciting future developments.
This book presents the proceedings of the "5th International Interdisciplinary Chaos Symposium on Chaos and Complex Systems (CCS)." All Symposia in the series bring together scientists, engineers, economists and social scientists, creating a vivid forum for discussions on the latest insights and findings obtained in the areas of complexity, nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory, as well as their interdisciplinary applications. The scope of the latest Symposium was enriched with a variety of contemporary, interdisciplinary topics, including but not limited to: fundamental theory of nonlinear dynamics, networks, circuits, systems, biology, evolution and ecology, fractals and pattern formation, nonlinear time series analysis, neural networks, sociophysics and econophysics, complexity management and global systems.
This book contains all refereed papers accepted during the tenth edition of the conference that took place at the Cite Internationale Universitaire de Paris on December 12-13, 2019. Mastering complex systems requires an integrated understanding of industrial practices as well as sophisticated theoretical techniques and tools. This explains the creation of an annual go-between forum in Paris dedicated to academic researchers & industrial actors working on complex industrial systems architecture, modeling & engineering. These proceedings cover the most recent trends in the emerging field of Complex Systems, both from an academic and a professional perspective. A special focus is put on "Systems Engineering through the ages". The CSD&M Paris 2019 conference is organized under the guidance of CESAM Community. It has been developed since 2010 by the non-profit organization CESAMES Association to organize the sharing of good practices in Enterprise and Systems Architecture and to certify the level of knowledge and proficiency in this field through CESAM certification.
This book addresses several important aspects of complex automated negotiations and introduces a number of modern approaches for facilitating agents to conduct complex negotiations. It demonstrates that autonomous negotiation is one of the most important areas in the field of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. Further, it presents complex automated negotiation scenarios that involve negotiation encounters that may have, for instance, a large number of agents, a large number of issues with strong interdependencies and/or real-time constraints.
This book bridges fundamental gaps between control theory and formal methods. Although it focuses on discrete-time linear and piecewise affine systems, it also provides general frameworks for abstraction, analysis, and control of more general models. The book is self-contained, and while some mathematical knowledge is necessary, readers are not expected to have a background in formal methods or control theory. It rigorously defines concepts from formal methods, such as transition systems, temporal logics, model checking and synthesis. It then links these to the infinite state dynamical systems through abstractions that are intuitive and only require basic convex-analysis and control-theory terminology, which is provided in the appendix. Several examples and illustrations help readers understand and visualize the concepts introduced throughout the book.
The last decades have seen the emergence of Complex Networks as the language with which a wide range of complex phenomena in fields as diverse as Physics, Computer Science, and Medicine (to name just a few) can be properly described and understood. This book provides a view of the state of the art in this dynamic field and covers topics ranging from network controllability, social structure, online behavior, recommendation systems, and network structure. This book includes the peer-reviewed list of works presented at the 7th Workshop on Complex Networks CompleNet 2016 which was hosted by the Universite de Bourgogne, France, from March 23-25, 2016. The 28 carefully reviewed and selected contributions in this book address many topics related to complex networks and have been organized in seven major groups: (1) Theory of Complex Networks, (2) Multilayer networks, (3) Controllability of networks, (4) Algorithms for networks, (5) Community detection, (6) Dynamics and spreading phenomena on networks, (7) Applications of Networks.
Computational and mathematical models provide us with the opportunities to investigate the complexities of real world problems. They allow us to apply our best analytical methods to define problems in a clearly mathematical manner and exhaustively test our solutions before committing expensive resources. This is made possible by assuming parameter(s) in a bounded environment, allowing for controllable experimentation, not always possible in live scenarios. For example, simulation of computational models allows the testing of theories in a manner that is both fundamentally deductive and experimental in nature. The main ingredients for such research ideas come from multiple disciplines and the importance of interdisciplinary research is well recognized by the scientific community. This book provides a window to the novel endeavours of the research communities to present their works by highlighting the value of computational modelling as a research tool when investigating complex systems. We hope that the readers will have stimulating experiences to pursue research in these directions.
This book addresses recent technological progress that has led to an increased complexity in many natural and artificial systems. The resulting complexity research due to the emergence of new properties and spatio-temporal interactions among a large number of system elements - and between the system and its environment - is the primary focus of this text. This volume is divided into three parts: Part one focuses on societal and ecological systems, Part two deals with approaches for understanding, modeling, predicting and mastering socio-technical systems, and Part three includes real-life examples. Each chapter has its own special features; it is a self-contained contribution of distinguished experts working on different fields of science and technology relevant to the study of complex systems. Advances in Complex Systems of Contemporary Reality: Societal, Environmental and Engineered Systems will provide postgraduate students, researchers and managers with qualitative and quantitative methods for handling the many features of complex contemporary reality.
This book is useful to engineers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and students in different branches of production, engineering, and systems sciences. The polytopic roadmaps are the guidelines inspired by the development stages of cognitive-intelligent systems, and expected to become powerful instruments releasing an abundance of new capabilities and structures for complex engineering systems implementation. The 4D approach developed in previous monographs and correlated with industry 4.0and Fourth Industrial Revolution is continued here toward higher dimensions approaches correlated with polytopic operations, equipment, technologies, industries, and societies. Methodology emphasizes the role of doubling, iteration, dimensionality, and cyclicality around the center, of periodic tables and of conservative and exploratory strategies. Partitions, permutations, classifications, and complexification, as polytopic chemistry, are the elementary operations analyzed. Multi-scale transfer, cyclic operations, conveyors, and assembly lines are the practical examples of operations and equipment. Polytopic flow sheets, online analytical processing, polytopic engineering designs, and reality-inspired engineering are presented. Innovative concepts such as Industry 5.0, polytopic industry, Society 5.0, polytopic society, cyber physical social systems, industrial Internet, and digital twins have been discussed. The general polytopic roadmaps, (GPTR), are proposed as universal guidelines and as common methodologies to synthesize the systemic thinking and capabilities for growing complexity projects implementation.
This volume introduces new approaches in intelligent control area from both the viewpoints of theory and application. It consists of eleven contributions by prominent authors from all over the world and an introductory chapter. This volume is strongly connected to another volume entitled "New Approaches in Intelligent Image Analysis" (Eds. Roumen Kountchev and Kazumi Nakamatsu). The chapters of this volume are self-contained and include summary, conclusion and future works. Some of the chapters introduce specific case studies of various intelligent control systems and others focus on intelligent theory based control techniques with applications. A remarkable specificity of this volume is that three chapters are dealing with intelligent control based on paraconsistent logics.
This fascinating, colourful book offers in-depth insights and first-hand working experiences in the production of art works, using simple computational models with rich morphological behaviour, at the edge of mathematics, computer science, physics and biology. It organically combines ground breaking scientific discoveries in the theory of computation and complex systems with artistic representations of the research results. In this appealing book mathematicians, computer scientists, physicists, and engineers brought together marvelous and esoteric patterns generated by cellular automata, which are arrays of simple machines with complex behavior. Configurations produced by cellular automata uncover mechanics of dynamic patterns formation, their propagation and interaction in natural systems: heart pacemaker, bacterial membrane proteins, chemical rectors, water permeation in soil, compressed gas, cell division, population dynamics, reaction-diffusion media and self-organisation. The book inspires artists to take on cellular automata as a tool of creativity and it persuades scientists to convert their research results into the works of art. The book is lavishly illustrated with visually attractive examples, presented in a lively and easily accessible manner.
This book provides a self-contained presentation of the physical and mathematical laws governing complex systems. Complex systems arising in natural, engineering, environmental, life and social sciences are approached from a unifying point of view using an array of methodologies such as microscopic and macroscopic level formulations, deterministic and probabilistic tools, modeling and simulation. The book can be used as a textbook by graduate students, researchers and teachers in science, as well as non- experts who wish to have an overview of one of the most open, markedly interdisciplinary and fast-growing branches of present-day science.
The book reports on the latest advances and applications of nonlinear control systems. It consists of 30 contributed chapters by subject experts who are specialized in the various topics addressed in this book. The special chapters have been brought out in the broad areas of nonlinear control systems such as robotics, nonlinear circuits, power systems, memristors, underwater vehicles, chemical processes, observer design, output regulation, backstepping control, sliding mode control, time-delayed control, variables structure control, robust adaptive control, fuzzy logic control, chaos, hyperchaos, jerk systems, hyperjerk systems, chaos control, chaos synchronization, etc. Special importance was given to chapters offering practical solutions, modeling and novel control methods for the recent research problems in nonlinear control systems. This book will serve as a reference book for graduate students and researchers with a basic knowledge of electrical and control systems engineering. The resulting design procedures on the nonlinear control systems are emphasized using MATLAB software.
The book introduces possibly the most compact, simple and physically understandable tool that can describe, explain, predict and design the widest set of phenomena in time-variant and nonlinear oscillations. The phenomena described include parametric resonances, combined resonances, instability of forced oscillations, synchronization, distributed parameter oscillation and flatter, parametric oscillation control, robustness of oscillations and many others. Although the realm of nonlinear oscillations is enormous, the book relies on the concept of minimum knowledge for maximum understanding. This unique tool is the method of stationarization, or one frequency approximation of parametric resonance problem analysis in linear time-variant dynamic systems. The book shows how this can explain periodic motion stability in stationary nonlinear dynamic systems, and reveals the link between the harmonic stationarization coefficients and describing functions. As such, the book speaks the language of control: transfer functions, frequency response, Nyquist plot, stability margins, etc. An understanding of the physics of stability loss is the basis for the design of new oscillation control methods for, several of which are presented in the book. These and all the other findings are illustrated by numerical examples, which can be easily reproduced by readers equipped with a basic simulation package like MATLAB with Simulink. The book offers a simple tool for all those travelling through the world of oscillations, helping them discover its hidden beauty. Researchers can use the method to uncover unknown aspects, and as a reference to compare it with other, for example, abstract mathematical means. Further, it provides engineers with a minimalistic but powerful instrument based on physically measurable variables to analyze and design oscillatory systems.
This guide is designed for systems researchers - emerging and seasoned - searching for holistic approaches of inquiry into complexity, which the Systems Sciences provide. The authors share insight into the foundations of research that are not only systematic in terms of rigor, but systemic in perspective, analysis, design, development, implementation, reporting, and evaluation. This guide also explores researcher competencies necessary to conduct sound systems research. Researchers using this guide will gain understanding of what distinguishes systems research from other types of research and why it is important in research today.
This book contains research contributions from leading global scholars in nature-inspired computing. It includes comprehensive coverage of each respective topic, while also highlighting recent and future trends. The contributions provides readers with a snapshot of the state of the art in the field of nature-inspired computing and its application. This book has focus on the current researches while highlighting the empirical results along with theoretical concepts to provide a comprehensive reference for students, researchers, scholars, professionals and practitioners in the field of Advanced Artificial Intelligence, Nature-Inspired Algorithms and Soft Computing.
This book presents recent advances, new ideas and novel techniques related to the field of nonlinear dynamics, including localized pattern formation, self-organization and chaos. Various natural systems ranging from nonlinear optics to mechanics, fluids and magnetic are considered. The aim of this book is to gather specialists from these various fields of research to promote cross-fertilization and transfer of knowledge between these active research areas. In particular, nonlinear optics and laser physics constitute an important part in this issue due to the potential applications for all-optical control of light, optical storage, and information processing. Other possible applications include the generation of ultra-short pulses using all-fiber cavities.
This book mostly results from a selection of papers presented during the 11th IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Workshop on Time-Delay Systems, which took place in Grenoble, France, February 4 - 6, 2013. During this event, 37 papers were presented. Taking into account the reviewers' evaluation and the papers' presentation the best papers have been selected and collected into the present volume. The authors of 13 selected papers were invited to participate to this book and provided a more detailed and improved version of the conference paper. To enrich the book, three more chapters have been included from specialists on time-delay systems who presented their work during the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, which held in December 10 - 13, 2013, at Florence, Italy. The content of the book is divided into four main parts as follows: Modeling, Stability analysis, Stabilization and control, and Input-delay systems. Focusing on various topics of time-delay systems, this book will be interesting for researchers and graduate students working on control and system theory.
Networked control systems are increasingly ubiquitous today, with applications ranging from vehicle communication and adaptive power grids to space exploration and economics. The optimal design of such systems presents major challenges, requiring tools from various disciplines within applied mathematics such as decentralized control, stochastic control, information theory, and quantization. A thorough, self-contained book, "Stochastic Networked Control Systems: Stabilization and Optimization under Information Constraints" aims to connect these diverse disciplines with precision and rigor, while conveying design guidelines to controller architects. Unique in the literature, it lays a comprehensive theoretical foundation for the study of networked control systems, and introduces an array of concrete tools for work in the field. Salient features included: . Characterization, comparison and optimal design of information structures in static and dynamic teams. Operational, structural and topological properties of information structures in optimal decision making, with a systematic program for generating optimal encoding and control policies. The notion of signaling, and its utilization in stabilization and optimization of decentralized control systems. . Presentation of mathematical methods for stochastic stability of networked control systems using random-time, state-dependent drift conditions and martingale methods. . Characterization and study of information channels leading to various forms of stochastic stability such as stationarity, ergodicity, and quadratic stability; and connections with information and quantization theories. Analysis of various classes of centralized and decentralized control systems. . Jointly optimal design of encoding and control policies over various information channels and under general optimization criteria, including a detailed coverage of linear-quadratic-Gaussian models. . Decentralized agreement and dynamic optimization under information constraints. This monograph is geared toward a broad audience of academic and industrial researchers interested in control theory, information theory, optimization, economics, and applied mathematics. It could likewise serve as a supplemental graduate text. The reader is expected to have some familiarity with linear systems, stochastic processes, and Markov chains, but the necessary background can also be acquired in part through the four appendices included at the end. . Characterization, comparison and optimal design of information structures in static and dynamic teams. Operational, structural and topological properties of information structures in optimal decision making, with a systematic program for generating optimal encoding and control policies. The notion of signaling, and its utilization in stabilization and optimization of decentralized control systems. . Presentation of mathematical methods for stochastic stability of networked control systems using random-time, state-dependent drift conditions and martingale methods. . Characterization and study of information channels leading to various forms of stochastic stability such as stationarity, ergodicity, and quadratic stability; and connections with information and quantization theories. Analysis of various classes of centralized and decentralized control systems. . Jointly optimal design of encoding and control policies over various information channels and under general optimization criteria, including a detailed coverage of linear-quadratic-Gaussian models. . Decentralized agreement and dynamic optimization under information constraints. This monograph is geared toward a broad audience of academic and industrial researchers interested in control theory, information theory, optimization, economics, and applied mathematics. It could likewise serve as a supplemental graduate text. The reader is expected to have some familiarity with linear systems, stochastic processes, and Markov chains, but the necessary background can also be acquired in part through the four appendices included at the end. |
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